Be Laser Focused on Your Customers

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business, and you need to get a clear view of what makes them tick. By focusing on customer channels like social media and surveys, you can quickly better understand their needs to keep the relationship alive. Your business has hundreds of marketing campaign possibilities at any one moment. We aren’t exaggerating when we say that. You have complete freedom to publish blog pieces, spend six figures on pay-per-click advertisements, send newsletters, and tweet as much as you like. There are many more micro-choices inside these options. What imagery and targeting choices should you use for your Facebook ads? Should you create your blog entries in-house or hire ghostwriters to do the work for you? How do you choose the most appropriate email topic headlines? Should you go with a cost-per-click or cost-per-impression approach for your pricing? These are difficult questions to answer. It’s all too easy to get stifled and feel like a hamster in a wheel. As your study progresses, you’ll come across specialists who will advise you to “simply start testing.” Ignore this piece of advice.

Marketing is a deliberate endeavor. To be successful, you must have well-defined objectives. For a scalable, reproducible framework, you’ll need a framework. This is true regardless of whether you’re a novice or a seasoned marketer. You’ll waste two of your company’s most precious assets if you operate without a plan: time and money. Understanding your company’s specific demands and goals is the first step to effective web marketing. You must be self-disciplined at all times. There’s also laser focus. This piece will take a very different approach than most marketing tutorials you’ll come across. We’ll start at the beginning with the principles that even the most seasoned marketers take years to master. This method, we feel, is the most effective way to (1) propel your business ahead while saving time and money. Before you even consider conducting your first internet marketing campaign, here’s what you need to know. This article will put you years ahead of the competition. Movements are how most marketers think. They work all week, launch a campaign, and then start the following week again. That is only going to get you so far. To go to the next level, you must begin to think about systems and create a marketing machine.

Ways to 10x your growth:

Customers are the foundation of your marketing strategy.

Your consumer base should be the starting point for every marketing plan. Who is it that is utilizing your product? What do these people value, how do they feel, what goods they use now, and what will it take to convert them into paying customers? Have a dialogue with your current clients before launching your web marketing approach. What brought them to your product or service? What procedure did they go through from being interested prospects to paying customers? What are the things that your consumers appreciate or care about? The answers to these questions are likely to have nothing to do with whether your clients discovered you online or in person. Stories detailing how your company handled some of your customers’ most urgent challenges are likely to be the most intriguing. Marketing is all about building human-to-human interactions, and it may take place on or off the Internet. Your clients are unlikely to recall whether they discovered your business through a Facebook ad or a reference from a friend. How did you come upon some of your favorite companies, goods, or services?

Now I’m going to do something quite unusual for myself (Ritika). I will remove my advertising hat and reveal my inner shopper to you. Let me tell you about two firms that have significantly impacted my life.

