How to Get a Boatload of People to Pin Your Products to Pinterest?

The best way to market your brand is on social media, but you need to create the content that people want. One of the most effective ways is by pinning a blog post or article from your site onto Pinterest boards, where users can then engage with it and share it with their friends. It’s an easy yet powerful marketing strategy. Pinterest has surpassed Facebook as the third most popular social media platform in the United States. Pinterest’s most vital feature is an image-driven platform, and users like scrolling through picture after image. If you have a product-based company, Pinterest is an excellent match. If you run a service company, you can still use Pinterest, but you’ll have to do it differently, such as by creating viral image-rich content. Your site’s traffic will skyrocket if you can convince other people to share and repin your photographs. Here are nine suggestions to assist you in doing so:

Step 1: Include a message in your photographs.

As a blogger, you’ll likely focus on producing excellent material and optimizing it for search engines, but less on optimizing the photos you use in your posts. If you use the proper picture, your article will be pinned. Indeed, the picture might differ between getting more traffic and not seeing any. Put a clear statement on it if you wish to improve the image’s impact. Complex Style has a comment on the blog post title that will attract click-throughs:


G Adventures, a travel tour firm, employs a similar method. For example, while marketing their Europe vacations, they demonstrate that tourism is more than simply seeing cathedrals:


The key is to utilize primary, bold language. Here are several free image editors that you can use to add text to any picture:

  • Pixlr – Create new photographs from scratch or modify existing ones from the web or your PC with Pixlr.
  • FotoFlexer — This free image editor has a lot of aesthetic effects, but the advanced capabilities are more challenging to use.
  • Gimp 2.6 — A mighty image editor, but it’s also somewhat complicated.

Step 2: Create a daily theme board as a second strategy.

Seven is a company that has pushed text-based images to new heights. Seven helps nonprofits all around the globe generate money and exposure. The Daily Inspirational board is one of the boards they’ve established. The objective of this board is stated in the description:


There are now 79 pins featuring inspiring text-based pictures, such as this one:


There are three things to notice about this image:

  1. First, Sevenly branded it with their URL, so people know where the picture came from even if they don’t link back to them.
  2. The image’s text does not have to be lengthy. The picture will speak for itself if you combine the perfect shot with the right words!
  3. They invite you to repin it in the description. That’s a great rallying cry!

Remember that since this is a board that will be updated regularly, people will return to check it.

Step 3: Make sure your photographs are appropriately formatted.

Visitors to your site should be able to pin your photographs to Pinterest at any moment, which implies the images must be Pinterest-optimized. To see whether your site is optimized for Pinterest, click on this website and replace “” with your URL. This is how QuickSprout appears.


You may also add the “Pin It” button to your browser, then visit one of your site’s pages and pin it. This will display how your photographs appear on Pinterest. Of course, you’ll earn more pins if you have more photographs on your page… as long as your photographs are Pinterest-friendly. Here are some fantastic Pinterest picture optimization tips:


Step 4:Contests and prizes.

Increased traffic to your site might result in more picture pins. What better method to generate traffic than to hold a competition? On Pinterest, contests are viral. Search for “giveaway,” and you’ll find a plethora of possibilities:


As you can see, many individuals use the term “giveaway” in their descriptions. You may improve your chances by using “contest” or “enter to win” in the report. Include keywords that are relevant to your sector as well. For example, if you sell body lotion, include “body lotion giveaway” in the description. If you’re selling karate classes, have a line that says, “enter to win karate lessons.” This Etsy freebie does a great job of incorporating excellent text with the image:


You will undoubtedly get more pins if you pick a striking picture for your giveaway.

Step 5: Create a board based on a wide range of interests.

Let’s imagine you’re in the business of selling custom-made iPhone covers. Instead of establishing a board named “Cool iPhone Cases,” you might call it “Cool Illustrations.” This will allow you to add more fantastic photos to your category, including your iPhone illustrations. You can also construct a board for iPhone covers if you manufacture hand-made products like Umbrellas:


You may make seasonal boards if your product varies with the seasons. For example, you may have various boards for different sports if you offer sports equipment. On Pinterest, images reign, and if you can post some reasonably remarkable things, people will repin it.

Step 6: Show humans and animals.

Some may argue that Pinterest isn’t appropriate for every business. That is something I am not sure I agree with. Consider the corporation GE, which sells light bulbs. The company has a fantastic Pinterest account that demonstrates to customers that it does more than make light bulbs. GE makes trains, aircraft, and massive turbines, as seen by their badass machinery board:


For example, with boards like Interesting: U.S. Central Command, the US Central Command has humanized its organization.


Alternatively, there’s the military dog’s board:


Remember that Pinterest is a social media network similar to Google+ or Facebook. That implies you’ll need to be human when using it. This entails leaving comments and including photographs of people and animals on your pins.

Step 7: Observe the golden rule.

When it comes to being sociable, don’t forget to repin other people’s work. You are less likely to get followers or have your content pinned if you are continuously pinning your content. You must repin if you wish to be repinned. Create boards devoted to topics that aren’t necessarily related to your company to think outside the box. Although I’m a marketing consultant and the co-founder of two online analytics firms, I have boards on Pinterest devoted to different interests:


The more photographs you pin, like on your blog or website, the more likely your material will be shared.

Step 8: Use the Pin It button as a last resort.

If you want to encourage people to share photographs on your site, the first thing you should do is include a Pin It button.


If you have items, place the Pin It button next to them. Also, use the same principles in your blog. (The switches may be found here.) Allow others to share your posts on Pinterest. Use the “Follow me on Pinterest” button to encourage others to follow you. And, as I previously said, if you include an intelligent statement in your photograph, you will have a better chance of having it shared. You’ll earn more pins if you have more pictures on your site.

Step 9: Keep track of what people are pinning from your site.

No, Google Analytics isn’t required for this method. Instead, enter your website URL where it reads “” in this link: When I look at the source for all of my pins, I see the following:


On occasion, I like to browse through the pins of my photographs and thank the individuals who have shared them. Then I’ll be able to select whether or not I wish to connect. I usually get a few followers as well. This is a fantastic way to keep the discussion on Pinterest while also increasing traffic to your website.


Pinterest is a terrific inbound marketing lead generating platform if you have the time and if your target audience is ladies or if you care about recommendations. Plus, you’ll gain a lot of traffic from the slew of pins and repins you’ll get if you publish attractive photos with engaging messaging and make it simple for people to share them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get people to pin your pins on Pinterest?

A: I would recommend creating a board for your account, then adding pins to it. This way, people can see what you’re talking about and whether or not they want to pin them on their boards.

How do you get people to pin your pins?

A: The best way to get people to visit your page is by sharing your pins on social media and with friends. You can also share in groups you are part of on Facebook or Instagram.

How do I get my product to show up on Pinterest?

A: If you had an idea for a product that you wanted to create and benefit the world, they are usually more than happy to work with brand new ideas. However, they do ask that to show up on Pinterest. Your product must have been created after January 1st of 2018. So your best bet is to contact them directly at their help desk by giving them a brief overview of what your project entails, and they can assist further from there.