How to Run Your First Facebook PPC Campaign?

It’s the most cost-effective way to advertise on Facebook. If you’re new to Facebook PPC advertising, I’ve created an article for you that walks through setting up your first campaign and shares tips on how to optimize it as well. The reach of Facebook is incredible. What began in Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard dorm room has since transformed the globe. For internet marketers, this offers limitless possibilities. Of course, businesses have been utilizing Facebook naturally for years, but Facebook PPC has suddenly emerged as the preferred marketing strategy. It’s remarkable since not too long ago, and Google AdWords was pretty much the only PPC platform in marketers’ minds. It was either AdWords or no AdWords. However, with 1.86 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2016, it’s clear why Facebook PPC has become so popular. Take a look at the growth of Facebook from 2008 to 2016:How-to-Run-Your-First-Facebook-PPC-Campaign-if-You

But, from personal experience, I know how difficult it can be to get started with a new PPC platform. You want to make sure your marketing budget isn’t wasted, and you want to see actual results for the money you’re investing. This post is for individuals who are just starting with Facebook PPC and have no prior expertise.

Few stages to create your first ad:

Decide on a marketing goal.

One of the ways that Facebook PPC varies from platforms like AdWords is that marketers may set several goals. While the purpose of AdWords is to send qualified visitors to your landing page, Facebook allows you to have several plans.

Here are a few such examples:

  • Increasing brand recognition
  • Obtaining leads
  • Getting users to download and use your app
  • Increasing the number of shop visits

You must have a clear notion of what you want to achieve since this will determine the technique you adopt. I suggest thinking ahead of time to precisely know what you want to accomplish with your advertising. When you initially start your campaign, this is what you’ll see:


Let’s imagine your goal is to boost engagement by increasing page likes. You’d hit “Engagement,” and the following would appear at the bottom:


Facebook gives you a generic campaign name. It’s “Engagement” in this circumstance. However, you are free to use whatever campaign name you choose. “Neil’s Engagement Campaign” will suffice.


Click “Create Ad Account” once you’ve provided your campaign name. You’ll need to choose your nation, currency, and time zone from here.


Now press the “Continue” button.

You are choosing your target audience.

This is where things become a bit more complicated. The first step is to choose your target audience. It’s critical to zero in and be as straightforward as possible about your target audience. If you don’t, you can wind up squandering money if individuals who aren’t interested or qualified discover your ad. What you’ll see is as follows:


This is self-explanatory, but you should be thorough when filling out this information, particularly if you’re a brick-and-mortar store with a niche population in a particular area. Don’t make the mistake of assuming you want to reach “everyone in this area.”

Instead, think about who you’re attempting to reach out to.

  • What city do they call home?
  • What are their ages?
  • What gender are they?
  • What language do they communicate in?

This is why it’s critical to have a firm grasp of your intended audience. This is a fantastic opportunity to go through the process of building and understanding your target persona if you haven’t already. “Detailed Targeting” and “Connections” are just below this.


The “Detailed Targeting” tool is one of my favorites since it allows me to know who sees my advertising. That is essential to me. I don’t want to spend my Facebook ad budget on folks who aren’t likely to be interested! You may filter your audience based on demographics, hobbies, actions, and more by clicking “Browse.” In my case, I’m going to click on “Interests” > “Business and Industry” > “Marketing.”


That’s because I’m primarily interested in helping individuals improve their websites and increase their traffic. Of course, you’ll want to focus on a specific demographic. I recommend taking your time and going over everything to target a particular group of Facebook people. “Connections” is located just below “Detailed Targeting.”

You may create a connection type based on the following criteria:

  • People who like your page on Facebook – Friends of people who want your page on Facebook – People who wish to your page on Facebook – People who wish to your page on Facebook – People who wish to your page on Facebook – People who wish to your page on Facebook – People who wish to your page
  • People who have used your desktop app – Friends of individuals who have used your desktop app – People who have used your desktop app – Exclude people who have used your desktop app
  • Those who replied to your event — Remove people who have previously responded to your event from your list.

For even further segmentation, add any particular links. Again, this audience should be saved.


In terms of how your adverts are presented, you have two alternatives. “Automatic Placements” and “Edit Placements” are two options.


If you’re just getting started, I suggest staying with “Automatic Placements” until you get the swing of things. You may always go back and “Edit Placements” if you’re unsatisfied with your CTR (click-through rate).

