Who Is More Active on Social Media?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. On the one hand, women are more likely to use social media than men, and on the other hand, according to a study by Pew Research Center, men spend significantly more time on social networking sites than women.

The male vs. female social media 2020 is a question that has been asked many times. In this blog, I will compare the number of likes and shares on male and female social media accounts to find out who is more active.

Have you ever wondered if men or women use social media more frequently? It may not seem to be a significant statistic, but if the bulk of your consumers is of a single gender, it will influence which social media sites you should target.

To save you time, I examined all major social media sites to discover who uses them the most. This way, you won’t spend time promoting your company on a social media platform that your target demographic doesn’t use.

Here’s what I discovered.


You should concentrate your efforts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest if you want to attract women. If you’re going to reach out to males, focus your efforts on LinkedIn, Google Plus, and YouTube.

Men account for most of the income, and LinkedIn is my most effective conversion channel. However, I’ve also experimented with other social networking platforms. For example, I tried Pinterest but could not generate money from it.

What are your preferred social media platforms, and why?

Then why do men look at women on social media is a question that has been asked before. Men are more active on social media than women, but why?

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  • why do females spend more time on social media 2020
  • male vs. female social media 2021
  • social media use by gender
  • female social media platforms
  • which gender uses social media more