The Beginner’s Guide to Mobile Marketing

The mobile landscape is changing, and marketers need to adjust their strategies to meet apps’ increasing demand. Learn how you can use your marketing skills in a way that helps both users and brands alike. Check out our guide on making better mobile marketing decisions! Apps are pretty popular. However, you were previously aware of this. But did you realize how large applications are? Did you know that the Apple App Store alone had over 100 billion mobile applications downloaded in June 2015? Sixty-five billion people use Google Play. These are some ridiculous figures. And, get this: the global app craze shows no signs of abating. These figures are rising. And onwards. And onwards. And onwards.


Mobile gadgets are used all around the globe. Mobile applications are also used on mobile devices. As a result, smartphone applications are a huge business. By 2017, global app revenue is expected to reach $77 billion, more than double the $35 billion recorded in 2014.


What does this imply for you? First, you’ll want to claim your piece of the pie and cash in on it if you’ve launched your app. (And if you haven’t already, you may want to think about it.) Second, apps aren’t able to market themselves. Mobile marketing is, in fact, one of the most hotly fought marketing battlegrounds of our day. How can you stand out in a sea of millions of apps? How can you stand out in a crowded market when your revolutionary concept has already been iterated a thousand times? How can you bring your app to the top of the search results and out front of the crowd? The most successful app marketers will implement a mobile marketing plan that incorporates pre-launch and post-launch activities. Organic and paid app promotion channels will be included in the best campaigns.

Every app owner should read this comprehensive guide on app marketing.

Before Publication

Contrary to common opinion, your app’s marketing plan should begin well before being released to the app store. Understanding who your clients are and where you can find them is one of the most critical parts of the app marketing jigsaw, just as it is with any successful product. So, before you publish your app, there are a few things you need to do:

First, essential keywords should be chosen.

To promote an app effectively, you must first determine the essential keywords. In the app business, the term keyword may signify many things, but at its most basic level, a keyword should reflect a phrase that a client will use to identify what your app does. For example, “sudoku” is the most important term for a sudoku game, whereas “calculator” is the most important keyword for a calculator. These are simple examples, but the keywords for specific applications may not be as evident.

Keyword tools like MobileDevHQ’s App Store Optimization tool and its rival simplify figuring out which keywords will be used the most in your and your competitors’ applications. You’ll also see how often specific phrases are searched in app stores.

The rest of your app marketing strategy’s effectiveness depends on the keywords you choose for your app.

Pick an excellent name.

It seems to be self-evident, but it isn’t. An app’s name may make or ruin it. Your app’s name should be distinctive and original, but it should also incorporate the most relevant keywords that prospective customers will be looking for. In the app store, the name of your app is quite important. Make sure your app’s name doesn’t infringe on any trademarks before naming it; otherwise, your app may be banned from the store entirely.

Look for your competition.

You may start researching your competition when you’ve settled on your keywords. Which applications come up first in app store search results when you type in your keywords? What are their distinguishing characteristics? What additional keywords are they focusing on?

With so many applications in the app stores nowadays, you’ll almost certainly come across many rivals with items comparable to yours—Take down the names of all of your initial opponents without excluding any. Then, based on resemblance to your app and the competitor’s performance, narrow down this long list of possible rivals to the top 4 or 5 heavy contenders. For example, a 1-star app with a few reviews is unlikely to be a serious challenger, while a 5-star app with thousands of thoughts is a serious contender.

Select the appropriate category.

Surprisingly, controlling your app’s category is a science in and of itself. However, because the app stores’ Top Charts generate so many downloads, it’s critical to choose the variety that will offer your app the most excellent chance of ranking well in the Top Charts for your category.

The truth is that not all classifications are created equal. The Social category, for example, will generate more downloads than the Lifestyle category. However, ranking well in the Social category (versus Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and other social media platforms) will be more difficult than in the Lifestyle category (against apps like horoscope and drink recipes ). The companies in the first category are extensive and will be almost tough to surpass, but if you succeed, you’ll earn a lot of downloads. The applications in the latter group are less well-known among consumers, so you’ll have a better chance of ranking against them, but you won’t get as many downloads.

Calculate the risk for yourself and your app, learn the benefits and drawbacks of each category, and pick the most suitable type for your app’s success.

Make a fantastic icon.

