How to Recruit Passive Candidates?

The best way to attract passive candidates is to provide them with an environment conducive to their development. This includes a stable marketplace, clear career paths, and transparent goals. It’s impossible to ignore the fact that the best applicant for your available job is almost always already employed. They may or may not be seeking new employment at this time. Passive candidate recruiting is more complex than aggressive candidate recruitment. After all, someone who is happy in their current position is unlikely to apply for an available position simply for the sake of it. They also don’t spend much time looking for employment openings on job boards. But it doesn’t rule out the possibility of a fantastic opportunity. You can find high-quality passive applicants for your firm with the appropriate attitude and recruiting tools on your side. Today, we’ll go through the essential procedures you’ll need to follow to correctly identify and encourage passive prospects to apply for your vacant position.

The Simple Parts of Passive Candidate Recruitment

The majority of individuals believe that finding passive applicants is the most challenging element of the hiring process. However, finding passive applicants is simpler than ever in today’s internet age. You may utilize various channels to get your vacant employment position in front of high-quality candidates and have them come to you. To get into your employees’ networks, setting up a beneficial employee recommendation program is straightforward. When you use AI recruiting technologies, you won’t have to spend hours browsing through possible candidate profiles to pitch on LinkedIn if you wish to approach passive applicants directly. Workable is one of the most effective recruiting tools available, particularly for locating passive prospects.


Every time you publish an open position, it automates your sourcing efforts by giving you a list of 50 best-fit passive prospects. It also gets your tailored job ad in front of passive applicants wherever they are, including on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Workable can help you make your hiring process a lot easier.

Parts of Recruiting Passive Candidates That Are Difficult

The most challenging aspect of attracting passive applicants is persuading them to leave their existing employment. Passive candidates are already employed. They’re probably happy and satisfied in their present position, and they’re well compensated for it. With this in mind, attracting passive applicants is significantly more complex than attracting active job seekers. But it’s not out of the question. The secret to effectively hiring tolerant people is to attract them to join your organization by offering them prospects for advancement, more responsibilities, and excellent benefits. Passive applicants might take longer to nurture through the recruiting process than active prospects. Therefore, you must be cautious not to come out as aggressive or contact them on the incorrect platform. They may also be unable to complete a conventional interview procedure due to a lack of time. When you put the appropriate facts before a passive candidate at the right moment, however, most of these objections go away rapidly. It’s all about how you convey the message. Today, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step strategy for ensuring you target eligible passive prospects at the right moment so you can effectively traverse your recruiting process.

Steps to recruiting passive customers:

Step 1: Make a clear outline of your goals.

Any efficient recruiting strategy should begin with a clear set of criteria. But that’s critical when it comes to attracting passive applicants. The last thing you want to do is entice a candidate away from their existing employment, especially if they aren’t going to meet your qualifications in the first place. With this in mind, there are a few things to think about while laying down your goals.

  • Candidate Requirements in Brief

What kind of experience does the ideal applicant have that your company is looking for? Are there any non-negotiable criteria you must meet to contact passive candidates? Perhaps the applicant does not need to demonstrate any specific talents but rather broad attributes. For example, consider management or leadership qualities and other soft skills not often stated on applications or job descriptions. Are they able to think critically? Do they have strong communication abilities? When analyzing a passive candidate’s LinkedIn page or other sources, you may frequently uncover evidence of these talents. An essential duty in this phase is to figure out precisely what you need from a candidate since your answers will influence who you contact.

  • Take a look at the Role Requirements.

Any recruiting strategy should include hiring for need. When recruiting passive candidates, on the other hand, you have more flexibility in adjusting the position within business limits to fit the appropriate individual. Consider if any job features may be emphasized or deleted to make a candidate more enticing. To guarantee that your essential needs are still addressed, align these considerations with your company goals.

  • You should be aware of what you’re offering.

A passive applicant is already employed and content. They aren’t necessarily looking for a new job. This implies that understanding all of the advantages, incentives, and chances available to a prospective applicant is essential for the hiring process. To convince the recruit to join you, you should stress development possibilities and demonstrate business culture. You can also encourage employee advocacy to help spread the word about your company’s culture. In addition, potential applicants should be aware of any extra benefits your firm provides, such as wholly subsidized insurance plans or higher-than-average incentive schemes. Finally, passive candidates must have a compelling reason to contemplate leaving their current job. Before approaching passive prospects, you should establish your opinions and intentions on each above. This will guarantee that you communicate clearly and honestly, instilling trust in a possible candidate.

Step 2: Invest in Usable Resources.

With sophisticated recruitment tools, modern hiring has never been more straightforward. Using a solid recruitment technology to automate tasks like finding and attracting prospects, assessing applications, and even employing them may save time and money. There are a lot of excellent recruiting tools out there, but Workable is one of the finest for passive applicant recruitment.

  • Passive Candidates Can Be Identified Automatically

Workable has 85 million individuals applying for 1.3 million positions, and it uses that data to make passive recruiting a breeze. Every time you advertise a place, Workable uses AI Recruiter technology to provide a list of 50 best-fit passive applicants. It creates a connection between keywords in your job description and key terms in applicants’ web profiles to identify them as suitable fits. The best aspect is that this functionality is included in every plan as standard.


  • Show up in places where passive candidates are found.

Passive recruiting requires creative thinking to bring your open job position in front of as many individuals as feasible. After all, passive applicants aren’t scouring job boards for their dream job or applying to available positions. Instead, you should seek the assistance of social media advertising. Workable will identify your target demographic and tailor your adverts to meet their needs, allowing you to put your open position in front of passive prospects wherever they are. This applies to their Instagram stories as well as their Facebook feeds. In only one week after publishing these targeted ad campaigns, Workable guarantees to bring you 10 to 20 quality applications.


