How to Use Google Keyword Planner Tool For SEO?

Google Keyword Planner is one of the best keyword tools for discovering what words people use to search. With this tool, you can also see how your competitors rank on specific terms and which phrases they often use in their content. Using Google’s free keyword planner will help you with all aspects of SEO efforts. Google Keyword Planner Tool is a free tool that you can use to find keywords for your SEO. This tool also helps you find the best keywords to use in your website or blog post. There are a lot of various aspects to SEO. All of these different factors may be divided into two categories: on-page SEO and off-page SEO, for the most part. Backlinks are the most critical aspect of off-page SEO. Content text, title tags, meta descriptions, internal linking, and site architecture are all parts of on-page SEO. It’s practically hard to have an effective on-site SEO strategy without completing keyword research (unless you’re fortunate). There are several tools available on the internet to assist you in locating keywords relevant to your company, but Google Keyword Planner is undoubtedly the most effective.

The most excellent aspect of this tool is that it is available to everyone for free. All you’ll need is a Google Ads account to get started. It’s also worth mentioning that the Keyword Planner’s main objective is PPC advertising. However, you do not need to spend any money on advertisements to use this tool for keyword research. The only information you won’t access is accurate monthly search volumes for specific phrases. You’ll still be able to see an average range, but Google will only display distinct books when you execute an ad campaign, as you’ll see soon. Most of you, I’m guessing, already have a Google Ads account. However, it’s straightforward to set up if you don’t already have one. So, as soon as you’re ready, go ahead and do it.

Making the most of the Keyword Planner to improve SEO approach:

Features of Google Keyword Planner.

Before we get into the details, you must understand what the Keyword Planner is for.

As I previously said, this tool was created with PPC advertisements in mind. As a result, around half of everything you’ll see will be focused on executing a successful sponsored search campaign. The following are some of the most significant advantages of Google Keyword Planner:

  • Use words, phrases, websites, and categories to find new keywords.
  • Find more about the search volume trends and historical statistics for specific terms.
  • View keyword performance predictions based on your budget and typical bid prices.
  • You may narrow your results based on your geographic region, language, and date periods.
  • Filter by average monthly searches, competition level, organic impressions, ad impressions, recommended bids, and organic middle position to get the best results.

It’s worth remembering that some of these options are only accessible if your Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts are linked. For the sake of this article, we’ll concentrate on the elements that help you uncover keywords to boost your on-page SEO approach.

Find new keywords to use.

Finding new keywords is the first thing you should do using the Keyword Planner. This is a relatively simple task. You’ll be able to employ those keywords to boost the content and on-page SEO of your website after you know what keywords are linked to your site, brand, niche, or a particular campaign. Log into your Google Ads account and go to the Keyword Planner section.


Click the “tools” option in the upper right corner menu bar from your Google Ads dashboard. This will increase the menu to include five more categories. Next, select “Keyword Planner” from the planning list on the enlarged menu’s left side.

Following that, you’ll be given two choices.

  1. Look for new keywords.
  2. Find more about search volume and predictions.

Select “discover new keywords” for the time being.


Then it’s only a matter of typing terms into a search field and letting Google do the rest. This is possibly the most critical stage in the whole procedure, despite its simplicity. Although the Keyword Planner tool is incredibly sophisticated, it will not supply you with valuable keywords unless your original search phrases point to it correctly. This search box has the advantage of allowing you to insert terms, words, and a URL that is relevant to your company. I suggest using all of the search tools available to you to get the most out of your searches.

Examine the results of your search.

You’ll receive a lot of information thrown at you as you start your first search. Do not be afraid or overwhelmed by this. We’ll get to the bottom of it eventually. You may disregard some of this data if you don’t intend to conduct any PPC advertisements. Let me first demonstrate how to read and evaluate the findings.


I’d want to bring up a couple of points straight immediately. First, the Keyword Planner yielded 4,403 keyword possibilities based on my original search. By default, the results you’ll see are based on the last twelve months’ worth of search data. However, you may experiment with this to observe how the data changes over time if you look at those terms for a longer or shorter period. The Keyword Planner displays your results for what you’ve previously searched for before giving you fresh keyword suggestions. Average monthly searches and competitiveness are the primary columns you’ll want to look at. Pad ad campaigns include ad impression share, top-of-page bids, and account status. The typical monthly search ranges are rather extensive, as you can see. It claims that the search range for “SEO” is between 100,000 and 1 million. There is a significant difference between 150,000 and 950,000 searches, which are both in that range. However, the only method to gather specific statistics is to run an ad.

The information about the competition is vital. Because more individuals are running sponsored advertising for these terms and phrases, ranking for high competition keywords will be more difficult. However, you may be able to get an organic edge over your competition by taking action to outrank them. On the other hand, some of you may find that low-competition keywords work better for you. It all depends on how important the keywords are to you. According to the search results above, the keyword “social media marketing” has a high degree of competition, but “link building” has a low level of rivalry. Keep this knowledge in mind as we go forward. Now it’s time to examine the keyword suggestions based on our search terms.


