How To Create a Successful Facebook Business Page?

The Facebook business page is the ultimate marketing tool, giving you more control over your product than ever before. However, creating a successful and engaging business page requires work on all fronts – from branding to strategy to engagement. Here’s what it takes to build an influential Facebook community in 2019 that will be worth its weight in gold. It’s mind-boggling to consider the sheer magnitude and reach of Facebook. When thinker that Facebook accounts for one out of every five page views in the United States, the impact of this social media juggernaut is clear. So, of course, you want to do all you can to reach out to as many people as possible in your target demographic. This allows you to grow your audience, create more leads, and drive a lot of traffic to your website via referrals. Of course, there is a slew of factors that go into determining your Facebook success. But, in my opinion, the most important thing you can do is make your Facebook profile aesthetically attractive to your target market. It must be able to pop. In this piece, I’ll go over the basics of creating an engaging Facebook page, as well as some particular features you should add to wow your target demographic and, most importantly, how to acquire their trust. From a marketing standpoint, faith has always been crucial. However, it has never been more vital than it is now, in my view.


Because so many customers are cynical about brands and businesses, this is the case. And why shouldn’t they be wary? Seventy percent of today’s spam complaints are related to marketing communications. Consider how many con artists, fraudulent adverts, and deceptive advertising strategies individuals are exposed to regularly. To avoid sounding negative, contemporary customers have cause to be wary. It would be best to put your audience at ease as a marketer. And social media is a fantastic tool for doing so. Facebook, in particular, is an excellent platform for building trust. You can even utilize it to convert casual admirers into brand evangelists. In reality, Facebook has been immensely helpful in increasing my following. Neil Patel’s page now has about 1 million followers, and it’s rising every day.


22 fundamentals for developing a great Facebook page for your company:

1. Begin with a unique cover picture.

Your cover picture is by far the most significant feature. It takes up the most incredible space and is usually the first visitor notice. It must be flawless. I propose making a personalized cover picture that defines your business identity and offers them a quick sense of what you’re about. The cover picture for the Quick Sprout Facebook page is as follows:


It has the same branding features as, including the green backdrop, as you can see. And, in my view, this is the most important goal you should pursue. Visitors should connect the links between your cover picture and your current brand. This is critical for your whole brand identification to be strengthened. Here’s a snapshot of HubSpot’s Facebook page, which completely meets this requirement:


It has its unique emblem and trademark orange hue. And here’s something else. Try to add your unique selling proposition to make sense, as I did with the Quick Sprout page. With their cover shot, Ahrefs does this flawlessly:


This is beneficial for newcomers who may not completely comprehend the goods you’re selling. I recommend avoiding mediocre-looking stock photographs since they might come out as inauthentic (and sometimes cheesy). Fortunately, making your own personalized Facebook cover picture is simple. If you have even a smidgeon of “designing chops,” a free application like Canva may help you generate a professional-looking graphic. Cover photographs on PCs show at 828 pixels wide by 315 pixels height, while on smartphones, they display at 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall. To avoid pixelation, stay with a picture resolution of 828 × 315 pixels. On Canva, here’s how you accomplish it. To begin, create an account with Canva:


It just takes a minute to complete. Go to “More” from your dashboard after your account is set up.


Then scroll down to the section under “Social Media and Email Headers.” You’ll see “Facebook Cover” after that. That should be clicked.


You may now pick from Canva’s library of pre-made layouts, upload your own to alter, or start from scratch.


It’relativelyly simple. You don’t even need to know how to code. When you can make your own awesome Facebook cover picture for free, there’s no need to utilize a terrible stock photo.

By the way, in addition to your company name, here are some more types of material you might use in your cover photo:

  • a photograph of your primary item
  • a notice of an upcoming event
  • an announcement of a competition
  • recommendations represent companies you’ve worked within.

Make an effort to differentiate yourself from your competition by being innovative.

2. Make your profile photo stand out.

The majority of your visitors’ gazes will thus be drawn to your profile image. This, too, must be professional-looking and appropriately tailored, just like your cover picture. The Quick Sprout profile photo looks like this:


And this is what my Neil Patel Facebook profile looks like:


They’re both in keeping with the branding I use on each site, as you can see. They’re also relatively straightforward. I suggest keeping your profile image simple and not becoming too cluttered or attractive. You don’t have much room to work with, after all. In terms of optimum computer dimensions, Facebook recommends 170 x 170 pixels.


If you need to design or update your profile photo from scratch, you can again utilize Canva. The basic message is that you should not scrimp on your profile or cover photo. These are the first things that visitors will notice about your website. They should not only look amazing, but they should also be consistent with your brand.

