Writing Guest Posts That Drive Traffic to Your Website

Guest posts can be a powerful marketing tool for new bloggers. When done well, these types of posts are capable of driving significant traffic and establishing authority in your niche. Are you in the process of composing guest posts? When I advise numerous companies and blogs, I encounter this issue too frequently. They don’t see the value in employing guest blogs as a lead creation tactic. They don’t want to spend time developing material for other websites, so they do this. These bloggers would like to devote more time to writing blogs for their websites. If this describes your mindset, you’re losing out on a fantastic chance. Guest articles are one of my favorite methods for increasing website traffic. This is a tactic I use regularly. If you’re not persuaded that guest blogging can improve your company, this is the right guide for you. You’re also in luck if you want to start guest blogging but don’t know where to begin or how to convert these articles into site traffic.

Boosting your website’s traffic:

1. Write for websites that are associated with your brand.

If you’ve been writing guest articles for a while and haven’t seen an increase in website traffic, you may want to reconsider the websites for which you’re writing.

Here’s the first thing you should think about:

Is this website associated with my company? Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great. However, there is some wiggle space and flexibility in answering this question. I run several enterprises. While each one is unique, they all aim to assist businesses with internet marketing, lead creation, and site traffic. Take a peek at this Forbes magazine guest piece I wrote:


Forbes is a globally recognized brand. They focus on business, entrepreneurship, technology, investment, and other relevant areas. Their logo isn’t identical to mine, but it’s near enough. Furthermore, their readers and target audience are pretty comparable to mine. Here’s another illustration. Assume you own an online store that offers shoes and sunglasses. Your guest blogging approach does not have to be limited to simply websites that sell shoes and sunglasses. You may instead contribute to fashion blogs. However, this isn’t just any fashion blog. In my Forbes example, you must ensure that the readers are part of your target market. It wouldn’t make sense to write for a fashion site that caters to ladies over 50 if your company offers sunglasses for guys aged 18 to 35. Does it make sense? Even if your present guest articles are of excellent quality and content, they will be useless if not published on the appropriate sites. If a guest blogging opportunity doesn’t suit your brand, it’s ok to decline it. Just don’t burn any bridges in the process. Explain why you’re not interested in politely saying “no, thank you.” You never know what may happen. The individual who contacted you may work for another website that is more relevant to your sector in the future. You’d want to maintain a positive connection with that person.

2. Contact reputable blogs.

Don’t simply sit back and wait for offers to write guest articles for other people’s websites. This is unlikely to happen unless you have a well-known website, name, reputation, or brand. Instead, you must take the initiative and seek out websites on your own. However, it’s critical to ensure that these potential blogs have characteristics that credibility the website. Is the site, for example, cluttered with many advertisements?


People dislike viewing advertisements on websites, as shown by this statistic. They may tarnish a company’s reputation. You should avoid contacting blogs with a large number of ads. As previously said, it is advisable to begin your search with blogs related to your company. However, just because a website is relevant and has a similar target audience to yours does not imply you should provide content to it. Make some inquiries. You want to look for websites that already have a lot of visitors. If you write for sites that no one reads, it will be a waste of time. Aside from adverts, there are additional indicators that a blog is trustworthy. For starters, if it’s a well-known company you identify as a leader in your field, it’s a good chance they already have a lot of traffic. Look at the engagement for their blog entries if you’re not sure. Look over the comments section. Is there any interest? Take a look at how often they publish. If a blog only produces one new article each month, you can bet it doesn’t have a large following that generates a lot of traffic. Bloggers who publish more often, on the other hand, claim higher levels of engagement:


This is the kind of website to which you should strive to contribute. This is because their audience is more inclined to return to the site often. Consequently, your guest articles will have a higher chance of being spotted, and your website will get more visitors. Don’t be scared to contact websites and ask for guest blogging opportunities. You could be pleasantly surprised by what they say. Blogging, as you may know, takes time. A regular blog article takes more than three hours to compose on average. These websites may be relieved to learn that you’re ready to assist them in generating more material by lightening their burden. What do you think the worst-case scenario is? They refuse. It’s not a significant issue. Go on to the following web page.

3. Showcase your distinct voice.

When it comes to quality, a guest post is not the time to cut corners. It’s the polar opposite. Unlike your own website’s viewers, this new audience has no idea who you are. You haven’t persuaded them. They can be skeptical since they’re reading something different than they’re accustomed to. It would be best to accept the possibility that these readers will be critical of your writing style. Don’t let them down. Your guest articles should be a close match to the content on your website. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t. Consider the case of my Forbes guest essay. If you read the piece, you’ll see that it was written in the same tone as the rest of my blog postings. If you’re known for being witty or snarky in your writing, stick with it. Just make sure it’s done in a classy manner. Offending someone or damaging your brand is the last thing you want to do. That isn’t going to help you obtain more visitors to your website.

