How to Grow Your Email List as an Ecommerce Brand?

Email marketing has been the most cost-effective form of internet advertising for years, but only a few brands have mastered email best practices. To grow your list and make more sales, you need to use A/B testing and segmentation analytics tools like Unbounce or Klaviyo. You must understand the importance of your email marketing approach. It’s a meaningful way to communicate with your ecommerce consumers. It will likely be your most lucrative channel if you nurture your email list properly.

Do you have any doubts? Rone, an activewear startup, was able to earn $80,000 in sales only via its email list during its product launch. However, before you can begin sending emails, you must first create your list. Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, and I’ve got your back. Crazy Egg, Kissmetrics, Hello Bar, and my blog all have a lot of experience creating email lists. Even though none of these firms have an ecommerce site, you may still employ many of the list-building tactics I used.

Strategies to increase your email list as an ecommerce brand:

On the website, there are signup forms.

You need to provide your clients with various ways to join your email list. A registration form on your website is a widespread choice. While it may not be the most efficient strategy to grow your email list, it is a requirement that must be included on your website. But where are you going to put it? The best spot to put your registration form, which will appear on every page, is in the footer:


While the number of firms utilizing the footer form to solicit signups is down significantly from 2016, the footer is still the most popular site for an opt-in location. Customers have already had a chance to explore your site and gain a sense of your brand and goods by the time they reach the footer. They may now make a better-educated judgment about whether or not they wish to join your email list. This differs from placing your opt-in form in the header, which may make your visitors feel spammed or compelled to sign up too fast.

When someone visits your website, it’s unlikely that joining your email list is the first thing that comes to mind. The consumer has different goals and objectives in mind. So make it easy for them by placing your opt-in form at the bottom of the page. An example from the Adidas shop is as follows:


You may join their email list at the bottom of their website by entering your address. You’ll see that Adidas offers a bonus for signing up. Get the latest news and a 15% discount. It’s a fantastic method to enlist additional support. We’ll go through incentives in more depth later. If you’re starting with your list-building plan and have an ecommerce business, adding an opt-in option to your footer is a good place to start.

Make use of both standard and incentive-based popups.

According to the graph we looked at previously, Popup adverts are the second most prevalent technique of collecting email addresses on websites. I believe they are more effective. Hence I’m surprised that more ecommerce companies don’t use them. Do you have any doubts? The statistics, after all, don’t lie. For example, Backlinko’s Brian Dean created a popup to his site that looked like this:


The outcomes were unmistakable. The conversion rate of the popup was 3.42 percent. Brian received 35 individuals signing up for his newsletter per day before he implemented the popup. This figure increased to 75 subscribers every day when he employed the popup method. He isn’t the only one who has benefited from popups. According to a case study conducted by OptiMonk, BitNinja received 65 percent more leads and experienced a 114 percent increase in membership rates.

All of this was accomplished with the help of a simple popup. Because popups have a poor name, businesses may be afraid to employ them. In addition, the phrase popup may conjure up images of spam—something invasive and unwelcome by users. While this may be true in the event of damaging, malicious, or unwelcome marketing popups, it isn’t true in the case of our list-building technique. The customer has already arrived at your website. Your popup isn’t creating a new window or bombarding them with useless information. In reality, the information might be incredibly beneficial to your visitors, mainly if your popup offers a reward.


Getting people to “sign up for emails” isn’t the most efficient technique to grow your list. Why should a customer offer their email address to you? You must provide them with a cause.

Take a look at some of the previous examples.

  • “Get news and 15% off,” says Adidas.
  • Backlinko – “Get unique traffic-building tactics.”

What motivates you? With this popup method, Forever21 gives clients a 10% discount:


Popups should not be seen as a nuisance. Instead, this method should be used to grow your ecommerce website’s email list. Just make sure you provide your clients with a compelling reason to sign up.

Gather email addresses of consumers who have made a transaction.

People are cautious about providing their personal information. It’s very understandable. Your consumers are likely to have had bad experiences with other firms after handing over their email addresses. For the rest of us, a few rotten apples spoiled everything. They hacked into their clients’ email accounts and took advantage of their confidence. Spam. I’m sending out far too many promotional materials. Your consumers don’t want to get a lot of emails.


It’s the most common complaint from customers. People may be less eager to provide their email addresses to any business that asks for them after a few poor encounters. As a result, you may have to think outside the box. While your consumers are completing their orders, inquire about their email addresses. Please give them a reason, however. You are not yet adding them to your email list, but you must give them a purchase confirmation. Here’s an excellent SAXX example:


Checking out requires the use of an email address. Why? SAXX will give you an order confirmation. You are also not obligated to register an account. One of the most common causes of shopping cart abandonment on ecommerce sites is forcing customers to create a profile to check out. As a result, this checkout form indicates that it is an extra plus. Let’s go back to making your email list, shall we? Now you have a reason to send them some emails. You have four opportunities to contact your consumer before signing up for your email list or newsletter.

