Writing Product Descriptions

It is said that products don’t sell themselves, but what makes a product great? How can you create something people want to buy and use? This blog discusses the importance of connecting with customers through their emotions. We will discuss how various factors like design, pricing, features, and more can affect your bottom line by driving sales. First, write a product description that will sell your product. You can sell your stuff to almost anybody in the world thanks to the Internet. Take time to absorb it. You have a fantastic opportunity, but the competition is more intense than ever. Every other company has the same chances as you.

It would be best to get an edge over your competition as a marketer. To do so successfully, you must have a thorough understanding of how people shop. What steps do people go through to get from detecting a need to making a purchase? The majority of the time, it begins with a broad search.


During the contemplation and purchase stages of the buying process, 74 percent of individuals use a search engine, and luckily for unknown businesses, 71 percent of customers use search engines to find new items. It’s for this reason that product purchase guidelines are so helpful. When a buyer does an internet search for a product, a purchasing guide might help persuade them to make a purchase. The focus, in particular, may convince customers to purchase from your company. This technique, however, is based on science.

Steps to increase sales by using product purchasing recommendations:

Determine who you want to reach.

It would be best to establish who will read your product purchasing guide before you design and publish it. Every guidance should not be written with the intention of pleasing everyone. It all depends on who will be purchasing your product. It may seem self-evident, but you’d be amazed how many companies do it wrong. The target market for a given product category isn’t always the same as your overall brand’s target audience. Therefore, it’s OK to be more explicit in your purchasing recommendations. Suppose you’re selling a hiking backpack, for example. In that case, you’ll want to tailor your guide to customers who are looking for that specific item, even if you also offer other things like business-oriented carry-on baggage. People looking for these goods will be confused and disinterested if the content does not speak directly to them. Creating a client persona is one of the most effective strategies to identify your target demographic. Here’s an illustration:


After creating this persona, it will be much simpler to design a product purchase guide based on the consumer’s goals and requirements. You’ll have a mental picture of who they are and what their needs are. Your purchase guide may not appeal to as many people as others, but that’s OK. For the audience you’re targeting in the first place, you’ll wind up with considerably greater conversion rates.

Select a format.

After you’ve determined your target audience, you’ll need to decide on your writing guide’s style and structure. You have several alternatives to pick from here. You may create a directory, primarily text, or a direction, primarily photos. It’s also feasible to include video material in your purchasing recommendations. Perhaps you’d want to mix and match these looks. There are several approaches to this.

You must also choose a format for your purchasing guide’s content:

  • compare a variety of items
  • broad guidelines on what to look for
  • A buyer’s guide for beginners
  • introduce a new product category or area

Here’s an example of a Wayfair desk purchasing guide:


Instead of publishing a product guide, they compiled a list of attributes that buyers should consider when purchasing a desk. The handbook is primarily text. However, there are illustrations to illustrate the points being made. It’s a straightforward, easy-to-follow structure that makes good use of graphic components. Each feature is given a number, followed by a bulleted list of supplementary information. The text is broken up with graphics, figures, and bullets, making it easier for website users to skim and digest it. There are no frightening text barriers here!

Include a call to action (CTA).

The goal of your product purchasing guide is to educate customers about their alternatives, assist them in making a purchase decision, and then convert them. When composing them, don’t lose sight of the end goal. You want them to become a client of yours and purchase from you. However, if you don’t provide a call to action or a mechanism for the reader to buy, this may not happen. Here’s the deal: Yes, people are reading your website’s guidance. It’s too many additional steps if consumers have to return to your site and then search for the things they’re searching for. It would be simpler for them to open a new browser window and use a search engine or go to Amazon, Walmart, or another retail behemoth to make a purchase. That is something we do not want to happen. The customer is now visiting your website. This is your last opportunity to seal the deal.

Take a look at REI’s basic yet powerful CTA button.


This is an example from their purchasing guide for vehicle racks. It’s a comprehensive handbook with a variety of possibilities. Trunk racks, hitch racks, spare tire racks, roof racks, and cargo boxes are all covered. The structure of each choice is the same as that of the Wayfair guide.

A short review of the product is provided in each area. After that, an explanation of how much this rack style can carry follows. After that, there’s a bulleted list of benefits and drawbacks. This is something you should use in every guide you create. Customers will see straight through you if you seem to be prejudiced. People will not want to purchase if you give them too much sales pitch. Although it’s challenging, you should strive to look as impartial as possible.