  1. ModCloth is a women’s online boutique. I determined in 2011 that I had had enough of department shops. I despised waiting in lines, rummaging through mounds of clothes in search of goods I loved, and squandering my money on items I required but didn’t truly appreciate. A new store sprang out of nowhere near my home one day. I enjoyed everything about shopping there: the low prices, the fact that the boutique was never crowded, and the fact that each item in the store was one-of-a-kind. As a busy woman, this business welcomed every one of my principles. It was the most beautiful encounter I’ve ever had in a physical location. Later that year, in 2011, I (Ritika) began expanding my marketing consultancy firm.
  2. As a consequence, I had no time on my hands. So I started performing the majority of my errands online. The trouble was that I missed my local store’s in-store, personalized ’boutique’ experience. I informed a friend about it, and she connected me to ModCloth, an online clothing company. I took a peek and was immediately smitten; I go through phases where I check the website every day for new merchandise.
  3. Be-Laser-Focused-on-Your-CustomersI was immediately struck by ModCloth’s extensive internet marketing presence, which makes sense considering that they’re an online retailer. They’re active on social media, send great emails, and use Facebook advertising for retargeting me with things they believe I’ll like. However, although I love and breathe marketing, ModCloth’s ads have never stuck out to me. I couldn’t think of a single email or offer that persuaded me to make a purchase when I came down to create this guide. That’s strange because I get ModCloth advertising virtually every time I get onto Facebook. I can’t stop myself from clicking on these adverts every day. I know I like ModCloth advertising, but I can’t recall seeing one.I recall the issue that ModCloth helped me solve: I had problems locating unique, extraordinary items. Shopping used to be a dreadful waste of time until ModCloth came along and changed that. A human-to-human relationship is at the core of ModCloth’s marketing expenditure (mainly me). And here’s a sample of what they’ve earned as a result of their association. Over the previous two years, I’ve probably spent about $1,000.1633229937_909_Be-Laser-Focused-on-Your-Customers
  4.  Eagle Rock Brewery is a must-visit for craft beer enthusiasts in Los Angeles. One of the county’s earliest microbreweries is located in an industrial Los Angeles district. But don’t be fooled by the warehouses and auto body businesses. This establishment is a fantastic location to meet new people and drink artisan brews on weekend nights. For years, my pals have fawned over this location. But I didn’t locate it via a recommendation from a friend. Instead, I discovered it through a Yelp search and was immediately impressed by the four-and-a-half star rating. I (Ritika) contacted the Brewery’s proprietors to interview for an article I was writing in Amex OPEN Forum, sure that the firm was spending extensively on its internet marketing operations.What surprised me was this: Despite their significant internet presence, Eagle Rock has put virtually little effort into their online marketing strategy:1633229939_122_Be-Laser-Focused-on-Your-CustomersI believed they must have been undertaking aggressive marketing efforts since I first learned about them online. The reality is that word of mouth has always been Eagle Rock’s hidden marketing weapon. The company’s founders have dedicated their lives to fill a need in Los Angeles’ craft beer scene: a local microbrewery.


    Eagle Rock Brewery soon gained a reputation for its lively atmosphere, committed community, and high-quality beer. That’s all there is to it—the company’s reputation fuels Eagle Rock Brewery’s web marketing approach. The Internet only amplified the natural word-of-mouth impact and strengthened dialogues. Eagle Rock Brewery has a sizable social media presence. Their goal is straightforward: they want to maintain contact with their customer and prospect groups as open as possible. It’s a single, well-defined objective.


    What’s more, you know what? As a consumer of Eagle Rock, the most important thing is not how much money they spend on advertising or marketing. Instead, I care about their product, making me a happier person in a meaningful sense.

It doesn’t matter if you’re running online advertisements, email marketing campaigns, or retargeting clients on Facebook at the end of the day. What counts is that your company’s marketing department puts up the proper procedures to create authentic, human-to-human connections with the customers you’re attempting to target. Identifying the finest available channels for accomplishing that ultimate objective is the key to effective Internet marketing.

Personas for your customers should be developed.

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all client. Your customers are various, expressing their preferences, personality characteristics, and wants. Each of these consumer categories must be reached via your internet marketing efforts. Establishing your consumer personas is the first stage in any marketing approach. These are your customers’ behavioral, demographic, and psychological qualities. Completing the worksheet below is an easy way to get started.

Begin by asking yourself the following questions:

  1. What are the roles of your usual customers? What are their job titles if you offer a B2B product or service? Husband, wife, father, mother, aunt, uncle, and grandma are all examples of consumer brands. Examples are IT, marketing, CEO, business development manager, vice president, and other B2B brands.
  2. Do these people have the power to make decisions? If so, do they still seek advice from others? If that isn’t the case, who has an ultimate say? By identifying their major personality features, you may have a better understanding of your client personas on a personal level: Characteristics of the population:
    • Occupational title
    • Age
    • Education
    • Industry
    • Where are they located? (city, suburb, rural)

    Professional qualities to look for:

    • Responsibilities related to the work of this buyer persona
    • In this buyer persona’s immediate sphere of influence, the highest work priorities/responsibilities
    • The most pressing issues/pain areas that your organization can assist them with
    • Several alleged obstacles to the issues as mentioned earlier
    • What steps has the buyer previously made to address their main issues?
    • To whom do they report?
    • Years in this position

Marketing is like giving a speech or performing in front of an audience. Even if you’re speaking to a large group, you’ll need to find out how to connect with your audience on a personal level. That involves figuring out who’s in your audience and what drew them there in the first place. Consider your buyer personas as individuals rather than groups when creating them. Break out from typical market research frameworks that categorize individuals into pre-defined, standardized groups.

To put it another way, ditch the cookie-cutter approach; your primary consumer groups should be distinctive to your company. Begin by having genuine dialogues with your clients and prospects. Keep an open mind, and don’t make any assumptions as you go on. The findings may astound you and significantly change the direction of your marketing plan.

Consider the following scenario:

Fan Bi founded Blank Label in 2009 after seeing two customer issues: (1) department store shirts didn’t fit properly, and (2) custom fitted shirts were too costly for most people. To fill that need, he founded Blank Label, a personalized men’s shirt business. Initially, the Blank Label team imagined its consumer base to be similar to its founders – young males who felt it would be great to have a bespoke shirt. Instead, the team discovered that the company’s most lucrative client category comprised older males who were physicians, attorneys, and accountants following months of user research using emails, live chats, and intelligence tools. In 2011, the firm launched additional features to cater to the needs of the company’s primary clients. In addition, the firm revamped its website to give it a more premium appearance.




We figured out who our leading consumer was and attempted to determine what type of online experience they desired. A new logo, user interface, and close-up photographs were all part of the package. Through Internet Retailer Fan Bi, co-founder of Blank Label, In roughly a month, these adjustments increased the website’s sales performance by 25% to 30%. As a result, the firm is exploring expanding to target a new market segment: women, as of November 2012.

Know your buyers’ sales paths.

It’s not enough to know who your customers are. You must also have a solid awareness of how their beliefs, behavioral attributes, and personality qualities convert into sales with your organization. Starting with your company’s sales staff is an excellent place to start. Even if you don’t have a marketing plan in place yet, you may begin to identify areas where your connection-building activities are currently practical. Here are some essential questions to consider:

  1. What are the most typical methods that potential customers learn about your business?Is it via word of mouth? Referrals?Select marketing campaigns that build on what’s currently working. If you see a lot of development resulting from personal or professional referrals, you may want to start a systematic referral program to encourage new connections.
  2. What are some of the questions they’re asking right now?Answers to these questions should be included in your company’s marketing messaging, sales presentations, and value propositions from the start. Anticipate what your potential customers will want to know. This method will assist you in developing a solid, reciprocal relationship.
  3. What is the average purchase decision-making process? What kind of follow-up questions are they asking, and who are the stakeholders engaging in brand conversations?Expect this procedure to unfold in stages over some time. Your prospect should be guided through each level by your marketing materials.
  4. How long does the whole procedure take? How long does each step take on average?To determine ROI, every marketing endeavor should be quantifiable. You must make this decision at just the appropriate moment. You may not have enough data to assess the success of your program if you measure too early. On the other hand, if you wait too long to measure, your company may lose money owing to a failure to react soon enough. The most excellent strategy is to keep your expectations in check. You won’t have to worry about making choices too late or too more quickly this way.
  5. What are some of the most typical causes for sales failure? Cost? Is there a mismatch between your product or service and the demands of your customers?Customer drop-off may occur at any point throughout the purchasing process. By resolving these issues, your business will be in a better position to keep prospects engaged for longer.

Examine the Conversion Funnel of Your Business

One of the essential ideas in internet marketing is the conversion funnel. In a nutshell, it’s a diagram that shows your customers’ pathways to purchase. Keep in mind that conversion funnels differ depending on the company and the customer demographic. Therefore, there’s a good chance you’ll have more than one in your company.