Your app’s icon is crucial. First and foremost, your symbol communicates the purpose and style of your app, and it is the first point of contact your users will have with it. Make your character stand out so that people are more inclined to click on your app after seeing it in the search results. Your app’s symbol should also stand out in a grid on your user’s device, encouraging them too often open and engage with it.

Apple will not even display an app (a massive generator of downloads) unless they consider the icon well-designed and fits their general look and feel. That’s all the more reason to put in the effort to create a memorable symbol.

Take some fantastic screenshots.

You’ll devote a lot of effort to figuring out how to get people to your app’s detail page in the app store, but that’s just half the fight. You must convert a visitor to an actual user by persuading them to download your app once they arrive at your app’s website. Screenshots are an essential tool for converting visitors to users.

Make sure your screenshots are engaging, instructive, and memorable. They must attract a visitor’s attention to themselves, explain what your program does, and demonstrate how simple it is to use.

Draw Something does a fantastic job at showing interesting screenshots with overlays that describe the app’s functionality, as shown in the example above.

Following the launch.

Congratulations on your successful launch! While some app developers may believe this is the end of the road, it isn’t. It’s just the beginning. What will be your next primary focus? Promote your app.

Paid app marketing and organic app promotion are the two types of app marketing. Organic marketing refers to any strategy for obtaining downloads without paying for each one. Paying for each download is referred to as paid marketing.

Promotion using natural means

Organically gaining downloads is one of the most effective methods. Spending money on downloads is nice, but not everyone can afford to do it. So, here’s how you can get your hands on some freebies:

Register for an app store analytics service.


You must first sign up for an analytics platform to successfully assess your organic app distribution. Next, you’ll need an analytics platform to monitor your applications and rivals through Top Charts and Search Rankings.

App Annie and MobileDevHQ are two of the most popular analytics apps that can execute a portion of the services you’ll want.

App review sites might help you get your app noticed.

A large majority of new app downloads come after being evaluated by app review sites or other forms of earned media (tech news, mainstream media, niche-related press, etc.). Therefore, to create a burst of downloads during your launch time, it’s critical to reach out to these media channels.

Determine which blogs – and the writers who write about your immediate rivals and other applications in your industry – are writing about you. Then, contact those writers and tell them about your software. Pitching journalists is a tricky business, but there’s just one guideline to remember: put yourself in their position, figure out what motivates them (do they write popular pieces, breaking news, etc. ), and give them something you’d want if you were them.

Increase the amount of content inside your app, as well anditself that is shared on social media.

Another practical approach for new users to discover your software is via word of mouth (viral!). You must do everything possible to make it simple for your existing users to share your app and its information.

The path does a fantastic job with this. While Path is a “private social network” only available on mobile devices, members may still post photos publicly. The image will be posted on Path’s website,, and may be shared with anybody through Twitter, Facebook, or Foursquare. Viewers who aren’t Path users will be able to recognize the app’s usefulness and download it fast.

It’s also critical to make sharing the app as easy as possible, using SMS, Twitter, Facebook, and email options. The easier it is to share an app, the more likely users will participate in the process.

Encourage users to give your app a rating and a review.

The number of ratings and the quality of those ratings determines where an app appears in search results (and, to some degree, Top Charts). Receiving as many 5-star reviews as possible is essential to your app’s success.

There are several creative methods to get your customers to rate your app. The most apparent practice is to ask for ratings while users are using the app simply. This request may be implemented once they’ve used the app a few times, or after they’ve spent a certain amount of time with it, for example. It’s up to you how you want to encourage people to rate your app. You’ll have to think outside the box to come up with new and maybe more successful methods to attract your app users to rate it. For instance, the app Move the Box linked virtual cash to app ratings: if a user runs out of tokens, they may review the app to earn more.

Create a fantastic online landing page.

Mobile is fantastic. Apps are fantastic. But the fact is that the internet is still important. When someone publishes an article about your app, they’re likely to link to two places: your app’s web site and its app store detail page. When a prospective user searches for your app on Google, they’ll discover both the detail page and the homepage. As a result, creating a fantastic online landing page is an excellent strategy for converting website visitors into customers.

Remember that the app store’s detail page for your app is a fairly restricted, non-rich, and non-customized experience. The reverse should be true for your website: it should be rich, fun, and engaging. You can even integrate a web version of your app in certain cases, simulating precisely what a user would see in the app. Take Wolf Toss, for example: not only is their full game accessible on iOS and Android, but it’s also available on Chrome. This allows players to play the game in its entirety without having to download it on their device.

