How to Improve Your Revenue Using Video Ads?

Video ads are the fastest-growing type of digital advertising, with revenue expected to reach $22bn by 2021. With two billion hours spent watching videos every month in the US alone and a global audience exceeding half a billion, video has become an all-encompassing medium for advertisers. You want to be ahead of the curve as a marketer. The most effective methods are usually those that most marketers haven’t tried or haven’t had much success with. The usage of video in advertising is one of the current methods within this category. Few marketers have attempted to make video commercials, but this is expected to change in the coming years. Video consumption is increasing at a high rate in general. Over half of Americans (55%) view at least one video every day. Some people keep track of a large number of people.


Video sites (such as YouTube, Dailymotion, and others) offer a few alternatives for monetizing the content they host. They can overlay certain text advertising. They don’t do this if they have a better choice since it doesn’t create much income. A better approach is to show a paid video advertising before the movie that the customer requested. You can probably guess how much better they are. According to one study, users are 27 times more likely to click on a video ad than a standard ad. Is there anything more I can say? Although video sites are beginning to get a more extensive inventory of video advertising to play, they remain far from saturated. Because the sites have no other choice, there are still a lot of text adverts.

Furthermore, since they’re the best they have right now, the video commercials they do have are often aired for unrelated videos (a terrible thing). So this is your chance to learn how to make excellent video advertising and profit while you still have the chance. In the past, I’ve written a comprehensive tutorial on making YouTube video advertising. But now, I’d want to take it a step farther. Now that you’ve mastered the fundamentals of video advertising, it’s time to design video commercials that outperform your expectations. We’ll look at six distinct methods for creating video advertising that converts better than you ever imagined.

Here’s a short rundown of where video advertising works best: Before we get started, it’s essential to understand where video advertising is most effective. The size of a successful video ad network’s audience is the most critical factor. Some of the suggestions in this article need a broad prospective audience to restrict your targeting and still have a viable audience. YouTube and Facebook are the two leading video advertising networks that meet this requirement.


I’ll be writing the remainder of this piece with video advertising on Facebook and YouTube in mind, but the majority of the material will apply to other networks as well. Don’t be scared to experiment with different networks for video advertising, but I suggest beginning with one of these two. They are large enough to accommodate almost any crowd, including yours.

Suggestions to improve your revenue:

1. Make the most of the unique audience choices.

Many video advertisements are presented to viewers who are not actively interested in the promoted goods, as I previously said. While some of the ads are just for brand awareness, the mismatch between the commercial and the viewer’s attention points to a more significant problem. For example, assume you’re running a new automobile commercial. Which scenario do you believe the advertisement would perform best in?

A film on house decorating is shown before it.


A video clip from Top Gear is shown before it (a show about cars).

The second alternative is preferable. You’ll be reaching out to a specific group of vehicle purchasers looking to view a video on automobiles. That’s fantastic! When someone is expecting to see a movie on home décor and instead gets a video for a new car, they are naturally annoyed and quickly skip it. Improving your targeting is the first big step in lowering your ad rates and increasing your click-through rate. You should not only utilize targeting to ensure that your advertisements are seen to your intended audience, but you should also segment your audience so that various segments of your audience view other advertising. Let’s look at some of the most typical and efficient audience segmentation instances.

  • Group 1: Potential buyers familiar with the brand or product: When selling a product, the most considerable conversion rates will always come from customers who have heard of your brand or product. Many people in this group just require a little push to purchase. If you’re active on the platforms, you’re advertising, and you may target these folks. You may target those who have previously “liked” your Facebook page, for example:


If someone has done so, they are likely to have an excellent understanding of your items and why someone may desire them. Next, make video commercials that demonstrate your product doing something unique for them to reach this audience efficiently. For example, if you were marketing a personal financial tool, you would display how the agency helped someone save hundreds of dollars in your advertisement. This will offer your viewers the extra push they need to buy.

