How to Get More Followers on Instagram?

Instagram has a complicated algorithm that decides how many followers you get, which seems unfair. This article will show you some ways to make your Instagram page increase and keep it growing for as long as possible Instagram just revealed that its user base has surpassed 700 million!

One hundred million new users joined in the previous four months, marking the platform’s fastest-ever growth pace. If you’re curious about how it compares to other extensive networks, have a look:


It’s the third most popular social networking site, with a significant lead over Twitter. Here’s another way to look at the data:


This, of course, implies there’s a good chance of gaining a following. And the best part is that Instagram is non-discriminatory. Your following will expand if you know what you’re doing, create spectacular material, and delight your audience. But, to speed up this process, I believe that establishing a habit or a regimen is beneficial. With your approach, you must be realistic and tactical.

Steps to grow your Instagram following:

1. Respond to your follower’s queries and comments.

Let’s start from the beginning. I’m not attempting to bore you with minutiae, but the first two stages are critical to the routine’s success. The first order of business is to engage with your followers for a few minutes. Then, identify and react to each of the helpful comments and questions. If you’re just getting started and have a small following, you can do this in no time.

2. Leave three or more comments.

When it comes to growing a following, I like to go on the offensive. It’s up to you to make the first move unless you already have a built-in audience. Look through the images of the individuals you follow and comment on three of them. Avoid trite compliments like “great photo!” and instead add something unique that indicates you put some effort into it. This will put you on people’s radars, leading to more involvement in the future.

3. At least once a day, make a post.

One of the most contentious issues on social media is how often you should post. Of course, this varies on every social media platform, but the typical Instagram account publishes once each day. On the other hand, profiles with a more significant following are likely to post more often. Therefore, organize all of your Instagram post ideas across all of your document applications in one location. Quintly conducted research in 2015 that discovered a link between posting frequency and follower count:


It’s worth noting that accounts with tens of thousands of followers post 41 times every month or 1.32 times per day. Those with more than 10 million followers, on the other hand, post 95 times every month, or 3.06 times per day. You may extrapolate from these data that you should post at least once a day. You’ll be in much better condition if you can post three times each day. The basic conclusion is that you need a consistent stream of material. Allowing oneself to get comfortable and having significant gaps between postings is not a good idea. Brands that post often have more significant followings, according to research. You wish to batch your postings using a platform like Hootsuite’s auto-scheduling feature.

4. Post at the best possible moment to save time.

You’re undoubtedly aware that the time of your post has a significant impact on the amount of exposure your material gets. According to a piece published by Later, Instagram said that the chronological feed would be replaced with an algorithm that prioritizes posts with more interaction, meaning that the more likes and comments your post gets, the more people will see it! A screenshot from Instagram’s blog confirms this:


What ramifications does this algorithm have? First, it implies that if your material has a lot of interaction soon after it’s uploaded, Instagram knows you’re providing high-quality content. As a result, your posts will rise to the top of your followers’ newsfeeds. This can only imply one thing. You must choose the best moment to publish. This component is determined by several factors, including the location of the bulk of your audience, when they’re most active on Instagram, and so on. Various research has shown that certain times are best for posting. For example, according to HubSpot, the optimum time to post on Instagram is between Monday and Thursday, except between 3 and 4 p.m.


According to a 2015 Mavrck survey, “the most common times to post were midnight, 3 p.m., and 4 p.m., with Thursday, Friday, and Wednesday being the most popular days.”



“Posting between the hours of 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. during off-hours when posting is low may work to your benefit since people are still checking their feeds,” they said. The idea is that there are several forms of reasoning you may use when deciding when to publish. To find the sweet spot for your brand, I propose undertaking some self-experimentation. I noted before that the Later post has some good recommendations for performing your testing. For example, for week one, you may start by publishing at various times Monday through Friday and monitoring engagement. Then, make a spreadsheet with your findings. This is when Google Sheets comes in handy:


Week two follows the same steps as week one but alters the hours. Record your findings once more:


Repeat the procedure until you’ve figured out when the best time to publish is.


Rinse and repeat once you’ve worked it out. Your degree of involvement should continue to climb, allowing your content to advance to the top. As a result, you’ll have a larger following.

