How to Screen Resumes?

It can be a frustrating experience when you have to sift through the hundreds of resumes that land on your desk every time a new job posting appears. One way to make this easier is by screening your candidates before handing out an interview invitation. Here are some tips for making sure you get what you’re looking for without spending too much time or money in the process. For a growing small company looking for a new applicant with the right abilities, posting a job opportunity may be an exciting moment. The prospect of sifting through dozens or hundreds of resumes, on the other hand, might dampen the excitement for the process. It’s a skill to learn how to screen resumes swiftly and effectively, but it’s also helpful to have some aid. Having good recruitment software may make this process go more smoothly, and it can assist firms in narrowing down resumes and screening prospects to locate the right one.

The Simple Parts of Resume Screening

The process of assessing if a job candidate has the necessary skills, experience, and education for an available position is called resume screening. Although it may seem to be a challenging task, certain areas of resume screening are simpler and more pleasurable than others.

Time Savings

Using recruitment software, such as Breezy HR, to review resumes may make filling vacancies more efficient. This program can assist you select out unqualified applicants using a variety of approaches, including:

  • Keyword-based automated candidate screening
  • Tracking of applicants
  • Testing for evaluation
  • Recruiting advanced candidates
  • Testing for problem-solving
  • Personality assessment
  • Interviews that have been pre-recorded

HR software may also help you stay in line with labor laws. Recruiters may certainly mimic some of these tools and methods when manually screening resumes. But on the other hand, recruiting software improves the time-saving aspect of these operations compared to doing them manually.

Getting to Know Great People

Your organization may find a slew of excellent applicants due to the employment hunt. Some individuals may not be ideal for this post, but they may be a good match for another position or one that has yet to be developed. This job search may help you find and meet highly qualified individuals who can help you fill future employment opportunities. Recruiting software can assist the business in maintaining contact with these applicants. It might also motivate to see how enthusiastic excellent prospects are about the firm. Finally, it provides the company with the assurance that it is on the right track with its expansion.

Job Descriptions That Work

Consider it helpful information if the employer gets a slew of resumes that don’t quite suit the job description. It may be used to find out how to construct a better job description next time, resulting in better prospects. Job description templates are available in specific recruitment tools and may assist.

The Difficult Parts of Resume Screening

Even with the most potent recruitment technologies, reviewing resumes presents several obstacles.

The Candidate Pool Is Being Narrowed

When advertising a job opportunity, it’s ideal to have a broad pool of applicants. However, there is a drawback to this: it gives the employer extra work to complete throughout the screening process. Trying to narrow down the applicant pool might be challenging. Not only are there a lot of resumes to go through, which takes time, but there’s also the risk of losing out on a terrific applicant due to the number. Using recruitment software to include certain features of automated screening into the process may assist with this problem.

Getting Rid of a Great Candidate

The excellent applicant for the position may receive another offer if the resume screening procedure takes too long. It’s tremendously frustrating as a recruiter to spend hundreds of hours identifying the perfect prospect, only to have the individual unavailable when the job offer comes. Recruiting software’s screening process may restrict the prospect pool quicker, enabling the process to go more swiftly. It achieves this by searching for terms and critical phrases, and some even use artificial intelligence to check for talents other than those indicated on a résumé.

Managing False Positives

When it comes to reviewing resumes, recruiting software is useful, but it isn’t flawless. Because of its screening techniques, some unqualified applicants may make it through the first round or two. In addition, intelligent job hopefuls may be able to fool the recruitment software’s keyword evaluations, mistakenly putting them in the pool of selected candidates. False positives, however, may cause serious problems. For example, while concentrating on false-positive applicants, the organization may lose some excellent candidates. The finest recruitment software can help you avoid false positives, stay on track with your job hunt, and move ahead swiftly.

Steps to screen resumes:

Step 1: Make a job advertisement.


Your organization may conduct the complete hiring process via the software with a high-end recruitment software package like Breezy HR. To begin, establish a job ad after the organization has determined an available employment opening to fill. Then, we’ll utilize Breezy HR to step through the setup procedure.

  • The position should be included.

Users may add new job openings to the open roles page on Breezy HR. To begin the procedure, click the Add Position button. To finish the latest job listing, follow the steps provided on the left side of the window. Recruiters may also use the program to list numerous job sites.

  • Make your job description.

Fill in the job descriptions in each text field and drop-down choices on the screen. By prefilling certain text areas, recruiting software may frequently assist with adding the wording for the job description. This is useful for employment opportunities when the recruiter is unfamiliar with the ins and outs of actual work. However, when a job posting has less specific information and qualifications, the number of applicants who believe they are qualified increases. Therefore, when writing a job description, tread cautiously. If required, get assistance from someone with more significant experience in the field. Even if it will be remote or freelance employment, provide the location and state for the job opportunity. A physical location is vital when advertising on employment sites. Use bullets, bold text, and headings in the text box to make the job advertisement easy to scan for possible applicants. Make a backup of your modifications.

Step 2: Create an application form.


It’s beneficial to have a form that applicants may utilize to submit information in addition to resumes. The correct constitution guarantees that each applicant contributes the most critical data firms require. The applicant’s résumé may be incomplete, restricting the software’s ability to evaluate the candidate effectively. The form guarantees that all necessary data is provided. The state also allows the recruitment program to quickly each the applicants’ information. Using a paper is more effective than relying just on the program to scan the resume. Breezy HR makes recommendations for what should be included on the application form. Add the most relevant elements to this employment position and leave the rest out. Candidates may get frustrated if there are too many questions on the application form.

