How to Repurpose Your Content Across Multiple Platforms?

Many brands now realize that their content is worth more than just a single platform. By utilizing cross-channel automation, these brands can repurpose an experience across different digital channels to maximize the brand’s reach and engagement. It takes time and effort to create high-quality material. If you routinely publish content across all of your distribution platforms, I’m’ sure you already know this. However, many businesses sacrifice quality in the chase of more content. While quantity is crucial, this method cannot cause your quality to suffer. It would be best if you mastered the art of avoiding stale information. I deal with a lot of companies who have this issue. On all of their distribution platforms, they plan to post at least one piece of content every day. There’s’ a lot of stuff on their websites, blogs, and social media profiles. That’s’ upwards of 30 posts a week across different platforms before you know it. However, this does not imply that you must create 30 separate pieces of content. This method will take too long and, in the end, degrade your quality. That’s’ why you’ll’ need to understand how to reuse your content efficiently across various marketing channels. To begin, you must grasp the most effective methods for coming up with fresh content ideas. You may transform one concept into many postings on each channel once you have it. You may not even need to develop a new view on occasion. You may even make use of outdated material in this case. Work intelligently rather than harder. I’ll’ explain how to reuse your content across all of your distribution platforms as we go through this tutorial and offer you some ideas to test.

Steps to reuse your content across multiple platforms:

1. Determine which of your articles is the most popular.

I propose repurposing past publications and blogs before creating fresh material. After all, you’ve already put in the effort. Why should they be thrown away? However, don’t’ utilize just any stuff. Begin with your most well-known compositions.

Determine which of your articles has the most significant engagement rates. Keep an eye out for:

  • Likes on Facebook
  • retweets
  • The most popular posts are those that get the most page views.
  • The most effective email newsletters have the most excellent click-through rates.

If you’re having trouble finding what you’re’ looking for, use Buzzsumo to check which content has the most social media interaction. For example, when I placed into the content analysis tool, this is what it found:


It tells me which of my posts from the previous year had the most views. You may, however, filter the time depending on your requirements. You may use Google Analytics in addition to Buzzsumo to determine which pages on your website are the most popular. After using these tools, make a list of your best-performing articles and pieces to examine your content. This is where you will begin. This list will be used to reuse material. For instance, if you have a popular blog piece, you may convert it into a YouTube video. On your Instagram story, you may utilize a Facebook post with the most likes. The possibilities seem limitless. I’ll’ offer you some additional examples of how to proceed as we go along.

2. Make your infographics.

You want to identify methods to reuse your past content for even more significant interaction as you go through them. Here’s’ what I’m’ talking about. If you convert an email newsletter with the most opens, click-throughs, and conversions into a blog post, the expectation is that the blog post will perform well as well. What’s’ the purpose if that’s’ not the case? You don’t’ want to publish material only to post it. Your material must be actionable and engaging to be effective. This is why infographics are so effective in this technique. The most widely shared categories of material on social media are infographics:


The majority of people are visual learners. The graph above illustrates this well. Sure, I can tell you that infographics are the most popular. When I show you, though, it truly sinks in and makes it simpler to understand. First, scrutinize all of your top-performing posts from previously. Next, find any facts, data, or other information that might be used to create a visual depiction of the notion. Don’t’ be intimidated if this is your first time creating an infographic. It isn’t’ tough at all. For a list of resources that will make this process simple for you, see my piece on how to enrich your content by creating infographics.

You’ll’ have a lot of possibilities after you’ve’ created these infographics.

A single infographic may be utilized in a variety of ways. For example, you can do the following:

  • It may be added to the original blog post, which can be republished.
  • use social media to spread it
  • include it in your e-newsletter
  • put it up on your website
  • it may be used in a video slideshow

The list might go on forever.

3. Make the most of your social media networks.

There are several advantages to having a social media presence. They assist you in interacting with your followers and consumers by exposing your brand to a larger audience. Using social media to share material may also help you boost visitors to your website. Anything you make provides an opportunity to share it on social media. If you haven’t’ done so before, you should start doing so now. All of your movies, infographics, and photos must be included.

The most effective approach for publishers to increase attention to their blog entries is via social media:


You’ll’ see that I employ this method for all of my blog entries on my Facebook page and Twitter profile. It’s’ simple. It also offers you a reason to update your blog every day. I’m’ always surprised when I find firms that don’t’ use this strategy. They write three or four blogs every week but have trouble coming up with social media content. Plan your articles properly when you apply this method. There’s’ no need, for example, to distribute the same blog article across all of your social media sites simultaneously. Instead, spread the promotions across the course of the week. This will boost your visibility and your possibilities of attracting more visitors to your website.

4. Make more material that is evergreen.

You can’t’ keep repurposing outdated stuff indefinitely. You’ll’ have to make new components at some time. However, by developing evergreen content, you can make reuse easy. Do you have any experience with this concept? Allow me to elaborate. , evergreen content remains relevant for longer than regular material. The bulk of your fabric should, ideally, be evergreen. However, this isn’t’ practical or likely to be the case for anything you produce. For example, last year, I created an article on the top marketing trends to watch in 2018. When the year 2019 arrives, this article will be out of date. You want to be as comprehensive as possible while writing your evergreen content. This post has been live for a year. If it were the top trend to watch in January 2018, that wouldn’t be the case. Do you notice the distinction? Specific content will only be relevant for a limited time. As a result, repurposing it will be more challenging. Here’s’ another illustration. If you publish a blog post on Apple’s recent iOS upgrade, it will only be relevant until the program is updated again. That isn’t’ an evergreen statement. Here are a few pointers to help you come up with an evergreen topic:


For evergreen material, FAQ papers are ideal. Produce how-to manuals or videos on subjects that are unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. Clarify words and ideas used in the industry. Again, I’m’ not suggesting that you should exclusively create evergreen content. That isn’t possible. However, if you publish an evergreen subject tomorrow, you may be able to reuse it on a different platform the following year. That is the concept.

