How to Generate Sales for a New Product Release?

Marketers have long known the power of launching a product with a marketing campaign, but they often don’t know what to do once released. This e-book will teach you how to maximize revenue after your new release and give you step-by-step instructions on everything from where to advertise for people to be able to get their hands on your latest game or gadget before everyone else’s copy lands on shelves. The new product launch phase is a process that helps companies plan the release of a new product. First, the company must determine how much money they want to spend on advertising and its desired return on investment. So, you’ve decided to release a new product. Congratulations. It is critical for both new and old businesses to be inventive to remain relevant, regardless of their company type or sector. I know how much effort you’ve put into this new release, and I’d want to congratulate you on it. Whether you’re launching a new product or expanding an old one, you must ensure that your marketing efforts result in sales. Consider how much blood, sweat, and tears went into this production. Okay, so it’s not really blood, but you get the idea. This may be traced all the way back to your first brainstorming meetings and your research and development stages. There’s a good chance you’ve tried and failed before. Oh, and what about all the cash you put into this new product? That is something that one must not overlook. You won’t receive a good return on your investment if you can’t convince people to purchase your goods. Those of you who can properly advertise your new product, on the other hand, will benefit from increased sales. I’ll provide you with some pointers and advice that will benefit you.

Steps to Generate Sales for a New Product :

1. Create a buzz early on.

You’ve waited far too long if you wait till your product is out to begin promoting it. Those who did not get started as soon as possible are already behind. But don’t be concerned. I’m not coming to chastise you. After the item is out, there are still techniques to create sales, but we’ll discuss them later. Turning the announcement into a huge event is a wonderful strategy to develop a buzz in the early stages. Apple’s keynote speeches are well-known for this.


Because the corporation has been utilizing this method for so long, customers are looking forward to the news. People had already chosen to purchase Apple’s new product when it was announced. You will prepare your audience you announce new items at a certain event. They’ll be looking for the most up-to-date goods or technology. The excitement around the product’s launching adds to its appeal. You’ve already hooked them before it’s even published. Customers will queue up around the block to purchase your new product since they have been thinking about it for months. They already know what it offers in terms of features and advantages since they’ve done their homework. Building anticipation for the release will aid in sales on the day of the release and the days and weeks afterward.

2. Begin accepting pre-orders.

This technique, too, is based on the concept of getting started early. You don’t have to wait till your product is in stock to start selling it. Allow clients to pre-order the goods so you can start making money right away. There are several advantages to accepting pre-orders. One is to start saving money as soon as possible. Ponte the hand, pre-ordering an item provides your buyers a feeling of exclusivity. It will offer them the impression that they are the first to have anything. They’ll be one of the first to get their hands on the merchandise. Furthermore, pre-orders may give the impression that the goods are likely to sell out. They may not be able to purchase it on the official release day if they do not order it now. Finally, pre-orders guarantee that your new product gets off to a better start than if it were released later in the product life cycle.


There’s needs to have a gradual introduction period if you can prevent considering additional reasons why a customer could be interested in a pre-order and want to be exclusive or have the goods before everyone else. Discounts. Everyone enjoys a good bargain. Depending on your brand image and pricing plan, you might provide a discount to consumers who pre-order the goods to assist boost sales. Taking orders ahead of time might also help you keep track of your inventory. You’ll better know how much product you’ll need for the first launch. This is crucial information in terms of manufacturing costs, and it will assist you in maximizing your return on investment.

3. Prioritize your most devoted consumers.

You don’t have to find new clients because you’re offering a new product. Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great. New clients are wonderful, and they are always welcome to make purchases. However, you already have a customer base acquainted with your brand and offerings. Those are the people you should reach out to initially. A good place to start is with your email marketing list. These are clients who are so enthusiastic about your business and goods that they have signed up to get frequent updates from you. As a result, send emails before and after the product launch. The following is an example of a Lululemon email:


This email is pushing new colors for a product already on the market. As a result, it’s understandable that the corporation would start with its current consumers, who may already be acquainted with the product. Even if it’s a new product, informing your email subscribers first is still a good idea. It’s also worth mentioning that selling to an existing client has a 60-70 percent likelihood of succeeding. However, a new customer’s likelihood of acquiring a product is merely 5-20%. Therefore, focusing on new clients will not be as beneficial if your objective is to increase sales. According to research, acquiring a new client is six to seven times more costly than marketing to an existing customer. When it comes to returning on investment, marketing to your most loyal consumers is the greatest option.

4. Organise a competition.

Giving free your new product is another technique to promote sales. I’m sure you’re thinking something along those lines. Unfortunately, this seems to be unproductive. What is the best approach to earning money by giving stuff away? First, you must learn how to execute a successful giveaway. Contests will pique people’s interest in your product. Instead of stating, “Here is our new product,” give it a distinctive twist by holding a contest. The cost to Organise a competition is relatively inexpensive as well. The only major expense is the cost of the item you’re giving away, plus maybe some additional shipping charges. However, the advantages will be well worth it. Social media channels, in my view, are the finest sites to host competitions. This is why:


This will expose your new product to a broader audience if you run competitions on social media. As a consequence, it will assist you in increasing sales. Here’s a hypothetical example to show you what I’m talking about. Let’s say you Organise a competition on Instagram. People need to post a picture to their personal Instagram profiles and include a relevant hashtag to enter. Let’s imagine you have 1,000 individuals that want to participate in your contest. Just one contest yielded 1,000 photographs of your business. A large number will see these photos of people. Only three winners will be chosen from among the 1,000 submissions. However, there are still 997 individuals who desire your goods, not to mention the unknown number of people who have been exposed to it. They’ve already developed a strong desire to use it. There’s a fair possibility that a significant portion of that group will still purchase it. As you can see, even giving away three goods may result in hundreds or even thousands of dollars in sales.

