How to Create an SEO Friendly Infinite Scrolling Page?

While the infinite scroll is a great tool for websites like blogs, where users tend to consume content one article at a time, not all sites can handle it. Because of this, some best practices should be followed to create an SEO-friendly infinite scrolling page. Endless scrolling is a page design type where the user can scroll down infinitely. It has many benefits, but creating an SEO-friendly unlimited scrolling page may be challenging. This article will show you how to do just that.


It’s fashionable. It’s fine. It’s fashionable. It’s the page with unlimited scrolling! As with every new design trend, SEOs must determine how this web design choice fits into the overall SEO strategy. I prefer a well-designed site with excellent SEO to a fashionable site with mediocre SEO. Read on if you believe an endless scrolling page is the most exceptional design solution for your site while yet maintaining good SEO. I’ll teach you how to accomplish both of these goals in the following ways:

What is an endless scrolling page, and how does it work?

If you’re not acquainted with the term, let me clarify what an “infinite scrolling page” is. You’ll quickly realize, “Oh, yes, I’ve seen that before,” once I provide some instances (below). The phrase “infinite scroll” refers to a feature that enables a user to scroll down a page without ever reaching the bottom. When you scroll down to the “bottom” of the page, it merely loads additional content, giving you an ever-increasing and limitless supply of information. It’s usually done using JavaScript, which asynchronously loads new material as the user scrolls beyond a certain point on the website. To keep load times as short as possible, the new material starts loading in the background before the user reaches the “load more” scroll point. Let’s look at several instances now that you know what it is.

What are some instances of sites with infinite scrolling?

Let’s peek at some of today’s most popular endless scrolling websites. If you visit my Twitter page — or any other Twitter profile — you’ll notice that it seems like you’re scrolling indefinitely. Continue scrolling, and the page will continue to grow.


You’ve likely seen it on Facebook. This is why you can’t seem to get enough of Facebook.


And, while we’re on the topic of social media’s time vortex tendencies, don’t forget about Pinterest’s endless scroll.


Despite its opposition to endless scroll search results on its main search page, Google employs it for picture searches.


But what about pages that aren’t social? Is there a place for endless scroll among the web’s non-Twitters and non-Facebooks? Yes, absolutely. After all, it’s there that the actual SEO benefits of the infinite scroll will be evaluated and shown. For example, Mashable, a news site, has an endless scroll feature.


Département Créatif, a French design studio, employs a mix of hero visuals, infinite scroll, parallax effects, and other eye-catching design features.


Axara, a fashion company website, employs infinite scrolling to good effect:


Infinite scroll provides certain distinct benefits in terms of user experience and engagement. But there are issues as well. The subject that interests me the most is SEO.

What’s the issue with endless scrolling websites in terms of SEO?

The SEO issue with infinite scroll is JavaScript, which is the most common implementation method. The majority of JavaScript does not seem to be crawled effectively by search engines, notably Google: Google can use JavaScript to discover material, but it has limits on limits and comprehension. The best practice remains the same: use simple HTML to create the information you want Google to crawl and index. Instead of using AJAX tabs, which scatter the data over multiple files, use jQuery tabs to keep the content in one file. Said, make it simple for Google to find your material. This is also something Google emphasizes in its webmaster recommendations: If you can’t view all of your site with a text browser because of sophisticated features like JavaScript, cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML, or Flash, search engine spiders may have problems indexing it. The HTML content in your source code is guaranteed to be indexed by Google, but any additional material loaded asynchronously through JavaScript will not be. Crawlers aren’t the same as humans. They don’t always “keep scrolling” in the same way a human user would.

So, what’s the solution?

Thankfully, there is a solution to make endless scroll pages crawlable and searchable. There are other options, but only one is officially recommended by Google. This is the core concept. You’ll need to make an endless scroll page and a succession of additional pages to go along with it. As a result, you (or your CMS) create a complete scrolling experience with pagination. The endless scroll page is broken into sections:


Here’s how it works in detail:

Step 1: Decide how you’ll split your material.

Take inventory of all the stuff you want to infinite scroll and divide it into manageable parts. These chunks don’t have a set length. You want to make sure that consumers can locate what they’re searching for with a minimum of scrolling. Per best practices, you should ensure that these sites load quickly and not duplicate material from other pages.

Step 2: Construct a URL structure that allows for unlimited scrolling.

Even if you’re making an endless scroll, you’ll need to consider a URL structure. This URL structure should be able to retain the infinite scroll page’s sequential nature. Remember that you’re paginating your infinite scroll, so each part of the information will have its page with its URL. Use human language in your URLs since it is easier for people and crawlers to understand. The regular and standard URL “” works well. It also works if you add pagination or IDs to suit a more simplified design. According to Google, the following patterns are acceptable:


When it comes to URL construction, there are two things to avoid:

  1. First, do not use relative-time-based URL parameters. Using time-based features adds chronological complexity that will reduce the SEO value of your page. For example, Google advises avoiding this particular URL structure: “” because of the “days-ago=3” section of the URL.
  2. Do not use code-based language in your URL. Avoiding code mumbo jumbo helps to preserve an enhanced user experience. Here is Google’s example of stuff you shouldn’t have in a URL: “” In this example, you would want to avoid using everything after the word “design.”

Step 3: Each page should contain rel=” next” and rel=” prev” within the <head> tag.

By including these pagination codes in your header, Google will be able to index the content on each page. These rel characteristics tell Google about the connection between your URLs, making it more likely that Googlebot will crawl, index, and return these sites in order. In reality, rel attribution maintains your site’s sequential crawlability while guaranteeing that each piece of content has its own indexed and unique page. Learn about paginated content and how to utilize the fundamental properties in various situations.

Step 4: On the infinite scroll page, use pushState.

PushState is an HTML5 technique that controls how the page loads. PushState will load new items in the order determined by the pagination using the state object (anything serialized) and the URL. PushState instructs the browser on what to pack and show. This is how Twitter’s endless scroll works. If you want to change the history item or react to user-scrolling behavior, you may utilize the replaceState function. ReplaceState would react to scroll actions or enable the user to go backward in the pagination history and examine the pages that had been loaded.

Step 5: Apply SEO recommended practices to all of your pages.

Of course, you’ll want to test your endless scrolling page to check that each page loads correctly and in the allotted time. Then, in the future, all you have to do is apply your SEO skills to write the finest and cleanest material possible. In this sense, infinite scrolling is no different from regular SEO. You’re free to produce killer content optimized for your requirements after you’ve integrated the correct endless scrolling pagination features.


Infinite scrolling is only one of several design elements that may help users connect and stay longer. It is not, however, appropriate for every website. It all depends on what you want to achieve with your particular page. According to the Nielsen Norman Group, endless scrolling is not a suitable option for websites that offer goal-oriented seeking activities. Terminal point conversion operations are examples of goal-oriented searching tasks. When consumers scroll endlessly across a website, a new bounce rate emerges, skewing analytics and reducing CRO opportunities. As you know, infinite scrolling may help with SEO. However, this does not imply that it is the ideal option for your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make infinite scroll SEO friendly?

A: You can use the following button on every new webpage.

Is infinite scroll good for SEO?

A: I’m sorry, but no. The infinite scroll is a way to create an unending list of content that can potentially be exhausting for users and could cause them to abandon your site before they get the answer they seek.

How do I make my website infinite scroll?

A: To make your website infinite scroll, you will need to use JavaScript or jQuery. With the former method, once a page has loaded, it will continue scrolling infinitely until it hits the bottom of the browser window. The latter is similar, but doesnt require JavaScript and can be controlled by CSS.

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