Here’s what you’ll need to send:

  1. The message of order confirmation.
  2. The order has shipped, according to the email.
  3. When the package is delivered, you will get confirmation.
  4. “How did we do?” says the narrator. message for follow-up

Each of these emails is an opportunity for you to add these individuals to your subscriber list. Therefore, make sure that each communication includes an opportunity for the consumer to join. Because you already have all of their information, signing up should be a quick procedure requiring just one or two clicks from the customer. However, bear in mind that most individuals do not wish to provide their personal information.


That’s why most of the largest online businesses need email addresses and names. It’s possible that requiring too much personal information to join a subscription list may cause a client to opt-out. If your consumers are apprehensive, ask for their email addresses when they complete their transactions. After that, you may send a drip campaign informing them of the progress of their orders. This is a fantastic chance to increase your subscription base. If the consumer refuses to sign up, don’t bother them anymore. When they make another purchase in the future, you’ll have another chance to offer them the same drip campaign.

Create a segmentation plan.

After adding someone to your email list, assign them to a particular category. Not everyone on your mailing list will be interested in every letter you send. This is why an effective email segmentation strategy is critical.

The following are some of the most significant advantages of segmenting your email lists:

  • Interest rates have risen
  • Unsubscribe rates have improved.
  • increased client loyalty
  • There are fewer spam complaints

Email segmentation ensures that your material is tailored to each subscriber. Let’s have a look at a simple example. If you have consumers all around the globe, a 4th of July campaign will not be relevant to everyone. On the other hand, independence Day in the United States is solely significant to your American clients. The apparent approach to generating segments is geographic location, but it’s not the only one.


The graph above depicts some more information to consider while making your lists. It’s a valuable tool for ensuring that your material is relevant to all subscribers in each category. So think about some essential parts you’ll want to employ before constructing your email lists. Keep in mind that as your subscriber base grows, you may need to alter or change your segmentation plan. It’s not a flawless system, and some consumers may still unsubscribe or feel as though they’re receiving useless emails. This is unavoidable. The important thing is to keep these occurrences to a minimum. It’s a challenging method to perfect, but it must be prioritized.


Email marketers’ top two goals are to improve segmentation and increase subscriber engagement. Engagement and segmentation are inextricably linked. In the end, proper segmentation will boost engagement. You must understand all of this before compiling your list. Don’t send out bulk emails to everyone until you’ve determined which messages are relevant to each subscriber.

Make your email marketing efforts more interactive.

You’ll want to make sure that once you have clients on your email subscriber list, you keep them there. Please don’t make it easy for them to unsubscribe. You’ve put in all this time and effort to get their email addresses; now, it’s up to you to keep them interested. How are you going to do it? Keep an eye on the currents. To remain current, send interactive emails.


This is the year’s most popular email marketing trend.

Here are some of the most remarkable techniques to make your emails more interactive:

  • Use real-time marketing techniques
  • Reviews, polls, and surveys should all be included.
  • publicize scratch card games
  • Menus should be included in the message.
  • have videos in your email
  • Utilize real-time shopping carts
  • add GIFs

These tactics will ensure that your ecommerce site remains relevant. You don’t want to give your subscribers boring emails. Interactivity may help you keep people who have signed up for your communications.


It’s fantastic that you’ve realized the value of cultivating an email list for your ecommerce business. But, before you get started, consider some of the points we covered. If you’re unsure where to begin, include a registration form on your website. The most popular location to put this is in your website’s footer. It’s a required feature, but it’s not the most useful. Popups should also be included on your website. Ensure that these popups provide a compelling reason for the customer to join your email list. It’s not over yet if your website visitors don’t accept the bait and sign up via your popups or footer. When they check out, get their email addresses. Then, develop an automated approach for sending them notifications regarding the progress of their orders, such as a drip campaign.


During the subsequent emails, you’ll have multiple opportunities to add subscribers:

  • the order has been verified
  • the order has been delivered
  • the order has been fulfilled
  • follow-up order

It’s OK if this method doesn’t work. When this consumer next makes a purchase, try again. Before you begin delivering emails to your subscribers, you must first design a segmentation plan. Not every subscriber will be interested in every message. Increase the number of opens and conversions by segmenting your lists. It will also reduce the number of people that unsubscribe from your list. Customers will be less likely to unsubscribe if you send them interactive emails. Subscribers will be more engaged if there is interaction. Before establishing an email list for your website, keep these pointers in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I grow an email subscriber list?

A: Email marketing is an effective tool for promoting your business. It can help you generate sales leads, increase customer loyalty and even build a brand identity. However, email marketing requires time commitment and skills to be successful. If you’re looking for quick results, then consider using Facebook advertising or Google Adwords instead of emailing customers directly with offers that are specific to them.

What is the best strategy to grow your email list?

A: The best strategy to grow your email list is by putting out content that interests potential customers. This means you need to figure out what they are interested in and find a way of incorporating this into the content.

How do I grow my email list in 2021?

A: You should send a newsletter to your list once every three months. Any more than this could overwhelm your audience and result in a lack of interest when the emails start coming too often. If, after sending an email three times per year, there has been no response from subscribers, then consider changing the frequency of your emailing schedule to 2-3 times per month with 1-2 newsletters sent out each time.

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