How to Find the Best Places to Guest Blog?

There are many places to guest blog, but where should you even start? This post will help you find the best places to get your message. Let me state unequivocally that guest blogging is fantastic. The advantages of guest posting are almost unlimited. Okay, I get — you have to be cautious with that. Overall, I strongly suggest guest writing as a great strategy to grow your reputation and enhance your SEO. There’s a vast difference between stating “guest blogging is awesome” and actually doing it. If guest blogging is so beneficial, how do you go about doing it? This is critical. I’ll show you how to identify the finest locations to guest blog in a step-by-step process. You may locate some spammy sites by Googling “places to guest-blog,” which can damage your site, harm your reputation, and cannibalize your content marketing. That’s not something I’m going to do to you. Successful guest blogging has everything to do with quality sites rather than spammy trash that will get you punished. You’ll discover precisely how to identify top-notch guest blogging sites in the areas below. You’ll also appreciate the benefits of guest posting for your SEO and general marketing.

Steps to create the best Guest Blog:

Step 1: Write everything yourself.

The most crucial step in locating excellent guest blogging opportunities has very little to do with guest blogging. It has to do with the writing you produce on your own website. I’ve begun with this critical stage since I feel it’s the most important. You must create your material and do it with the following four qualifications:

  • Write material in your niche — suppose you want to guest blog for social media sites in the future. Awesome. So, in the meanwhile, you’re blogging about social media on your site. It won’t benefit you if you produce content on unrelated topics like yoga, gardening, or health food.
  • Write material under your own identity – any specialty content you create must be published under your own name. Content that is anonymous or ghostwritten has no value. Even if it’s for your corporate blog or brand, include your byline on anything you write.
  • Create material that is available to the public — some individuals start small. Perhaps they’re writing for a workplace newsletter or intranet. It’s great that you’re writing, but you need to make sure that your material is accessible to everyone. Your company’s internal newsletter, which is tucked into credenzas every other Friday, is inaccessible to everyone. It’s far better, though, if you have, for example, you’re thinking corporate blog containing industry news, trends, research, and information. The specialist material you create under your name should be accessible to the general public.
  • Link to significant authors and websites – you want to be communicating with the top players while you’re creating content. These linkbacks show on the radars of individuals in your field when you link to their sites. They’ll notice linkbacks if they’re knowledgeable about content marketing. This is how you say “Hello.” I’m also in the specialty. I admire you and have recently connected with you.”

What is the significance of this?

  • You can’t expect to be a well-known writer until you’ve already published anything. People want to see what you’re writing, how you’re writing it, and how it may benefit them.
  • You can’t expect to be a guest blogger until you’ve published material relevant to the topic.
  • If your name doesn’t match your material, you can’t expect to be a guest blogger.
  • If readers can’t verify that you’re writing by clicking on a link or seeing your linkback, you can’t expect to be a guest blogger.

If you have previous samples of your work, site editors and blog owners will know you’re serious and capable of producing reading and sharing material for their sites. You absolutely must have a textual presence in some form or another. Start by establishing your WordPress site and getting to work if required.

Step 2: Establish a presence on social media.

The second most important aspect of guest blogging has nothing to do with the actual guest blogging procedure. It’s just as crucial as the first. People nowadays want to see proof that you’re a genuine person. They accomplish this by looking you up on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+. You must be active and visible across all major social media platforms. When you start proposing ideas and requesting a guest blog space, the editor will look you up on Google. When they google you, here’s a brief rundown of how your social media presence should appear:

  • It’s your photo. Nothing to do with a pet, a kid, or a sports team’s emblem. It’s your face.
  • Your most important information. Your employment, your business, your interests, your work history, etc.
  • It’s all about you. Things you’ve shared, links you’ve shared, and individuals you’ve engaged with. At the very least, you should have a few individuals following you.

The objective is to: Seems to be genuine. You could have a rough concept of what a most-likely-fake-account looks like:


Please don’t come off as phony. The more extensive your social media profile, the higher your chances of landing a terrific guest writing opportunity. Having an extra vastork may often help you market yourself. If you share a link with a few thousand people, it may be beneficial to the site you’re writing. It’s OK if you don’t have a large following yet. Be satisfied with a small number of devoted fans. Your social media following will grow due to your guest blogging efforts.

