WordPress Multisite Beginner’s Guide

WordPress Multisite is a powerful tool for any website. With the ability to create multiple websites with one installation, it’s easy to get started without having to worry about hosting or other technical requirements.

The WordPress multisite setup is a guide for beginners to set up a WordPress Multisite. This was updated in 2021 with new information and fixes.

Managing several WordPress sites simultaneously may be difficult if you don’t have the proper tools. In addition, maintaining changes becomes more challenging as the website grows in size, as does managing themes, plugins, users, comments, and other website components. Fortunately, WordPress provides some excellent tools for administrators and site owners to manage numerous sites at once. For example, instead of logging in and out of each WordPress site whenever you want to make a change, WordPress multisite enables you to manage all of your sites from a single WordPress installation. This increases your productivity by decreasing the time it takes to perform time-consuming activities in WordPress.

What is WordPress Multisite, and how does it work?

WordPress multisite enables users to build and administer several WordPress websites from a single WordPress installation and dashboard. The ability to manage several sites makes it much simpler to keep all of your websites up to date without logging into each one individually. As a result, you may update all of your WordPress sites simultaneously or backup all WordPress sites from a single dashboard. Using WordPress multisite, you may even appoint separate administrators to each location on your WordPress network. The “master” installation, on the other hand, can control and update everything else.

WordPress Multisite: 5 Tools to Make It Better

These are some of my favorite tools and resources for improving your WordPress multisite network experience. I’ll go through the highlights of each one in more detail below.

1. A2 Hosting

The foundation for a seamless WordPress multisite network is the server. That is why choosing the right hosting company is so crucial. If one of the sites in your multisite network receives a lot of traffic, it may affect the rest of the network. As a result, be sure you’re utilizing a reliable hosting provider that can handle your needs. In this area, A2 Hosting is one of the first names that comes to mind. First and foremost, A2 is one of the most well-known, dependable, and quick hosting companies on the market today. Considering that they offer plans to support WordPress multisite notably, it’s a no-brainer choice for anybody looking for a new web hosting service.

All other WordPress hosting packages from A2 Hosting offer an unlimited number of websites, except for the entry-level plan for a single site. You may even upgrade to a turbo-boost server, which has up to 20 times the power and performance of other choices. A2 Hosting has been earning accolades in the WordPress multisite hosting area for almost two decades. Free site migrations, automated backups, and other built-in capabilities for managing numerous sites from a single WordPress installation are also available. In addition, a 30-day money-back guarantee applies to all subscriptions.

2. Kinsta

Kinsta is, without a doubt, the most powerful WordPress hosting service available today. It’s a high-end managed web hosting solution designed especially for WordPress. As a result, it should be no surprise that this supplier is at the top of our list. Kinsta’s infrastructure is what sets it apart from the competition. It does not utilize shared, virtual private server or dedicated server hosting. Instead, the platform uses cutting-edge technology intended to handle a WordPress multisite network’s resources. You’ll also have the option of selecting from 24 different worldwide data centers.

A built-in resource for managing a WordPress multisite installation is your “MyKinsta Dashboard.” It includes everything you’ll need to manage your websites from one location. You may use it for CDN setup in a single click, WordPress debugging, phpMyAdmin access, site labeling, and filtering tools, bulk updates, one-click migrations, environment cloning, and much more. Kinsta also supports multisite domain mapping and multi-user administration. You’ll also benefit from built-in security measures as a premium WordPress hosting service, which will keep all sites on your WordPress network safe and secure. Finally, if you run into any issues or have any queries, the WordPress professionals at Kinsta are ready to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They have a wonderful first-ticket response time of under two minutes.

3. InfiniteWP

InfiniteWP is one of the most popular multisite WordPress plugins available today. More than 520,000 websites trust it, including IBM, Honda, and the US Postal Service. The tool is aimed at web developers, agencies, and freelancers. Anyone running a multisite network, on the other hand, may utilize it. InfiniteWP is one of my favorite plugins since it is straightforward to use. There is little to no learning curve, and you can begin controlling everything from a simple, powerful, and user-friendly interface. You’ll like the one-click admin access, updates, malware scans, and other features.

The plugin has a lot of features and functions. For example, you may use it to keep track of all of your network’s sites’ uptime and statistics. Automatic, offsite backups are also included in the application, which helps to secure your multisite network. InfiniteWP’s bulk operation capabilities will also save you a lot of time. InfiniteWP makes everything easy, from security checks to basic house cleaning and maintenance inspections. In addition, agencies like InfiniteWP’s reports provide customers with comprehensive insights into the work being done and additional information about their websites. InfiniteWP is a free basic edition that allows you to create an infinite number of websites. Paid subscriptions start at $147 per year for up to 10 WordPress blogs.