The top 12 keyword suggestions are shown below, ordered by keyword relevancy. Some of the recommendations were highlighted to give you an idea of how you should approach this procedure. All of the keywords on the list are beneficial and should be included in your text. However, you must discover a method to prioritize them. Keywords with little competition and large search volumes may seem the simplest to rank for. However, this isn’t always the case. Take a look at the statistics for “social media,” for example. It has a lot of searches and few competitors, so it must be a home run, right? Certainly not. It will be challenging to rank for that subject since it is so vast. That’s most likely why no one invests in PPC advertising to rank for that phrase.

On the other hand, the term “social media manager” towards the bottom of the screenshot has a large search volume and a high degree of competition, making it challenging to rank for.

Let’s have a look at the keyword suggestions I categorized.

  • Search engine optimization firm
  • a digital marketing firm

Both have a high search volume and a fair degree of competitiveness. It won’t be simple to rank organically for these keywords, but it won’t be impossible either. Even if “web marketing” has reduced search traffic, it is still in the 1,000 – 10,000 area and has little competition. I also put it in a box since it’s relevant to the other two concepts we’re talking about. You might also run a new, targeted search using these three phrases. But we’ll get to it in a minute. You could try filtering the results before moving on to anything more complicated. Sort your keyword suggestions into four categories: low competition, high competition, low search volume, and high search volume.

Make your search more specific.

You’ve undoubtedly noticed that 4,400+ keywords are too many now that you’ve spent some time sorting your keyword list. You won’t utilize a lot of these terms. Consequently, you’ll want to filter down the results to ensure that you’re only viewing the most relevant ones that will help your SEO strategy. Changing one of the criteria from “broadly connected ideas” to “closely linked ideas” is the quickest way to get started.


As you can see, just using this filter reduced the number of search results by half. So, utilizing the new developments, go through and acquire additional keyword suggestions. Use the keywords on this list to help you with new, highly relevant searches. Recall what I did before. I chose SEO firm, digital marketing agency, and online marketing from that first list of concepts. The search results for those keywords paired with the Quick Sprout URL look like this.


When those new phrases were merged with the closely similar filter, 296 keyword suggestions were generated. This list will be a lot easier for you to handle. You may also filter your results by region, language, and search networks, as I said previously. As an example, suppose you own a small firm with retail sites around New England. It is not necessary to get statistics for the whole United States.


Instead, you might concentrate just on the six New England states. With that stated, those of you who will eventually conduct PPC campaigns will benefit the most from this functionality. You might select to target visitors searching in that area in this scenario solely. However, if you alter the space, it’s still interesting to monitor how the competition and search traffic vary. You can also download the information as an excel file with each list of suggestions. This, in my view, makes it simpler to take notes and arrange data in a manner that is consistent with your SEO approach and content strategy.


Search for the icon that says “download keyword ideas” in the upper right corner of each page.

Look at keyword predictions.

Please return to the main keyword planner page we saw before. We’re going to go with the alternative option this time to gather search traffic and predictions.


We could see the search volume when we were looking for new terms. It displayed statistics from the previous 12 months. Perhaps you observed something different when you altered the date range. While the Keyword Planner tool does not estimate future search volumes, it does provide a forecast for your keywords if you choose to conduct a PPC campaign. Google estimates that a PPC campaign costing $580 per month would yield 20,000 impressions and 280 clicks based on the three keywords we looked at most recently. The average position in a search would be #3. This isn’t a remarkable prediction. It’s not great, but it’s not bad either. I would not pursue it. However, the choice is entirely yours. This tool might help you better understand how well specific keywords will work. It will be better than paying for 20,000 monthly impressions if you can achieve them naturally utilizing these keywords. However, depending on the keywords, estimates, and the cash you’re ready to commit for sponsored keywords, you could get forecasts that are worth pursuing.


Now that you’ve compiled your keyword list, it’s time to improve the on-page SEO of your website. Choose which keywords are most important to you, and then create content that will help you rank for them. Produce blog pieces and how-to tutorials. Create infographics, videos, and photos. Produce material that incorporates all of these elements. Use exact-match keywords in your title tags, header tags, and internal linking. For more details on achieving this, see my comprehensive guide on SEO. A section here on on-site SEO will be pretty valuable for you. Begin by playing around with Google Keyword Planner. It can’t hurt to give it a go because it’s free to use. Once you’ve mastered the basics of navigation and searching, you can use this method to locate keywords that will be simpler to rank for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Google keyword planner for SEO?

A: Google keyword planner is not a tool for SEO but something you could use to find relevant keywords.

How do I use Google keyword planner effectively?

A: Google keyword planner is an excellent tool for those who want to research what the competition or potential customers are using as keywords. Depending on your content strategy, it can help you identify some terms that may be promising and others not so much.

How do I use Google keyword planner for market research?

A: If you are new to keyword research, it is helpful that you understand the difference between long-tail keywords and head terms. Head terms are words or phrases people commonly search for in Google Search Engine results when they have a specific goal in mind.

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