Step 3: Make a list of notable individuals and websites in your field.

Okay, we’ve moved on from the tedious but vital information about you, the author. Let’s start by making a list of persons and websites relevant to your field. The key phrase here is “in your specialty.” This essay aims to teach you to locate the most incredible guest-blogging opportunities. This is where I demonstrate how to find “the greatest.” Please don’t skip this section. Make a writing space for yourself, whether it’s Google Drive, Word, Evernote, etc. First, jot down the names or websites of anybody who comes to mind. You may have a notion of who’s who if you’ve been working in the specialty for a long. Make a list of essential players’ names. Make a list of prominent and authoritative websites. It’s OK if no one comes to mind. Continue to the next stage. Next, look up your desired keywords on GoogNext, cause I’m assuming you have a list of keywords in mind. Consider the phrase “social media management recommendations” as an example of a keyword phrase. This is what you’ll get:


Making a list of the blog sites on the first and second pages is the next step. I’m attempting to discover reputable blog sites using this list. I quickly dismissed the sponsored advertisements.


I’m more interested in the organic sites underneath the advertisements. Look over them to see which ones seem to be blog sites where you may write: seems to be legitimate.

1633226213_167_How-to-Find-the-Best-Places-to-Guest-Blog seems to be legitimate.


I won’t include this URL (below) in my list of sites since it is an individual’s Google+ URL. In step four, though, I shall note this name.

1633226215_928_How-to-Find-the-Best-Places-to-Guest-Blog is the name of the website. I won’t include it on my list since it isn’t technically a blog.


The more exact and long-tail keywords you choose when generating a list based on your keywords, the better. In the example above, I picked a generic one to show you a few different sites that may or may not be suitable for guest writing possibilities. Work through each of your keywords and make a list of all related websites. The same websites are likely to show in many, if not all, of the SERPs for your keywords. The larger your list is at this point, the better. Then generate a list of all the authors whose author profiles appear on the first and second pages. You want to identify the most significant individuals in your test sites. This is in your topic, the purpose of this step. Next, you’ll need a list of influential people. These folks already have a lot of power in your area. You may increase your brand and guest blogging presence by establishing connections with these folks. Finally, look up the names of the top influencers on Google. Look into where they produce material. When you’re adding the names of top influencers to your list, note the websites to which they contribute. Consider the following scenario:


Look up the name on the internet. The top-ranking sites where Drew Hendricks contributes are listed below:


Other sites that could be relevant to my specialty are shown on the first page of results for his name:


Drew’s social media platforms are also crucial since he uses them to distribute the content he creates. I’d want to go to his social media profiles to see what else he’s written:


When I go to Drew’s Google+ page, I discover a couple of different places where he writes. These websites are relevant to my field, and I’ve added them to my list:


I also see Drew has a portfolio, which I’d want to check out.


I glean a couple more sites from his portfolio that may be possible guest blogging sites.


In this phase, you’ll look into industry influencers’ writing websites. You could come up with a half-dozen or more guest blogging sites. Personal blogs are OK, but they are difficult to access for guest posting. So instead, people use their blogs as a place to write about themselves.

Step 4: Make a list of the simple ones.

You have a top-rated list of sites that might work for guest blogging in the list you prepared above. It’s now time to start approaching bloggers about guest blogging possibilities. I recommend that you start by looking for sites that allow guest posting. This is why:

  • You’ll begin to construct an article portfolio outside of your blog.
  • You’ll begin to obtain respect and authority in your area.
  • The quick gains will motivate you.

This is how you do it: Enter your keyword plus one of the phrases below in quotation marks into Google:

  • “requirements for submission”
  • “Guidelines for guest posts”
  • “accepting guest posts” is a phrase that means “accepting guest articles.”
  • “contribute an article”
  • “submit material” is a phrase that means “submit content.”
  • “guest post” is a term used to describe a post written by
  • “I’d want to write”
  • “compose for us.”
  • “create a new post.”
  • “contribute” is a phrase that means “become a contributor.”
  • “This is a guest post by”
  • “Submit your entry” is a phrase that means “submit your post.”

You’ll most likely obtain a site, or twenty, that actively welcomes guest blogging due to this query. So I looked it up on Google:


Now, proceed with caution. Some of the sites you’ll see are nothing more than content farms. The curators of the site are unconcerned with quality or specialty. They are just concerned with obtaining material and generating ad money. Therefore, you must go through the “vet the site” step below for each prospective site on your list.

