How to Disable Comments in WordPress?

Comments are a popular feature on WordPress blogs, but not everyone likes them. If you’d like to disable comments on your blog, the first step is figuring out if they’re enabled in the first place. To do this, Navigate to Header > Discussion menu item.  Check the “Discussion” box under the Comment settings section.Comments have a lot of power and may help you improve your WordPress site. It may help you develop a community by encouraging debate and allowing you to communicate with your readers. However, the same remarks might be irritating at times. They may be spammy, self-promotional, and even harmful. If you have a website with static pages, they may be superfluous. So, how do you go about it? WordPress comments are disabled by you. You may disable comments on specific articles, pages, and custom post kinds. It’s also possible to disable comments throughout your whole website. Are you curious as to how? Let’s have a look.

What to Expect When Disabling WordPress Comments?

WordPress also allows you to disable comments, which gives you greater control over your website. The procedure is quick and straightforward, as one would imagine, and all you have to do is select the choice that best suits your requirements. This is what you must do:

  • Step 1 Know Where You Want to Disable Comments on Your Site
  • Step 2 Change the Settings to Disable Comments
  • Step 3 Explore Other Comment Settings

The Good

There may be all types of comments: hateful, nasty, spammy, and out of line. The good news is that you can deactivate them all with a few clicks on your WordPress site. It’ll take you less than five minutes, I promise. Stopping comments might also help you improve your loading speed. First, use tools like PageSpeed and Pingdom to test your site’s performance. Turn off your comments momentarily if your site isn’t loading quickly enough. You may also turn them off worldwide. Although most websites encourage discussion, this isn’t always the case. If you don’t want comments on your website or blog, you’ll be glad to hear that you may disable them.

The Bad

Turning off WordPress comments, like turning off two sides of a coin, has significant drawbacks. For starters, there will be no contact or discussion on the site. This is a considerable drawback since it eliminates your ability to form long-term connections with your audience. Second, you won’t be able to tell if your WordPress articles are attracting the attention of your target audience. For example, you’ll never know whether you have a dedicated readership, which means you won’t be able to attract and enjoy a lot of public attention. Third, it takes longer to disable your comments manually than to use a plugin. If you don’t use the plugin, you’ll have to spend a lot of time updating your comment settings anytime you want to deactivate comments, particularly on specific pages or posts. For some people, this may be a very frustrating experience.

Step 1: Determine where on your site you want to disable comments.

It would be best if you first chose where you wish to block comments completely. For example, posts, pages, attachments, isolated portions of your side, or the whole website may all be included. Next, you must examine your readers’ behavior to determine whether or not it is suitable to block comments.

  • Examine the Patterns and Frequency of Comments.

As previously said, there are a variety of reasons why you would wish to disable your comments. However, you may decide whether to block comments for your whole website or just a particular article or page depending on comment trends and how often the debate is on your website’s front-end. Take, for example, the frequency of comments. People anticipate responses or acknowledgment when they leave comments beneath posts. You, I, and they are all aware of it. If you receive a lot of words every day and don’t have someone to or want to answer them, it’s best to turn them off. However, if a single page receives the bulk of the comments, you should disable comments for that page alone. If you see that your website has more excellent bounce rates due to slower page times, you should disable comments once again. Every comment posted on your website necessitates a database ask/request, and when the quantity of words exceeds a certain threshold, your site may become unresponsive. You can also get a barrage of spam comments. Because spam is often directed at certain spots, it is best to deactivate comments on such pages. When commenting doesn’t serve your website’s aims or brand, you have static pages, or you want to divert the topic to a forum rather than your postings, disabling comments for your whole site is the best option. Consider the numerous circumstances outlined above, and then decide which parts of your website you want to block words for, depending on your findings.

Step 2 – Disable comments in the settings.

WordPress’ default configuration allows anybody to comment on your posts, but not on your pages. Fortunately, you can choose to block or enable comments for specific articles and pages or your whole site. Furthermore, by changing settings on the main WordPress dashboard, you may regulate your comments in various ways. First, let’s look at how you may deactivate comments on numerous portions of your WordPress site.

  • Make all future posts and pages comment-free.

Go to your main WordPress dashboard, and click on Settings, followed by Discussion. You’ll find that the option to Allow people to post comments on articles in the Default article settings field is already checked. Uncheck it. You can also disable trackbacks and pingbacks for all your future posts on your site. To do this, uncheck the Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on the new articles option. As previously stated, comments and pingbacks are disabled by default on pages.

  • Turn off comments on specific posts or pages.