5. Locate the most intriguing statistics you’ve’ released.

You’re’ always using statistics in your writing if you’re anything like me. Stats are an excellent approach to substantiate any statements you make. I encourage this since it establishes your credibility and shows your viewers that you aren’t making stuff up. If you don’t’ repurpose your material, though, those numbers will be buried in your pieces once they’ve been published, never to be viewed again. So, to return to the beginning and locate the most intriguing ones. Keep a record of every statistic you come across in the future. After that, you’ll’ be able to utilize them on other platforms. I said before that I like to make infographics. However, this isn’t’ the only technique to reuse data. Send a statistic through Twitter. Use these as captions on Instagram. Include a statistic in the subject line of your email. Put the ones that are most relevant on your website. Use your imagination when it comes to this tactic.

6. Create a podcast.

Another great approach to reuse your information is via podcasts. That’s’ because you’ll’ have access to a wide range of resources. All of your blog entries and YouTube videos might be used to create a podcast. With your podcasts, you may practically word-for-word describe this topic. Podcasts are becoming more popular, and they’re’ a terrific method to reach those who don’t’ want to read blog articles or watch videos:


Consider inviting a guest onto your podcast to spice things up. But, then, have a good time with it. With all of my podcasts, I try to keep this in mind.

7. Improve your writing abilities.

You should learn how to convert audio, video, and graphic material into textual content if you have a lot of it. Increase your posting frequency. If you can, write every day. It’s’ the same as everything else. You’ll’ grow better at something the more you do it. I wasn’t’ born to be a fantastic blogger. It’s’ a talent that can be mastered. Is it true that some individuals write better than others? Absolutely. If you can’t’ find the time to write or figure out how to generate good content, delegate these tasks to someone on your team. You might, for example, create a blog article on one of your YouTube videos after you’ve’ improved your writing skills. Keep things as basic as possible. Make it simple for consumers to read and comprehend your material.

These are just a few samples of what you may use to create textual content:

  • webinars
  • podcasts
  • remarks delivered during business gatherings
  • interviews

8. Encourage the creation of user-generated content.

You can reuse more than just your material. It will be simple for you to use user-generated content to think of inventive methods to encourage it. Then you have to go through the user material to select the most delicate portions to repurpose for your purposes. Here’s’ how GoPro supports user-generated content on their website:


It provides an incentive for users to contribute their work, as you can see. GoPro is giving away a million dollars to anybody who submits footage for a promotional film that the business utilizes. This saves the crew a significant amount of time. Rather than traveling to various areas across the globe to capture movies with their newest camera model, they put their consumers to work. Plus, compared to attempting to do it on their own, they’ll be able to obtain a lot more video this way. GoPro may use the films in various ways after being uploaded. Advertisements, social media postings, YouTube videos, website content, and even emails may all benefit from them. Create a similar technique and encourage consumers to send in photos and videos. I advocate leveraging social media as a distribution mechanism for your UGC efforts. You may also come upon UGC without having to ask for it. Sort through your feedback. Look through your social media platforms and blog articles for remarks that may be reused. Create a FAQ page if you see a lot of similar comments or queries.

9. Make a list of your best introductions.

Sometimes all you need to do is reuse a piece of material you’ve’ already published. I advocate leveraging your post introductions if you want to recycle a short form of written content. Learn how to create blog post beginnings that make the remainder of your content enticing if you need assistance. It’s’ simple to reuse these best introductions after you’ve’ discovered them. In an email newsletter, use an introduction from a blog article. In a YouTube video description, use the exact wording. Use social media to practice your introductions. Conversion XL employs this method in the following way:


This also relates to one of my earlier posts on making the most of your social media networks. Consider employing this method instead of sharing a link with a CTA like “check out my newest blog article.” The initial words of the blog post introduction would be the text connected with the connection.


Every time you want to publish anything new, you don’t’ have to develop fresh material. There are many methods to make the most of your current material. First, reuse your previous content across all of your distribution platforms. Begin by finding your most valuable content. You’ll’ want to take advantage of this to boost your engagement numbers. Construct infographics. Statistics should be shared. Everything should be shared on social media. Create as much evergreen material as possible in the future. This will make repurposing your work in the future much simpler. Make a podcast out of your blog entries. Create postings using videos and other audio assets. Encourage the creation of user-generated material so that it may be reused. As you follow these tactics, you’ll see that you already have enough material to last you for months, assuming you can efficiently reuse it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you repurpose content for different platforms?

A: Often, it is a matter of understanding what information has to be transmitted and how much data needs to be sent. If you know that your game requires 100 MB worth of audio, for example, then stream compression or encoding can help reduce this requirement by about 80%.

How do you repurpose content?

A: For a different format to be created, content must be changed so that the source material is unrecognizable.

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