3. Make sure your page is correct.

If you’re a prominent person, media firm, or brand, Facebook, like Twitter, provides a function where you may add a verification badge. Here’s one of mine:


It’s an easy method to show it’s your account and not someone else’s. The following are the processes to have your Facebook page verified:


For additional details on the procedure, see this Facebook tutorial.

4. Make use of your primary branding aspects.

You’ll need identifiable branding features like a formal logo, recognized color scheme, and style to develop a strong brand. Facebook provides a beautiful chance to strengthen your brand, which aids idevelopingof trust. Include a profile photo and a backdrop image with your essential branding features. Take, for example, TechCrunch:


Along with their logo, they employ their characteristic green and white color combination.

5. Make your About page more interesting.

The importance of your website’s About page cannot be overstated. In fact, “52% of people” want to see it on the homepage of your website.


It’s only natural to construct a comprehensive Facebook About page. Chris Guillebeau provides an excellent example:


Notice how he quickly and concisely conveys his essential information to visitors?

6. Include your contact information.

According to the KoMarketing research I mentioned earlier, having a contact page on your website is more significant than having an About page. After visiting your webpage, they discovered that 64% of visitors want to see your contact information.


Of course, you should also post this on your Facebook page. Include as much information as possible. Include a phone number if possible since this is a significant indicator of trustworthiness. For my contact information, I have the following:


7. Include a link to your website.

You should build a link referring to your website wherever possible. This is just another source of referral traffic. It may also increase the level of confidence consumers have in your Facebook profile.


8. Include relevant photographs.

When you browse down most company sites, the first thing you’ll see is a “Photos” section.



This is another opportunity to enhance the visual attractiveness of your Facebook profile and make it even more seductive. It’s also an excellent approach to keep your branding consistent. To fill this portion of your Facebook profile, add a few high-quality photographs. Remember that visitors will only view three pictures on your timeline, so don’t go overboard with the amount. In truth, the Quick Sprout page has just three shots, and they’re perfectly adequate:


What matters is that they all look nice and contribute to your Facebook page’s overall appearance. You may then sort them into albums based on their relevance, such as profile photographs, cover images, timeline photos, and so on. Ensure that the three photographs on your timeline are all home runs. They should ideally be labeled, and you may preserve the rest for the different albums that visitors can access by clicking on “Photos.”

9. Include personal photos.

You want to make a real connection with your audience even if you’re a huge, well-known company. You want to project an image of openness and authenticity. One of my favorite aspects of Facebook is that it allows you to mix work with pleasure. I’m sure it’s helped me get credibility by enabling me to exhibit a little bit of myself. If you go through my photos, you’ll see something like this:


That’s my mother and me on the left. Or this:


My nephew and I are in the middle of an epic cosmic fight. You should maintain a professional demeanor, but don’t be afraid to reveal some personal details on your Facebook page to assist yointacquiringre trust and becoming more liked.

10. Include footage from behind-the-scenes.

Allowing your audience to see what’s boiling under the surface is another approach to connect with them. Include some behind-the-scenes footage to give readers a taste of your team’s culture. Here’s an excellent HubSpot example:


11. Include influencers in your content.

I’m sure you’re aware of the importance of utilizing key influencers. Associating your brand with an industry influencer nearly always increases your credibility—the more the influence of the influencer, the greater the effect. Tim Ferriss is one of the finest in the industry at this. You’ll see him alongside a slew of celebs and influencers if you go through his Facebook images. Here he is with Shopify’s founders:


And here he is with Marie Kondo, the Japanese tidying expert.


I understand that this isn’t feasible for everyone, mainly if your company is young or tiny. If you can pull this off, it may have a significant influence on how much your audience trusts you.

12. Media coverage after the event.

Again, not everyone will be able to do this. And I am well aware that this is easier said than done. However, incorporating any form of media attention you’ve earned may considerably boost your credibility. As an example, here’s a little clip of myself on Viceland:


13. Include videos.

We all know how popular video marketing is. So take a look at the explosive growth of mobile video in recent years:


Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of it? Adding video to my Facebook page has helped me improve interaction while also establishing myself as a credible voice in digital marketing. I make a point of putting videos towards the top of my website.


Visitors may see my whole video library by going to the “Videos” area of the sidebar or selecting “See All.”


I highly advise you to try with videos if you haven’t already.