The disadvantages list isn’t always critical of their particular items. Instead, it discusses some of the limits of things in this area. One of the disadvantages of the spare tire bike rack, for example, is that it only holds two bikes. It is not an issue if a person does not need to move more than two bicycles. They don’t need to invest in a three- or four-bike rack. From the customers’ viewpoint, listing the disadvantages increases your authority and eliminates part of your prejudice. Consequently, you’ll be able to gain the reader’s trust.

Last but not least, there’s a CTA that includes a purchase link. If someone is reading this guide and recognizes that one of these possibilities is what they’re searching for based on what they’ve learned, all they have to do is click the CTA. Even the CTA isn’t overbearing. However, it must be there for the site visitor to convert and purchase with as little friction as possible.


The call to action (CTA) guides the visitor to the various product possibilities. They may purchase from here.

Examine items in various price levels.

Customers will always purchase your most costly items with the most significant margins in an ideal world. However, the world in which we live is far from flawless. For this one purchase, not everyone has a limitless budget. Many customers want the most bang for their dollars, even if they have an unlimited budget. Price comparison is one of the top reasons people choose to purchase online in the first place.


As a result, assist your clients by making it simple to compare rates on your website. A product guide is an easy method to do this. Let’s imagine you’re in the business of selling sofas. You might have price-segmented items in categories like:

  • sofas for less than $250
  • $250–$750 for a sofa
  • sofas costing more than $1,000

Make it easy for the reader by including pricing or price range categories in your shopping recommendations. This enables you to set anchor prices, which can increase profits by concentrating on your pricing strategy. Based on the anchor pricing, the client will psychologically build a value for what the things are worth. When you display your less costly and mid-range items next to premium-priced ones, they will seem more tempting. To drive home that message, promote one of the selections in your guide as a Best Budget or Best Value decision.

Use SEO best practices.

Long-tail search phrases may provide product-buying advice a chance to rank.


This makes sense: most people use search engines to locate new items; a purchasing guide will assist them in learning and discovering new things. Conduct keyword research on each category to establish what people are looking for to utilize this discoverability. Again, your purchase guidelines aren’t intended to appeal to the general public. If you’re conducting PPC advertisements, general search phrases will be more competitive and costly.

Although more individuals may be looking for that phrase, if you make your SEO approach too broad and generic, your click-through rates will be significantly lower. For example, let’s imagine you’re selling socks, an essential item that everyone uses. A product purchasing guide for picking out a pair of socks is much too broad. Instead, with long-tail keywords, you may make it more particular for your target audience and specific niches:

  • ankle socks for exercises that are the finest
  • waterproof running socks for ladies
  • hiking’s finest high socks
  • For sweaty feet, use formal socks.

Do you notice the distinction? All of these search phrases might be used to target more specific requirements. These terms are used by people who have a particular desire. As a result, if they come across your purchasing guide due to their search, they’ll be much more likely to click through and convert.

Include testimonials.

A customer undertaking research when they browse to a product purchasing guide. Reading product reviews is the most common reason buyers do online product research.


You may also use a customer testimonial or review to boost your brand’s trustworthiness. Link the reader straight to the remainder of your product reviews from that review. Customer Favorite or Popular Choice are two superlatives you might include in your purchasing guide. You may provide any data or references to back up any statements you make about items or categories, in addition to reviews. This will give your brand a far more trustworthy and reputable appearance.


You have a one-of-a-kind chance to help customers throughout the research stage of the customer conversion funnel with product purchasing guides. The first step is to define who each purchasing guide’s target audience is. Next, decide on an appropriate structure and style for you and the reader. Long-tail keywords should be targeted, and CTAs to purchase the items should be included. Showcase items in a variety of pricing range to appeal to a broader range of potential customers and capitalize on your current customer ratings.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a product?

A: A product is a physical or digital good that has been designed and produced through engineering work. This includes cars, food, clothes, beds, or anything else you can think of. It usually consists of materials like steel, aluminum, plastics, etc. You start by getting an idea for the design and then make it real with your ideas

What is a written product?

A: Written products are literary works produced in a form that can be read individually instead of broadcast media. The term may also refer specifically to magazines and newspapers.

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