Timeline and budget

For your budget, you have two choices. There are two types of budgets: “Daily Budget” and “Lifetime Budget.”


HubSpot explains the distinction between the two:

  • Budget for each day. This is the option you’ll want to use if you want your ad to run continually throughout the day. When you use a daily budget, Facebook will track how much you spend each day. Remember that an ad set’s minimum daily budget is USD 1.00 and must be at least 2x your CPC.
  • Budget for the rest of your life. Select a lifetime budget if you want your ad to run for a certain amount of time. This implies that Facebook will spread out your spending across the duration of the ad.

Initially, I recommend keeping your budget minimal. If you’ve ever used a PPC platform, you’re well aware of the steep learning curve that comes with it. The last thing you want to do is invest a large sum of money before gaining your bearings and studying the platform’s peculiarities. On the other hand, the more you understand Facebook advertising, the more you’ll want to invest in the future. When it comes to scheduling, you have the option of allowing your adverts to run indefinitely or specifying a start and stop date. Choose the latter option if you only want your adverts to appear on particular days or at specified hours. Set the date and time according to your preferences.


Creating your advertisement

Now that we’ve gotten all the preliminary steps out of the way, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty: Creating your advertisement. There are two possibilities available to you. One option is to reuse a previous post. The second option is to make a new advertisement. You should utilize an existing base if you want to promote a post you’ve previously published on Facebook. Otherwise, choose “Create New Ad” if you’re going to start from scratch. The first thing you’ll notice if you select this path is this.


Choose the one that makes the most sense. The “Images” section in the following item you’ll see.


You may choose a picture from your library or upload one from your PC if you already have one in mind. You may also utilize Facebook’s “Free Stock Images” feature. This feature is one of my favorites since it provides fast access to many high-quality, professional-looking photographs. After that, you’ll join your Facebook Page and type any text you wish. Here’s how Buffer’s commercial was put together:


And here’s a piece of copywriting advice for you. Maintain brevity, conciseness, and clarity. The objective is to get Facebook visitors to visit your page to learn more. At that time, you may persuade them to buy something. Take note of how brief and to-the-point Buffer’s copy is. That’s the type of brevity you want to emulate. On Facebook, people are skimming, scanning, and gazing around rapidly. They may settle in to read your message if it is intriguing. They’ll check it fast and move on if it’s not there.


Finally, it would be best to choose where you want your ad to appear. At present, you have the option of selecting one of the following:


Although your initial impulse may be to use the desktop news feed, it’s a good idea to conduct some testing to determine which alternatives provide the best results.

Making a purchase

Click “Place Order” in the green box on the bottom right-hand side of the screen if you’re satisfied with your ad. Before it goes live, Facebook will examine it. You’ll get a confirmation email from Facebook as it is life. This is the essence of your first Facebook PPC campaign. The first setup procedure is quite simple. However, there is a slew of other factors that will ultimately influence how successful your campaign is. When everything is said and done, you want your advertising to convert and provide you with the best return on investment. You want to lower your cost-per-click (CPC) and increase your click-through rate (CTR). This is a vast topic, and I won’t be able to answer it in this piece adequately.


If you’ve been considering utilizing Facebook PPC but haven’t yet done so, this is a beautiful opportunity to do so. PPC on Facebook is a broad field. There are hundreds of marketers, coaches, courses, guides, and gurus that will take your money and teach you how to make money online. However, you do it yourself, and you want to save money, acquire a valuable skill, and improve your marketing game even if you have no prior experience. Although I believe Facebook Ads will become quite crowded in the following years, there is still enough opportunity for your business right now. With an average CPC of And with an average CPC of only $0.64 (it’s $2.32 for AdWords), you stand a good chance of seeing a favorable ROI..64 (compared to $2.32 for AdWords), you’ll have a strong probability of getting a positive ROI. Once you’ve gotten a feel for the platform, you may make the required adjustments to optimize the campaign’s performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a successful PPC campaign for the first time?

A: It is essential to have a well-thought-out strategy before going into the campaign. Every piece of content you create should be geared towards your audience and match their relevant interests. Additionally, you must understand what key points are essential for each target audience segment to optimize them with creative messaging and targeted advertising. By doing so, you can best accomplish success from day one through focused marketing efforts on those key areas instead of trying to market everything at once without focusing or understanding what works best for different people who might visit your site.

Can I run my PPC campaign?

A: You can run your PPC campaign if you have a small number of fans.

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