At every level of your campaign, this tool will assist you in visualizing and understanding user behavior. A fraction of your website visitors will stay through the end of your marketing campaign. A far more significant percentage will not. It’s typical for a drop-off at each level of the funnel. The key is to comprehend why drop-off occurs and how to reduce it. So get together with your sales team and start from scratch (literally). Conversion funnel diagrams help create a complete picture of your prospects’ psychology and sales route. Do not, under any circumstances, replicate the schematics of other firms. If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, you’ll need to wear both roles. Your conversion funnel should be something unique to your firm that your marketing leads design with your sales staff. One word of caution: focus on making relationships. Avoid getting caught down in anatomical details at any cost. The conversion funnel is a lens into the human-to-human connections your business is developing with your prospects. It defines a process, but it’s also a window into the human-to-human relationships that your company is building with your options. Remember that you are always entirely and unmistakably talking about people, regardless of what you read or what advice you get. Emotions have a role in conversion funnels just as much as rational judgments. Make sure you’re evaluating, analyzing, and paying attention to both.

Understand the Role of Online Marketing

Online marketing is used by businesses to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Increase brand awareness of goods, features, and services
  2. Engage prospects at both ends of the interest spectrum: when they’re piqued and when they’ve lost interest.
  3. Existing consumers and clients can help you expand your firm.

All three of these objectives lead to the ultimate goal of acquiring new customers and increasing revenue. Therefore, every marketing effort should be linked to income in some way. Unfortunately, marketers often don’t know where to begin. How do you know what’s best for your organization when there are many alternatives, methods, and approaches to consider?

The solution is straightforward:

Where does that marketing campaign fit within your user acquisition budget? If you can’t find an answer to that question, you generally shouldn’t spend your money on that project. And what if it’s completely free? Always keep in mind the golden rule: time is money. Nothing is free in marketing. Every plan, effort, or campaign has a cost, commonly referred to as an opportunity cost. Each marketing objective will have its conversion funnel and success metrics to track. We’d want you to have a basic grasp of the three ways that web marketing helps you interact with your target clients right now. The objectives we’ve outlined apply to all marketing media and platforms. You could be tempted to believe that pay-per-click advertising is the most excellent choice for increasing brand awareness and that email marketing campaigns are the best option for re-engaging cold leads. The truth is that marketing channels cannot be thought of in absolute terms. Some alternatives will provide more significant outcomes than others, but not because one technique is inherently superior to the other. What matters most is how each approach supports your particular company model and translates into outcomes. Your objectives are more important than the marketing tools and channels you finally choose. Some alternatives will suit you better than others. Don’t know where to begin? Look for answers among your consumers and prospects. Are they the folks who are most likely to respond to PPC ads? Do they have time to communicate with your firm through email, or do they react positively to blog content? When it comes to determining the best techniques for achieving your marketing objectives, the key is, to begin with, your target audience and move backward.


  • Your consumers are the foundation of your marketing strategy. So before you begin any marketing, make sure you’ve done your homework and know exactly what your consumers want and need. Always keep in mind that they are the most important thing. What would be the point of your company if it didn’t exist?
  • Make sure you understand your clients’ sales route and emphasize their requirements and beliefs. This necessitates paying close attention to your business’s conversion funnel.
  • Ignore marketing professionals who advise you to “simply start testing.” This is an oversimplification that will cost your firm time and money in the long run. Instead, you should begin testing with a strategy. And that strategy should be entirely focused on your company’s prospects and clients. Unfortunately, there isn’t any exception.

Frequently Asked Question

What does it mean to be laser-focused?

A: To be laser-focused is to have a lot of concentration on one thing. Some people can focus on only the tip or an individual needle while sewing and do not see other things around them. It can also refer to when someones attention gets stuck, like being unable to let go of something terrible that happened even though it may no longer affect them

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