Promotion for a fee

Now that you know how to obtain organic downloads, you need think about sponsored marketing as well if you want your app to reach the top of the rankings. Here’s how you can use money to increase your downloads:

Tracking App for Mobile Devices

Mobile App Tracking is a useful tool for app marketers that want to see how many downloads each paid ad source generates. With the deprecation of iOS’s UDIDs, Mobile App Tracking is the most precise approach to verify you’re spending your money wisely.

Mobile App Tracking, for example, allows you to observe that $1,000 spent on Jumptap resulted in 100 installations whereas $1,000 spent on Tapjoy resulted in 150 installs. This data may be used to target your ad spend to the most effective networks.

Calculate how many downloads you’ll need to reach the top of the charts.

To enter the Top Charts for that category, each category needs a different quantity of downloads. Do your research and figure out how many downloads per day you’ll need to reach the top of the charts. Although getting a precise figure might be difficult, you should be able to estimate the amount of downloads your app need to climb the Top Charts ranks.

Keep track of how many downloads/ratings/reviews the applications in your category’s Top Charts have and how they change on a daily basis to estimate your desired download number. If the app store doesn’t have a mechanism to track the amount of downloads, make the best guess you can. Use your app as a reference to see what proportion of users also rate and review it, and then extrapolate this number to other applications. If your app has 100 downloads and 5 ratings (5 percent), but your competition’s app has 10, you may estimate that your competitor has roughly 200 downloads. You should be able to come up with a good estimate of how many downloads per day are required to climb the Top Charts.

Run burst campaigns to get traction in the Top Charts, then reduce your spending to maintain your position organically.

Running a burst paid marketing campaign to generate fast downloads is one of the finest strategies to swiftly ascend in the Top Charts. You’ll notice a rise in the number of downloads and users of your app once your marketing campaign starts. If your program is useful, people will give it high ratings and reviews, and they will recommend it to their friends. You will now begin to rank higher in the app stores’ Top Charts as a result of the increased downloads.

You’ll be able to reduce your ad budget while your app continues to rank well on its own if you’ve achieved high rankings in the Top Charts. This generates a virtuous cycle of organic app growth: your app ranks well in the Top Charts, which drives downloads and ratings, which leads to your app ranking highly in the Top Charts again.

Free Mobile Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide

What’s more difficult, what’s the best strategy to promote your app on a shoestring budget? The majority of app developers I know are startups—a group of talented individuals with a great concept but little money to show for it. Is it feasible to promote your software at no cost?

Yes, it is, thankfully.

Take note, however, that

  • I didn’t say “simple”;
  • “Quick” was not in my vocabulary.

But unrestricted? Yes, I have you covered.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to the formula. I’ve found it to be really helpful, and it may help your program get the attention it need to gain significant downloads. You should be proud of yourself if you’ve made an app. But that’s only the beginning. You’ll have a new full-time employment after the software is completed. Now it’s up to you to promote your software. What am I concentrating on here? I’d want to see you make more money with your software. I’d love for you to invent the next Instagram or Pokémon GO! It all comes down to marketing. Let’s get started.

Begin by optimizing your app store listing.

Although app store optimization (ASO) has become a bit of a term these days, it is an important first step in advertising your software.

Because app store searches account for 63 percent of app downloads, you’ll want to make sure you’re following some fundamental ASO guidelines.


When you look at these 2014 figures from MobileDevHQ, the narrative gets even more fascinating. They wanted to know where people got the last app they downloaded.


Boom. The app store comes out on top. Obviously, when it comes to popular applications like Pokémon GO, people learn about them online or through social media. I doubt many people would go to the app store and search for “virtual monster game.” Despite this, the great majority of app downloads are due to individuals discovering them through app store searches. How do you go about optimizing your app for the app store? Fortunately, the procedure is simple and comparable to traditional SEO.

The following are some of the elements:

  • selecting the appropriate keywords
  • utilizing a keyword in the app’s title
  • composing an excellent description that is both catchy and thoroughly expresses the essence of your app
  • adding a number of descriptive images to ensure that prospective consumers are completely aware of the features

Optimizely recommends that you solve the following five points:


If you’re looking for some guidance, I suggest reading Moz’s ASO guide. The method of app store optimization should be followed for both Google Play and Apple’s App Store. However, there are several key distinctions between the two:


Start with app store optimization, no matter what you do. It’s completely free. It’s also effective.