  • Group 2: People who haven’t heard of your brand but are interested in your sort of product: This category includes those who are unfamiliar with you, your brand, or your items. They are, nevertheless, interested in your field. I could target those interested in SEO if I were offering a link-building tool. This sort of targeting is available on Facebook and YouTube, as well as most other video advertising platforms. But keep in mind that targeting is just one-half of the puzzle. You must also decide what you will display to your audience. Your initial objective with these commercials shouldn’t be to convince the viewers to purchase your items straight away since they don’t know you or your products. Create a short, entertaining film that tells them about your topic instead. Returning to my SEO example… I wouldn’t even bring up a link-building tool, but I could make a video demonstrating how someone could rank #1 utilizing a strategy I developed before. Then I’d provide a link to a more in-depth case study from the video. What do you think would be in the case study? That’s correct, and there’s a mention of my tool for establishing links. The case study would also provide readers with the option of joining an email list. Alternatively, you could use the video to direct visitors to a landing page where they can sign up for an email list to get the complete report. Either strategy might be effective. The goal is to contact, introduce your product and brand to prospective buyers, and sign them up for your email list. Then you’d keep delivering them free stuff, and ultimately you’d be able to target them as I did in group #1.
  • Group 3: Target by location: Your video ad should only target nations and areas where you sell. Although it seems plain sense, many firms fail to do so. Additionally, developing films for targeted audiences might help you boost your results. For example, let’s imagine you’re selling a lawn-care gadget. You wouldn’t broadcast the same video commercial to Australians, who enjoy excellent weather all year, and Canadians, who have four distinct seasons. You’d want to stress aspects like durability and year-round appropriateness to the Australians. You’d want to highlight characteristics like simple storage during the colder months to Canadians. Consider your goods and the many places your clients are located (cities, states, provinces, countries, etc.). Do individuals in those various areas have varying levels of interest in the things you provide? If that’s the case, make unique video advertising for each place. With some intelligent editing, you may repurpose adverts for multiple areas.
  • Group 4: Sell to a variety of countries? Cover your bases in terms of languages: This form of grouping is connected to the previous point. Did you know you may target visitors depending on their language preferences? If you want to market to consumers in countries where two or more languages are spoken, you should make video adverts in various languages and target them by language.


You may be losing out on a significant portion of your potential market if you simply target the primary language. Recognize your items’ distinct characteristics: The final two groupings I showed you do not apply to every product. They do, however, demonstrate an essential principle. Targeting is examining your target audience and identifying how various segments of that population think. Then you’ll need to figure out how to target specific parts of your target audience and produce adverts tailored to their needs. I’ve shown you four groupings, but all large ad networks have hundreds. Don’t be scared to go out of these four options.

2. Every effective video commercial has an intriguing angle: Begin with the idea.

Some companies are finally grasping the concept. Video advertising must be engaging to be effective. When done well, video advertising has the potential to become viral. Several examples back this up.


While you may not have the financial resources of any of these corporations, attractive advertising may nonetheless reach a broad audience. How do you create a captivating video advertisement? The first step is to remove the term “advertisement” from your vocabulary. Yes, you’re paying to have it shown, but beyond that, it’s simply a video. Many marketers believe that an advertisement must force a product in someone’s face, which is simply not true. The great majority of people who watch videos on YouTube and Facebook do it for enjoyment, so if yours isn’t interesting, they’ll ignore it or skip it as quickly as possible. Also, being pitched a product isn’t fun, so don’t do it. Create or discover an engaging narrative to share instead. Allow me to give you an example., it’s a type of Italian news site. Thus they’re more concerned with current events. They were able to make a video, promote it, and then have it go viral, garnering over 2.3 million views:


They began with an idea. They considered making a film on views against violence against women entertaining in this circumstance. It may sound a bit depressing that it isn’t enough for the subject matter to be significant; it must also be entertaining, but I’ve often said it since it is critical to your success.

There are a variety of techniques to create something intriguing:

  • narrate a tale
  • make it amusing
  • make it unexpected
  • make it distinct

They incorporated the majority of these features in this situation. They presented a young lady to a group of young men and inquired about her. Finally, they requested that they smack the female. Of course, the lads simply said they would never do such a thing. I was captivated by my computer screen for the whole three minutes, and it moved me from happy to worry about the problem. Marketers’ main worry is whether or not this strategy is successful. What effect does a compelling tale have on page views and revenue? People will desire and seek out your goods if you can create a narrative about them with it at the center. Viewers established the link even though didn’t continuously state, “We have the finest stuff on social concerns out there; visit us now!” They realize that they should go to the site if they want insightful, engaging, and thought-provoking information. It’s not simple to tell a compelling narrative. That is why those who excel at it are richly compensated. It is, however, a talent that can be cultivated just like any other. I’ve already written extensively on the subject:

3. Recognize when you need expert assistance.

The fact that most marketers can’t handle it themselves scares them away from video advertising. Even if you tried to produce one using your iPhone (or whatever device you have), odds are the video would be terrible. And that’s only the beginning. It’s just too much for a marketer to understand when you add animation, editing, and voiceovers. That is what makes marketers nervous. We like doing just about everything, including marketing, sales, product development, and just about anything else. However, making a high-quality film takes more than a few days or even months to master. And, if you want to succeed with video advertising, you must prioritize quality. Any video that people view is expected to have virtually television-like quality:


This implies that your video must have the following elements:

  • There is no haziness.
  • excellent lighting
  • There are no echoes or background sounds.
  • There will be no stuttering or muddled speaking.

