Guide to Using Instagram Stories to Promote Your Business

Instagram Stories have become the default social media platform for marketing. If you’re looking to reach more people in a shorter amount of time, Instagram stories are it, and this article is all about how to use them effectively. Instagram is a must-have for your business. In today’s world, having a social media presence is critical for companies to succeed. However, just publishing photos isn’t enough.

You could take your Instagram approach a step further and use Instagram stories to your benefit. What is an Instagram story, exactly? They aren’t difficult to understand if you aren’t acquainted with them. Users may post films and photographs that will be deleted after 24 hours. Some individuals believe Instagram plagiarized Snapchat’s premise, which is partially correct. But, notwithstanding, I think it is a cost-effective and professional method of marketing your company. Here are some figures that might assist you in increasing engagement:


What do you think you can learn from this?

Keep these guidelines in mind when you’re adding anything to your Instagram story.

  • Use photos with people in them.
  • Use a variety of hashtags.
  • Make a note of your location.
  • Use photos of people’s faces (yours or others’).
  • Keep in mind what time of day you’re publishing.

Strategies to market your company using Instagram stories:

What is the best way to share an account on Instagram?

I’ll offer you step-by-step instructions to add tales to your profile for those of you who haven’t done it previously.

  • Step 1: In the upper left corner, click the picture icon:


This little camera may be seen on your homepage. To continue, tap it.

  • Step 2: Take a picture or choose one from your camera’s roll:


You’ll see various choices on this screen.

  1. Take a photo
  2. Make a video.
  3. Choose a picture from your camera roll to upload.
  4. Choose a video from your camera roll to use.

Instagram will access your phone’s camera when you hit the symbol from the previous step. To snap a photo, touch on the bottom-right circle on the screen. Next, hold the record button down if you wish to record a video. You may upload a video that is up to 15 seconds long. Additionally, by pressing on the little square in the bottom left corner of this page, you may upload previously recorded movies or photographs from your phone’s camera roll.

  • Step 3: Decide on a layout:


You have a few choices here as well.

  • Normal
  • Boomerang
  • Rewind
  • Hands-free

The term “normal” is self-evident. Boomerang generates a picture that resembles a GIF. Hold the button down for a few seconds, and the footage will constantly play forward and backward. Rewind reverses the direction of your video. You may use the hands-free mode to capture a video without having to take your phone out of your pocket. This is an excellent alternative if you’re conducting a demonstration that requires both hands.

  • Step 4: Add a place:


To access these options, swipe up from the bottom of the screen. You may add nice effects like the time, temperature, or other stickers, as well as tag a place.

  • Step 5: Add some text to the mix:


To use the keyboard and write on your photo or video, touch anywhere on the screen. Using this menu, you may modify your text’s color, size, angle, and placement on the net.

  • Step 6: Select a filter and include it in your tale.


The filter is an optional feature. Swipe left or right on the screen to apply different effects to your shot. Simply touch the “Your Story” icon in the bottom left corner if you’re satisfied with how everything appears. By repeating the procedure, you may continue to add more photographs and videos to your tale. The tale will play in the order in which it was posted. See how simple it was? Now I’ll offer you some pointers on what you should include in your tale.

Discounts and other deals are available.

Consumers like getting something at a low price. People want what they want, so give it to them. That may be why they’re interested in your profile in the first place. Because stories are only available for 24 hours, it’s a beautiful time to launch a flash sale for your followers. Paleo Passion Foods is an excellent example:


This deal might be limited to your Instagram followers alone. Alternatively, you may utilize Instagram to promote an already-running campaign. To see what type of answer you’ll receive, try both techniques. You may experiment with various discount codes to observe where your consumers come from. As mentioned above, in the case of the example, this company’s email subscribers may be assigned the code “LD20.” The stats from this promotion may then be compared to those from their Instagram story to evaluate which campaign was more effective.

Take control of a different account.

Make contact with other Instagram accounts that are connected to your business. Ask if you may take over their profile for a few hours. It will allow you to reach out to a larger audience than simply your current followers. But why would someone enable you to do anything like this? You may need to provide them with an incentive. If they generally would allow businesses to take over their account to promote their profile, you may explain why your company is the ideal option for their next one. However, if this isn’t something they usually do, you may need to reciprocate. Allow them to take over your account so that they can profit as well. Before uploading anything, be sure it’s been reviewed and accepted. You may also advertise an Instagram takeover on other networks.


This Instagram takeover was advertised on Buffer Social’s Twitter feed. It’s a terrific way to gain followers from other social media platforms to start engaging with you on Instagram.

Social evidence from celebrities.

Let’s go a step farther with the profile takeover plan. You may hire a celebrity to take over your account instead of just posting on another brand’s account or allowing them to promote on your page. You may encourage their followers to check out your profile when they see the article to promote the takeover on their account. This method also creates social proof. On Shopify’s tale, here’s an example of how they achieved it:


Amber Mac is a television personality from Canada. On Instagram, she has approximately 25,000 followers. Shopify may have enhanced brand awareness by 25,000 additional potential buyers by having her take over their tale. It’s a fantastic concept. Those are more likely to follow the advice of people they know. Even if they don’t know Amber Mac directly, everything she stands behind has to be excellent, right? The influence of celebrity social proof is indisputable.

Miniature replicas of your website’s content should be created.

