Beginner’s Guide to Customer Conversion Funnel

What are the most critical factors in a successful marketing campaign? How do you get a new client?

Although it seems to be a simple question, the answer may be more complicated than you believe. Sure, you’ve got a few different ad campaigns going, and you’re getting sales. It’s a safe assumption that your marketing efforts are resulting in sales. While this is mainly correct, it is not a complete response. Understanding the consumer purchasing process is one of the cornerstones of operating a successful company. Just because you’re selling something that a customer wants or needs doesn’t imply you’ll be able to close the deal. However, using the customer conversion funnel’s core ideas will simplify direct the buyer through the purchase process. This puts you in a position to increase your conversion rates and, as a result, increase your revenues. There is a wealth of information regarding the customer conversion funnel on the Internet. Depending on who you ask, the horn may seem different. While the language may differ significantly, the following is a simple illustration of how this funnel looks:



These are the stages that a customer takes before making a purchase. As we go through this essay, I’ll refer to this picture. We’ll look at numerous variants of the funnel and go over each step in further depth throughout this tutorial.  If you’re unfamiliar with the customer conversion funnel, this guide will explain everything you need to know. Here’s all you need to know about it.

Marketing ideas to attract more clients and increase sales:

Raising brand awareness

The first step of the process, as you can see from the funnel I just showed you, is awareness. The goal is to develop marketing techniques that will help your firm reach a new audience. These customers are currently unaware of your brand’s existence. It’s time for you to make a change. Saying it is much simpler than doing it. However, there are other options available to you. It all relies on your company’s objectives. You’ll also have to select how much money you want to invest when it comes to brand recognition. If you’re short on cash, check out my top tips for promoting your business on a shoestring budget. Improving your SEO approach is one of the most effective strategies to raise visibility. Consumers aren’t aware of your existence at this stage. All they know is that they have a want or a requirement for something. Most likely, they’ll start with a search engine. More organic visitors to your website are more likely to have a better search engine rating. In reality, Google’s top search result receives 33% of all hits. Furthermore, 75% of all clicks come from the first page of an Internet search. That is why, in 2018, companies are devoting time and resources to optimizing all of their marketing platforms for SEO.


As you can see from the data, your website isn’t the only way to generate new leads and Raise brand awareness with SEO. Another low-cost option to market your company is via social networking. 55% of customers have made purchases straight through social media sites. As a result, I feel that using social commerce is one of the most excellent methods for ecommerce firms to develop. However, I’m getting ahead of myself. We’re still concentrating on brand recognition at the moment. All I wanted to do was demonstrate why these marketing platforms are so crucial. While not all users on social media are eager to purchase anything, it is still an excellent location to introduce oneself to potential customers. Begin by establishing a presence on as many social media platforms as feasible. Keep these accounts updated by posting fresh material regularly. Make every effort to get more followers. Increase your engagement rates by interacting with these followers. As a consequence, your brand will be exposed to a more significant number of individuals. You may create leads with targeted advertisements to take your tactic to the next level. Facebook and Instagram are two of my favorite sites to apply this method. Because the advertising is all set up using the same system, it’s simple to run sponsored ads via both. While Facebook will always be a popular marketing platform, this does not rule out Instagram. This platform has become a top option for increasing brand recognition, according to marketers. Instagram eclipsed Twitter in brand marketing use in the United States last year.


As I previously said, there are several methods for you to inform customers about your company’s existence. However, some strategies work better than others. For example, when a new pizza business opened in your area, I’m sure you received fliers in the mail. That is an example of the conversion funnel’s awareness stage. However, in today’s world, such strategies aren’t scalable or suitable to all enterprises. You’d also want to attract high-quality traffic. So yes, you want as many people to be aware of your brand as possible. But it won’t help if they’re never going to buy anything. If you’re going to build a funnel that converts well, you must prioritize quality above quantity. As a result, concentrating your efforts on SEO and social media is much more efficient.

Aroused curiosity

Now that consumers are acquainted with your brand moving them down the conversion funnel to the next stage is time. You need to think of new methods to pique people’s interest in your goods and services. During this funnel step, your content strategy will be your best buddy. You’ll also need to make good use of your website. Learn how to create a conversion-focused homepage. Your website should include as much information about your company as possible so that you can address any queries they may have. Take a look at this sample from the SERVPRO website:


SERVPRO is a corporation that specializes in cleaning and restoration. If a person has a problem at home, such as mold, they may do a Google search for “Remediation of mold.” SERVPRO would be a top search result due to their SEO efforts. That is a component of the awareness stage that I just said. However, now that a visitor has arrived at the site, you must pique their interest in this service to guide them through the tunnel. This company’s webpage makes it evident that it offers a diverse variety of services, including restoration from:

  • the harm caused by water
  • the harm caused by fire
  • Remediation of mold
  • Storm-related damage
  • services offered for profit

It makes sense that someone who has mold in their home would click on Remediation of mold to find out more information. SERVPRO offers the following mold restoration resources:


That’s not all, however. As you can see from what I’ve highlighted on this screen, their website has a lot of different resources for visitors to click on. This place has something for everyone. They provide a guide on mold damage, odor elimination, and a piece of comprehensive information on black mold. This is an excellent example of how you can arouse your website’s curiosity in your products or services. These potential clients will trust your brand if you provide them with high-quality and factual material. They’ll be more inclined to purchase from you than the competition if you’re the one who educates them on a subject. That is why your company should have a blog. It allows you to consistently publish new material on various themes connected to your business. You may also use this distribution channel to provide educational resources. While each post’s content may change, they must all be written with the same goal in mind. You’re attempting to lead customers through the conversion funnel. That’s why businesses with blogs generate more leads:


In the end, your blog kills two birds with one stone. As I previously said, optimizing your SEO efforts will assist you in increasing brand recognition. Blogging, on the other hand, is a powerful SEO tactic. Because of your blog, more people will visit your site, and the material will keep them engaged as they go down the funnel. You’ll need to develop as many different sorts of content as possible if you want to take your content strategy to the next level. Give your visitors a reason to stick around. Create infographics to supplement your content, as well as digital ebooks. Finally, you may gather email addresses during the interest step of your conversion funnel. You may utilize that customers have signed up to receive your emails to your advantage as they go through the purchase process.


