How to Skyrocket Your Traffic Through Schema Markup?

Schema markup is an essential part of search engine optimization. By simply adding data attributes to your content, it will help the engines recognize that certain parts are important and relevant for users’ queries. This may lead to higher rankings in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), more traffic, and ultimately a better chance at success. Schema markup is a way to optimize your website for search engines. This can help you skyrocket your traffic through SEO. The goal of all good writers is to write for their readers, not for search engines. Actually, it isn’t entirely accurate… You have to write for the search engines in the early days of SEO. The number of times the sought phrase was referenced in the text was how primitive search engines determined the relevancy of your material to the query. You might rank highly just by using the term as many times as feasible. Search engines have obviously progressed since then. With Google’s recent adjustments, it’s become evident that keyword stuffing isn’t helping you rank (in fact, it hurts you). Google now considers a number of on-page characteristics when determining a page’s relevance. Writing for your visitors, and letting Google worry about the rest, is the current advice for content writers. It’s not a terrible piece of advice. That is, in fact, what the writer should accomplish. SEO, on the other hand, may and should optimize such material further. Even if you produce all of your content yourself, you’ll need to be a writer as well as an SEO. How can you improve the quality of your content? Microdata is one of the most important yet neglected methods.



How to send Google hidden messages

Microdata is mostly used by search engines.

It’s buried in your HTML code, and people won’t see it until they look at the source code of your page.

Microdata may seem to be HTML, but it is not.


Microdata’s purpose is to describe material.

While Google has improved its ability to recognize various bits of text and determine their relevance, it is still far from flawless.

You may aid search engines in classifying the most significant elements of your content by using microdata.

Microdata vocabularies come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Only one of these, however, should be used: schema markup.

It is by far the most comprehensive microdata library, and it is also the only one that is supported by all major search engines.

Microdata’s value has long been acknowledged by search engine teams, but they realized it would be difficult to integrate all of the various markup languages into their algorithms.

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo (later joined by Yandex) collaborated to build a standard microdata library to address this issue. Schema is the name of the program.

What role do rich snippets play in SEO?

It’s critical to recognize that schema markup is not a ranking factor. However, it may have an impact on your SEO rankings.

Schema, as I previously said, isn’t intended to be utilized for every aspect of your content—only the most crucial.

Although search engines may utilize microdata to help assess the overall relevancy of your website on rare occasions, microdata’s primary purpose is to assist search engines in displaying more helpful data in search results:

On-page markup aids search engines in comprehending the content of websites and providing more relevant results. A common markup vocabulary makes it easy for webmasters to choose a markup schema and maximize the return on their investment.

The phrase “richer results” is relevant here since Google employs schema to build “rich snippets.”

Rich snippets are probably something you’ve seen before. They consist of anything other than the basic text seen in the search results. Images, reviews, breadcrumbs, and other data are included.


What impact do you believe rich snippets have on the click-through rate of search results? They nearly always boost the click-through rate, as you would expect. This immediately boosts search engine traffic.

In certain circumstances, it may, nevertheless, improve search engine ranks.

Visitors that click through to your website will be happy and will not return to their search results, assuming you have decent content on the page. This informs Google that the user has located the information they were searching for.

It’s likely that eliminating “pogo stickiness” can boost your ranks. So, although microdata does not have a direct impact on search ranks, it may in the future.

Note that although rich snippets will appear on any page of the search results, you will gain the greatest value from them if you are on the first page.

Why is schema a good idea? Microdata is an underused strategy, as I said before. I meant it when I said it.

Google now favors schema and will most likely continue to do so in the future.

In 36.60 percent of queries, there is at least one rich snippet:


If you haven’t incorporated anything that popular, you’ve likely fallen behind.

But here’s the bit that will catch you off guard.

Only 0.30 percent of domains (about 1 in 330) employ schema markup on a regular basis:


So, if you thought you were the only one who avoided schema, think again.

And there’s still time to reap the benefits of schema before it becomes commonplace (which could be quite a while).

The following are the primary reasons I believe website owners do not include schema into their content:

  1. It seems to be difficult.
  2. It takes some time.

Yes, microdata is part of the technical aspect of SEO, which many people are afraid of. You do not, however, need to be a schema expert to utilize it. You will have learned all you need to know to take use of it by the conclusion of this article.

Second, it is a time-consuming process. That’s an excellent point, and it’s one of the reasons I don’t use schema as much as I should.

You can’t disregard schema markup if your site is in a niche where it’s significant. Adding schema tags takes just a few minutes every post after you’ve gotten used to it, and the advantages are well worth the time.

A word of caution: Just because you utilize schema markup in your content doesn’t mean you’ll get rich snippets from Google. If you’ve done everything right, you should obtain rich snippets after a short delay, but this isn’t always the case.