Obtain feedback

The lifeblood of internet marketing is social proof. You may utilize it to improve your app’s perceived worth and attract more users to download it. I know that when I download a new app, I prefer to check at the general rating as well as three or four user ratings. If I see an overwhelming amount of favorable reviews, I know it’s certainly worth my time, and I’m lot more comfortable hitting “Install.” If your app has received little to no feedback, I recommend soliciting app reviews. The success of your app is heavily influenced by ratings and reviews. Take a look at this:


Only around 10% of people would consider installing your app if it had a one-star rating. If your app, on the other hand, gets a five-star rating, 100% of customers will consider installing it. The harsh reality of app marketing is that if your software has poor ranks, it will not be ranked and will not get downloads.


Make sure you send app users alerts, urging them to rate and review the app as they use it. There are a plethora of places where you may get reliable reviews, many of which are free. For a quick summary, go through this list.

Make a landing page for your app.

After you’ve taken care of the nuts and bolts, I recommend creating a landing page for your app that you can add to your website. This may include a few screenshots, some glowing testimonials, or even a little video lesson on how to use it. It doesn’t have to be something extravagant. To be honest, it’s better to keep things simple. Here are some app landing page samples. This landing page highlights the app’s functionality while also expressing the app’s tone and feel via color and imagery:


Vonage’s app download website not only enables you to “learn more,” but it also makes it simple to get the app for your country.


Foursquare’s app has the same basic design as Vonage’s and offers the same SMS download option.


A image of a phone with a screenshot of the app in use is common in some of the finest mobile applications. This kind of picture communicates a message. “This is an app,” it adds, and “this is how the app appears.” If you’re making a landing page for your app, I recommend using the image of a phone with a screenshot of the program in action. Here’s the Everest landing page:


This weather app appeals to me because of its simplicity and functionality:


If you already have a significant volume of traffic, you can easily convert casual visitors into app users.

On your website, provide download links.

Simply create download links for your app and place them on your site to profit on your site’s traffic. Right next to your social network connections would be a good place to put it. Above the fold is the best option. By utilizing the current traffic you’re creating, you may bring a lot of attention to your app with very little work. Make sure you’re downloading the standard pictures. The majority of users are conditioned to identify these symbols. They’ll notice these buttons right away when they visit your website and will click to convert. 1633231612_174_The-Beginner8217s-Guide-to-Mobile-Marketing

Make contact with tech magazines.

Positive publicity, in my view, is one of the most effective methods to kickstart a business or, in this example, an app. Imagine getting a nice mention on a site like Mashable for your software!


Tech magazines are the way to go if you want to move your software from relative obscurity to a worldwide audience. But, to be honest, this isn’t a stroll in the park, particularly if you’re aiming for high-profile magazines. But with a little perseverance, it’s totally doable.

Here’s how you go about it:

  1. Examine tech magazines and any other media channels that are relevant to your field. Some examples may be found in this article.
  2. Create an article pitch that includes your app while also giving value to the publication’s target audience.
  3. Editors should be contacted.

I would note that most editors are really busy, so it may take a while to hear back (a week or more is not unusual). Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get an answer right away. Just keep trying till you succeed. Continue to send emails and follow up. If you can get your app recognized on a site like TechCrunch or Mashable, your efforts will be rewarded handsomely.


For starters, I recommend checking out Spacechimp’s list of venues to earn reviews and mentions. This technique is completely free. However, it does take some time.

Make contact with influential people.

While guest blogging may not have the same effect as a feature article in a tech journal, it is a less time-consuming option that may nonetheless provide big benefits. The idea is to do some research and choose a few blogs that are relevant to your app’s specialty and have an audience that would be interested in it. A productivity software, for example, may contact Lifehacker to ask if they can be included in the annual Lifehacker Pack.


You’ll want to construct a great pitch that a blogger can’t say no to using the same fundamental approach you’d use to reach out to a tech newspaper. Just make sure you’re completely comfortable with their style and tone before proceeding.

Use social media to promote your business.

You should be able to get some great exposure if you already have a significant following that’s tuned in. Simply market your app directly or add links to stories about it in this situation. If your audience isn’t big enough to help you advertise the app, I’d suggest reaching out to related influencers to see if they’d be happy to share it with their following. This is sometimes all it takes to increase your visibility by a factor of ten. However, I’ve discovered that reaching out to at least five influencers is generally a numbers game.