Go to All Posts on the admin dashboard, and select the posts you want to disable comments for. Keep in mind that you may only choose up to 20 posts at a time. If you wish to pick a more significant number, go to the Screen Options area and make the necessary modifications. Click on Bulk Actions. Follow this up by selecting Edit and then Apply. You’ll see a new Bulk Edit option pop-up on your screen that allows you to adjust the settings. Select the Do not allow option from the dropdown menu for Comments. Comments are disabled by default on all of your pages. This option, however, may be changed. Click on Pages on your WordPress dashboard, followed by All Pages from the left sidebar. Hover your cursor over the page title you want to disable and enable comments, and click on Edit. Select the three vertical dots icon located on the top right-hand corner of your screen. Click on Options from the dropdown menu. A pop-up box will appear on your screen. Enable the Discussion box here. Close the pop-up box. On the right-hand side of your WordPress editor, you’ll see the Discussion meta box. Uncheck the Allow comments box. This will disable comments on the specific page. Tip: If you don’t see the Discussion meta box, click on the Document tab to view it. Click on Update to save the settings. If you want to enable comments for a specific page selectively, check the Allow comments box to allow it to fohe respective pages.

  • Individually disable comments on existing posts.

On your WordPress dashboard, go to All Posts, followed by Edit Post. Just below the writing area, you’ll see the Discussion field. If it isn’t visible on your screen, enable Discussion under Screen Option.


Uncheck Allow comments under the Discussion field.  Alternatively, click on Quick Edit and uncheck the Allow comments option.

Step 3: Experiment with Other Comment Options.

WordPress gives you complete control over your comments. Apart from completely deactivating them, you have various things to explore.

  • The Discussion Panel will open.

After logging in to your WordPress site, click on Settings in the main dashboard. Then go to Discussions.


  • Experiment with different comment options.

Here’s a rundown of all the other possibilities:

  1. Denylisting IP addresses, usernames, or emails. You can denylist known offenders or add a code snippet to .htaccess to block known malicious IPs. Even a partial match to the list will be stopped.
  2. Require a moderator to approve the comment before it is published. I highly recommend this as it catches bots and spam, but it also lets you agree to the words you want to post on the front end of your website. You’ll find all unapproved comments in the comments queue on your dashboard once you enable this setting.
  3. They require a user to register. This tactic can help combat a higher frequency of comments. Before leaving comments, every user will have to register—something not everyone likes doing. It can help to bring down spam as well as the comment volume.
  4. Closing comments on older articles. You can specify the number of days you want to let your visitors comment on your posts. Once the last day approaches, comments will be stopped automatically. Spammers generally target older posts, so closing remarks can work wonders to reduce spam.
  5. They are approving comment authors. Approve people who can comment on your posts beforehand. This way, your posts have comments that could help with SEO, and you won’t have to waste time filtering through unnecessary ones.
  6. It was limiting links. This is a perfect setting to stop spammers who leave comments with too many links.
  7. Be notified when you receive comments. Receiving notifications for every new word can help you maintain active control over your comments section. As a result, you can remove unwanted comments swiftly.
  • Remove all comments from all previously published posts or pages.

If you believe that deactivating comments would delete all comments on a post that has already been published, I have some bad news for you: you are mistaken. There’s a step-by-step procedure to follow. First, open the WordPress admin panel, and click on Comments from the left sidebar. Select all the comments you see. Next, click on the Bulk Actions dropdown box, and choose Move to Trash. Follow this up by clicking on Apply.


Every remark you’ve made in your previous posts will be removed. That’s all there is to it.

Alternative Method: Install and activate a plugin to disable WordPress comments.

As much as the next person, I like shortcuts. And, without a doubt, manually deactivating and removing comments for every post or page may quickly become quite tedious. Thankfully, you can save yourself time and effort by installing a clever WordPress plugin. I propose the Deactivate Comments plugin since it allows you to disable all comments on your WordPress site at once. However, you are free to use any other plugin you choose.

  • Install the plugin and turn it on.

Log in to your WordPress website, and go to Plugins. Click on Add New in your WordPress dashboard. Type in Disable Comments in the search bar and press Search. Once you see the login displayed on your screen, hit the Install Now button. Once the installation process is over, click on Activate. This will make the plugin ready for use.

  • Commenting on your website should be disabled.

Your Disable Comments plugin is now ready to be used. Click on the Settings from the side menu bar, and select Disable Comments in the WordPress dashboard. On your screen, you’ll find an interface where you may control the comments on your website. Here you must select between two options:

  1. Everywhere: Disable all comments and related controls in WordPress
  2. You can disable comments on specific posts, pages, and media on certain post types.

Check the option applicable in your case, and click on Save Changes. Voila! Your WordPress comments have now been disabled due to what you’ve done. WordPress is a popular blogging platform that allows users to create and publish content easily. However, WordPress also has a feature that will enable comments on posts. This can be turned off by going to Settings > Discussion in the dashboard of your WordPress site.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I disable comments on a website?

A: You can disable comments by clicking the disable comments button at the bottom of each statement.

How do I turn off the comment section?

A: You can turn off the comment section by clicking on Settings and unchecking Allow comments.

How do I disable comments on one post in WordPress?

A: You can disable comments on individual posts by editing the post and changing the comments_template option to none.

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