The most often used schema markup

The major reason schema is frightening is because the library contains thousands of words.


Who has the time to figure out what each one means?

There aren’t many people.

The good news is that you don’t have to understand everything. All you have to do now is get familiar with the most prevalent words.

Let’s get started…

I “itemscope”: This is the most basic of the schema tags, but it’s also one of the most popular.

It’s a boolean word, which means you don’t have to (or can’t) give it a value.

Instead, you place it within a “div” tag (or something similar, like “span”, “html”, etc.) to signal that everything inside that tag is about the same thing.

Here’s an illustration:

James Cameron is the director (born August 16, 1954)

Science fiction is a genre of literature that deals with is a genre of literature that deals with

The word “itemscope” in the div element indicates that all of the stuff inside it is connected. It’s about the film Avatar in this situation.

Google now knows that the film was directed by James Cameron and that it belongs to the science fiction genre thanks to the itemscope markup.

ii) “itemtype”: This markup phrase informs search engines that the HTML tag’s content pertains to a certain type of item. It’s not a boolean word, therefore you’ll have to give it a numerical value.

That value, however, must originate from the schema library. Certain “types” of content may be specified. The type must be obtained from the library.


The top level keywords on that page are the item kinds. Soon, we’ll move on to the kid words inside each of them.

Here are a few examples of typical item types:


If none of them apply to your industry, you’ll have to go through the long list to locate one that does. While it may take some time at first, you will notice that you utilize the same one(s) again.

Are you ready to see it in action? Let’s continue with the previous example:

James Cameron is the director (born August 16, 1954)

Science fiction

The itemtype phrase has now been included to the div tag as a whole. The value is the type’s URL, which in this example is a movie URL.

The type and URL may both be found in the library.


iii) “itemprop”: This is where things start to get very interesting. Almost all of the schema library’s “items” have “properties” that may be set.

As the name implies, the “itemprop” tag allows you to specify these characteristics.

This is the section that seems to be the most difficult, but it’s really rather simple.

Go to the URL you specified in “itemtype.” It was for the movie kind in the case of our sample.

You’ll notice a list (typically very long) of attributes that you may want to utilize.


It’s worth noting that you may include as many or as few characteristics as you like.

Let’s look at an example of how you’d utilize the itemprop tag:

James Cameron is the director (born August 16, 1954) Science fiction is a genre of literature that deals with

Take note of how the itemprop term is applied to HTML elements inside the div defined by itemtype.

It doesn’t function in a particularly difficult way. Because it appears in the h1 tag, the “name” element specifies the name of the product being discussed.

The “genre” tag specifies the film’s genre, which is why it is placed in the span containing the genre.

The most frequent schema markup is summarized as follows: To utilize schema, you just need to understand how these three words function.

The more you look into it, the more you’ll see how to include features like breadcrumb markup:


I recommend beginning with the fundamentals and then looking for tutorials on how to make certain sorts of rich snippets after you’ve mastered them.

Option 1: Make use of a plug-in.

Knowing how to utilize schema is one thing, but understanding it is another.

As I previously said, you’ll most likely reuse the same tags, which is a good thing.

The Schema Creator plugin by Raven is by far the simplest method to utilize schema if you’re using WordPress.

You may either download it from that link or search for “schema” in your WordPress dashboard’s “add plugins” section. The first result should be the plugin:


There’s nothing further you need to do after you’ve installed the plugin.

You’ll see a little panel with the title “schema creation form” underneath the text editor when you go to the post or page editor for any content on your site:


This plugin makes it as easy as possible to add schema.

For your content, you may choose one of the primary schema types. Different text boxes will appear depending on whatever option you choose.

After that, just fill in the relevant values for each of them and click “insert” to have the schema inserted to your page’s HTML code.

Although this plugin is fantastic, it does have some drawbacks. It definitely does not include all of a schema type’s possible characteristics. You may have to manually add some schema later if you want to be more particular.

When it comes to producing rich snippets, the characteristics that it does encourage you to fill out are by far the most prevalent and crucial.

Option 2: Make use of Google’s schema builder.

I realize that the majority of my readers use WordPress, but there are still those who do not.

Regardless of the content management system you choose, this solution will work for you.

Because search engines appreciate the value of schema markup in producing better results for users, they seek to make it as simple as possible.

Not surprisingly, Google released the Structured Data Markup Helper, a free, basic tool for webmasters.

The program is really easy to use. Begin by entering a website URL into the URL textbox and then selecting one of the following article types:


Then choose “start tagging” from the drop-down menu. This is the first of three steps.

The second step is to add the schema markup to your content.