The contemplation stage of the conversion funnel is quite similar to the interest stage. You’ll need to provide these potential purchasers with a reason to finalize the transaction. Here’s what I’m talking about. They may have read your blogs, signed up for your promotional mailings, or purchased an ebook when they were interested. However, none of these activities resulted in a profit. Remember how I said that various individuals use different terms to describe their conversion funnels? I’ve seen several where the contemplation step is referred to as “want.” Based on what you’re attempting to do, this makes logical. It would help make your brand seem even more desirable to customers. This is your opportunity to demonstrate why they need whatever you’re offering. Before making a purchase, the consumer will consider a variety of possibilities. They’ll evaluate factors like the price, quality, and convenience of your product or service to other options. This is part of the purchase process’s appraisal stage:


During this stage, go to the following resource for ideas on persuading purchasers. Many of these ideas are related to creating interest that I previously mentioned. Implementing these strategies will help enhance the likelihood of customers completing the conversion funnel.

Complete the transaction

Let’s take a brief look back. Your brand was first made known to a customer. Then they discovered more about what your organization has to offer. Following that, they examined their alternatives and decided to purchase from you rather than not buy at all or go to one of your rivals. They’ve decided to buy now. That isn’t to say they won’t do it. They could think to themselves that they desire what you’re selling. They may even begin the checkout procedure. But, once again, the transaction isn’t complete until it’s completed. Here’s an illustration of what I’m talking about. Assume a consumer chooses to purchase anything from your ecommerce store. The item is added to their shopping cart. That’s fantastic! You’ve come to the correct place. However, they never purchase the thing. What went wrong? To begin, familiarize yourself with the most common causes of shopping cart abandonment:


Take a peek at the first few findings of this study. These are all things that would not have been noticed during the conversion funnel’s early phases. To avoid this occurring again, you must figure out why clients aren’t completing the transaction and adjust your checkout procedure appropriately. Finally, every aspect of your checkout process must be optimized for conversions. Consider the following:

  • the layout of each page
  • images
  • Buttons with CTAs
  • color palettes
  • the number of steps
  • proposition of value

The list continues on and on, but these are good starting points. In addition, you may make use of tools to assist you. For example, conduct A/B testing to find the most effective components of your website for increasing conversions and sales. This tool can inform you whether certain CTA words are more successful than others.

Keep your consumers happy

The majority of conversion funnel images come to an end. They tend to have an upside-down pyramid form or resemble a funnel, as we’ve seen with the horns we’ve seen thus far (hence the name). They begin with a broad scope since the potential client pool is the greatest.  However, the funnel will gradually shrink as sales are lost along the route. Don’t be concerned; this is unavoidable. Nobody has a conversion rate of 100%. However, the notion that your funnel would continue to shrink beyond the purchase step is a little concerning. That would imply that you’re losing clients. This is something you don’t want to happen. That’s why I like to use this funnel illustration to demonstrate why the conversion process never ends:


After a new consumer converts, the procedure does not end. To persuade them to convert again in the future, you’ll need to develop recent marketing efforts. So it’s a never-ending circle. Yes, I realize that the conversion funnel’s visual portrayal does not correspond to its operation. But, with that stated, I want to make sure you understand it’s not a four-step procedure.


One of the most well-known marketing graphics is the customer conversion funnel. As you can see from what I’ve shown you in this post, there are many various ways to use this funnel. While the vocabulary for each level may differ, the fundamentals are practically the same. Understanding the fundamentals of each step can help you make more money. To begin, raise brand awareness. Then, pique the curiosity of potential purchasers in your brand. Next, come up with a unique proposition of value that makes you stand out from the crowd as the consumer enters the Consideration stage. This is your chance to tell them why they need to buy. Finally, to increase conversion rates, optimize your purchasing process. After a transaction is completed, the funnel does not end. To guarantee that your consumers continue to purchase in the future, you must nurture them once they convert. The customer conversion funnel is made up of many fundamental ideas. We’ve only just begun to scrape the surface here. However, as a newbie, you should get comfortable with the following tactics and ideas before diving further into the funnel. How does your business use the customer conversion funnel to increase sales?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a customer conversion funnel?

A: Customer conversion is acquiring new customers or turning existing ones into repeat purchasesTransformationon can only happen when a company has a path for converting traffic to sales and its conversion rate increases over time. The funnel model presents this idea easily visualizable by showing different steps along the customer journey with multiple touchpoints where someone may convert from one stage to the next, eventually becoming a customer.

What are a sales funnel for beginners?

A: It is a marketing tactic used by businesses that involve detaching customers from their current product or service and moving them to another one. They are typically done through three stages, with each step having a different objective for marketers at the time, whether it be measuring interest in buying additional products, signing up for more information on how to purchase those products, or giving away other goods as an incentive

What are the four critical elements in the funnel?

A: The four critical elements in the funnel are intent, motivation, awareness, and consideration.
The intent is when someone has a need or want they believe can be fulfilled by using your product. Motivation is the desire to achieve an outcome that leads them to start with their intended buying of your product. Awareness refers to how much people know about your brand before making a purchase decision (for example, if you were selling cars). And lastly, consideration indicates whether or not there was enough information for people to make an informed purchase decision on what you have available for sale before putting any money down.

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