The Guide to Link Building Techniques

Learn about link-building techniques businesses use to drive traffic, increase brand awareness and improve rankings. Topics covered include how-to guides for creating blog posts, articles, press releases; social media campaigns; SEO basics like keyword research and content strategy; Thematic outreach tactics include cold emailing journalists and influencers.

Techniques to link building:

Site Explorer is now open (OSE)

The most comprehensive and data-rich source of link information on the web is SEOmoz’s Open Site Explorer — Unfortunately, most of the capabilities featured in this video are only accessible to paying SEOmoz members, although many are still available with a free membership.

Prepare and Download CSV Reports with OSE Explorer

Log in at We’ll run four reports and then export them. Begin by typing in your website’s address and pressing the search button. The “inbound link” report is the default, but we need to make some changes.


Make the following changes to the Inbound Link settings:

  • Only external sources are considered.
  • This root domain’s pages.


Filter the results and save the CSV file.


Get your CSV file. If OSE is busy, you may have to wait a few minutes.


The top pages report will be downloaded next.

This one is straightforward; no setting is required; choose the full pages tab and download the CSV.


To receive all linking domain information for the entire site, we need to filter for “Pages on this root domain” in the connecting domains report.

Filter the results and save them as a CSV file.


Then, and only then, will we run the site’s anchor text report? Set the anchor text to phrases. Show all pages on this root domain’s links. Filter your reports and export them.


  • Prepare and Download CSV Reports with OSE Explorer

If you’ve been using Chrome as your primary browser, there’s a quick way to access all four downloads simultaneously.


You see them all at the bottom of the browser, and you see “display all” to the right? You may then access all four by clicking “see all.” Next, open Microsoft Excel and open all four CSV files.


  • OSE – Consolidate four CSV files into a single Excel worksheet. Make a new spreadsheet in Excel.


Each CSV sheet’s tab should be dragged to the new Excel document. As a result, you’ll be dragging four tabs to a new excel page.


This is what it should look like when they’re all brought over.


  • Create Headers and Freeze Frames using OSE. I prefer to make a few last adjustments to the excel file to make analyzing it simpler. You may, of course, create your display settings, but these are some of my favorites. The top row should be bolded.


“Panes should be frozen.” is a phrase that means “freeze the windows.” Next, cell A2 should be selected.


Freeze Panes may be found under Window > Freeze Panes. The top row (or header) will now remain in place when we scroll.


Repeat these instructions for the remaining three sheets:

  • Header in Bold
  • Headings may be changed.
  • Freeze Panes

You should now have an excel document with four pages of OSE data that you may investigate!

SEO by Majestic

Although not as comprehensive as Open Site Explorer, Majestic SEO’s index is relatively current, and you may also see historical data, which is beneficial for certain sorts of study. Let’s look at it using a free account (you must establish an account and log in, but there is no cost). Enter the following information for your website:


The first step is to choose whether you want to look at the “historic” or “fresh” index:


Let’s start with some historical data:


You may make a free report if you own the site (otherwise, you have to pay)


Although the subscription version gives you access to additional data, the free version still allows you to obtain such information. Take a look at the “top pages” report, for example:


Look for “download CSV” at the bottom of the page:


Mashup of OSE and Majestic

Finally, wouldn’t it be fantastic to compare Majestic with OSE data? Make a file for yourself. There will be two excel sheets in the folder:


Majestic’s top pages report should already be in your possession. If you don’t have one already, make one for OSE:


We’ll merge the two cases into one sheet by exporting to CSV and opening in Excel:


When doing a lookup, the two comparison columns must be the same. Majestic exports do not include slashes at the end of the URL, but OSE does.

In your text editor, use a regular expression search and replace to get rid of these:


For example, in TextWrangler, $ is the grep command for “end of the line.”


Returning to Excel:


We’ll use a lookup to do this:



If you’re not acquainted with vlookups, here’s a primer:

A2 is the cell that will be matched to the arrays ose! A2 is the name of the second spreadsheet from which we’re extracting data: I26 is the table array range in which we’re looking for a match. 2 After the first column, grab data from the second column and bring it across to the first sheet.

Next, you must put the absolute sign (dollar sign) before each column letter and cell number to pull this formula down the remainder of the table.

Your lookup will now appear as follows:

=VLOOKUP (A2,ose! $A2:$I$26,2)


Drag it down the rows:

Replace the last number (raise by one) to get the next column from your source sheet for each column moving over to the right.


If you fill them in all the way across, you’ll have a fantastic mix of Majestic and OSE data to work with!


Link Detective + OSE may be used to analyze link data.

Link Detective is a new free utility that can be found at It provides a helpful visual representation of your OSE incoming link data. The program sorts all of your links into buckets like a blogroll, footer, blog comments, and so forth. Of course, there will always be some unknowns, but it will give you a good indication of the sorts of connections you (or a rival) are receiving.

Visit for more information. First, make a username and password for yourself. Then you may start working on a new project.


You will give the project a name. After that, you’ll submit your OSE CSV file. The CSV from the “inbound links” tab must be used.


A confirmation message will appear. After the report is completed, you will get an email, usually 10-60 minutes.


To access your report, click the link in the email. You will notice two introductory essays: link type and anchor text.

Report on Link Types


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the link-building techniques?

A: Link-building techniques are the practices that help increase website traffic by attracting more people to your site. There are many different types of link building, but some common ones include backlinking (using lower quality sites) and front-loading (building links before posting content).

How do you link buildings in 2021?

A: To link buildings in 2021, you need to build them on top of each other. It is recommended that you mix and match different levels and uses for the establishment, such as a hospital or an amusement park.

What is link building a beginners guide?

A: Link building is a practice that involves using various methods to generate websites, social media accounts, and blogs to increase website traffic.

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