How to Use Google Ads Extensions?

Google AdWords is an advertising program that helps businesses reach their target audience. This article offers information on using the various extensions, including the Google Display Network and YouTube ads extension. The “google ads extensions examples” is a tool that allows users to create custom ad extensions for their Google Ads campaigns. It is an easy-to-use yet powerful tool. Were you looking for a quick and simple solution to boost your ad’s exposure and click-through rate? Then, ad Extensions are the way to go! Ad Extensions allow you to display your phone number, address, mobile app, and even social media statistics to prospective clients within your Google Ads campaign.

I’ll teach you how to get more out of your Adwords campaign by using ad extensions. What are ad extensions, and how can I use them? You may have noticed that some adverts contain more than the standard headline, first line, second line, and display URL while searching for specific keywords. Instead, they have something unique to offer. In this scenario, 1-800-Flowers uses site links to direct visitors to particular sections of their website, such as their same-day flower area and best-selling flower section.

You can subscribe to Staples’ newsletter directly on Google’s main page if you search for them online. You don’t have to be a Fortune 500 corporation to benefit from these ad extensions, thankfully. It won’t set you back any more than a standard advertisement. Right now, I’m going to teach you how to do that.

When you create a new Adwords campaign, the first thing you should do is double-check that you have the proper parameters in place. For example, when you make a new campaign in Adwords by clicking “Campaigns” and then adding a new search and display, search network only, or display network only movement, make sure you have all features enabled, because if you don’t, this standard campaign will only give you a few ad extension options, whereas having all features enabled will allow you to use all of Google Adwords’ ad extensions.

“What do I do if I previously set up a campaign with standard settings and now want to alter it to all features so I can use ad extensions?” you may query. Fortunately, it’s something that can easily be changed. You are not required to create a new campaign. Instead, you can make changes to your current campaign. To do so, go to your Adwords account’s campaigns section and click on the drive you wish to edit. Then go to the “Settings” tab and, if it reads “Standard” under “Type,” click “Edit” and change it to “All Features,” then “Save.” Bingo. All aspects of your campaign are now active.

Now that you’ve activated all of the capabilities, it’s time to start rocking and rolling with ad extensions. To do so, go to the “Ad Extensions” page and choose it. Now I’ll show you how to utilize the Google Adwords ad extension area.

The first button, where it says “View” and then an extension, is a type of extension that you want to either look at data for or start incorporating into your ads, such as location extensions or extensions that include your address, site links, or, as I showed you before with 1-800-Flowers. These extensions allow you to link to specific areas of your site. In a moment, I’ll show you how to put things up.

When you first start running ad extensions, segments are helpful because they allow you to observe how various times, networks, and devices interact with different ad extensions, giving you a good notion of which ad extensions to utilize at what time or with which audience.

Columns are just a means to personalize how you see your ad extensions data, so choose “Customized Columns” from the drop-down menu. By default, it displays the standard metrics such as clicks, impressions, and click-through rate, but you may reorganize them, remove one, or add one by dragging components to the side, selecting “Add” or “Remove,” and then clicking “Apply” to save your changes.

It’s now time to start adding extensions to our ad. Because location extensions are the most common form of extension, the default view is on location extensions, which are often used if you’re a local company that wants to display customers your address. For example, if someone is looking for bike repairs in San Francisco, offer them your address and ask, “Hey, where in San Francisco?” To do so, go to “Addresses from Google Places,” then “Plus Extension,” and the address from your Google Places or Google Plus local account will be imported into your Adwords account.

If you change your address, you may do so via Google Places, and the new location will be instantly updated in your Adwords ad extension. After it is completed, click “Save.” It’s OK if you don’t have a Google Places account. You may add your address by clicking “Manually Entered Addresses,” then “Plus Extension,” just as you would in Google Places, but you’re doing it in Adwords, and this is the address that will appear.

After you’ve got everything set up, you may wish to add some call extensions. Another form of expansion that local brick-and-mortar companies want is this. That’s what I’m going to teach you how to do—select Call Extensions from the drop-down menu. If you haven’t done so before, “Call extensions setting, no setting” will default. Next, you’ll want to provide a phone number. Click “Edit” to do so, and if you already have a phone number associated with your account, such as in Google Places, you may choose it here.

If this is not the case, choose New Phone Number. By default, Google displays what’s known as a Google forwarding phone number, which is essential if you want to track and see how these ad extensions are performing because when people call through that phone number, Google will be notified. You’ll be able to see what ad they used to call the number from, as well as how long the conversation lasted if they clicked on it from a mobile device—that kind of thing.

If you don’t want to do that, choose My Phone Number and enter your phone number in the box. Then, click “Save,” and your call extensions will be ready to use when everything seems fine.

After that, I’ll teach you how to create an offer extension. To do so, go to the drop-down menu and choose “Offer Extensions.” Then select “Edit” and click the “New Offer” button to add an offer. This is where you provide details about your request, such as a headline, the sort of discount, an image, and whether or not you’ll utilize this offer in a display network. After you’ve completed the steps above, click “Save,” and an offer ad extension will be added to your account.

Now we’ll go through how to create site links. To do so, go to the drop-down menu and choose “Site Links Extensions,” then “Edit,” and “New Site Link.” You may add link text, which is essentially the anchor text of your site link, the URL if you want that site links to show up on mobile devices, and a description here. Once you’ve created one, click “Save,” and the site’s URL will appear here. Repeat this procedure until you have at least four site links, at which point you may choose various site URLs for separate advertising. After you’ve completed all of the steps, click “Save,” and you’ll be able to display site links alongside your advertising.

After that, we’ll go over social extensions. Select “Social Extensions” from the drop-down menu to get started. Enter the URL of your Google Plus page here and click “Save,” and you’re set to go. If your Google Plus page has a lot of activity, especially many pluses, it will show up in advertising when users search for specific keywords.

It’s time to start working on dynamic search ad extensions now that you’ve set up social extensions. While this may seem to be difficult, it is relatively simple. It’s essentially when Google selects the material on your site to display based on what users search for. To do so, go to “Dynamic Search Ad Extensions,” then “Plus Extension,” and enter your website’s domain and language. Next, you type something like “” into the box, hit “Save,” and you’re done.

Finally, I’ll talk about app extensions, which are helpful if you have a mobile app. To utilize it, go to the drop-down menu and choose “App Extensions,” then “Edit.” Next, select “New App” and fill out the form with information about your app. If your program runs on Android, leave it here; if it runs on Apple mobile devices, choose iOS and enter the app ID.

That’s all there is to it when it comes to ad extensions. As you can see, there are a lot of alternatives here, but the most important thing is to choose an ad extension that makes sense for your site and company and then test to see which ones are delivering you the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Google ad extensions?

A: You can use Google Ad extensions to encourage people to click on your ads. Using these options, you can show an ad before the search results or offer a coupon code for 100% off of your purchase after clicking on it.

What is an ad extension Google ads?

A: An ad extension is an additional online marketing tool that can be added to a website. Ad extensions are designed to increase the number of people viewing your ads and the number of clicks you get from them. They usually carry high costs associated with them and must be carefully monitored for their effectiveness to remain at their peak level.

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