4. ManageWP 

Another great plugin for WordPress multisite networks is ManageWP. Anyone may use this application to monitor and manage their WordPress sites from a single dashboard. You may add your first website to ManageWP within minutes of signing up. You may run all updates using the program and make your first backup for free. The application is ideal for anybody looking to save time by automating the processes of managing numerous WordPress websites.

ManageWP appeals to me since it has additional capabilities beyond basic site administration. You may use the program to track uptime, analytics, SEO, website performance speed, and other essential data. Regular security checks and dependable backups will keep your WordPress network safe. There are also resources for the team and client communication integrated into the platform. Client reports and white label solutions are great for agencies, developers, and freelancers. ManageWP is entirely free to use and allows you to manage an infinite number of WordPress sites. Extra backups, uptime monitoring, security checks, and other premium add-ons are available. Of course, you’ll only pay for what you use after the free features.

5. Switching Users

Compared to some of the other tools on our list, User Switching is slightly different. Technically, it’s not quite a multisite management solution. Instead, this plugin allows you to quickly switch between several WordPress user accounts without logging in each time. It works with WordPress, WordPress Multisite, WooCommerce, and most two-factor authentication plugins, among other things. This plugin allows you to move between all users in the Network Admin for WordPress multisite.

Only Super Admins of a WordPress multisite network will move between accounts by default. However, if you wish to access additional people, you may always make such modifications. There are a lot of possible applications for the plugin. It’s not for everyone, and some of the multisite dashboard and administration solutions on the list are more sophisticated. User Switching is still a popular plugin worth remembering, with over 100,000 current installs.

WordPress Multisite: A Beginner’s Guide

Let’s take a deeper look at WordPress multisite’s key components. You will get a better grasp of how it operates due to this.

WordPress Multisite Web Hosting

It would be best if you thought about the breadth of your network before setting up a WordPress multisite installation. For example, how many sites will you be operating due to the facility? What are the dimensions of the locations? What kind of traffic do you anticipate on such sites? WordPress is still simply a content management system (CMS). Your hosting provider will ultimately determine the performance of your network’s sites. As a result, while comparing web hosting side by side, you must select wisely. You may find alternative suggestions on our list of the best web hosting for WordPress, which includes the providers discussed previously in this article.

Structure of the Domain

When establishing a multisite network with WordPress, you have two alternative domain topologies to select from. In addition, subdomains and subdirectories are also options. Here’s how each might appear:

  • For example, http://website1.sample.com/subdomain
  • http://sample.com/website1 is a subdirectory.

Subdomains take a little more effort to maintain since You must configure wildcard subdomains on your server. However, subdirectories are path-based, so there’s no need to go through that additional step. This domain structure is not for everyone. You may wish to give each site on the network its domain name in certain situations. If you fall into this group, you’ll have to go through a domain mapping procedure. When site visitors arrive on a folder in your multisite network, domain mapping determines where they will be routed. You’ll need each unique domain on your hosting account to make this work. Then all you have to do is map the network subsite to the custom domain. As a result, a subdomain such as website1.sample.com might be redirected to customdomain.com.

Use Cases

It’s crucial to realize that all of the websites in a multisite network use the same database. Because you can’t back up a single site in a network, all areas must be part of a single master domain. To help you understand, here are some instances. Schools often use multisite setups to establish separate sites for each department. National banks may use a multisite network for each branch with a network of various units. You may use a multisite installation for different content sections in an online magazine. On the other hand, a web designer should not utilize WordPress multisite to handle unconnected customers all of the time. Because all of the sites on one network share a database, if one of those customers wishes to relocate their website, it may create an issue.

Three WordPress Multisite Tips

Here are some of my favorite fast tips and best practices to remember while managing a WordPress multisite network. This will significantly simplify your life.

1. Upgrade your hosting package

Most new websites come with shared web hosting by default. Even many WordPress hosting options begin with shared Hosting. However, it would be best to consider utilizing a higher-tier hosting plan for WordPress multisite. Keep in mind that all of your network’s sites share the same resources. If one spot on the web goes down, the whole network falls with it. A traffic surgeon in one area may cause all places on the network to slow down. Switching to a VPS or even a shared plan with additional resources may enhance the performance and speed of your WordPress multisite network.

2. Limit User Roles 

It’s tempting to enlist the assistance of others on your team to manage the network. First, however, you must be aware of the dangers that come with giving access to specific permissions. Admins should usually add plugins and change themes in a single WordPress installation. In multisite, however, this is not the case. This is something that only the Super Admin can accomplish. While you may want to tweak specific permissions to suit your requirements, be cautious about who you give authority to in your multisite network. A single individual may harm every site on the web.

3. Make security a top priority

Site security should always be a top concern for web admins. However, this is much more essential to consider when operating a multisite installation. If one of the sites in your WordPress network is hacked, the whole network is at risk. This is another reason why choosing the right web hosting company is critical. To keep your multisite network secure, the finest WordPress hosting solutions for multisite networks will include built-in security at the server level. You may also strengthen your network security by installing plugins, SSL certificates, and other resources.

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