Get More Links From Every Infographic That You Publish

Infographics are an effective way to communicate complex information. However, the ease of sharing infographics on the web has created a massive demand for links from any infographic that’s published. This makes it difficult for marketers and businesses not just to create their content but also to find ways to help spread their creations around the internet. Here is how you can get more links from every infographic you publish with these tips! An infographic is a visual representation of information in a graphical format, typically images and text. What you post on your website or blog can be an infographic if it has the right amount of content. Visual content reigns supreme. That’s why, in my blog postings, I always include graphics, graphs, and screenshots. However, infographics are undoubtedly the most effective visual in the content production process. Infographics, according to HubSpot, may boost website traffic by up to 12 percent. It’s also worth mentioning that when text is combined with drawings, individuals follow instructions 323 percent more effectively than when there are no visuals.

Original infographics are used by 30% of marketers more than other forms of visual material such as GIFs and videos. Furthermore, 42 percent of marketers think that unique infographics produce the best interaction rates compared to other graphical material on their website. Infographics are loved and shared three times as much as other material forms on social media. So, if you’re making creative infographics as part of your content strategy, you’re doing something right. However, just releasing infographics will not necessarily result in additional connections. You must improve your visual material to increase your link-building approach to get the most out of your infographics. Building backlinks and creating infographics may go hand in hand.

Ways to get links from Infographics :

1. For your infographic, create an embed code.

So you went out of your way to locate a relevant subject to your business. You performed some research and maybe even an experiment or study on your own. After that, you utilized this data to create an unique infographic. That’s fantastic news, and you should feel very proud of yourself. But what’s next? After you’ve finished creating an infographic, you should first produce an embed code. What exactly is an embed code? I’ll briefly clarify this phrase for any of you unfamiliar with it.

Simply put, this is a code that allows users to share your infographic easily. You’ve most likely seen them on other websites. All that is required is to copy and paste the HTML code into their website. This will immediately upload the infographic and provide you with a link back to your website. Of course, you could always write this code by hand, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Instead, you might make use of technologies like Siege Media’s embed code generator.


It’s straightforward and much more convenient than manually producing an embed code. All you have to do now is fill out the form blanks, and your code will be made for you instantly. Some of you may be questioning why this is necessary. Isn’t it possible to just download the picture or take a screenshot of the infographic and embed it on their website? Yes. However, you risk someone taking your infographic without crediting you without an embed code. The embed code not only reduces the likelihood of this happening but also raises the likelihood of people sharing the infographic since it’s so much more straightforward than other options. All you have to do is copy and paste the “use this code” part from the screenshot above into your website. This serves as an embed code inside an embed code, which is ironic. When you add this to your website, a new code will be produced on the front end for visitors who visit the page where the infographic is shown. When pasting the code into WordPress, make sure you’re using the text editor. The code will not be formatted correctly if pasted into the visual editor.

2. Use social media to promote your infographic.

You need to get your infographic in front of as many people as possible after it’s been released. The easiest way to do this is to use all of your current distribution but firstness. First, share the infographic on your social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are all great platforms to use. Noah Kagen of OkDork examined 100 million articles uploaded on social media with the aid of Buzzsumo’s staff. Here’s what we found out.


On social media, infographics were shared more than any other material. More shares improve your visibility, making it more likely that a web admin will notice your work and eventually incorporate it into their website. As a consequence, this method will allow you to create more connections. This is particularly true for those of you who work in the business-to-business sector. After all, not everyone on social media has access to a website to post information. Other website proprietors, on the other hand, do. Infographics are used by 65 percent of B2B marketers for content marketing. This method works for all sorts of companies, regardless of who you’re trying to reach. The more locations you post your material, the more people are likely to view it, which improves its spread.

3. Directory of infographics

It’s in your best interest to submit your infographics to directories for link development reasons. These are web pages and websites dedicated to showcasing infographics. This is another technique to get as many people to see your work as possible. There are several advantages to this method. First and foremost, being included in a directory will result in a connection to your website. On the other hand, these directories make it easy for others to locate your infographic. After searching and discovering your information on a guide, those users may utilize the infographic on their websites.

As a consequence, you will get more backlinks. So, where do you look for these directories? Simply do a Google search for them.