How to Boost Your Business Mobile App’s Ranking?

You won’t be able to make money with your app unless you can persuade users to download it. Finally, the more downloads you have, the more likely you are to make additional purchases and increase your overall income. The amount of downloads you receive is directly proportional to the rating of your mobile app. However, a large number of downloads will boost your app’s position. It’s a never-ending circle. In other words, if you can generate downloads, your app’s popularity will rise. As a consequence, the ranking will rise, and the number of downloads will increase. It may seem confusing at first, but it is not difficult to comprehend. I’ll walk you through everything you need to do to increase downloads and enhance your app’s position.

Learn the fundamentals of app store optimization (ASO)

To begin, you must first comprehend ASO, which stands for “app store optimization.” Having a mobile app without a strong emphasis on ASO is similar to having a website without a strong focus on SEO (search engine optimization). The importance of ASO cannot be overstated. This is due to the fact that a big number of app users find new applications through browsing app stores:


Consider the app store to be a general-purpose search engine. Someone understands exactly what they want but has no idea where to look for it. As a result, they enter some broad phrases into the search box. Mobile users, like web browser users, will not sift through hundreds of results after doing a search. One of the top outcomes will be chosen. These are the applications that will get the most downloads. It works in the same way as Google searches. The bulk of traffic will go to the top-ranking results. You must understand which aspects might improve your chances of being ranked better in ASO. We’ll go over some of these ideas as we go along.

Understand the distinctions between the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

Let’s keep talking about the fundamentals. There are two major app shops to choose from. For iOS users, the Apple App Store is available, while for Android users, the Google Play Store is available. Your app may be offered on one or both of these platforms, depending on your company. You must be aware of the things that influence your rating in each shop. The algorithms used to rate applications aren’t all the same. The following are some of the most significant similarities and differences between the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store:


As you can see, your app’s title has the most influence on its rating in both stores. We’ll go into more information about your title soon. Similarly, your app’s ratings and reviews have an impact on its ranking on each platform. There are, nevertheless, some significant variances. The description of your app has an influence on its ranking in the Google Play Store. Even though the description has no direct influence on your ASO, iOS customers may be hesitant to download your app unless you can explain it. However, we’ll go over some writing strategies for app descriptions later. The keywords box in Apple App Store applications influences your rating. However, in the Google Play Store, that area isn’t even an option. Finally, you must choose the best method for these two shops. You can’t expect the same ASO technique to work across all platforms. Therefore, make the required modifications to your shop listings.

Make confident you have a fantastic title.

You should spend some time thinking about a title for your app. Some of you may find this more accessible than others. If you already have a company and your app is merely an extension of it, you’ll want to keep the name the same for branding considerations. Those of you who are launching an app as a whole new company, on the other hand, will benefit from studying my startup name advice. You want your app’s title to describe what it does and what it does well. Here’s an example of a fantastic OfferUp marker:


OfferUp is a mobile app that allows you to purchase and sell items. Those keywords are also incorporated in the title for ASO reasons, as you can see. It’s worth mentioning, however, that if you use repeated and unrelated keywords in your title solely to increase your ASO rating, the Google Play Store may suspend your app. Here’s something more to think about. Your app’s name is limited to 50 characters on the Google Play Store. However, titles in the Apple App Store are limited to 30 characters. In terms of the ASO algorithms, having distinct names on each platform has no impact on downloads. However, you want your app’s name to be the same across all stores from a branding standpoint. This is why. Let’s pretend an iOS user installs your software from the Apple App Store. Then they tell a buddy who owns an Android phone about it. It’s easy to get mixed up if the names aren’t the same. If they’re looking for the incorrect title, that new user may not be able to locate your software.

Make a detailed description.

