How To Get Followers on Facebook?

People are becoming more and more aware of how Facebook is suppressing the views they see on their News Feed, leading them to believe that they are not getting accurate updates from people.
To stay relevant with your followers, you need to provide value to engage those who do not follow back straight away.

Marketing on Facebook may be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, as of Q1 2017, Facebook has 1.94 billion monthly active users. By far the most significant number of users of any social network. On the other side, it has a poor organic reach, according to Social@Ogilvy research. The organic reach has dropped to only 6%.



This implies that just six of your hundred followers will view the stuff you upload.


This isn’t ideal. This can only imply one thing. It would be best if you expand your audience.

If the results of Social@Ogilvy are applied:

  • For example, with 100 followers, your post will be seen by six people.
  • If you have 1,000 followers, your post will be seen by 60 people.
  • If you have 10,000 followers, your post will be seen by 600 people.

And so on. Although engagement rates on social media networks inevitably fall as the number of followers grows…


Having a huge following is undoubtedly advantageous. That is how you will create genuine progress, generate leads, and increase revenue. I’ve learned a thing or two about growing a following after years of Facebook marketing.

Effective methods for gaining more Facebook followers:

1. Make an effort to be transparent.

These days, there’s no shortage of megalithic, impersonal, too corporate businesses. They’re all over the place. However, they aren’t the sorts of companies that consumers typically connect with and relate to. Transparency is the one term that comes to me when I think about what people love and appreciate in a company. We all have a deep, intrinsic yearning to connect with people, regardless of how far we have progressed as humans or how much technology has been interwoven into our lives. And, let’s face it. It’s challenging to achieve that when a company’s philosophy, values, culture, and fundamentals aren’t shared. Being honest, transparent, and upfront, on the other hand, is what makes a relationship. This is how you get things done. Take, for example, TOMS. They shared a short excerpt of its founder Blake Mycoskie discussing his worst point in life, his fear of failure, and how it motivated him in his company.


He vividly revealed his vulnerability, something we all experience at some time in our lives. To be sure, stuff like this was beneficial to TOMS. Please take a peek at their large fan base.


This isn’t to imply you have to go to this extreme and talk about your deepest, darkest anxieties or anything. However, it demonstrates that putting oneself out there has its advantages and might assist you in growing your following. I’ve made it a point to use this strategy in my Facebook marketing, as seen by a few of the photos I’ve shared.


Take a peek at the levels of involvement.


Solid as a rock.


This isn’t a coincidence. A little openness goes a long way, regardless of how severe or formal your business is. So make it a point to provide “behind the scenes” pieces regularly.

2. Add videos to the mix.

Don’t get me wrong: publishing good old-fashioned articles is perfectly acceptable. It’s something I do all the time. But everyone else is doing the same thing. Most individuals get bored with the same old formula, and their attention begins to fade. I’ve discovered that uploading different material, particularly video, is a terrific way to mix things up and get people enthusiastic about my work. Let me give you an example. By most brands’ standards, the Neil Patel Facebook page updates garner a respectable level of interaction.


It’s not bad. I’ll gladly accept it. However, in terms of feedback, it’s a touch lacking.


Don’t get me wrong: I’ve shared some stories on Facebook that have gotten a lot of attention. However, I was hoping you could look at what occurred when I recently released a video.


In terms of likes and shares, there was a lot of activity. First, however, have a look at the comments.


There isn’t a comparison to be made. The video is viral. They gobble it up. Take a look at how much the number of daily video views on Facebook has increased in just one year.


It’s just absurd! As your interaction rises, your chances of obtaining additional followers rise as well. I know I’ve had a lot of success with video and can confidently claim it’s played a role in helping me get over 900,000 followers.


If you haven’t done so previously, video is something you should consider. It’s only just getting started, yet it’s already on track to dominate social media (and the Internet in general) in the following years.

3. Use a Follow button to promote your Facebook profile.

Consider the many ways in which your target audience interacts with your brand. There’s your website, landing page, personal email, newsletters, social media accounts, and so on. Each of them gives a chance to expand your Facebook fan base. It’s just a question of making it as easy for individuals to follow your Facebook page as feasible. I suggest making a Follow button and putting it in places where it makes sense. It seems to be like this.


It’s not difficult to make a button, and this CCM tutorial will lead you through the process step by step. You’ll be given a piece of code to copy after you’re finished. All you have to do now is put the code into your site’s source code or anywhere you want your Follow button to appear. That is all there is to it. I like this strategy because once you’ve got it set up, it doesn’t take any extra work. Anyone who interacts with your material becomes a potential Facebook follower right away. They’ve joined your brand with a simple click. Include a Follow button on a popup if you want to improve the chances of someone following you even more. Wishpond used this approach, and it seemed to work for them.