Don’t waste time manually looking for top-level passive applicants or pondering which social media channel to advertise your vacant position. Instead, allow Workable to handle it for you, so you can concentrate on persuading the prospect to join your organization.

Step 3: Get Connected to Your Network.

Often, a perfect applicant might be found inside your current network. Referrals are an excellent way to find applicants, mainly passive ones.

  • Create a Referral Program.

Every one of your workers has its own unique contacts network. And these networks are often brimming with high-caliber passive candidates. Setting up an employee recommendation program is a fantastic approach to encourage your staff to find fresh talent.


Your workers may easily suggest their friends, ex-colleagues, and contacts using Workable’s engaging employee referral platform. When an opening becomes available, it will tell your staff, and each employee will get a unique sharing link. Employees may also keep track of their recommendations and see what incentives you have in place for successful hiring. Money, additional vacation days, gift cards, and other forms of compensation are all possible.

  • Previous Applicants should be reviewed again.

Rejected applicants in the past might turn out to be excellent prospects in the future. When looking for fresh talent, Workable’s Applicant Tracking System (ATS) enables you to go back through many applicant profiles. Just because your firm previously rejected these prospects does not indicate they are no longer interested in working for you. They could just not have been the perfect fit for that Role. Some applicants may have even been turned down at the last moment of the recruiting process. Meanwhile, they’ve probably acquired new employment, obtained new skills and experience, and would now be an excellent addition to your team. Or maybe they’re just a better fit for the exceptional job you’ve created than the one they initially applied for.

Step 4: Use Caution When Recruiting.

Although passive applicants are not actively seeking employment, this does not rule out the possibility of new chances. However, since they aren’t actively looking for work, you should care while communicating with them.

  • Carefully approach passive candidates.

You must be cautious in your approach if you want to contact passive applicants directly. Most professionals who use LinkedIn to keep in touch with their network, for example, are accustomed to recruiters contacting them with new job offers. When you contact passive prospects on more personal sites like Facebook or Instagram, it may seem strange or invasive to them.


This is not to say you can’t or shouldn’t utilize these services. However, you need to be cautious in how you construct your message. To win over passive prospects, honesty and simplicity are essential. If you don’t hear back, it’s probable that they aren’t interested and aren’t sure how to tell you. Reaching out three times is a fair maximum guideline before moving on to another applicant, as a rule of thumb.

  • Send Personalized Sourcing Emails

Would you respond to a mass sourcing email from a recruiter if you were happy in your current position? It’s unlikely. A tailored email, rather than a bulk message or template, is the most excellent method to gain the confidence of passive applicants and arouse their interest. A customized email takes more time to write, but it may address essential topics. These might include what attracted you to the candidate’s profile and what struck you about their achievements. If the applicant was previously rejected, explain why you believe this new post would be a better match for them. Include some information about what you’re providing. Please don’t go too crazy with it. Keep it brief and sweet, with just enough news to spark a conversation.

  • Self-promotion

It doesn’t mean you can’t sell yourself just because you’re approaching applicants with caution and keeping things brief. It’s a good idea to include what most applicants want to know first to attract their attention straight away. The company’s culture and values should be highlighted. Remove any noticeable advantages or benefits that come with working at your firm. Mention the location of the workplace and whether or not remote work is a possibility. Bring up the more excellent remuneration if you know how much they are paid today. Remember that you’re luring the prospect away from a secure position. It’s critical to avoid selling oneself short to avoid being overpowering.

Step 5: Recruiting Passive Applicants.

You may have successfully recruited talented passive applicants using all of the approaches described above. However, you must continue to nurture these individuals throughout the recruiting process until you have signed documents on your desk.

  • Offer a variety of interview options.

Passive applicants’ most significant problem with applying for a new job is that they don’t have time to go through the interview process. Taking many days off to meet with you is not viable since they are unlikely to reveal their current job movements. Instead, give applicants a choice in how they are interviewed. Because of modern technology, there are various options to meet with your applicant virtually at any time. Workable integrates with the most popular live, two-way video programs, such as Google Hangouts and Zoom, so you can keep utilizing Workable to help with the hiring process. Of course, you’ll have to meet the applicant in person at some point. The prospect will have a decent notion of whether or not they want to work for your company at this point.


  • Establishing a Start Date

The last consideration when employing passive applicants is that their start date will be determined by how much notice they must provide their current employment. The notice time may be extended beyond the standard two weeks, depending on the length of their connection with the business and if they’re working on specific initiatives. If you want to fill the job quickly, keep this in mind when you begin the recruiting process. Discuss the optimal start date with the prospect openly and honestly. They can be entirely receptive to it and eager to start working for your firm right now. However, if feasible, be flexible with their start date to meet their requirements when they leave their present job.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you find passive employees?

A: First, you need to know that the word employee is used in a broad sense. This means it could be anyone from individuals like yourself who work for an employer as part of your job and are paid on a salary basis to students who take up employment while attending university or college classes.
Secondly, there are many passive income opportunities, including investing in stocks, real estate, patents, royalties, and more widely known passive sources such as rentals through Airbnb or Uber ridesharing. Finally, when searching for sedentary employees online, look out for those with skill sets that can lead to other forms of financial success, such as graphic design paired with book writing (for example).

Which method is best for reaching passive job seekers?

A: Social media advertising is a suitable method for reaching passive job seekers, as it provides the most efficient reach and cost. Online ads are also effective when targeting specific audiences, such as young professionals or parents with children in their lives who enjoy playing games.

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