  • Add a Questionnaire for Screening

Companies may use Breezy HR as an additional screening tool by having applicants complete questions as part of the application process. These surveys may be used to assess a job candidate’s abilities, such as:

  • Aptitude in general
  • Areas of expertise in education
  • Developed talents in the real world
  • Ability to operate as part of a group
  • Aptitude in mathematics or science
  • Aptitude for writing

Companies may develop a unique Q&A form for a job ad that needs special talents not covered by the built-in quizzes. Breezy HR will filter applicants based on their responses and résumé information after they have completed the questionnaire. A more effective screening procedure is frequently the consequence of having more info accessible.

Step 3: Assign Team Members Permissions.


One recruiter may manage the whole process of recruiting new employees for a small organization from start to end. However, in medium- and large-sized businesses, numerous employees, are usually involved in the recruiting process. In Breezy HR, you may allocate various personnel in the company to different job posts. If desired, numerous persons may participate in a single posting using this tool to collaborate on candidates. Furthermore, specific team members may be granted rights that enable them to approve job postings. Other team members will need to get approval before posting a position.

Step 4: Set up the Recruiting Pipeline.


When utilizing recruiting software like Breezy HR, the organization can keep track of how prospects are progressing through the recruitment process. This pipeline is in charge of the whole process, from introducing applicants to employing them.

  • Steps in the Pipeline should be created.

The Breezy HR pipeline has a design comparable to project management software that employs cards in separate columns. Other interface designs are also available for the app. Each applicant will be given a card. The recruiter may slide the card back and forth in the columns to reflect the candidate’s current state.

In the pipeline, Breezy HR has a list of proposed columns. They may include the following:

  • The application has been received.
  • Initial screening was successful.
  • Phone screening was successful.
  • The very first interview
  • The background check was successful.
  • Candidates in the final stages
  • Interview with the final candidate
  • A job has been offered.
  • Accepted job

The pipeline phases may also be customized using Breezy HR.

  • Views of the Pipeline may be filtered.

If the pipeline window becomes too busy, using filters to eliminate some of the potential cards might assist temporarily. Click the Positions/Pools link on the left side of the Breezy HR window. To access a list of possible filtering criteria, click the filter button in the top left corner of the window. Click the Apply Filter button once you’ve checked the boxes next to the filtering criteria you want to apply. The pipeline view will show fewer candidates with the filtering criterion applied. This makes the process of screening applicants much easier. To return to the usual pipeline view, remove the filter choices.

Step 5: In the Pipeline, Use Candidate Cards.


After filtering resumes, using the pipeline substantially simplifies tracking applicants. However, applicants must first have a card in the system.

  • Prospect Card Management

The recruitment software makes cards for prospects when they apply for employment at the organization. This automated method makes things easier for the company’s recruiter and eliminates data input mistakes. All of the information the job applicant provides for the position is included on these cards. The following are some of the details:

  • Other documents and resumes
  • Any questionnaire responses
  • Any video interviews that have been filmed
  • References
  • Discussions among team members concerning candidates
  • Communication schedule with the applicant
  • Candidate’s notes and ratings

Users of Breezy HR may modify the information on the cards once they are in the system. For example, users may upload new data, amend current information, and remove data.

  • Transfer the Cards

It’s simple to move candidate cards from one column to the next. Drag and drop the card from one column to the other. Recruiters may move many cards at once using the program. Once a candidate slips out of consideration or the recruiter removes the applicant, recruiters may erase candidate cards from a specific job ad.

Step 6: Evaluate the Candidates.


Comparing one prospect in the pool to another is another function in Breezy HR that may assist recruiters screen resumes and applications. A scorecard feature is the simplest method to achieve this. Breezy HR will present a list of categories for the recruiter to grade the applicant after establishing a scorecard for them. The recruiter may also add particular categories to the scorecard to represent the job type being considered. Recruiters may award applicants accurate scores for each class on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 for each scorecard category. They may also rate a candidate on a range of terrible to excellent. Multiple members of the recruiting team may submit ratings for the applicant, depending on the rights provided earlier in the process. STeam members may add scorecard remarks which do not have access to submit scores.

  • Candidate Discussion

Team members may have text chats about applicants as an extra technique of comparing job seekers and assessing resumes and applications. Make your thoughts in the candidate’s card’s notes area. These remarks are only visible to members of the recruiting team. These notes are never made available to candidates. Team members may express their opinions about each possible hiring using these conversation spaces in the recruitment software without meeting in person. Important debate data about candidates will not go through the cracks with the notes and scores in place. Before making final judgments, every detail is recorded on the card for team members to refer to.

Step 7: Keep Potential Candidate Pools Up to Date.


Recruiters may come upon the perfect applicant when sifting through a list of candidates for a particular position. They may, however, discover that a few other individuals are better matches for different roles that the organization intends to fill shortly. A crucial feature of Breezy HR is preserving applicant information and contacting them about additional employment opportunities. Instead of removing the candidate’s knowledge, add them to the software’s candidate pools area. The recruitment software’s administrator will build several sorts of prospect pools. These distinctions will aid recruiters in sorting applicants based on their skill sets. This makes it easy to choose a qualified applicant from the pool when a new position becomes available. The method of building applicant pools is quite similar to making recent job posts with Breezy HR. To keep track of possible prospects in the pool, recruiters don’t need to learn new skills. All of the applicant’s notes and scorecard ratings from the original job interview will be saved as part of the card in the candidate pool. As team members examine the applicant for the new role, this past data may be helpful.

Frequently Asked Question

How do you screen a candidate?

A: A candidate is screened by interviewing them and seeing how they perform in various scenarios.

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