An Instagram story may be used to promote other content on your website. For example, let’s imagine you running a blog and increasing your readership. In your tale, provide samples of the information. Here’s how Real Simple went about implementing this strategy:


This tale is an example of what their blog subscribers will see if they read it. It teases and piques the attention of the audience. However, the story does not reveal all. Nevertheless, it’s a beautiful way to boost click-through rates and conversions.

Go live.

Instagram also allows you to broadcast a live video narrative. Customers positively receive the live material. It will enable you to communicate with your fans more genuinely.


When you’re broadcasting live, viewers may leave comments in real-time. Respond to such remarks immediately and identify people by name. It’s a fantastic approach to boost user engagement. To get a lot of comments on your live video, do a Q&A part. When you’re done, Instagram allows you to store your video as a story for the following 24 hours.

Go behind the scenes with them.

Show your followers what your company is up to every day. Taking visitors behind the scenes will give them the impression that they have unique access to stuff. Take a look at how Happy Socks used this technique in their Instagram story:


Some of the personnel were introduced to the audience. It demonstrates that you are a human being. Nobody wants to promote a brand with no name and no face. Customers will feel more connected to your company if you include a human factor in your marketing activities. I have already discussed how people’s reactions to images are influenced by their looks. By presenting actual individuals in the workplace, Happy Socks does this.

Encourage the creation of user-generated content.

UGC may help you develop your company without putting in a lot of effort. It’s one of my favorite social media marketing strategies. The idea is to get your consumers to advertise your company on your behalf. But how do you go about doing that? Make a contest out of your narrative. Make a hashtag and encourage people to use it to share images for a chance to win a reward. Take a look at how Starbucks handles it on Instagram:


Users will be encouraged to upload a picture with the Starbucks logo. When these posts appear in their followers’ newsfeeds, they may entice them to visit a Starbucks shop and purchase a cup of coffee. In general, it’s a fantastic approach to raising brand recognition. It promotes your name and image without costing you anything. Use your story to spread the word about UGC.

Introduce a new product.

To introduce a new product to your consumers, use an Instagram story. You should advertise the release on other platforms but not overlook Instagram. It will motivate your fans to remain connected to and involved with your brand. They’ll be aware that they’ll have immediate access to new goods if they keep following your profile. Take a look at how Instagram has overtaken Twitter in terms of marketing:


Marketing gurus have acknowledged the potential of Instagram’s platform. They’re taking advantage of it to make money. Make sure you’re using all of the features, and don’t forget to include new goods in your tale.

Publish a paid article.

You may build a sponsored tale if you’re ready to pay money on social media advertising. The story will surface in the feeds of your target audience. Facebook purchased Instagram for $1 billion in 2012. You must use Facebook’s platform if you want to promote on Instagram. Here’s a basic rundown on how to run a sponsored article.

  • Step 1: Decide on a significant marketing goal:


What is your marketing campaign’s goal?

Some of the most significant possibilities, in my opinion, are:

  • engagement
  • generating leads
  • conversions

If you have problems coming up with a goal, think about these options.

  • Step 2: Set up a marketing account:


You’ll need to supply some further information before you can continue. However, because your profile and advertising account may differ, you’ll put everything up here.

  • Step 3: Concentrate your efforts on the market you want to reach:


You may start narrowing down some basic information about the customers you want to target from here: Narrow your emphasis depending on the target demographic for your brand. For example, men above the age of 65 should not be included in this advertising if your firm provides dresses and skirts tailored for college sorority ladies. Be as precise as possible.

More filters are available on Facebook, such as:

  • demographics
  • interests
  • behaviors

It allows you to target your audience such that they are intimately tied to your brand.

  • Step 4: Create a budget and timetable:


The frequency with which your tale is broadcast as advertising is determined by your budget. You may leave it running indefinitely or set it to start and stop on certain days. Before you lock on a cost, be sure to compare these statistics to your company’s marketing budget. Depending on your choice, you will be paid per impression or post-interaction.

  • Step 5: Make your advertisement:


To get to this screen, go to the bottom left corner of your navigation menu and choose “Ad.” You may pick the format of your tale from here. I’ve chosen only one video for this example. Instagram advertising is made up of 25% of single videos. That is all there is to it. Those of you with extra cash in your marketing budget may take advantage of sponsored Instagram stories. While it is not required for all companies, it is a choice.


If you’re not utilizing Instagram to market your company, you should start doing so right immediately. However, be sure you’re using all of the features available on this platform. For example, Instagram stories may help you market your business and create leads. Every month, more than 700 million individuals use our site.


This figure continues to climb year after year. Use your Instagram story to give your followers exclusive discounts or promotions. See if another firm will allow you to take over their account and publish to raise brand awareness. Allowing someone with a significant following to take over your account might help you establish celebrity social proof. Go live. It’s one of the most effective strategies to boost user engagement on Instagram. Give your audience a behind-the-scenes glimpse at your company. This will help people connect with your brand on a more personal level. Give a sample of the information in your tale if you wish to promote a feature on your website, such as a blog. You may also use Instagram stories to promote user-generated content or announce a new product’s release. Try running a sponsored piece if you’re ready to invest some money.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I promote my business on Instagram stories?

A: For Instagram stories, you can promote a business by tagging in the story with either your name or your company’s name. You can also use hashtags that are relevant to what you’re trying to share, like #sponsored or #ad

How do Instagram business stories Work 2021?

A: Instagram Business Stories is a tool that allows you to share your product or services story with potential customers. It also gives you the option of offering content, such as pictures and videos, that can be used on other platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

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