Step 5: Research the website you’ve chosen.

It’s time to undertake some curating to ensure that your list only contains the top sites. Guest blogging on spam sites is not a good idea. Only the finest should be chosen.

  1. Eliminate any sites that aren’t in your niche – go through your list and eliminate any that aren’t in your place. Some websites may offer a wide range of content. That’s OK as long as they’re appropriately classified.
  2. Remove any site that seems to be spammy or ad-heavy —so, for example, sometimes feel spammy. After a time, you start to have a feel of it. Remove them from your life. Remove the site if it has a lot of banner advertisements or ads above the fold.
  3. Examine the site’s social activity; you want to write for areas that have such soLikewise, removeunt of audience participation. This is a positive indicator if articles are being plussed, liked, tweeted, and shared.
  4. Check the Domain Authority of each site on your list, and remove anything with a DA lower than yours – you may obtain the DA of each site on your list using Any site having a DA of less than 25 should be avoided as a general rule. This is the path I suggest.
  5. If you simply want linkbacks, check all outbound linkbacks on the site’s current articles for “nofollow” links, then remove that site from your list.

However, don’t go through your list so thoroughly that you’re left with just five or six possibilities. You’ll want to have as many as feasible because you’ll be rejected or ignored by up to 75% of the sites you pitch to.

Step 6: Make a pitch or inquire.

Every location is unique. You should make your best effort to get a guest blogging slot, depending on what the site wants (or doesn’t wish to). Here’s what you need to do if you’re writing a guest post for a blog that has an open invitation:

  • Slavs are obedient to their rules. Take note of all the requirements and follow them.
  • Make a one-of-a-kind piece of content. Find out what kind of material is most popular on the site in geneTherefore, take Use this as a starting point for your part.
  • Make the world’s most incredible title. The title of your article is the most significant part of it. Spend some time on it and make sure it catches the reader’s attention.
  • Include graphics, charts, graphs, statistics, films, or anything else that adds to that spendeal.
  • Make sure it’s been copy-edited. Send your content to a copy editor for final polishing to achieve the most significant degree of polish. It’s possible that you won’t be able to afford a copy editor. In this instance, enlist the help of a wise friend to proofread it.

Also, if the site does not offer an open invitation, you must:

  • Look for an email address or a contact form that says “contact us.”
  • Request content contributions. Make sure it’s under 200 words long. Be straightforward; provide a few examples by including a link or two; avoid being self-serving.
  • If you haven’t received a response from the individual after a week, write to them again. Persistence is rewarded.


Allow me to add one more disclaimer here. Linkbacks aren’t your final objective. Linkbacks are fantastic, and I believe they’re a terrific method to improve SEO, but they come with a significant danger of spam. Linkbacks to your site(s) should only be used when relevant and acceptable to your content. The only thing that matters in many circumstances is a little link in your bio area. That’s OK. A remarkable aspect of guest blogging is that it allows you to interact with people worldwide. The more you write for it, the better sites you’ll find. And the better locations you write for, the more opportunities you’ll have to register for better ones. You eventually reach a critical mass after months of tedious emailing, frequent rejections, and dedicated blogging. People pay attention. Instead of you asking them to guest blog, people start asking you. It’s no longer a matter of where I’ll guest blog but rather how I’ll find the time for all of these sites. I’ve seen individuals go from zero to providing guest authors to some of the world’s most prestigious magazines, journals, and publications due to this procedure. Forbes? Entrepreneur? Yes, absolutely. Use the hidden weapon of guest blogging to see your company or personal brand surge in popularity. You now know how to do it. So, where else can you look for attractive guest-posting opportunities? Guest blogging is a great way to build your brand, get more traffic, and earn extra cash.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find a guest post blog for my niche?

A: You can use a keyword search on your niche, like blog guest posts or some other related phrase, to find relevant blogs. Then contact the blog owner and ask if they would be interested in publishing an article from you.

What would be a good guest post site?

A: I recommend writing on Quora, as it is a site that allows you to make posts and have people read them. That being said, my favorite community is Reddit’s

Where can I find guest post clients?

A: You can find guest post clients online at

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  • how to submit guest blog posts
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  • guest blogging sites
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