In the left panel, the tool will load a duplicate of the homepage, while in the right panel, it will load the most relevant schema characteristics (for the type that you picked).

A little menu appears automatically when you highlight text on the page (left click and drag). You’ll see a list of characteristics you may attach to the section of the page you just selected:


Some attributes are “needed,” as you can see on the right.

It isn’t technically needed. Even if you omit one, you can still create good schema.

However, removing any crucial data may reduce your chances of receiving rich snippets (depending on which one you omit).

Continue to highlight and add as many characteristics as you can. When you’re finished, click the red “generate HTML” button in the upper right corner to go to the next stage.

This will create a new source code for the page that contains everything you had before as well as the new markup.


The most difficult aspect of this process is actually embedding the markup on your website.

It’s simple if your content management system (CMS) is only based on static page files. Simply click the “download” button on the upper right to save a complete copy of the code. This new code should be added to your current website page.

Other CMSs aren’t as straightforward.

Some, like as WordPress, separate your material into sections. In your page editor, you have complete control over the body material, but the header for each page is stored in a theme file.

Some schema must be included in the header, which implies it must be included in your theme file. Your website may be harmed if you do this incorrectly. You may need to employ a developer for this unless you have a lot of expertise.

Use schema in the body text if you choose.

Returning to the tool results, scroll through the updated source code to see any additional schema highlighted in yellow:


This may be manually copied and pasted into your CMS’s page editor’s HTML.

Option 3 (for advanced SEOs): Ignore the tools.

The first two tools I showed you are fantastic. They may help you save a lot of time and effort by automating repetitive operations.

They’ll also be able to generate more dependable markup than most SEOs.

The issue with tools is that they are restricted in their capabilities. You may wish to add a property that the tool doesn’t support. Alternatively, you may wish to make a fast modification afterwards.

You may always manually add the schema rather than giving up or going through the whole procedure again.

It may seem self-evident, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of it in case you needed to make a fast correction.

It’s quite simple to screw up schema if you don’t do this…

It’s clear when you make a mistake with HTML or CSS code on your website.

You’ll either wind up with a damaged website or something that looks awful since all of its style has vanished.

The only people who will notice if your schema markup is incorrect are the search engines. Keep in mind that schema has no effect on what a visitor sees unless you additionally mess up the current HTML elements when adding schema words.

The importance of having a functional schema is that if you don’t, you won’t be able to obtain rich snippets, which negates the whole point.

The structured data testing tool, another Google product, is the best approach to evaluate the authenticity of your schema.

It’s easy to use: just copy and paste your full source code (HTML) into the tool’s left panel. Then choose “validate” from the drop-down menu:


You may also use “fetch URL” instead of pasting the source code if you’ve previously published the page with schema.

If you click “validate” in either case, the right panel will swiftly notify you if you have any issues. Each area will be green if everything is in order. If there are any mistakes, they will be highlighted in red.

Implementing the Schema (step-by-step examples)

You’re a pretty quick learner if you comprehend everything properly at this stage.

Most people get the essence of schema, but it’s difficult to truly comprehend it unless you see it in action.

So, in this last piece, we’ll take a closer look at a few frequent scenarios in which SEOs could employ schema.

First and foremost, when should a website make use of schema?

Over and over, the same elements or kinds of information appear:


When you search for information on a movie, you’ll find that rich snippets frequently occupy the whole page.

You’ll be exposed to a wide range of information as an SEO. I’ve selected three things you’ll encounter frequently:

  • product evaluations
  • Pages dedicated to local businesses
  • articles on the internet

I Product reviews: Those small the number of starss underneath a title in search results are one of the most effective rich snippets. They stand out and generate a large number of additional clicks.

For the first product that sprang to mind, I searched a review term:


Review of long tail pro

You’d probably click the one I have in a box in the top photo without even glancing at the articles. There are many bits of markup in it:

  • star rating
  • a numerical score
  • author’s surname
  • date of the evaluation (recent is highly important to most searchers)

Let’s pretend we control the top page of search results (cloudincome).

I’d use the schema plugin if I were using WordPress, but let’s utilize the Google markup assist in this situation.

I’d start by selecting the most relevant content category, which is a product/product review, and then entering the article’s URL into the box.


You’ll see that some attributes are already designated as “needed” as soon as you go to the next page, so let’s start with those:


All things have the “name” attribute. It’s an all-purpose schema tag that defines the topic. I used it on the title in this example, but you could also use it on a portion of the title—”Long Tail Pro.”

But what about the right-hand properties? Consider the following scenario:

  • reviewer
  • date of review
  • price

There was nothing on the page that I could pick to bring up the option to set values to those attributes since there was no author, date, or price.

Use the “add missing tags” option at the bottom of the right section in such circumstances.