5. Use at least 11 hashtags.

Hashtags are pretty famous, particularly on Instagram. As a result, countless research has been conducted to determine the optimal quantity of hashtags for each social media platform. While some individuals only use one or two hashtags on average, others use up to 30. (the maximum). Here’s an example of a post containing a lot of hashtags:


Although adding “X” amount of hashtags to each post does not guarantee a 25k+ following, it might offer you an advantage. Let’s look at the statistics to see what optimal amount of hashtags interactions is highest on Instagram posts with 11+ hashtags,” according to a TrackMaven analysis.



Further research by Max Woolf seems to support this. For example, here’s how the likes on 120,346 Instagram posts were distributed:


When you include 11 or more hashtags in an Instagram post, your chances of being seen a rise, don’t be concerned about “hashtag fatigue.” All you have to do now is make sure your hashtags are relevant to the content and not spammy.

6. Look into hashtags.

My last argument proves that hashtags are beneficial on Instagram. But how do you decide which hashtags to use in your posts? Is it better to choose them at random, or is there a science to it? Of course, some hashtags will be required for each position to characterize it properly.


That is self-evident. However, if you’re frequently posting around a particular subject, it’s a good idea to perform some hashtag research to find the winners. You may then construct a list for future reference. Typing a relevant term into the Instagram search box and seeing what comes up is one of the simplest methods to produce decent hashtags. To begin, enter the following into the search box:


After that, begin entering a keyword. As an example, consider “content marketing”:


You’ve got a bunch of hashtag ideas in no time. You can also examine how many posts use a hashtag to see how popular it is:


Another option is to utilize the Hash At It tool. It’s pretty easy to use. For example, in the search box, type a term and hit “Search”:


This is what comes up:


Scroll down, and you should be able to come up with some fantastic hashtag ideas fast. I recommend including this into your regular Instagram routine. This way, every time you publish, you’ll have a substantial list of hashtags ready to go. Check out this Kicksta tool for hashtag research.

7. With your captions, you’ll nail it.

Captions, in my opinion, may elevate a good Instagram snap to epic status. Some folks have an uncanny ability to write great captions that strike all the right notes. Consider this example from Doug the Pug:


It’s hilarious! I recommend spending some time going over caption lists and making a note of ones you may want to utilize in the future. Of course, uniqueness is vital, so attempt to adapt them to match your brand wherever feasible.

8. Three accounts should be followed.

Finally, make sure you’re following new brand-related accounts regularly. I suggest finding at least three and following them every day. Ideally, they should be big influencers since any interaction with them may immediately increase your following. This will keep you on other people’s radars, perhaps resulting in more exposure for your account. In addition, a substantial number of individuals should reciprocate the favor and follow you back if your material is high-quality and relevant.


Let me give you a step-by-step breakdown of what I just said for your daily Instagram routine:

  1. First, respond to questions and comments.
  2. Then, leave three or more statements.
  3. At least once a day, make a post (two or three times is even better)
  4. Position at best possible moment (based on your research)
  5. On each post, use at least 11 hashtags.
  6. Spend a few moments looking up hashtags (and add to your list)
  7. Make a list of excellent captions to study and write down.
  8. Three accounts should be followed.

Even the most obscure account should be able to swiftly acquire a 25,590-member following with a consistent pattern like this. You’ll receive followers slowly and consistently if you stick to this strategy daily. Improved brand visibility, ongoing lead creation, networking possibilities, and eventually increased sales are all advantages of having more Instagram followers.

Instagram has become a popular social media platform, and with it comes the need to grow your following. This can be done by posting engaging content that people want to see or purchasing Instagram followers. However, the latter option is not always the best idea, as you may not get any engagement from those followers. So instead, try using other ways to grow your following, such as posting engaging content and interacting with others on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get 1000 followers on Instagram?

A: Follow other Instagram accounts, share content with them, and tag any posts you like. You can also use a website to try and drive traffic towards your reports, such as or Lastly, have the best pictures of yourself for people to want more from you!

How do you get more followers on Instagram for free?

A: You could use the Instagram bot from @max_followers. They have a lot of features to help you boost your following and get more followers for free!

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