The Beginner’s Guide to Company Values

Businesses exist to make a profit. Therefore, they usually have one or more values they believe in as long as they progress and thrive. These can be open with no qualifications or limitations set on them. Values allow businesses to share what drives their success, where the focus is at the workplace, and therefore helps create an effective culture of communication.

Your company’s values help it develop an identity distinct from its goal and vision. Identifying and carrying out your firm values, on the other hand, might be difficult. This is particularly true when your business expands, bringing with it a load of new challenges. This article was developed to provide you with information on the essential components that make up a company’s core values, as well as some tips and methods for precisely defining your core values and the tools you may use to embed those values across your business. Let’s get started.

What Are the Values of a Company?

Business values may be seen as the compass for almost everything a company does, strives to be, and stands for. They usually appear as a collection of principles always considered while making business choices. By ensuring that your organization has a clear and consistent set of core values, you can guarantee that all of your workers are working toward the same objectives. As a result, this may be a crucial driver of organizational success and development. You risk watering down your objectives, slowing down your development, and blindly pursuing growth without a clear focus on how you’ll get there if you don’t have corporate values.

The Foundations of Business Values

You now have a better understanding of the company’s ideals. So let’s break things down even further into the essential elements of making them.


Did you know that your company’s values don’t have to be the same year after year? That’s correct. It’s not like choosing a set of fundamental principles is the same as deciding on your company’s constitution. As your firm grows, so can your values. Evolution will likely be an unavoidable element of the process when your business expands. Perhaps your leadership changes or your early objectives aren’t the ones that will propel you to the next stage of development. Keep growth in mind while you establish your values. Your growth will be stifled if you set your values in stone. The purpose of values is to assist you in moving ahead. Fortunately, knowing that you can develop allows you to take a breather. It becomes simpler to make a final judgment on which values to preserve.


Contrary to popular belief, your corporate principles do not need to be a jumble of rambling lines that cover every aspect of what you’re attempting to express. In actuality, the more straightforward your corporate ideals are, the better. It’s simpler to express, develop, and sustain your beliefs if they’re straightforward.

Your ideas are probably too complicated if your staff have problems remembering them. That, or they’re not remembered enough. The more concise and to-the-point your list of values is, the simpler it will be to remember them. For example, instead of expressing “we appreciate Personal accountability regardless of who we are or what we’re doing,” you could write “Personal accountability” in a bullet point. It’s simpler to understand the shortened, shorter version. It’s a lot simpler to recall. And if something is simpler to understand and remember, it is also easier to put into practice. That’s when your ideals get ingrained in your culture.


Your ideas will not be groundbreaking on their own. That’s ok. When building together with the collection of principles that will eventually form your company’s north star, you may and should strive for uniqueness.

While you may get ideas from other firms, you shouldn’t just copy and paste their beliefs because you believe they worked well for them. To put it another way, although every one value you pick may not be fully unique, your whole collection of values can (and should) be. Sure, your industry definitely includes rivals that look a lot like you. However, your company’s employees and the way it performs the day-to-day operations distinguish it. So, for example, claiming that you’re “environment-friendly” as a value makes little sense if your organization does little to nothing to be “green” or more eco-aware.

Part of being unique is fully embracing what your firm does and how it does it. You’ll be able to employ talent that better matches your beliefs if you develop your values and implement them across the organization, including HR. As you would expect, this may have a good ripple impact across your firm in various ways.

3 Ways to Boost Your Company’s Values

Determining a company’s values may indeed be difficult. And they may be much more difficult to implement throughout your organization. Here are three distinct methods to aid in the process of discovering and creating your fundamental beliefs.

1. BambooHR


One of the most effective methods for establishing and maintaining your company’s fundamental values? Begin integrating them into your human resources operations. BambooHR is software with a heart, as they like to say. Its reporting tools may provide you with data-driven insights on strengthening your culture based on your key beliefs.

BambooHR provides you with performance management tools that enable you to collect and receive employee feedback when you need it the most, in addition to providing a location where you can organize and consolidate all of your employee data. Managers may also use BambooHR to track and monitor team and employee objectives, evaluate notes, and request updates as needed. All of BambooHR’s tools are available to small and medium-sized organizations. They are indirectly connected to and may aid in advancing your company’s values agenda.

2. Espresa


There are several methods to put your company’s beliefs into action. By offering a cloud-based culture center where workers can go for incentives and recognition as well as employee resources, Espresa makes it simple to put your values into action. For example, assume your firm places a premium on physical fitness. With Espresa, you can organize business fitness activities open to all participating workers.