4. Make a solid first impression.

People who read your guest articles will not go to your website until they have finished reading it. Given that 43% of readers skim through blogs and pieces, the chances of your material being read in its entirety are little to none. People will have no incentive to read the body of your article or visit your website if you can’t compose post beginnings that catch them. Therefore, your first few sentences are crucial. Even more critical are your headlines:


You may use various techniques to captivate your readers in the introduction after you’ve created an exciting headline. Pose a query. This article started with a question, as you may remember. If you don’t trust me, go back to the beginning. You might also include an interesting fact or statistic in your introduction to capture the readers’ attention. Determine an issue. Suggest a solution that can be found in the article. Don’t leave any room for ambiguity. Be straightforward and to the point. Discuss a topic that your audience will understand. I’ll use this post as an example once again. I discussed why individuals are resistant to posting guest articles since I thought it would be of interest to most visitors. However, I made some remarks regarding folks who are creating guest blogs but need some help. With this strategy, I reached the broadest potential audience and hooked them from the start. People will be more inclined to read the remainder of your piece and visit your website if you do this in your guest posts.

5. Include your own website’s URLs.

How can you expect people to find your website if you don’t provide a link for them to click on? Expect people to look up your name on Google, do some research to find what firm you run, and then go to your website from there. That’s just too difficult, and no one will go through all of those stages. Instead, provide natural hyperlinks throughout your articles’ text. Writing guest articles is one of my favorite techniques for you to gain backlinks regularly. People will click on your link and be taken immediately to your website if you do it right. That’s not all, however. Your SEO rating will improve if you have backlinks from other reputable websites. You’ll also see an increase in organic search traffic as a consequence.

6. Tell us about yourself.

It should be obvious right away that you’re writing a guest post. Introduce yourself so that the readers know that the piece is authored by someone they don’t know. Otherwise, if your audience is unaware that they are reading material from a fresh author, they may not visit your site. In addition, this is the ideal moment for you to hone your narrative skills. Because more than 90% of customers want businesses to produce content that feels like it’s part of a story:


Are you stumped as to what narrative to tell? Begin by telling your tale. Relate your experience and knowledge on the topic of the blog article. If you operate a successful company in a relevant field, be sure to bring it up. Do you hold a degree that qualifies you as an expert in a particular area? Make a point of it. All of this contributes to your trustworthiness. By demonstrating your legitimacy to the readers, you improve the likelihood that they will visit your website as a consequence.

7. Encourage your guest articles to be promoted on the site.

This section is a little tricky. Writing a guest article and becoming a firm member are two different things. You don’t have the right to make choices for that business just because you’re writing a guest article. However, this does not preclude you from respectfully requesting that they share your guest post on their social media platforms. You may even ask that they disseminate it to their email list. Offering to repay the favor is a beautiful approach to assist the site in meeting your request. You may also tell them you’ll share the piece on social media. This is advantageous to everyone. Their website will see an increase in traffic. Consequently, more people will notice your guest post, increasing the likelihood of increased traffic to your website.

8. Keep track of your progress.

How can you know whether your guest post approach is practical? Unless you utilize statistics and technologies to your benefit, you won’t know. I propose using UTM parameters to create unique links:


Each link in your guest post might have its URL. You’ll be able to check how much traffic these connections generate. If no one clicks on these links, it’s clear that your plan isn’t working. There are a few options for moving on from here. You have the option of altering the design of your articles and the location of your hyperlinks inside the text. You might also opt to cease contributing guest pieces to that site. Whatever option you choose, you’ll need to keep track of the outcomes using these sorts of analytic tools to assess your performance correctly.

9. Continue to write.

Don’t imagine that writing one guest article will be enough to boost your site’s traffic. If they let it, keep writing on that blog. It’s not necessary to go overboard. Once or twice a month should be enough. Just because one website has been successful doesn’t imply it has to be the only one you offer guest pieces. Make contact with other brands as well. Write for as many sites as possible without becoming overburdened. Your place or brand should not suffer due to your guest posting. Ensure that you maintain a healthy balance and that your quality does not decrease. However, the more sites you write, the better your prospects of increasing traffic to your website.


Guest blogging, contrary to common thought, is an excellent content marketing approach. It’s a low-cost technique to increase visitors to your website. You must contribute to sites that are linked to your brand. Contact reputable sites and propose a guest post proposal. Maintain your individuality. You’d want this new audience to appreciate your work so they’ll come to your website. Tell your tale to demonstrate that you are an authority in a particular area. Begin with a compelling hook that draws the reader in. This will improve the likelihood of clicking on the links throughout the article. Promote your guest articles on social media and via other means of dissemination. Encourage the website for which you’re writing to follow suit. Analyze your outcomes with the help of tools. This will assist you in determining whether or not your technique is successful. Always keep your eyes out for new guest blogging chances. To assist you to enhance your exposure, cultivate long-term connections with as many individuals as feasible. Your guest blogging plan will increase traffic to your website if you follow the advice in this tutorial.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make guests post to my website?

A: There are many ways to make your website a guest-friendly site. You can use the Guest mode, which allows guests to post without registering an account. Alternatively, you could have people register and write public comments on posts or have them fill out forms and click buttons

Can a guest posting help me boost the traffic of my website?

A: A guest post means that a blog or website will accept articles from other sources. To have your report carried, you need to write about something relevant and exciting for the readers of this site. If there is already an article on our site that does just what you’re trying to promote, we may use that one instead if it’s written by someone who has more experience in writing them.

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