A Guide to Writing a Compelling Article Introduction

The introduction of an article is the first impression your audience gets, and it’s a huge opportunity to win their trust. Whether you’re writing about getting more traffic or selling things online, some methods will help you out. The following guide will help you write a compelling introductory paragraph for any piece! The author of the article will provide some examples of writing an effective opening paragraph that can help you get your readers hooked on what they are about to read. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if everyone who clicked on one of your posts read it from beginning to end, unable to take their gaze away from the screen? That is a question I believe we both know the answer to. You must, however, master the skill of writing captivating openers to attain this aim. You’re thinking to yourself, “Wait a minute.” Do you have any experience in writing introductions? Isn’t it just a minor point in a 2,000-word article? The introduction to your piece is not a little thing. The first paragraph of your content may make the difference between captivating readers and having a high bounce rate that would make a click-baiter shudder. Consider that for a moment. You’ll lose your readers if you don’t attract their attention immediately away. Isn’t it true that you put in all that effort to write a fantastic article? You put forth a lot of effort. You put a lot of effort into it. You did a lot of homework. However, if your introduction is terrible, all of your hard work will be for nothing. You’ve already lost before you’ve even begun! You must master writing openers if you want to generate great content, enhance the performance of your marketing initiatives, and boost the devotion of your audience. Allow me to demonstrate.

Steps to writing a compelling introduction:

1. Be a master of the first line

You must begin with a powerful first sentence to have a compelling introduction. Your viewer has a very high chance of quitting the page the minute they land on it.


So says the data. The objective of the opening sentence is to attract the reader to read the following sentence. It does so by setting the tone for the remainder of the essay and gradually drawing the reader in. If you fail to do so, your viewers will stop scrolling.


This is a histogram of how far readers scroll across the pages of Slate articles. Each bar reflects the percentage of readers that paused scrolling at a certain point in the report. (An essay is believed to be roughly 2000 pixels long; if the top of your browser window reaches the 2000-pixel threshold, you’ve scrolled through the page 100 percent.) Because most sites include content below the 2000-pixel barrier, such as the comments area, the X-axis is set to 120 percent.) This graph only contains visitors who spent any time on the page (those who “bounced” off the page shortly after arriving on it are omitted). According to the graph, many Slate users do not scroll at all. That’s the surge at the 0% point, which represents around 5% of readers—the average Slate visitor scrolls roughly halfway through an article. The rise at the conclusion is due to an oddity produced by sites with photographs and videos, on which users browse the whole page. They won’t interact if they don’t scroll. See how the first sentence is done in this essay by Scott Adams, author of Dilbert.


This is what he writes: After completing a one-day course in “business writing,” I moved from being a lousy writer to a terrific one. That’s a fantastic first line.

Why? Because it piques my interest and makes me want to learn more!

  • How did he learn to write well?
  • What did he discover?
  • Is it possible for me to gain from it as well?

Adams got it just right. By forcing us to ask questions, he pulled us in. The remaining 980 words of your post will be a total waste if you don’t know how to write a fascinating opening sentence. Save all of your writing introduction ideas in one location across all of your document applications. Fortunately, with a few basic methods, producing a fantastic opening phrase can be a breeze. The first thing to remember is that the opening sentence should be brief. This allows the reader to comprehend the initial information swiftly and avoids them losing interest. But there’s a lot more to it. You must ensure that the opening sentence captures the reader’s attention and maintains it throughout the piece. Here are a few tried-and-true techniques for writing intriguing opening sentences.

  • Pose a question to the reader.

This is a simple technique to grab the reader’s attention and keep them interested without putting in a lot of work. Suppose you’re writing an essay on leaving your job and establishing your own business, for example. In that case, you might begin by asking, “Did you know that over 70% of Americans report being actively disengaged from their jobs?” Why does it function this? It has to deal with the “limbic reward system.”


Dopamine is released when this mechanism is active. Dopamine also offers us a feeling of pleasure and reward. The limbic reward system lights up when we are interested in a question, i.e., when we feel a sensation of curiosity. That’s why we want to keep reading—satisfying our curiosity is fun. Writer Olga Khazan poses a subject that everyone is thinking about, piquing the reader’s curiosity right away.


We’re interested in finding out the solution to that question, so we’ll keep reading. That’s why a question is an excellent way to start a sentence. You may even make the question the title of your article.

  • Make up a tale.

When the brain comes upon a tale, it also lights up. According to neural coupling theory, when a reader thinks about the same mental and physical activity that a character in a novel is performing, specific parts of the brain are engaged.


James Clear frequently begins his blog posts with a narrative, almost always a true story.


The anecdote piques his readers’ interest in the piece and encourages them to read to the finish.

  • Make use of a surprising quote.

Using an attention-getting quotation is another excellent technique to begin your essay. For example, assume you’re writing an article on international travel. A quote from Helen Keller might be a terrific way to start the article: “Life is either a thrilling adventure or nothing at all,” says the narrator.

  • Tell the reader to picture something.

Invoking the reader’s imagination is a quick technique to bring them into the article’s experience. Take note of how this Wired For Story piece begins:


By visualizing, the reader strives to follow the command. This attempt entices the reader to continue, pulling them deeper into the content. The Atlantic’s writers are masters of their trade. This author does the same thing: he asks the reader to envision something.


  • Tell us about a fascinating fact.