Here are a few of my favorite ideas for you to think about:

On the internet, there are hundreds of different high-quality infographic directories. However, you may use them as a starting point. When evaluating an infographic directory, look for the ones that have the most significant domain authority. You’ll come across specific sites that demand payment for infographic submissions, but I strongly encourage you to avoid them. It is just not worth the money, in my view and based on my own experiences. Instead, you may use one of the many infographic directories that will allow you to publish your material for free. It’s also critical that you send your submissions to active directories. You may use Google to refine your search range to see whether a site is active.


Google will show you the results for “all-time” by default. Because the algorithm effectively ensures that you receive the most relevant results, you may not see any top hits that are no longer live. However, just to be cautious, you may select “tools” and modify the search to “previous year.” You don’t want to pay to submit to a site just to find out later that it isn’t operating. So look for updated and reliable curated listings of infographic directories. Even if the service is free, sending infographics to defunct directories is a waste of time.

4. Make contact with websites.

It will take a little more effort to contact other websites manually. However, when it comes to developing backlinks, it may be beneficial. This, in my opinion, is the most crucial aspect of obtaining links and visibility from your infographics. When I discuss this with website owners, they all seem to have the same question. Who do you make contact with? Next, you must locate websites relevant to the infographic you just released. Contacting everyone in your space is inconvenient, time-consuming, and will undoubtedly result in poor conversion rates. Instead, you may reduce your alternatives by doing some link prospecting. Begin by going to and looking for infographics similar to the one you just released.


Make sure you’re just looking at popular infographics to narrow your search. You may also choose your category. Instead of trending, you may search for keywords and filter the results by “views.” Let’s look at an example of a popular infographic from the gaming industry.


If you’re new to this field, this is a fantastic place to start. This infographic has approximately 135k views, as you can see. So it’s fair to assume it’s well-liked. Simply do a Google search for the infographic’s title, using the term “infographic” in the search query.


All of the listed results are probable prospects for publishing your infographic. These sites will be more inclined and likely to accept your infographic since they previously published that popular infographic in your field. This is a much more feasible method than just selecting websites at random. At the very least, you’ll know that the site has a history of releasing infographics that aren’t their unique material if you use this strategy. These requests are often met with enthusiasm, mainly if your infographic is fresh and current. This increases the worth of their website. You might mention something particularly when you reach out, such as: Hello, I saw you produced the “How to Pick the Perfect Video Game” infographic a few years back. That’s fantastic. I’ve recently published a new one with updated 2019 sources.

Something along those lines will undoubtedly get the attention of the webmaster. Alternatively, you may simply inform them that your infographic is related to their material and will look great on their website. Using Google’s reverse image search tool to identify websites with a history of releasing famous infographics is another option. Return to and choose the picture with the right-click. Then select “copy image address” from the drop-down menu.


Go to Google Images and look around. You may search using photos instead of words by clicking on the little camera symbol next to the search field.


Simply input the picture link, and you’ll be able to see where the infographic has been published. You may proceed in the same manner as previously. Simply contact those websites and make a brief pitch for your infographic. These are excellent targets since they have already shared famous infographics in your field.


There are a plethora of infographics available on the internet. You’ll need to figure out how to get your name out there and make it stand out. Using your infographics as a link-building tactic is the best method to achieve this. When you use the strategies mentioned in this tutorial, you’ll have a better chance of getting more backlinks each time you publish an infographic. It will be simpler for you to be published on a more regular basis after you establish a connection with some of these sites that publish your work. If they accept you once, you’re more likely to be featured again in the future. For each of your infographics, create an embed code. Use social media to promote your material. Make your infographics available in directories. Choose your manual outreach targets with care. Taking these procedures boosts your infographic’s chances of becoming viral and assures that you get high-quality backlinks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get backlinks from an infographic?

A: It isn’t easy to get backlinks from an infographic with a .pdf extension. You can try smaller sites that focus on infographics and see if they’re interested in linking your location, or you could buy links of the likes of Fiverr.

How do I make an infographic clickable?

A: It is not possible to make a clickable infographic. However, you can put an image on the website and link it back to your article by placing #image-name or

Related Tags

  • infographic link building
  • embed code generator
  • link building techniques