As I previously said, your app description influences your Google Play Store position. This is an excellent chance for you to incorporate relevant keywords that people could look for while looking for a new app. Even though your description has no bearing on your Apple App Store ASO rating, you should still produce an interesting one. Why? What else will users know about your app if they don’t know what it does? Sure, the title could hint at what your app is about, but the description is your moment to shine and describe how it works. Take a look at this Uber example if you want to learn how to create an excellent explanation:


Some of my favorite portions were highlighted. When a user initially clicks on the app, the full description isn’t shown. As a result, the first few sentences are crucial. Uber outlines what its app performs in the first three phrases of its explanation. The explanation highlights the platform’s presence in cities all across the world. There’s also a short step-by-step instruction to show you how to use the software. Another fantastic feature of this description is how it advertises all of the app’s services. Customers who seek a quick and inexpensive method to move about should use uberX. The description suggests using uberPOOL if you want to save even more money. According to the report, UberBLACK is for clients who wish to travel in a high-end car. Uber also provides trips to customers who need accessibility features or traveling in large groups. The description included all of this information. When creating the explanation for your app, keep this in mind. Keep it basic while yet emphasizing the app’s main features and functionality.

Encourage users to give your app a rating and a review.

Your app’s rating in both app stores is influenced by how it is rated and reviewed. Therefore, you must encourage people to provide reviews for your app. Your star rating has a variety of implications for your ranking. To begin with, the better your rating, the more likely you are to be listed higher. Having four or five ratings also boosts the likelihood of customers downloading your app.


79% of users look at ratings and reviews before downloading a new program. As seen in the figure above, people will not even consider installing your app if it is rated too low. This is why encouraging users to rate and review your app is critical. People seldom post reviews unless they had a positive experience or something disastrous occurred. On the other hand, a typical user has no motivation to go out of their way to leave a review. That is why you must inquire about them. Otherwise, your app’s evaluations will only come from those who have had a very traumatic experience. Send a popup or a push notice to users, encouraging them to rate and review your app. This will boost your app’s ASO and make it more enticing to potential consumers. Improving your app’s star rating will do more than simply boost your ranking. It also has a direct link to your conversion rate. Take a look at this Medium example:


Its conversion rates increased from 36% to 47% as the app’s star rating increased from 3.9 to 4.3. The app’s conversions rose by 10% when a tiny margin improved the rating.

Use screenshots to demonstrate the app’s functionality.

Only so much can your title and description do. It’s one thing to tell people what your software can accomplish; it’s quite another to demonstrate it. That is why screenshots are required. Screenshots allow you to confirm the app’s capabilities. For example, you wouldn’t want to display four images of the same feature. It’s much more logical to highlight various aspects of each picture. Assume you have a mobile app for your ecommerce business. Using the option to show just product screenshots isn’t using it to its best potential. You showed screenshots of your navigation, search choices, checkout process, and payment methods. This will offer a much better idea of how the program works to the potential user. Your screenshots are no longer linked to ASO. They will, however, assist you in generating more downloads, which will eventually increase your position. Here’s an excellent example of screenshots from the Delta app listing:


As you can see, each screenshot depicts a different scene. The first picture illustrates how the app appears on the day of departure. It’s an electronic boarding card that may help you save time at the airport. Following that comes a picture that shows the user’s profile. The Delta app also provides a structured stream of travel alerts. If there is a gate change or a flight delay, users will be notified. The last picture shows how consumers may book a vacation straight from the app. Using a variety of screenshots increases the likelihood that your software will be downloaded.

Make a video to show off your app.

You may use movies to explain how your program works in addition to pictures. Take a look at the following statistics to see how many of the top 50 applications in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store include videos:


As you can see, videos are used in the bulk of the top-grossing applications on both platforms. In addition, after seeing a video about an app, users are three times more likely to download it. Thus, this method will undoubtedly help you boost downloads.

Create a memorable app icon.

Don’t forget about the app icon’s design. While this will not affect ASO, it will affect downloads and how your app is regarded. The app icon must be appealing to stand out above other applications while consumers browse. It ought to be distinctive and relevant to your entire branding plan. Make sure it’s not identical to another app, mainly if it’s a rival. Consider how your app will seem after it has been downloaded to numerous devices. It must stand out against as many different backdrops as possible. Take a peek at the symbol for the Slack mobile app:


It’s bright and eye-catching. But it’s still straightforward. Is there anything else you notice about this app listing? It includes a video and screenshots, which is a method I just discussed.

Promote the app across all of your channels of distribution.

You should advertise your app to gain more downloads, ratings, and reviews. For this, use all of your distribution channels. Increase the number of people who download your app by converting your social media followers. Make YouTube videos that direct visitors to your app store page. Promote the app to your email list. On your website, provide links to the app’s download page. Here’s an example of Hotel Tonight’s usage of this strategy:


You still need a website as a promotional tool if you’re operating your app as a new company with no physical storefronts or online purchasing choices.

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