If you take it this way, I would advise caution since over-the-top interstitials may result in Google penalties, mainly if they significantly degrade the user experience. In this post from Search Engine Land, you can learn more about it. However, you should be ok as long as you aren’t rude about it.

4. Make use of Facebook groups.

One billion individuals were using Facebook groups in some form as early as 2016. And I understand why this figure is so high. Facebook groups are a fantastic way to share your views and ideas with others who share your interests. In addition, each group focuses on a particular topic, allowing members to get valuable advice from professionals and enthusiasts. For example, the “Being Boss” group, a community for creative entrepreneurs and company owners, may be found here.


It has a large number of members, as you can see. Groups are also an excellent marketing tool and are ideal for gaining additional followers. There are two methods for using Facebook groups.

  • Option 1: Joining organizations related to your business and area of expertise is one option. This is usually the most straightforward option since you may join an already well-known organization with a large following. What you want to do is develop the habit of regularly connecting with the group by providing excellent comments. It will take some time, but trust me when I say that, people will notice. After a time, other members of the group will see you. You’ll almost certainly catch their interest enough for them to visit your Facebook page. Many of these individuals will eventually follow you.
  • Option 2: Another alternative is to start from scratch and form your organization. I’ll tell you the truth. This requires a substantial amount of time and effort. It might be challenging to generate early attention and get things started. However, if you can get a strong membership, the payback is enormous. Consider that for a moment. If you’re the administrator of a group, you’ll receive much attention. After all, when someone visits the group page, one of the first things they will notice is your profile.


You have a lot of control as well. You choose the rules, exchange files, and tag people to start a conversation. In general, you should anticipate a far more significant amount of interaction from a Facebook group than you would from a standard Facebook page. The simple fact is that creating a vibrant Facebook group will significantly boost your exposure. As a result of more individuals coming on your brand’s page, your following should grow. When you consider the long-term effect, I believe it is worthwhile to invest the time.

5. Examine your competitors.

Taking your competitor’s fans is another excellent approach to getting more followers. Why should they be interested in your product or service if they are interested in your competitor’s? Here’s how to share your competitor’s Facebook followers: Let’s pretend, for the sake of this blog post, that Hubspot was a rival of Quick Sprout, and I was attempting to woo its followers. I’d start by running the URL of its Facebook fan page with Fanpage Karma.


As you can see in the screenshot above, the first thing this free tool will offer you are the basic metrics of your competition’s fan page. The information includes everything from Hubspot’s fan base to their interaction rate. After that, you need to start digging a little further to figure out what postings are drawing these people and driving interaction. You may accomplish it by first looking at the engagement graph by daylight.


Thursday is Hubspot’s most engaging day to publish, as you can see in the graphic above. If you want to attract their followers, you should often post on Thursday since it will result in more likes, shares, comments, and new followers. It would be best to consider what sorts of postings get the most excellent interaction. Hubspot includes both graphics and links in its blogs. However, their picture postings do not seem to be doing well.


If you want to get Hubspot fans, this should advise you not to publish photos. You may also check what posts have performed well by looking at the post history report.


You can see which postings performed well and which ones failed to acquire momentum in the figure above. If you want to attract Hubspot’s followers, you should publish on themes similar to the ones that have garnered a lot of interaction. You should also avoid blogging on subjects with a low level of participation. Fanpage Karma is similar to Social Lead Freak. It may be used to determine who the top influencers are.


The wonderful thing about Fanpage Karma’s list is that you can see how many likes, shares, and comments each influencer generated with just one click. In addition, you may browse sites with the same active fans, which can help you steal additional followers.




Facebook’s reach isn’t very impressive. However, by just increasing your following, you may overcome this obstacle. While there are other approaches to this, the ones I’ve outlined in this piece have shown to be the most effective for my customers and me. This will provide you a structure for naturally growing your following without needing to spend money on bought advertisements. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to get into Facebook. So, start following the instructions above, and you’ll be on your way to gaining 1,000+ actual admirers in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get followers on Facebook?

A: The best way to get followers is by liking other people’s content and commenting on them.

How can I get 1000 followers on Facebook?

A: There are many different ways to gain followers on Facebook. Some of the most popular methods are posting engaging content, making your posts go viral, and commenting or liking others’ posts.

How do I get free followers on Facebook?

A: Facebook is a social media site that allows you to share your thoughts and opinions with others online. It’s free for everyone, but only around 50 million people can see your posts on their news feed.

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