How to Get More People to Read Your Content?

For content to be effective, it must be shared. In this article, we focus on getting more people to read your content by sharing with them why they want or need the information you are providing and then taking action of some sort in response to their needs.


Isn’t it true that you want people to read a blog article when you publish it? So what happens if you spend hours composing your masterpiece only to discover that few people have read, shared, or commented on it? You’re probably at a loss for words and don’t know what to say next. I was certainly one of them. I created a new marketing blog at, and my most recent article on A/B testing ideas received very little attention. However, other pieces I wrote garnered more comments and spent more extended time on the page. So rather than leaving it alone, I decided to tweak the content and conduct an A/B test. The end effect was fantastic! My time on the page increased from 1 minute and 22 seconds to 4 minutes and 45 seconds. Can you figure out what I did to get these results? No, I didn’t rewrite the post for hours. I just made a few minor changes to the beginning.

Ways to get more people to read your content:

1. The conversation is a great way to hook your readers.

The first paragraph of the original blog article is as follows… Ideas may seem like the last thing you need for split testing. However, there comes the point when you run out of things to test and have to micromanage your split tests to achieve marginal improvements, if any. Consequently, here are 50 distinct testing strategies that you can use right now to help you achieve actual, actionable results. The 50 are divided into ten categories: And now for the twist…

Ideas may seem like the last thing you need when it comes to split testing, right? However, I’m sure there was a point when you ran out of practice tests to run, which is why you see little to no progress. So, I’ve come up with 50 distinct testing concepts that you may use right now to assist you in tackling this challenge. These tests will provide you with real-world, actionable information. And, to make things easier, I’ve divided the 50 exams into ten categories: Are you able to tell the difference? The original is more formal and uninteresting, like an essay. It probably reminds you of high school, when the instructor would talk for an hour, and you’d fall asleep.

On the other hand, the variant has a considerably more conversational tone. There is some back-and-forth with the reader, and the piece begins with a question that draws you in. As a result, my visitors’ average duration on page increased from 1 minute and 22 seconds to:


I was able to see how many of you scrolled down to the bottom of the article using Crazy Egg. Here’s how the two differed:


Let’s look at why conversations function now that you’ve seen how they improve readability.

2. Why do discussions succeed?

According to Harvard Business Review, positive interactions release oxytocin, a “feel-good hormone” that encourages individuals to engage and work with others. Because it allows you to feel empathy and trust, as well as connect with people on a more intimate level, oxytocin is also known as the “bonding or love hormone.”


When you have a dialogue with your readers, they produce more oxytocin, which helps them feel more open, trusting, and connected to you on a personal level. This encourages them to read your material and maybe remark on it. I was hoping you could look at the blog article I’m referencing. There were no comments on the original version. There were two responses to the variance. Now that you know why talks are so powerful let’s see how you can start having them.

3. There are seven different methods to start a discussion.

Consider these seven tactics if you wish to duplicate my success on the Neil Patel blog:

  1. Use the words “you” and “I” — they may seem simple, but they have a lot of power. It’s challenging to create the illusion of dialogue without them. Consider that for a moment. I have no idea what your name is. Therefore how can I start a discussion with you if I don’t use the terms “you” and “I”? It’s a near-impossible task.
  2. Ask questions – one of the easiest methods to pique your readers’ interest is to pose a question in your first paragraph. This does not have to be done in the first sentence of your blog article, but it should be done in the first paragraph.
  3. Keep your paragraphs brief – don’t you hate it when you’re talking to someone and they won’t let you say anything? It’s almost as though you’re not even conversing… You may create the appearance of a discussion by having your paragraphs 1 to 6 phrases lengthy. Take a look at the opening to this blog article; the sections are brief.
  4. No one wants to be a part of a boring discussion, so let your individuality show. You may keep the talk interesting by injecting some comedy or emotions. Simply sprinkle a handful of these pieces throughout your article.
  5. Use transitions – much as in a typical discussion, you’ll likely cover many subtopics in your blog article. Ensure that the changes are seamless. It’s not enough to use headlines. To make transitions, you must employ sentences.
  6. Make up a tale – recall how your kindergarten and elementary school instructors interacted with you? They used to tell you stories to capture and hold your attention. You’ll attract more people to read your blog article if you can include tale-telling in your first paragraph.
  7. A picture is worth a thousand words — photographs, particularly the one at the top of your article, are a terrific way to start a discussion. When I’ve used funny images like these in the past, I’ve had a lot of letters from you and had a more significant time-on-page.


Blogging is a two-way dialogue between you and your audience. You’re talking to them if you can’t interact with them. And, as you may know, individuals like to converse… So consider starting a discussion the next time you create a blog article. Don’t just do that in your introduction; do it throughout your whole essay, as I have done with this one.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get more readers on Blogger?

A: Blogger has many features that can help you increase your blog’s traffic. For instance, if you want to get more readers on your website, I would suggest using the following techniques;
-Make sure it is clear what type of content or service will be provided from the beginning and make it simple for people interested in this topic.
-Write quality posts about topics related to what you provide.
-If possible, include videos and quotes within articles so that they may understand better how helpful something like whatever product/idea was discussed might be in their life

How do I get more people to read my blog?

A: You can use various methods to encourage more people to read your content. For example, you could retweet posts from other popular groups on Instagram or comment with relevant and exciting information in the comments section.

What are the essential steps to ensure that your article is read by 100000 readers online?

A: The essential steps to ensure that your article has been read by 100000 readers online are as follows.
– Always use the most appropriate keywords when writing an article, as this can help make it more easily found on search engines.
– Ensure your website is optimized for SEO and Google Analytics tracking code placed on every web page for you to be able to see how many people have been viewing each of your articles.