As you presumably already know, the values you pick significantly impact corporate culture. Espresa has several modules and online tools to assist you in gamifying your workplace culture. Employees will be more engaged as a result, and they will be more inclined to live out your corporate values and keep them in mind. In addition, your employees will eventually judge whether or not your company’s ideals are valid and fuel development. Finally, with Espresa, you can be certain that you’re including kids in community-building activities.

3. Cascade


Company values and strategy are almost inextricably linked. Cascade, a strategy-focused platform, ensures that you respond swiftly and react even faster as you adopt and enhance your corporate principles. By measuring precise KPIs and keeping people engaged throughout your whole business, you can ensure that you move closer to your objectives using visual tools that help you layout your strategy. In addition, measuring and monitoring performance planning tools might help you determine where your core values are affecting. Cascade provides various tools to help you define core values and instill them in your team members, including change management strategies and leadership development templates.

Methods for Determining Your Company’s Values

Identifying a company’s basic beliefs in its early stages might be difficult. There are, however, particular measures you can take to come closer to establishing the fundamental principles that best match your firm and positioning it for expansion. First, take a look at a list of existing values. When you’re contemplating the precise values you want to name your own, reading through a list of current values might help push you in the right direction. Why? It allows you to think beyond the narrow range of values that come to mind on the spur of the moment. It’s quite OK to use the search box to locate complete lists of values to read and consider.

For instance, the following values are worth reading and contemplating:

  • Commitment
  • Conscientiousness
  • Innovation
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Drive
  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Focus
  • Simplicity
  • Mindset of progress
  • Ownership
  • Personal accountability
  • Diversity
  • Boldness
  • Openness

I’m willing to bet that after you’ve gone through that brief list of probable corporate values, you’ll begin to look beyond the initial ideas that spring to mind. The more you discuss and go over potential core values, the more you’ll be able to come up with ideas and get closer to selecting and defining values that perfectly correspond with what you want your business to stand for. The more detailed you can be, the less space you’ll allow for misunderstanding or inaction regarding corporate values.

Another method to get ideas is to look at organizations’ values that operate in a totally different sector than yours. Vary your study by looking at both large corporations such as Nestle and Unilever, as well as smaller and medium-sized businesses. There are lessons and ideas to be learned from successful businesses of all sizes.

1. Obtain feedback from the company’s executives.

It’s critical to get feedback throughout the brainstorming phase to ensure you’re not missing the target. Include them in your company’s value brainstorming process if you have established leadership roles. The more like-minded individuals who can join together to develop a refined set of values inside your organization, the simpler it will be to build a set of values that your company can firmly stand by and perform. You may now begin crafting your final set of values based on the feedback and value modification process.

2. Make a list of possible value sets.

It’s now time to put values into groups. Which values stand out the most, like those that match the organization, based on both the input you get from your team of executives and the list of values you obtained via research? After you’ve gathered a few sets of values, you may begin to determine which ones best correspond with your firm. If you’re working with a tiny business, it’s possible that identifying your basic principles via how your firm runs daily may be difficult. That’s OK. It might mean coming up with a set of values that you’ll adjust as your firm grows and underlying values rise to the surface even if your company changes and takes a new path. If you’re a larger firm, though, certain values may be evident in how you do business and how your workers interact with one another. This is why it’s critical to collect feedback. You’ll better understand what a collection of solid values may be. Making a list of potential values might assist you in making your ultimate selection.


This is a comprehensive guide. If you’ve read thus far, you’re better acquainted with the definition of corporate values, the key components that make them up, the tools that can help you execute those values, and a few useful strategies for identifying your own set of distinct core values. The good times don’t end there, however. Every firm has a million and one items on its to-do list. We’ll be with you every step of the way to give you expert advice. If you’re having trouble developing your business plan, this article on How To Write A Business Plan For Your Startup will walk you through the executive summary, market research, marketing and sales strategy, and all you need to know about finances. In addition, this guide to the finest CRM software may be precious in your search for the best customer relationship management software. It explains how to choose CRM software that’s right for your company, as well as what features and tools to look for before making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the five corporate values?

A: We believe our five corporate values are about being a team player, having pride in what we do and doing it well, focusing on the future, caring for each other and our community, and taking positive action.

How do you determine the value of a company?

A: One way of determining the value of a company is to see what they are worth in the market. For example, if Apple were stock, it would be valued at around 722 billion dollars. This means that when you purchase one share of Apple, your investment will generate an average annual return of 7%.

How do I find my company’s core values?

A: It depends on the company. Some have a written core value statement in their mission statement, and others have it posted somewhere that you can find easily, and some may not even have one at all.

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