Implement a Customer Referral Program That Drives Sales

Customer referrals are one of the best ways to spread your brand and generate leads. But, implementing a referral program is tricky because you have to balance lead generation with customer satisfaction. This blog post will discuss how leading retailers like Sephora use an automated system that breaks down these barriers by rewarding customers for referring their friends while creating more sales in the process. It would be best to always think of fresh strategies to attract new clients as a company owner. However, as you may be aware, this form of marketing may be costly. It’s much less expensive to promote to your current consumers than it is to get new ones. It costs six to seven times more to acquire a new client than to keep an existing one. Sure, you may be pretty lucrative right now if you don’t focus too much on acquisition. That business model, however, will not last indefinitely. Without extending your consumer base, you won’t be able to grow at an exponential pace. You’ll need to launch marketing initiatives to acquire new clients sooner or later. That is why you must employ cost-effective client acquisition techniques. One of my favorite methods to achieve this is a client referral program. Your marketing will use current consumers to attract new clients. Take a look at the essential elements that influence retail revenue:



As you can see, retention and acquisition are at the top and bottom of the list, respectively. Combining the two into a single marketing strategy will be advantageous to your company. You may gain new clients without much effort if you effectively execute a customer referral program. First, you need to set up the software. The rest will be taken care of automatically. Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great. However, it’s not as simple as it seems. The trick here is to develop a referral scheme that will entice your present clients to enroll. This tutorial can assist you whether you’re starting your first customer referral program or seeking to enhance an existing one. I’ll tell you all you need to know about sales-generating referral schemes.

Increasing sales by implementing customer referral program:

1. Make the customer’s experience a top priority.

Before you start thinking about the practicalities of your referral program, make sure your current clients are taken care of appropriately. After all, if your clients are unsatisfied, this method will fail. According to research, customer experience is a crucial component in client retention and loyalty for 89 percent of organizations. Customers are more concerned with customer service than the quality of the product they are buying. According to research, 86 percent of customers are prepared to spend extra for a better customer experience. This style of service begins at the top and works its way through the company. As the business owner, you must set the tone and ensure that your staff understands how critical customer service is to your success. Dissatisfied customers are terrible for business. Only one out of every 26 unhappy customers will file a complaint. What about the other twenty-five? They’ll go away without saying anything. According to studies, 68 percent of consumers claim they left a business because they didn’t feel the brand cared about them. Allowing this to happen to you is not a good idea. Make it clear to your consumers that you value their business. Satisfied customers are much more valuable. More than 80% of consumers indicate they are prepared to suggest to their friends and family.


Regrettably, only a tiny fraction of people indeed do. That’s why your referral program will need to include some additional incentives, but we’ll get into that later.

2. Offer referral bonuses.

Even if you don’t develop a program, you’ll obtain some organic recommendations if your clients are pleased. However, you can’t depend on such requests alone when boosting sales and gaining new clients. It can’t be scaled up. Make it easy for your clients to recommend you to their friends and family. The most actionable will be discounts and other monetary advantages. For a moment, put yourself in your clients’ shoes. Consider a few of your favorite brands. Will you devote a significant amount of effort to bringing new customers? You could suggest if it comes up in discussion. However, I’m guessing you’re not going out of your way to do this. But I’m willing to assume that if the corporation gave you credit, a discount, or a reward for your efforts, you’d alter your mind. Let’s imagine you’re referred to a new firm by a friend. Sure, you may want to give them a go. However, an incentive would undoubtedly increase your drive to do so. Both existing and new customers benefit from the most outstanding customer referral programs. Here’s an example of MeUndies’ use of this strategy:


It’s a straightforward notion. When a consumer recommends a friend, the new customer receives a 20% discount on their purchase. The initial client gets a $20 gift card when the transaction is completed. That quickly adds up. Customers know that if they can persuade only five individuals to buy anything, they will get a $100 credit. This motivates them to spread the message. Make sure that your incentives are beneficial to both parties. The amount must be proportional to your pricing. In the case of MeUndies, the majority of their items are in the $20 area, so it’s a substantial sum. If the prize was a mere $5, though, it might not be worth their consumers’ time. That isn’t to say that $5 won’t work for another company. See what Bird has to offer in terms of a referral bonus:


If you haven’t heard of Bird, they are a new ride-sharing company with a unique approach. Electric scooters may be found in a variety of cities. The scooters are unlocked using the customer’s smartphone app. The $5 prize corresponds to approximately 30 minutes of free riding time at the cost of only $1 to unlock a scooter and $0.15 per minute after that. While $5 may not seem like much compared to other referral schemes, it is in this case. That’s what you’ll have to think about. Examine your items or services and determine what a decent offer would be. You don’t want to provide anything too costly that costs you money, but you also don’t want it to be so cheap that clients aren’t motivated. Find the sweet spot in the middle and put your rewards there.