You must realize when you are out of your depth and hire pros to help you with your marketing. First, creating a high-quality video: A video ad may only last 15 seconds, but it may take hours to complete. Of course, it depends on the kind of film you’re making, but even short movies need a lot of effort. The next step is to figure out what type of video you want to make. There are two sorts of video advertisements. A typical video with actors is the most prevalent. Animated videos, on the other hand, are pretty pop famous, especially when crafting a lesson or informative video:


The next step is to get the assistance of a specialist. This will include the following:

  • animators who work on their own
  • makers of video (videographers)
  • editors of video

You can do the scriptwriting yourself as a marketer, but it’s another area where you may use some support. Video editors and animators are simple to come by on the internet. Simply look for them (or publish a job ad) on any of the freelancing employment boards listed below: If you want to incorporate actors in the film, though, you’ll need to hire local videographers. Unfortunately, such freelancing sites do not allow you to filter down the videographers’ location efficiently. Instead, I suggest you go to LinkedIn. Search for “videographer” or “freelance videographer” in the search box, then use the “people” filter in the sidebar to narrow down the results. Finally, under the location filter, choose “Add” and write in your city:


You’ll not just locate local experts but also folks who have worked with some of your current contacts. That way, you’ll be able to inquire about your contacts’ experiences with the specialists you’re contemplating hiring. Finally, you’ll need to create a video outline and screenplay when you’ve chosen someone to collaborate with. If you’ve done any storytelling before, you should be able to manage this.


Your freelancer(s) will construct the video for you once you’ve gone through these specifics with them. Make it evident that you’re willing to assist as needed and answer any inquiries. The last thing you want is to be dissatisfied with the finished video since reshooting is time-consuming (and costly). Trust your freelancers for the most part. If you’ve engaged seasoned pros, they’ll know how to make your idea a reality. You should try to build a connection with freelancers to continue to make films for you in the future. It will save you time from locating someone fresh each time you need a video.

4. In most cases, shorter is preferable.

You must use caution, mainly if you follow the advice I’ve provided so far. It’s normal to get enthusiastic about making a film and strive for perfection, only to wind up with a 3, 5, or even 10-minute video. Remember that when visitors encounter your advertising, it’s before the material they’re looking for. So even if your film is pretty engaging, most people will use the “skip” option that appears immediately after it begins—especially if there are still 3 minutes left.


Keep your video advertising around one minute in length as a general guideline. It’s preferable if you can keep it under 30 seconds. As a result, you’ll be forced to concentrate on the most vital aspects of your message. Only 36% of video commercials are longer than 30 seconds, according to one study. Furthermore, 13% of advertising is less than 15 seconds long, implying that 51% of ads are between 15 and 30 seconds long. Whenever feasible, aim for that range. The good news is that if you can keep your ad inside that range, viewers are more likely to watch the whole film. According to the same study, 79 percent of video commercials are seen until the middle, and 72 percent are protected to the finish. This indicates that if you can pique your audience’s interest in the first half of your commercial, virtually everyone will remain with you to the conclusion.

5. Although the videos may vary, you can (and should) split test them.

Only a few clicks are required to modify a landing page. You’ll need to do a little more work to alter a picture. Editing video is significantly more complex than editing photos or landing pages. Most marketers do this by creating a video ad, putting it out there, and hoping for the best. But you know how I am about evaluating and improving things. And I hope you have the same mindset as me. Split testing is required for all types of advertisements, including video commercials. What exactly is split testing? A brief answer: Split testing is a simple yet powerful notion if you’ve never done it before. The majority of things aren’t optimized when they’re initially created. You may develop two copies of anything and then send visitors to both. You can tell which version performs better by comparing the results. You’ll most likely employ A/B split testing to determine which aspects work and which don’t. Except for one exception, both versions of A/B testing are identical.


That way, you can be sure that any variation in the findings is due to that one modification. The better-performing version is then kept, and a new test with a different ingredient is run. If you’d want a more extensive tutorial, I’ve created a complete guide on split testing; otherwise, let’s go on to how you’d split test your video advertising.