A window will appear when you click the button. You’ll begin by selecting a tag type (one of the item attributes) and assigning a value to it.


You may add as many as you need by clicking the “add another” option.

When I was finished, here is how it looked:


After selecting “Save,” you’ll see that all of the data items in the right panel have been modified.


Once you’re happy with your results, click “generate HTML” to acquire your new code.


Your following steps will again be determined by the CMS you’re using.

Simply download the file and post it to your website if feasible.

If you’re using a CMS that doesn’t allow you to do that, highlight and copy the appropriate HTML (look for the highlights) and paste it into your page’s HTML:


Alternatively, you could try making your own page.

ii) Local business: Schema markup may also help with local SEO.

For instance, I looked up:

landscaper in Chicago


Yelp adds star ratings, numerical ratings, and a quantity of reviews with the help of schema.

Take a look at the Diaz Brothers’ website (a few entries down from the top). Despite the fact that it is a poorly designed and optimized website, it nonetheless ranks highly for this query. I’m certain that it could overcome the results displayed above it with a simple redesign and some schema.

Let’s go back to the structured data markup tool and type in the URL we’re using as an example this time. This time, the page type is “local companies.”


Let’s start with the primary attributes in the following phase (name, image, and telephone).

The tool automatically utilizes the image’s alt tag for the property’s value since I chose the top header logo as the “name.”

In addition, for the “image” property, I highlighted the lone photo on the page, and for the “telephone” property, I highlighted the phone number:


Obviously, the site itself lacks a great deal of critical information that it should contain (like hours of operation and address).

In this situation, we’d have to use the “add missing tags” option at the bottom to add them.

You may sometimes come across a property for which you are unsure what value to input. You’ll have to search it up on at that point.

I added the following to our sample page:

  • Opening hours > weekday – Two-letter acronyms are used to add values. Commas or a dash may be used to separate them (e.g., Mo-Su is for all 7 days).
  • Email
  • URL
  • Aggregate rating > rating value – a five-star average rating provided by previous customers or website visitors.
  • count > aggregate rating – the total number of consumers who have given the product a rating.


We can write our final HTML code after we’re pleased with how our sidebar of properties looks:


Then it’s only a question of incorporating the new schema into our website.

iii) Article: The article kind of schema may be used by almost everyone. An article may be defined as any blog post.

This kind does not contain any fancy star ratings, but it does include a picture, as well as a date and an author name.


This is exactly what Google Authorship was created for (back when it was still a thing).

While it is unlikely to be as useful as schema for more specific content kinds, it is still worthwhile to try.

So let’s have a look at a recent piece I wrote for Quick Sprout called 5 Modern Keyword Research Methods to Uncover Hidden Gems.

We’ll start with Google’s markup assist once again. We choose “Articles” as the page type this time:


One of the best things about marking up an article is how easy it is. None of the characteristics are very difficult to comprehend or tag.


All of the important properties were highlighted and tagged:

  • a name (the title)
  • Inventor (my name)
  • The date is (published date)
  • Image
  • the body of the article (highlight article text and then tagged)

I proceeded to the last stage when I was satisfied with the properties I had chosen:


Let’s do one more thing that I haven’t showed you yet: how to test your markup.

A pop-up with your next steps will appear if you click the “finish” button on the last page.

It includes a link to the structured data testing tool, which may be found here:


I copied and pasted the updated source code onto the tool’s left side. Despite using the aid tool as directed, I received the following error:


The “error” warning extends that area of the results when you click it. When I went down to the bottom, I saw that my title was missing:


The important element of my HTML code appeared when I clicked the headline. I have to change the name property with the headline property to correct this mistake, as seen below:


The mistake vanished once I re-validated the results:


Now I could add the necessary schema to my article.


When it comes to SEO, any little advantage you can get might be the difference between a little amount of search traffic and a large amount of traffic.

That’s why it’s critical to seize chances like schema markup as soon as you learn about them.

Rich snippets may be created using schema markup, giving you an immediate increase in organic search traffic.

If you read this whole tutorial, you’ll understand what schema is and how to use it on your website (s).

I recommend that you try it out on a small scale first, then adapt it to a bigger one if you like the results.

Watch This Video-

Schema markup is a way to add structured data to your website. Adding structured data will help search engines like Google and Bing understand what your content is about. If you want to get more traffic, adding schema markup can be one of the ways that you do it. Reference: how to add structured data to your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you optimize a schema markup?

A: schema markup optimization is the process of optimizing a schema markup document. The optimized form will be more readable and can be used to reduce complexity.

How important is schema markup for SEO?

A: Very important. Schema markup is one of the main tools for search engine optimization, and can help you boost your websites rankings on Google by displaying information about what a site does in response to user queries.

Where should schema markup be?

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