How to Clear Your Cache in WordPress?

Old cache files can slow down a website’s performance and space on your computer. WordPress has an advanced function that lets you clear away old cached data periodically to ensure that your site remains updated and uncluttered. This article will go over how to do this easily from within WordPress itself., with no need for third-party plugins or tools, such as CCleaner. Your website has undergone some significant modifications. However, they do not appear on your website in any way. Almost every piece of troubleshooting advice you’ll get will tell you that you should clear your WordPress cache first. Your WordPress website builds static copies of your content and provides them to visitors to guarantee speedier performance. All websites must store temporary data in a local directory as an essential feature. This is what cache is. However, caching has its drawbacks, so you should delete your website cache regularly. Your website may become severely slowed as a result of an information overload. Furthermore, you may not immediately notice the modifications you make to your website. This is why a quick WordPress cache clearing is required.

What to Expect When You Clear Your WordPress Cache?

You may lose 40% of your visitors with a three-second wait. As a result, you can understand the significant income loss that a poor page load time might entail. If you want more consumers and sales, you must think of methods to make your website quicker, and the easiest way to do so is to clear your website cache.

Here’s how it’s done:

  • Step 1 Find Out If You Really Should Clear Your WordPress Cache
  • Step 2 Clear Cache Data with Your Web Host
  • Step 3 Clear Your WordPress Caching Plugin Data

The Good

It may seem that clearing cache is difficult, but it isn’t. On the contrary, it may be the simplest way to debug any website issues you have. All you have to do now is to follow the instructions outlined in this article. When a visitor visits your site, a request to show the page is sent to your server. The server retrieves the relevant data and sends it to the user’s browser as an HTML file. The HTML file is subsequently processed by the user’s browser, which transforms it and displays it as a web page. The rule is simple: the sooner this procedure is completed, the happy your visitor will be and the longer they will remain on your website. Clearing your cache is simply one more thing you can do to please your visitors. Your visitors will be able to view the most recent modifications and improvements you make to your site, which will enhance their overall experience. Furthermore, emptying your WordPress cache is considerably more straightforward if you already have a cache plugin installed. I’m just talking about two or three clicks! Likewise, your modifications will be reflected on your website as soon as your cache folder is clear.

The Bad

When you make significant changes to your website, you should clean your cache. The issue here is the frequency and scheduling of your updates. Because your update schedule may vary, you may forget to clear caches manually every time you change your main website. Automatic cache cleaning schedules (a feature provided by WordPress cache plugins such as WP Rocket or WP Super Cache) are another feasible option. However, if your update frequency is excessive, it may not be the ideal solution. Yes, clearing your WordPress cache will bring your site up to date. However, the static files must be saved again to improve page loading speeds. As a result, your SEO ranking may suffer a little, and your website may take longer to load for your visitors. You win some, you lose some, as they say.

Ways to Clear Your Cache in WordPress:

Step 1: Determine if you need to clear your WordPress cache.

The purpose of website caching is to improve the user experience of your visitors. You can provide your visitors with the best experience possible by delivering a static copy of your site, which helps your page load quicker with each visitor. However, at the same time, caching may unintentionally obstruct the delivery of fresh material to your website’s users. Therefore, you must learn to manually clean your WordPress cache to prevent problems or losing clients. But before we go into it, let’s see whether we need to clear the cache.

  • New Content Isn’t Showing Up.

If you notice that fresh material isn’t showing up on your website, consider it a red signal. Check whether changes you make in the WordPress customize or if you alter an already published page or post are visible on your site. Alternatively, you may check whether your browser has cached the changes you made by opening a window in ‘incognito mode.’ Even if you use a WordPress cache plugin, you may need to clear the WordPress cache in this scenario manually. You’ll also need to delete your browser cache after that.

  1. Plugins and themes have been updated.

Caching plugins save all components from other plugins and themes, which is fantastic. However, after updating your website plugins and themes for a while, you may notice that your website is glitching. This is because every significant upgrade renders the CSS/JSS files outdated. For this reason, deleting your WordPress cache after each plugin/theme update is so important. But don’t be concerned. After clearing your WordPress cache and refreshing your browser cache, everything should be back to normal. Do any of the scenarios above ring a bell? If that’s the case, stay reading to learn how to clear your WordPress cache in under two minutes.

Step 2: Delete Your Browser’s Cache.

Before we go into how to clear your browser cache, it’s essential to understand what it entails. When you view a website, your browser saves fragments of the pages to your device’s hard disk. Examples are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other media assets such as logos, backdrops, and photos. These are known as static assets, and they refer to the sections of a website that haven’t changed since your last visit. Storing this static content allows your website to load quicker on your visitors’ computers, which enhances the user experience. However, web browsers may fail to notice when a web page has changed, and instead of obtaining a new copy, they may reload the cached (and outdated) version saved on the computer. A browser cache refresh should usually cure the issue.