  • Step 1: Identify essential elements: Most marketers don’t split test video advertising since they know how difficult it is to produce a video. However, most split testing does not need video editing. Begin by considering how your video ad will appear:


Make a list of the most critical things after that.

The following are the most visible items from the list above:

  • the explanation
  • the video
  • the name of the company

You won’t be able to alter the brand name, and you probably won’t want to modify the video (though it is a possibility), but you will be able to change the description. Allow half of the audience to see one version of the report while the other half watches the other. You may also run a split test on various targeting choices. You may, for example, present the identical advertisement to two distinct groups of individuals. You may classify people based on their common hobbies, activities, or demographic characteristics.


This information can help you design more successful video advertising in the future by revealing which audiences are the best to target.

  • Step 2: Based on those components create multiple ad variations: Once you’ve decided which part you’ll change (for example, the description or targeting choices), all you have to do is create two separate advertisements and purchase an equal amount of views for each.
  • Step 3: Determine the most critical metrics and compare them: Finally, determine your video advertising objectives. Cost per click-through is usually the case. You’ll have to rely on your click-through rate % in such cases. You may compare the findings and choose the winner after a proper sample size. is a handy little tool for determining the importance of your test. Enter the sample count for both the original and experiment films, as well as the conversions (clicks or whatever measure you’re using):


Each test’s conversion rate will be calculated by the tool. But, more significantly, it will provide you with a significance rate (the probability that your conclusion is correct) as well as a measure of how much better the winning test is:


Achieve a significance level of at least 95%. Keep in mind that split testing usually results in only little gains. However, minor improvements build up over time, so keep iterating and tweaking your video ad until it’s perfect.

6. Music has been proved to affect mood in studies, so use it carefully.

The last piece of advice I have for you is to include music in your videos but do it wisely. First, keep in mind that videos are primarily concerned with visual material. That should be the primary emphasis of your video advertisements. Music in the background, on the other hand, might enhance the impact of your message. The effect of music on mood: One research enlisted volunteers to see how the piece affects our emotions. They discovered that both joyful and sad music affects our perspective. When individuals were shown a neutral look after hearing cheerful music, they were more likely to think the person was happy. Other individuals who heard sad music, on the other hand, felt the same person was unhappy. We match the tone of the music we hear with our perspective.


The critical point is this: Use music that correlates to that sensation if you want your viewers to feel a specific way throughout certain portions of your video (e.g., sad music for a tragic feeling). To make your film more effective, utilize this to urge viewers to feel joyful, then sorry. Music helps people concentrate: You want your viewers to be hooked to the screen while your commercial is playing. However, no matter how fantastic your video is, most viewers will get bored and tune out if the ad is silent. The effects of listening to varied noises on attention were investigated in the research. According to the study, you were listening to classical music, white noise, or modest increased visual awareness. On the other hand, classical music had the most impact, followed by white noise. Silence had the most negligible impact.

The bottom line: To assist your visitors in paying attention to your video, play music in the background for most of your adverts. If the tone of your film calls for classical music, it’s the best option. Finally, there’s one more research concerning music and attention that you should be aware of. The researchers looked at how music influenced the number of driving errors made by teens. The bottom line was that when drivers were given the freedom to choose their music, they went more aggressively and committed more errors. It makes sense since they were more concerned with the music than their surroundings. On the other hand, they drove better when they listened to “safe” music selected by the researchers.

The bottom line: Use music in your advertising, but don’t make it so loud or catchy that your viewers’ attention is drawn to the music rather than the pictures in your video.


One of the most intriguing advertising prospects still evolving is video advertising. If you act now, you will discover how to benefit from video advertisements before the rest of the marketers do. I’ve given you six fundamental concepts and methods for creating profitable video advertising that you can implement right now. Then, once you’ve created a successful campaign, scale it up and reap the benefits. Of course, I realize that making video advertisements is difficult. So, if you have any questions, please post them in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can advertising improve revenue?

A: Advertising can help improve revenue by unlocking the actual value of your brand, increasing awareness, and giving you a better chance at converting more customers into buyers.

How can I improve video advertising?

A: There are a few things that you can do to improve your video advertising. First, ensure the videos have high quality and low latency for better streaming and transmission. Additionally, try using informative captions such as Were here to help or Get started today. Lastly, consider utilizing pixel tracking instead of just cutting out a static image with subtitles on top of it.

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