5. Provide a discount.

For the most part, most companies do not provide new item discounts. When a new product is launched, existing products are discounted. While I can see the reasoning behind this approach, it does not imply it is accurate. People like getting a good bargain. For a minute, put your pride aside and acknowledge that customers are price sensitive. They’re also smarter than you would imagine. They have no motive to purchase your new product if they know it will be on sale later. They may have forgotten about it and lost interest when it went on sale. Close the transaction while the product is still fresh in the customers’ thoughts. Reduce the price as soon as possible. Use an age-old marketing tactic if you wish. Increase the original sale price, then reduce it to ensure that you still make a profit. People will find it difficult to rationalize paying full price for a product when they see cheaper options on your site and in shops.

6. Make a blog post about it.

Make use of your blog. Before the product is introduced, start talking about it in your blogs. Athen, after the release, continues to speak about it. There are several advantages to blogging:


As these figures show, your blog might assist you in generating new leads. Consumers trust blog advice.  Sure, your readers will see that your viewpoint is skewed. But they know you’re not going to say anything negative about the things you’re trying to promote. However, this should not prevent you from writing about your new release. You may also contact other websites to see if they can include you in guest articles. Create a link in the articles that immediately take visitors to the checkout page with the new goods in their shopping carts. Reducing the number of stages in the process enhances the likelihood of increased sales.

7. Be inventive.

People will not be excited to purchase your new product if it is dull, similar to your previous things, or accessible from other sellers. They’ll be much more ready to spend their hard-earned money if it’s distinctive, improves their life, and improves their customer service experience. Be inventive. Begin by doing thorough market research. What do your consumers expect from you? Please give it to them. Make significant enhancements to current items that have flaws. Your product will sell like hotcakes if it is groundbreaking.

8. On your website, highlight the new product.

Please don’t bury your product on your website now that it’s released and ready for purchase. Instead, could you put it on your home page? Consider the following example from the GAP website:


The new arrivals are promoted prominently on the homepage. Is there anything else you’d want to say about this website? It also gives discounts on new things, which is a tactic I’ve covered before. You may also promote your new product in other areas of your website. For example, assume your site has a search filter, which it should, and which I assume it does. It should be the first item on the website when someone searches for anything by name or category that matches the description of your new product. If people have to go through pages and pages of results to locate your new product, they are less likely to purchase it. Take a peek at how Michael Kors organizes its merchandise on its online store:


You may use a similar method to get more people to know about your new items. Again, this will assist you in increasing sales.

9. It’s all about the timing.

Your new product may be fantastic. However, you won’t gain a lot of sales if you release it at the incorrect moment. Let’s imagine you want to release a product on a Thursday, which happens to be July 3rd that year. You can’t simply do it without thinking about stuff like that. The Fourth of July is, without a doubt, a national holiday in the United States. Many folks will take the day off on July 3rd to spend time with family and friends. They may be barbecuing, vacationing, or enjoying a day at the beach. They are unlikely to have much time or motivation to shop online. Your debut weekend will be a flop. This isn’t going to generate a lot of interest in your new product. On the other hand, if you’re introducing a product that can be worn on July 4th, such as American flag attire, make sure the release date allows your buyers adequate time to obtain the item before they need it. If they need it on the 4th, distributing it on the 3rd will not result in sales. It would help if you also considered seasons. Nobody in New England, for example, will purchase snow gear in the summer. When it comes to timing, online companies can help create Christmas excitement. When buyers are ready and eager to spend money, you’ll want to release your merchandise.

10. Use video material to promote your business.

Don’t merely post photographs of your new product on social media. You’ll want to provide them with as much information about their purchasing products. That is why video marketing is a feasible option. There are a variety of approaches you might use to do this. To promote your goods, you may employ commercial-style marketing. They may do this both before and after the introduction of your product. Include a video demonstration of the new product once it is available for purchase on your website to show visitors how it works. Recognize the kind of material that your target market like. Consumers would prefer watching a video to reading about a product.


Furthermore, 90 percent of customers feel product videos assist them in making purchasing choices. After seeing a video, customers are 64% more likely to purchase an item online. Share the videos through your distribution channels, including your website, social media platforms, marketing emails, and more. Embrace the live video trend. Showcase the goods in real-time with live video feeds. These strategies will assist you in increasing sales for your new product launch.


It might be scary to launch a new product. You’ve invested so much time and work into the release that you want to ensure it goes off without a hitch. However, your new product will not make a profit if sales are not generated. As a result, you must start generating buzz for your product before publishing. Take pre-orders and begin collecting money as soon as possible. Instead of hunting for new consumers, focus on promoting the new release to your existing ones. Come up with a novel idea for a product. As a promotional strategy, hold competitions and provide discounts. In your blog postings, mention the new product. Showcase the item on your website and think about when you’ll release it. Create video ads and distribute them across all of your distribution platforms. If you follow the suggestions in this tutorial, your new product will sell well and earn you a lot of money.

Frequently Asked Question

How do you get sales on launch day?

A: Launch day sales are difficult to predict but often depend on ta game’s popularity. The more popular it is, the higher its chances for success and thus potentially launch day sales.

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