  • Delete Your Browsing History

Open Google Chrome on your device. Click on the three horizontal dots (this is the menu icon) located in the top right-hand corner of your screen.


Click on More Tools, and select Clear Browsing Data from the dropdown menu. A Clear browsing data pop-up will appear on the screen.


Click on the Advanced tab, and select All time from the Time range dropdown menu.


Ensure the Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files checkboxes are checked. Finally, click on the Clear data button. Your browser’s cache has now been cleaned thoroughly.  Visit your website to double-check that the modifications you made before emptying your cache are still visible. If this is not the case, go to the next step.

  • Clear Cache Data with Your Web Host.

Disclaimer: If you have a caching plugin installed and activated on your website, skip this step and move on to Step 3. You may clean the cache immediately using popular WordPress-specific hosting settings. Bluehost, SiteGround, and WP Engine are among the top web hosting companies. I’ll teach you how to clear your cache using Bluehost, but the procedure is essentially the same for other web providers. You may always contact your support staff if you get stuck someplace.

  • In Bluehost, clear the WordPress cache.

Bluehost is one of the most reliable web hosting companies available. It provides low-cost membership levels, excellent security and support, and a slew of freebies, including a free domain and SSL certificate. So it’s a surprise that cleaning your cache in Bluehost is so simple that the platform is built to be user-friendly. Go to the main admin dashboard, and click on the Caching button you’ll find at the top of the admin toolbar.


Two options will appear on your screen in the dropdown menu. Select Purge All. This will immediately clear all your WordPress cache files. As I previously said, it is pretty simple.

Step 3: Delete the Data from Your WordPress Caching Plugin.

WordPress caching plugins are great solutions for providing your website with an instant boost. However, if clearing the cache in your browser doesn’t work, you’ll need to clean the cache in your plugins. The HTML pages of your website preserved on your server are referred to as this. Depending on the plugin you’re using, you’ll have to follow a different procedure to clear your cache. I’ll teach you how to clean your WordPress cache using the four most common caching plugins in the section below. But, first, let’s have a look at some examples:

  • How to Use WP Super Cache to Clear Cache?

WP Super Cache is a widely used caching plugin that includes several sophisticated caching functions. This offers features such as automated cache compression and a cache scheduler. Here’s how to use this caching plugin to clean the cache:

  1. Go to the main WordPress dashboard. Click on Settings, followed by WP Super Cache.
  2. Click on the Delete Cache button located towards the bottom of the screen right under the Delete Cached Pages field.


That’s all there is to it! All of your cached pages will be removed from your computer.

  • How to Use WP Rocket to Clear Cache?

Many website owners can attest to WP Rocket’s superior caching capabilities. All by itself, it creates the website cache while enabling the recommended WordPress caching options, including GZIP compression, page caching, and cache pre-loading. Follow the instructions below to remove the cache files saved by this plugin.

  1. Go to your WordPress admin dashboard and log in.
  2. The WP Rocket menu is already available on the admin toolbar. Please hover your mouse over the tab to open it.
  3. Select Clear cache from the dropdown menu options.


Congratulations! You now know how to delete the cache data files in WP Rocket.

  • How to Use WP Fastest Cache to Clear Cache?

WP Fastest Cache, the most famous cache plugin on WordPress, is a user-friendly cache plugin that generates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site. It also minifies HTML and CSS files, resulting in smaller total file size.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, go to the WP Fastest Cache option in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Next, select the Delete Cache tab on the top toolbar, and finally, click on the big Delete Cache button.


However, anytime you publish a new page or post, the WP Fastest Cache plugin deletes all cached files immediately. However, you may still clear your cache files using the manual technique described above.

W3 Total Cache:

W3 Total Cache offers a high level of flexibility and bandwidth-saving capabilities. It’s meant to boost server speed by caching all aspects of your website, and it’s also compatible with most networks, including WordPress. Let’s look at how to remove your W3 Total Cache files quickly:

  1. Click on the Performance option on your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select Dashboard from the presented options and follow this up by clicking on the empty all caches tab. You’ll find this button located at the top half of your screen.


The cache for your WordPress plugins has been cleared! WordPress is an excellent platform for building websites. It has many features and functions that make it easy to use. However, one of the more common problems with WordPress is when users have too many plugins or themes installed. This can cause performance issues and slow down your website. The “clear cache wordpress” will allow you to clear your cache in WordPress.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clear my WordPress cache without plugins?

A: You can clear your WordPress cache by following this tutorial on how to do it without any plugins

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