How to Become a Highly educate?

It can seem impossible to stand out with the market saturated with content and ever-present competition. However, there are a few unique ways of becoming an “uber-brand” that will give you more attention than your competitors. If you’re looking for something new in marketing, this article is perfect! To become a teacher, you must have a degree in education. To become a teacher, you must be able to teach children or adults. You can also become an educator without a degree. I’m a naturally curious individual. I find myself researching practically every subject under the sun regularly. If I’m out with friends at a restaurant and someone inquires about a current incident or cites a fact, I’m Googling my phone. (That’s right, I’m that man.) The words “what is,” “why is,” and “how-to” often appear in my Google searches. When I Google a lot of these queries, I’ve seen a pattern. Quora accounts for a significant portion of the results I get. Here’s an illustration:



It sits beautifully at number three for this specific search term. And this isn’t a coincidence. Google has a lot of affection for Quora. As a result, interest in this large-scale Q&A site is rising. Take a look at how Google Trends has tracked interest over time:


That, I believe, is important. There has a robust user base, with 190 million members as of April 2017 and 400,000 topics, and it is constantly increasing. Quora is a great place to create trust and authority while promoting your business. I utilize it to generate a lot of high-quality referral traffic and leads. I’ve personally seen Quora’s strength and strongly advise you to use it. However, you can’t simply put some answers up and expect fantastic results. You must follow a procedure, as with most aspects of marketing. In this article, I’d want to offer a method that has worked for me and that I believe will work for you. Getting things started is going to take some time. However, following this procedure may help you become one of Quora’s highest-rated users.

Make your profile stand out.

The first thing you should do is spend some time customizing your profile so that it oozes excellence. Here’s a sample of mine:


It would help if you went through your “Credentials and Highlights,” strengthened up your “Knows About” section, and explained your bio thoroughly. Remember to add a professional headshot as your profile picture. In the end, the more information you provide in your profile, the better. More precisely, it would help if you chose themes in which you are well-versed. This will be crucial later on since you only want to respond to subjects and queries that you grasp. It’s vital to be considered a trustworthy authority figure who understands what they’re talking about.


Here are a few of the themes I came up with:


Provide excellent responses.

You may use hacks to grow your following fast, improve your reputation, etc. However, there are no shortcuts on Quora. Instead, you build a buzz by offering valuable responses and surpassing expectations. I know that “Provide beneficial responses.” is a little vague, so let me give you an example. Here’s a real-life Quora question:


Here are a few more responses to this question:



Both of them are pretty good. They surely give an answer to the issue as well as some insight. However, neither response is in-depth, in my opinion. Here’s my response:








And that’s only the beginning. If you keep scrolling down, you’ll find a lot more information. It’s worth noting that it’s far more detailed and organized like a blog article than a simple response. I incorporated pertinent photos, headings, and enough white space to make it palatable and scannable. This strategy is similar to the skyscraper approach: locate unique content and improve it. The method to achieve this, as I discussed in a previous blog, is to:


Is it labor-intensive and time-consuming? Yes. Does it, however, increase my credibility and authority? Yes, absolutely. I’m not implying that you have to go to such lengths with your responses. Some may think it’s a bit much. However, you want to be sure you’re addressing a question entirely and entirely. A person should feel pleased after gaining new knowledge about the subject. You’re wasting your time on Quora if you merely provide half-hearted replies with general information that anyone can obtain anywhere. That’s simply the way things are. The only way to get a good rating is to be helpful.

They are identifying questions to address.

Now that you know how much depth to aim for, let’s talk about how to come up with excellent questions to respond to. Of course, you want to answer questions that will offer you the most exposure since you’ll be investing a lot of time and effort into it. Clicking on “Answer” from your dashboard is one method to locate questions.


Quora will provide you with the most relevant questions based on your knowledge and areas of expertise.


You’ll often be able to discover answers to several questions right in your backyard. Another option is to do a direct search for a particular subject. For instance, I may look for “content marketing.” In the search box, type it in and choose the topic that best fits what you’re searching for.


After that, Quora will provide you with a selection of questions from which to pick.


Everything is quite clear. Keep in mind that the questions on the top get the most attention, which is exactly what you want.

Metrics of importance

You may be asking what measurements are used to determine authority and trustworthiness. It’s straightforward. There are three key metrics to consider:


These will appear at the bottom of your comments and will look like this:


Although views and comments are self-explanatory, you may be wondering what an upvote is. It’s a way for people to endorse your remark and declare that it adds actual value to the conversation. Here’s what a Quora user explains for an upvote:


It’s better for Quora user explains upvotes. Downvotes, on the other hand, have the exact opposite impact. Here’s how to explain it:


These are bad and damage your reputation. Comments, on the other hand, may go either way. Positive feedback is beneficial, whereas negative feedback is detrimental. On the other hand, negative feedback is relatively infrequent in my experience. You shouldn’t be concerned about bad feedback if you’re providing genuine value. Last but not least, there’s your fan base. The larger, the better, yet again.


I now have 7.3k followers on Twitter, which isn’t bad. However, certain persons have considerably larger followings:


As you begin to build a more significant presence on Quora, pay attention to these Metrics of importance because they’ll give you a pretty good idea of how you’re rated and how people respond to you. There’s one more thing I’d like to mention. People will be able to get a feel of the things you’re most knowledgeable about as you answer more and more questions. According to the number of answers you’ve provided on a particular subject, Quora will automatically show what you know the most about. Here’s what I’m referring to:


If there’s a subject you want to be identified with, make it a point to pay attention to it and respond to queries about it.


Let’s go through the steps again:

  1. Become a member.
  2. I was hoping you could fill up your profile entirely and list the subjects you are most aware of (I recommend choosing at least five).
  3. Improve your profile by adding credentials, highlights, a bio, and other information.
  4. Use your dashboard’s “Answers” area to find questions to answer or search for questions in the search box.
  5. Provide thorough, in-depth responses to each question you choose. Use pictures, headings, and other elements to their best potential. When it’s appropriate, provide links to additional valuable resources.
  6. Monitor Metrics of importance to see how you’re rated and your overall performance.

Keep in mind that success on Quora is often a numbers game. Put another way. You can’t expect to become a top user if you answer a few questions. Instead, you should aim for a high volume and get into the habit of responding to queries often. This is critical for building a good reputation and convincing people to take you seriously in the long run.


Quora has the potential to be a goldmine. It’s one of the greatest sites for establishing trust and authority and establishing yourself as an industry expert. The broad demographic of Quora members is something I genuinely like. The majority of individuals, in my experience, are clever and have a genuine desire to learn and serve others. In addition, it’s a pretty troll-free zone compared to many other places—people aren’t purposefully sabotaging one another. However, I would acknowledge that gaining momentum takes some time and work. And it will take a significant amount of time. However, when you consider the long-term brand equity increase you can gain, it’s worth it. You can significantly enhance your brand and produce a lot of referral traffic to your site by following the suggested procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What subjects are needed to become a teacher in South Africa?

A: There are no formal requirements to become a teacher in many countries. However, to be eligible for the profession and teach at an accredited school or institution, you must complete secondary school education in a subject of your choice.

How do I become a high school teacher?

A: To become a high school teacher, you must be certified by the state and complete your teaching education. You cannot teach without these qualifications.

How do I become a high school teacher in South Africa?

A: It is tough to become a high school teacher in South Africa. To teach at this level, you need a degree and experience that most people don’t have without funding or help from somewhere else.

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