How to Fix an HTTP Error When Uploading Images to WordPress?

One of the most common errors for developers when trying to upload images to WordPress is an HTTP error due to an invalid file size. This tutorial will teach you how to fix this issue and get your photos uploaded successfully. When it comes to maintaining a WordPress blog or an ecommerce site, a picture is worth a thousand words. They make it easier for readers to grasp the material while also providing visual interest to otherwise text-heavy sites. What if you get an HTTP error while trying to upload photographs to WordPress? Nightmare! But don’t be concerned. I’ll teach you how to repair the HTTP problem and upload photos to WordPress successfully. I’ll go through the significant cause of the HTTP issue and how to fix it, and other topics. Excited? Great. Let’s get started!

What should you expect?

It’s not a massive problem if you get an HTTP error while uploading photographs. However, since there are many possible reasons, the repair procedure might be lengthy. However, the process is quite simple in general. When uploading photos to WordPress, here’s how to remedy the HTTP error:

The Good


There are a variety of remedies available, ranging from changing your picture format to testing your internet connection to the somewhat more involved plugin and theme deactivation. But nothing that will make you yank your hair out. The problem will usually be fixed after waiting and refreshing your website for a few minutes. Yes, it is that simple. You also have a plethora of options for resolving the issue. If scaling your picture doesn’t work, you may always try disabling your plugin. If it doesn’t work, you might try raising your RAM limit. The solution list is extensive! If everything else fails, you may seek assistance from your web host provider, who will, once again, aid you in quickly resolving the issue. Additionally, while trying out alternatives to discover the problem, you may construct and utilize a staging site. While you work on correcting the HTTP issue, your live site will remain impacted.

The Bad

HTTP failures are simple to resolve. However, this does not make them any less aggravating. After all, nothing is more frustrating than spending half an hour looking for the right picture, uploading it, and seeing an error notice appear on your computer. Ugh. The phrase “HTTP error” is also a bit of a misnomer since there might be various reasons for the problem. The notice is utterly non-informative and unhelpful since there isn’t a single word detailing the issue. There are so many viable answers, like two sides of a coin, that it may quickly become time-consuming. You’ll have to keep trying various solutions to figure out what’s wrong until the mistake is fixed, which might cause significant disruptions in your productivity. Keep in mind that if everything goes wrong or you get stuck, you may need to contact your hosting provider for assistance. Let’s take a look at each stage one by one.

Steps to Fix an HTTP Error When Uploading Images to WordPress:

Step 1: Double-check the HTTP Error.

WordPress displays a confusing “HTTP error when your picture fails to upload.” This is since there are various probable explanations for this problem. That is why, to locate the perpetrator, you must be analytical. Disclaimer: When you go through this process, clear your cache after doing each one. This will help you identify the leading cause of the problem. First, let’s look at how you may check for an HTTP error.

  • Determine whether you’re dealing with a one-time problem.

First and foremost, you must sit back and do nothing. Wait a few minutes before attempting to upload your picture to your WordPress site. Voila! If the upload was successful. Your issue has been resolved. This isn’t a joke. If it doesn’t work, try a smaller picture or media file. If the file uploads without issues, you know the size of the file was the problem. Lower the original image’s size or alter the file format to prevent this.

  • Execute Browser-Related Testing

Are you still having problems? First, try refreshing your browser’s window. Next, try refreshing the page and re-uploading the picture if the image or media file still won’t upload after altering the image size and format. If you find your login session has expired, go to your dashboard, and log in again. Next, refresh the page by either pressing the Reload button or the F5 key on your keyboard. Re-upload the image then and see if it works.

  • Use a Different Web Browser

When working on our WordPress blogs, most of us prefer Google Chrome, and it’s clear to understand why. It’s quick, dependable, and effective. However, the web browser is known to have trouble with picture upload, so I suggest using Firefox instead. After switching web browsers, re-upload your picture. Then, if the issue still exists, go to Step 2.

Step 2: Increase the amount of memory on the server.

Because an acceptable memory limit is necessary to upload photos, the most typical cause of the HTTP error is insufficient memory. Therefore, the following step in this process should increase the server’s memory use. There are two crucial requirements for raising your WordPress memory limit:

  1. Make sure your hosting package limitations are acceptable. If you go above these memory restrictions, you’ll get an internal server error (error 500). I strongly advise you to join up with a WordPress-specific site hosting service that can match your requirements.
  2. To modify files, you need an FTP client.

Let’s look at the many options for increasing your RAM limit.

  • The first method is to edit the “wp-config.php” file.

You can increase the memory limit by editing the “wp-config.php” file. All you have to do is add a single line of code to it: define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT,’ ‘256M’ );


  • Changing the Memory Limit Value in cPanel

Login to cPanel, and scroll down to the Software field. Click on MultiPHP INI Editor.