People are wary in this day and age when the Internet is filled with bogus information and phony “gurus.” They’ve got every right to be. However, starting your post with a pertinent fact or statistic is a terrific method to create trust and authority right away and show your readers that you’ve done your homework.

2. Have a one-of-a-kind statement to make.

So, you’ve written an excellent opening phrase and piqued your reader’s curiosity. Now what? Now you must maintain that attention by saying something unique and engaging. Few individuals devote the time and effort necessary to regularly create fresh, thought-provoking material. If you do, you’ll stand out significantly from the crowd. Don’t bother repurposing existing articles or rewriting content from other websites. You must express something the reader has never heard before if you want their respect and attention. Unfortunately, most of what you read today has already been regurgitated 28 times. Assume you’re the owner of a travel blog. Based on my suggestions, you develop a series of 3,000-word thorough “How-To Guides” based on my recommendations. When a reader reads your guide on paying for their first round-the-world trip, they’ll expect to learn about airline loyalty programs, frugality, and credit card points. And although that knowledge is valuable, it is also somewhat general. Something like this might be a better introduction: How would you want to save enough money in the next six months to travel around the globe for the whole year of 2017? Isn’t that something to aspire to? Well, this is doable, and I’ll show you how in today’s post. It’s not by preceding your daily cappuccino or spending thousands of dollars on a few hundred miles with your credit cards. Instead, I’ll teach you how to establish a life of mobility and freedom by using your existing abilities, strategically picking your locations, and taking advantage of a little-known tax secret that will save you thousands of dollars! Does it make sense? Let’s get started. It isn’t easy to stand apart. That is something I am aware of. We sometimes just have to labor more, think longer, and study more than our competitors to produce something unique.

Here are a few ideas for developing your voice in your article introduction:

  • Tell a personal tale or a fact about yourself. You’re the only one who exists. You have a unique narrative or experience that no one else has. “If you knew me…” is one approach to start a report like this.
  • Put your feelings into it. Emotions elicit an emotional response in people. People tend to react when we express our feelings in writing. Aside from that, emotion is a unique and personal experience. In an introduction, how do you convey this? Easy: “Would you want to know how I feel about it?” “I have the impression….”
  • Describe your objectives or vision. If you have a life-guiding aim or dream, you may include it in your introduction. For example, “One of the reasons I made this piece was to address that issue. “My life’s ambition is to….”
  • Commit. A promise is a one-of-a-kind and attention-getting item. Commit your readers, and you’ll gain their trust and attention. For example, “I swear I’ll do all in my power to….”

It’s not simple to be unique. It is, nonetheless, worthwhile.

3. Keep things straightforward.

We live in a world where most people have a short attention span. But, unfortunately, our attention span seems to be dwindling!


We become bored after a few seconds and move on to the next bright item. Make sure you explain things as simple as possible if you want your readers to make time in their days to read what you have to say. Of course, lengthier pieces need more extended introductions. However, it is critical to value people’s time and attention. By creating a lengthy introduction based on what should be, you can’t alter what (people’s short attention spans) (longer attention spans) is. So, instead of droning on about how fantastic your knowledge is, share it!

4. Address the reader directly.

You want to use the term “you” as frequently (and as organically) as possible while creating informative material for other people. More than 100 times in this post, I’ve used some form of the term you. Why? Because I’m conversing with you! I’d want you to be aware of this information. I want you to be able to take advantage of it. By accentuating the term “you” throughout your post, you demonstrate to the reader that you are speaking directly to them and their circumstance rather than producing a generic essay for the broader public. There is, however, another side to this. I should also refer to myself. This piece should have a personal feel, so that’s what I’m going for. After all, isn’t it me who’s speaking to you? As a result, it’s only natural that I refer to myself.

5. Describe the topic of the article.

The purpose of an introduction is to introduce the topic delivered in a piece of writing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been perplexed by web articles after just reading a few lines. I couldn’t tell whether the writers were trying to teach me how to run effective Facebook advertising or if they were giving me a strange narrative about their upbringing. Take a few phrases to properly clarify what the article will cover without giving too much information away. This will create intrigue around the topic while also letting your audience know what they could be in for. The Buffer blog is an excellent illustration of this. Take note of how the opening asks a question and then offers a solution to that topic.


Your interest remains piqued, but the opening sets the tone.

6. Discuss the significance of the article.

It’s time to explain why readers should care now that you’ve described what the piece is about. Every new piece of information on the Internet is greeted with the same fundamental question: “What’s in it for me?” Therefore, you must master the skill of expressing what the reader stands to gain from the knowledge you are sharing—the benefits—if you want to create introductions that catch the reader and help your content go viral.



What difference will it make in the lives of your readers? How will it help them with an issue they’re having? How will it help them get rid of the discomfort they’re experiencing? You’ll keep your readers riveted to your content until the very last word if you know how to answer these queries swiftly and effectively.


Few things have the power to make or ruin an article as quickly as the opening. You’ll be able to enhance reader engagement, increase revenue, and establish a reputation as a fantastic writer if you master the art of the opening few paragraphs. It’s not an effortless talent to perfect, but it’s relatively simple compared to many other aspects of Internet marketing. You will see results if you put in the effort. What strategies do you use to write a captivating article introduction? Do you want more visitors to your website? Improve your traffic, leads, and income with the aid of a professional. Get started now.

Frequently Asked Question

What are the five parts of introduction writing?

A: The five parts of introduction writing are the opening, body, closing, and conclusion.

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