3. Concentrate on a quick return on investment.

You should make sure that your referral program makes financial sense, just like any other marketing effort. You will certainly not be profitable if you spend money without seeing a return on your investment. Referral programs, on the other hand, are far less expensive than standard acquisition tactics. This ties in with my earlier point about providing an incentive that encourages sales without robbing you of earnings. When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before you. Take a look at Uber, for example.


One of their earliest referral promos is this. The old “donate $20, get $20” scheme. Let’s have a look at some basic math. Based on this campaign, the cost per acquisition is $40 if the existing client and new customer get $20. I know what you’re thinking: $40 for a single purchase seems excessive. You may believe that your company cannot afford anything like this. However, if you do your homework ahead of time and know your margins, you’ll be able to obtain a speedy ROI. Uber grew from a bit of a startup to a global powerhouse in a short amount of time. Customer recommendations fueled the company’s growth strategy. I came found recent research that looked at how they were able to do so:


Remember these figures. If Uber retained 25% of what the typical user spent in a month, their acquisition expenses would be $40, and they would break even in less than two months. Everything else is profit. After that, $40 is reimbursed. The $20 for $20 deal isn’t accessible in every city or area anymore. They reduced the incentive after gaining control of a significant piece of the market and proving their approach. The new clients, on the other hand, were already addicted. You may use the same strategy to improve your referral program. Start with significant incentives to get the word out quickly, but make sure you receive a return on your money. After that, you may always make changes that will increase your company’s profitability.

4. Set yourself up to succeed.

Consider how you got your current clients to suggest their friends to you. You took advantage of their client loyalty by providing a reward. You must now apply that notion to these new clients. Do not squander any time. This is also your time to lock them down for the long term. Sure, they bought something based on a suggestion. We know that when a proposal comes from someone they know, 92 percent of people believe it. Your new consumers have already formed a favorable opinion of your company. It would be best if you now persuaded them to remain. What happens when customers make their first purchase due to the incentive you provided? Create an actionable drip campaign with your email marketing plan to urge these consumers to purchase again in the future. Make sure they understand how the referral program may help them. Referred clients are more inclined and likely to recommend more new customers; therefore, this should be much simpler.


Furthermore, recommended customers have profit margins typically 25% larger than non-referred consumers. Your client referral program has the potential to propel your business to new heights. Consider how successful you’d be if each new client brought in just one more. Consider how many of those new consumers suggested a friend. Can you see how this may soon become a sales-boosting strategy for your business?

5. Keep a close watch on quality assurance.

Prioritizing the customer experience was the starting point for this whole strategy. Don’t sabotage it. Let’s imagine a client suggests a buddy, but they don’t get their reward because of a fault in your system. That is a significant issue for you. They’ve gone from being a pleased client who wants to tell their friends about you to being an unhappy customer who believes you’re attempting to take advantage of them. You may have lost a client instead of gaining another. It’s critical that you thoroughly review all of the technologies related to your recommendations. What method will you use to distribute the incentives? Text, email, social media, and a promotional code Make sure that each mode of dissemination works. Here’s another thing to think about. It would be best if you were on the lookout for consumers attempting to defraud you. People will always try to take advantage of the system, just as they would with everything else. You put in the effort and crunched the statistics to develop the ideal customer referral program rewards. Those margins can’t be messed with if you want to make a profit. Customers may open numerous accounts and recommend getting the bonus on both versions. You’ll lose money without gaining a new client if this occurs. Check to see if you have any safety nets in place to capture and prevent this from happening.


Your company is in desperate need of new consumers. With such high average acquisition prices, you must concentrate on low-cost marketing efforts. The easiest way to achieve this is to use your present clients. First and foremost, you must focus on offering exceptional customer service. The next step is to devise an incentive that would entice both present and potential customers to purchase. Set yourself up for rapid development and a speedy return on your investment by following these steps. Keep an eye on the quality of the work. You must ensure that your software functions appropriately from a technical standpoint and exploits no loopholes. You’ll notice a rise in sales from existing and new clients if you use this method.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do referral programs increase sales?

A: A referral program is a strategy to increase sales by providing customers with incentives, such as discounts and free shipping, in exchange for referring their friends or family members.

How do you implement a referral program?

A: A referral program is a marketing tactic that involves offering an incentive to a customer, usually in the form of credits or discounts. The goal of this type of marketing is to generate more sales and increase brand awareness.

What makes a good referral program?

A: A good referral program will offer a gift for every person they refer. It should also have a straightforward way of communicating what constitutes an initial commission or sale if any.

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