Why Content Marketing is the New SEO?

Content marketing is a strategy for brands to create, distribute, and measure the effectiveness of content that engages an audience. However, it’s no longer just about creating great content; it’s about making sure your brand is visible in the right places at the right time.

Content marketing is the new SEO. It’s not just about creating content but providing value to your audience.

SEO is no longer what it once was. You can’t expect to rank high by putting up an unattractive website, filling it with poor content, and building a few connections. You now need to create a decent website, produce high-quality content that answers people’s issues, develop thousands of links, and get thousands of social shares. However, one major drawback is scaling all of this isn’t easy. Manually building hundreds of high-quality connections is very costly, and even if you have the funds, it will take months, if not years. In addition, you won’t obtain social shares unless you purchase them from spammy accounts if you don’t have something worth sharing on the social web. So, how can you organically create tens of thousands of connections and acquire tens of thousands of social shares? By use of content marketing. Nowadays, content marketing is the cheapest and most efficient method of SEO. Writing high-quality content not only produces links faster than manually creating them, but it also saves money. Furthermore, You will share your work organically on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest.

My knowledge in content marketing

I’ve always relied on content marketing to increase my organic search traffic. “Why?” you may wonder. First, it is less expensive and produces quicker effects. By blogging and producing infographics, we could launch KISSmetrics and acquire over 100,000 monthly organic visits in less than a year. We didn’t create a single link by hand; instead, we focused on content marketing. With Quick Sprout, I did the same thing. Google sends around 90,000 visits to the site each month, and I didn’t have to create a single connection myself. Instead, I just completed a large amount of high-quality content: 311 blog articles, to be precise. Let’s look at the statistics if you don’t believe content marketing is the new SEO.

Numbers-based content marketing

We’ve made a total of 47 infographics at KISSmetrics. We spend an average of $600 on each infographic, which means we’ve paid $28,200 on infographics in the past two years. The 47 infographics have produced 2,512,596 visits and 41,142 backlinks from 3,741 different sites for two years. The infographics have generated 41,359 tweets and 20,859 likes in the past two years in terms of social media. If you paid 5 cents for each visitor and wanted to purchase 2,512,596 visitors, it would cost you $125,629.80. On the other hand, if you paid $20 per link for 41,142 links from a business like Sponsored Reviews, you would have spent $822,840. And you wouldn’t even get high-quality connections that way. So, of course, we obtained our contacts from places like Huffington Post and Forbes. If you paid $2.00 for each tweet, buying 41,359 tweets would cost $82,718, assuming you paid $2.00 per tweet. If you paid $2.00 each Like, it would cost you an extra $41,718. You would have paid a total of $1,072,905.80 if you were attempting to trick Google to achieve the same results that we did at KISSmetrics. That’s a significant sum of money, particularly compared to the $28,200 we spent on the infographics.

Content Marketing Vs. paid search engine optimization

There is a significant difference between paying for all of the above and investing in content marketing. Are you able to figure out what it is? No, it isn’t the $1,047,705.80 price difference. Algorithm changes do not affect content marketing, but they do on paid SEO. This is because search engines can detect when you offer value, and that’s the sort of content they want to keep high in the results in the long term. Instead of investing in short-term remedies that may improve your overall rankings and traffic, invest in content marketing as a long-term answer.


Now that you’re aware that content marketing is the new SEO, you should also be mindful that investing in it does not guarantee results. Over the past several years, I’ve experimented with various content formats and discovered that some generate more significant outcomes than others.

  • Short blog articles tend to get fewer links than elaborate, comprehensive material. So don’t attempt to compete with Huffington Post’s daily production of hundreds of fresh pieces of content. Instead, concentrate on quality.
  • Infographics that are simple to comprehend – if you can visually provide complicated facts, you may attract millions of people to your website.
  • Owning solid social accounts is crucial for a successful content marketing approach. So make sure your Twitter and Facebook accounts are up to date. You’ll need them to get the word out about your stuff.
  • Collect email addresses — Include email opt-in forms on your sidebar and use pop-ups to collect even more. You can always send your email list whenever you publish a new blog post or content piece if you have a strong email list. This is a simple method to get the virality process started.
  • Be constant – no matter how excellent your material is, getting a high ROI from content marketing will be difficult if you can’t post it regularly. So make it a point to post new material regularly.
  • Headlines are essential – no matter how excellent your content is, no one will read it if you can’t create compelling headlines. So learn to create effective headlines.

What are your thoughts on content marketing? Do you believe it to be the new SEO?

Content marketing is the new SEO. It has been around for a while, but recently it has become more popular.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is content marketing becoming the new SEO?

Content marketing is becoming the new SEO, yes.

Why is SEO all about content marketing?

SEO is the process of optimizing the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine results.

Why is content marketing called the King of SEO?

Content marketing is the King of SEO because it is a way to get your content in front of people interested in your niche.

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