18 Things to Know about Marketing Your Local Business on Instagram

Instagram is the short form of image-based social media. Instagram has been challenging brands since its inception and continues to do so with various features such as Stories, Boomerang, and IGTV. However, with these new features comes an influx in competition for consumers’ attention that can make or break your company in this space of visual content platforms.

Instagram has transformed from a whimsical photo-sharing program to a serious social media marketing powerhouse in only six years. This platform is used by some of the world’s most well-known businesses, like National Geographic, Saturday Night Live, and Coca-Cola to generate buzz and deepen customer connections. Here’s a graph from Smart Insights that shows how Instagram compares to other social media platforms:


It has eclipsed Twitter in terms of the user base, with 400 million users as of April 2016, and is primed for further development. On this graph, you can see how much it has grown:


Instagram appeals to me because of its simplicity and because it is entirely visual. It’s an excellent tool for visually interacting with your audience and finishing out your social media strategy. I also like the high degree of participation on this network. In fact, “Instagram now has 15 times the engagement of Facebook and 20 times the engagement of Twitter.”


While we often think of Instagram as a platform for major, even worldwide corporations, it’s also a great place to promote small businesses. It just needs a few minor adjustments to the procedures.

Things to know about promoting your local business on Instagram:

1. Make a note of your location in your bio.

For starters, your bio should clearly state your location. You don’t have much space in your description, but you may certainly include your hometown and a few lines describing what your company provides. Here’s an example from The Orange Peel, a prominent Asheville music venue:


It’s worth noting that their position is readily apparent.

2. Use photographs from your area.

Knowing and focusing on your target demographic is crucial to any successful marketing effort. You’re presumably targeting a specific demographic within your immediate geographic region with your campaign as a local company. You’re attempting to locate a particular city or area. Including photographs of the local environment is one of the most effective strategies to catch your demographic’s attention. A local company in Seattle, for example, may include photos of the Space Needle, Pike Place Fish Market, or Woodland Park. Although this may not appeal to Instagram users outside the region, it should appeal to the locals—the folks you were hoping to reach in the first place. This, in my view, aids in the creation of a feeling of authenticity, the development of a connection, and the demonstration of pride in your location.

3. Make use of video.

According to research, “Instagram videos get substantially more (over 2x) interaction than Instagram photographs.” By mixing video material among photographs, you may take advantage of this effect. Posting clips of your brand throughout town is a terrific way to promote your local flair.

4. Use hashtags that are specific to your locality.

One of the simplest methods to guarantee that your photographs are discovered by the correct people on Instagram is to use hashtags. Include a hashtag that identifies your location whenever it’s acceptable. This may be your whole city or particular neighborhoods within it. You might use #pikeplacefishmarket or #woodlandpark if you’re in Seattle. The more hashtags, the better, since posts with 11 or more generate roughly 80% more engagement than those with just two hashtags (41% interaction). Here’s a graph demonstrating how exchange rises as the number of hashtags rises:


5. Pay attention to other local businesses and influential personalities.

Establishing a community is what you aim to achieve with your Instagram marketing. Following the accounts of other brands/notable personalities in your region is the first step toward attaining this. They should ideally be in the same business or specialization. This should assist you in establishing brand equity in your local market and attracting local customers.

6. Make contact with such companies/people.

You must be willing to contact people to move things forward quickly. It’s particularly crucial if you’re a relatively unknown company that’s just getting started. Please make a point of liking and commenting on their images, as well as responding to comments on your own. Once you get started, you should get a lot of local exposure and establish your brand as a legitimate member of the community.

7. Collaborate with other local businesses.

Consider your competition as allies rather than foes. Consider them significant partners with whom you may leverage your ties. This entails contacting other local businesses to see if they’d be prepared to cross-promote. Two local restaurants, for example, may post photographs of one other’s favorite meals, desserts, and other items on Instagram. This kills two birds with one stone since it not only increases exposure for each establishment but also fosters a feeling of “localness.”

8. Use Newsjack to find out what’s happening in your neighborhood.

HubSpot defines newsjacking as “the strategy of leveraging the popularity of a news item to boost your sales and marketing success.” For example, if there’s an exciting event in town, you could newsjack it by making a short video of you there, taking part in the activity. This helps establish your company as a local brand and might help you build stronger relationships with your customers.

9. Make use of the Photo Map.

PhotoMap is an excellent tool that displays the locations of your images. All you have to do now is geotag your photographs. The good news is that geotagged postings get 79 percent greater interaction on average. This is advantageous in local marketing since you can make it abundantly apparent where your company is situated. It may also assist you in gaining the trust of your local audience. make sure you’re not geotagging just your actual location. Instead, geotag several locations across town.

10. Enlist the help of local brand advocates.

Social proof may be pretty compelling. Your brand equity will rise when you develop brand ambassadors that promote your business on Instagram and other social media platforms. Encourage your local consumers to take images of themselves using your goods or visiting your place of business as one approach to transform everyday people into brand ambassadors. In exchange, you may tag them on Instagram or repost their photos.

11. Provide freebies.

Another possibility is to provide a product, such as a t-shirt, to your fans in return for their likes on your images. For example, you might have a promotion where anybody who likes your material gets placed into a drawing to win anything for free. If you own a local restaurant, consider holding a giveaway in which three individuals will get a free lunch. This may be an excellent motivation to promote your company locally and can help you build a following of loyal customers.

12. Host offline gatherings.

Taking things offline and hosting an event at your company or another local location is one method to strengthen your local community. This might be as simple as supporting a good cause or providing a gathering spot for like-minded folks. Update your Instagram profile with the date, time, and location.

13. Make use of popular hashtags.

On Instagram, there’s always a new trend to follow. So if you see anything relevant to your company and is related to your local region, go ahead and share a picture with a trending hashtag. In certain circumstances, this may help you get hundreds or even thousands of followers in a matter of hours.

14. Get feedback from your audience.

Asking clients in your region questions and getting their feedback is an excellent method to create solid connections. Here’s an example from Juice Truck, a Vancouver-based juice company:


Please take note of how they promote conversation while still mentioning their location.

15. Make your post at the appropriate moment.

Posting at a time when your audience is active on Instagram is one way to gain a lot of interaction. Because the bulk of your audience will be in the same time zone as you, this is fortunately pretty simple for a local firm. Although many trials are usually required, this chart from Ready Pulse offers a basic idea of the optimum times to post:


16. Demonstrate that you’re a homer.

Do you want to win your local audience’s respect and adoration? Express your admiration for your hometown. You might, for example, share a photo of your staff wearing jerseys from your city’s most popular sports team.

17. Tell the story of your company.

I know that I like learning about the changes in my neighborhood’s businesses. I like hearing about how they got started and got to where they are now. Posting vintage photos from when your company was just getting started is one method to achieve this. For example, maybe your restaurant began as a bit of a food cart that grew into a much bigger business over time.

18. Post pictures of your best customers on social media.

Do you have a devoted client who has been a long-time supporter of your company? Why not thank them by taking a photo of them and putting it on Instagram? This is a fantastic method to improve your relationship with your consumers and establish yourself as a neighborhood fixture.


Instagram is, in my view, one of the finest social media platforms for small companies. With the appropriate game plan, you may build an intimate, personal feel on your profile and enhance your brand’s link with your consumers in your local city/region. I enjoy the idea that there are many options for engaging with local clients and attracting a highly focused niche. And, with the popularity of Instagram on the increase, it should continue to be a viable medium for many years to come.

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