14. Use Facebook Live to your advantage.

But why should we stop there? You may now make live broadcasts on Facebook and other social media channels. Because “Facebook Live Stream search popularity has surged over 330 percent since Facebook Live’s introduction,” you should be interested. I can’t think of a better approach to swiftly raise your credibility than to increase engagement. Consider that for a moment. People may watch your videos in real-time and learn a lot about you, and you can answer their questions and comments right now. ProBlogger’s Darren Rowse makes use of this new trend to significant effect:


15. Rather than selling, inform.

The beauty of inbound marketingmainlyly content marketing, is that it allows businesses to promote without overtly selling. Rather than bombarding your target audience with mindless marketing messages, you can use content marketing to educate, enlighten, and amuse them. They’ll learn about your brand and get actual value in a discreet manner this way. My Facebook philosophy is tinspireen rather than sell to my audience.


This has been a significant part of my success, and I encourage you to do the same.

16. Stay true to your main idea.

“Jack of all crafts, master of none” is a phrase I’m sure you’ve heard. This is precisely what you don’t want to happen on your Facebook page. To build trust, you should concentrate on your core strengths rather than attempting to be everything to everyone, returning to Darren Rowse. One word comes to mind when you hear his name: blogging.


Home renovations, gardening, and knitting are not among them. It’s only a matter of blogging. This has made him one of the foremost authorities on the subject. Make sure you’re following suit and adhering to a common issue.

17. Maintain a regular posting schedule.

AAccording to a report by CoSchedule that reviewed evidence from ten separate studies, one post per day is the optimal posting frequency on Facebook, one post per day is the optimal posting frequency on Facebook.


Unlike other sites, such as Twitter or Pinterest, where publishing many times a day is allowed and encouraged, Facebook works best with one post every day. Although I, like many other companies, publish more often at times, this data reveals one essential fact. It would be best if you got into the practice of uploading or curating new information regularly.

18. React to feedback.

You know you’re winning on Facebook if you’re receiving a lot of engagement. However, you must answer as often as possible to maintain the momentum and keep people engaged. That is exactly what I attempt to accomplish.


I understand that this might be time-consuming, but it is essential for establishing genuine trust with your audience.

19. Seek feedback.

Looking for features to add to your new product but not knowing where to start? Or are you stumped as to what to write about on your blog? Ask your Facebook friends for their opinions. This is a fantastic approach to market research, increase engagement, and give your audience a sense of importance. Here a several particular Mavrck examples:



More suggestions may be found in this article.

20. Run a poly now and again.

Another great technique to engage your audience is to use polls. It’s a fast and straightforward approach for children to express themselves and feel involved. To discover how to post polls on Facebook, go to this page.

21. At the top of your page, pin fantastic content.

There’s one more feature that I like. That’s the one that lets you pin a popular post to the top of your page to increase its visibility. Let’s be honest about it. Some of the postings are superior to others. However, even if you endeavor to maintain high-quality standards, some material will constantly ascend to the top. Maybe it’s a long-form post or an article that got a lot of attention. Regardless of the situation, pinning it to the top may help you gain authority and credibility. Here’s how you go about it. To begin, make sure the post contains a stunning photograph. If it’s simply okay, I recommend replacing it with something that looks fantastic. After that, scroll down to theaters and click on the arrow in the upper right corner to “Pin to Top.”


It’s as simple as that. This will be the first article that visitors will see when they explore your content from now on. Follow the same steps if you wish to change it to a different post later.

22. Have a good time.

One last point. Social networking is supposed to be enjoyable. It isn’t intended to be highly formal or strict. So having fun with it and letting your personality come through is another essential component in creating trust. Allowing yourself to “let your hair down” may assist you in gaining the confidence you desire.


Aesthetics and trust should be your primary concerns regarding your company’s Facebook profile. When it comes down to it, trust equals money. Gaining trust is similar to knocking down the first domino, which leads to a slew of additional advantages like engagement, a large following, leads, conversions, and, eventually, sales. And in my opinion, Facebook is one of the most effective tools for building trust. All you have to do now is figure out which aspects to use and put in the effort to provide your audience with what they want. Following these steps should allow you to quickly capture visitors’ interest and gain their trust, allowing them to explore more of your material and convert it into purchases. Facebook has been a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it can also be used as a marketing tool. To create a successful Facebook business page, one must first understand the proper steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make my business Facebook page successful?

A: You need to have a clear understanding of your target audience, create content that will appeal specifically to them, and also be able to provide something specific for every social media platform you are on.

Is it worth creating a Facebook business page?

A: Yes, it is worth creating a Facebook business page. A Facebook Business Page can help you increase your brand awareness and make more sales revenue. It will also provide you with insights on how effective your marketing strategies are regarding reaching new customers or generating leads for you.

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