Choose your domain from the drop-down menus and type “memory limit” into the search box. For example, instead of 32M, change the amount to 256M.

  •  Modify the php.ini configuration file

The php.ini file may be found in the WordPress root directory. Look for the term “memory limit” in the file. Increase the RAM limit by changing the value linked with it. If you don’t find the php.ini file, create one and enter the following code: memory_limit = 256M. If you’re utilizing shared hosting, you’ll need to change the memory limit value. htaccess file first. Because there are sometimes multiple php.ini files on shared hosting, you must mention the precise path of the one you generated or altered. To make the change, go to the top of the.htaccess file and enter the following code: <IfModule mod_suphp.c>  /home/your username/public html suPHP ConfigPath </IfModule>Substitute your real cPanel username for “your username.” This is how it should appear:


  •  Make changes to the. htaccess file

Finally, you may raise the RAM limit by editing the. htaccess file. Because it’s a server configuration file, this file is located in the root WordPress directory, as previously stated. To access this folder, you’ll need to activate the proper parameters for revealing hidden files in your FTP client. FileZilla is one of the best FTP clients, in my opinion, but you can choose the one you prefer best. If you use FileZilla, go to the Server tab and click on Force showing hidden files.


Search for “memory_limit“ by opening the file and changing its value. Again, if you don’t see any code present, add the following line: php_value memory_limit 256M. Although raising your RAM limit is one of the most common ways to repair the HTTP issue when uploading photos to WordPress, it isn’t the only one. It’s conceivable that the problem will persist even if you increase your RAM. Proceed to the following step if this is the case.

Step 3: Change the Image Editors in WordPress.

You may solve the HTTP problem by modifying the WordPress image editors using code. For example, GD Library and Imagick are two image editing modules used by WordPress. While both may be used interchangeably, Imagick might create memory leaks, resulting in an HTTP error when uploading images.


This picture editor takes advantage of several threads to speed up image processing. However, while this is beautiful, utilizing Imagick on numerous shared hosts might be pretty restrictive, resulting in an HTTP error. That is why the GD Library image editor will be the default.

  • Fixing the Image Editor Problem

At the conclusion of the file, add the following code to your theme’s functions: function wpb_image_editor_default_to_gd( $editors ) { $gd_editor = ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’; $editors = array_diff( $editors, array( $gd_editor ) ); array_unshift( $editors, $gd_editor ); return $editors; }add_filter( ‘wp_image_editors’, ‘wpb_image_editor_default_to_gd’ ); This code favors GD Library above other image upload options, ensuring that it is always utilized as the first choice. Alternatively, you may compel Imagick to process images using a single thread rather than several threads. Simply add the following code to your.htaccess file: SetEnv MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT 1 Re-upload the picture if necessary. If the HTTP problem persists, you may need to temporarily disable your plugins and themes.

Step 4 – Deactivate Plugins and Themes on Your Website.

At this point, we’ve exhausted the simple tactics, so we’ll have to step up our efforts. To see whether the problem has been fixed, disable some of your plugins and switch your WordPress theme to default (in that sequence). A few plugins, particularly image optimization and security plugins, might be the source of the problem. If you don’t want the changes to show up on your main WordPress website, you may clone your live site to a staging environment. It’s preferable to disable all of your plugins and narrow them down if the HTTP issue occurs, even on staging. This is how you do it:

  • Plugins should be turned off.

Go to your main WordPress dashboard, and browse to Plugins. You’ll find the bulk actions tab at the top of your screen, hover your cursor there, and select Deactivate from the list of options. This will turn off all of your plugins immediately. But don’t be concerned. Deactivating a plugin will not result in any data loss.


If the problem has been fixed, the next step is to identify the perpetrator.

  • Find out about the WordPress Plugin That Isn’t Working

Because all of your plugins have been disabled, you’ll have to reactivate them one by one when you attempt to upload your picture. You’ll know you’ve located the offender when you get an HTTP error after activating a particular plugin. You have two choices here: directly contact the plugin creator or submit a support issue in the WordPress repository.

  • Renaming the Plugins Folder is an alternative.

If you can’t access your admin, you may FTP into your server and rename your plugins folder. Recheck your webpage after changing it to something like “plugins old.” If it works, personally test each plugin. Rename the folder to “plugins,” and then rename each folder within it until you identify the version that isn’t working. If you don’t want the modifications to affect your live site, you may duplicate this on your staging site. It’s time to contact your hosting provider if the issue hasn’t been resolved. Contact a support agent, explain your problem and the many approaches you’ve tried to address it, and then ask for more help.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an HTTP error when uploading images to WordPress?

A: An HTTP error is an error that occurs when you try to get data from a web server. This can happen for many reasons, such as the website being down or overloaded with traffic.

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