How to Write a Double Opt?

Double opt-in is one of the most critical marketing strategies you can use to grow your email list. Its simplicity makes it an excellent way for new businesses to get started with subscriptions and affiliate programs in particular. Still, the idea behind double opt-in is so powerful that more established companies should also take note. When a company’s subscriber list increases, it’s always good news. The fact that your subscriber list is expanding indicates that people are interested in your business, and you have the potential to boost your income. However, this isn’t always the case. People often ask me why their profit margins haven’t increased as their subscription rates have risen. It’s because they don’t have any current subscribers. How can you remain in touch with your clients and ensure that they are actively engaged with your content? Consider taking a step back and evaluating your existing opt-in procedure. It could have a few faults. Sure, you could observe an increase in the number of subscribers. But it’s pointless if these folks aren’t interested in your business. Changing to a double opt-in technique might be the answer.

Boosting conversion rates using a double opt-in landing page:

What’s the problem with a single opt-in landing page?

It’s reasonable to presume you’re presently utilizing a single opt-in form if you don’t know the difference between these two sorts of landing pages. Both you and the subscriber benefit from a single opt-in. They input their email address and are added to your subscriber list automatically.

Here’s a Lowe’s Home Improvement example:


Depending on your region, they want your email address and zip code to bring you relevant specials. When you click “Save Today,” you’ll be added to the mailing list right away. It’s simple for users, and it’s a terrific way to generate email subscriptions quickly. However, there are significant flaws in this approach as well. You can wind up with a list of incorrect or worthless email addresses.

Here are a few possibilities to consider.

  1. The customer’s email address was misspelled.
  2. The consumer provided a false email address on purpose.
  3. Someone accidentally joined up for your mailing list.

When people type, they make errors. As a result, it’s pretty unusual for someone who wishes to join your mailing list to input their email address erroneously. If this individual does not communicate with you, they may finally realize the mistake. Hopefully, they will repair the error and resubmit the information. Their invalid address, on the other hand, will stay on your list. If a consumer can earn a discount on their purchase by using a bogus email address, they may do it on purpose. To avoid this, provide the sign-up offer by email rather than adding it to their checkout page automatically.

Consider this Topshop example:


It’s also conceivable that someone inadvertently inputted their email address. People may get confused and believe they must provide an email address to proceed, mainly if you utilize a popup form.

Here’s another thought.

Let’s imagine you own an ecommerce business where customers must provide their email addresses during the checkout process. The consumer may want shipping information and a purchase receipt sent to them, but it does not guarantee they wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Here’s an illustration:


If that item is selected by default, you can end up with subscribers who don’t want to be on your mailing list. Depending on your email marketing service provider, you may be charged a monthly, quarterly, or yearly fee based on the number of subscribers on your list. If all of those subscribers are active and engaged, you’ll be happy to pay. However, you’re squandering money if you have false emails, invalid names, or users who joined up by accident. Furthermore, your whole analytics system will be thrown off. Without accurate data, you can’t successfully assess the performance of your campaign.

Landing pages with two opt-in options are more effective.

Some of the issues we just described can be solved using the twofold opt-in technique. If you’re presently adopting a single opt-in method, your firm may be encountering some of these challenges. What exactly is a double opt-in? After a visitor hits your call-to-action button, a form displays.

Khol’s double opt-in page looks like this:


It’s essentially a two-step verification procedure. Another fantastic approach to do this is to send a confirmation email.

Take a look at how to double opt-ins might affect your unique open rates:


Here are a few additional advantages of using a double opt-in email:

  • enhanced user participation
  • On your list, there are no spam or fraudulent email addresses.
  • more precise analytics
  • a fantastic approach to kick off a drip campaign

Let’s keep dissecting the double opt-in email. Before being added to your list, the subscriber must validate their email address. I noted before that your single opt-in technique might be plagued by erroneous or false email addresses. If you send a confirmation message to the potential subscriber, this won’t be a problem. Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great. This system, however, is this ideal either. Some users may be unable to finish the procedure due to the additional stages. Some individuals may believe that double opt-in emails are excessive. This is particularly true if you send a confirmation message first, followed by a welcome message after their address has been validated. So, here are some options for you. Combine your confirmation email and the welcome message in one.


Nearly 80% of email marketers handle their double opt-in communications in this manner.

Otherwise, the subscriber may get an excessive number of communications, which they may classify as spam.

  1. Email confirmation
  2. Greetings message
  3. Newsletter
  4. Discount or promotion

Within the first few days of signing up, your subscriber might get up to four communications. It’s an excessive number. Yes, sending a drip campaign after they’ve been added to your list is a good idea. Just don’t try to accomplish everything at once. To avoid being mistaken for a spammer, spread the messages out over a longer length of time.

What is a double opt-in email?

You now know the essential distinctions between a single opt-in landing page and a double opt-in landing page. It’s time to learn how to create a double opt-in email step by step. The text on each page may alter somewhat depending on your email service provider. I’ll teach you how to build up a double opt-in email on HubSpot’s platform in this example.

  • Step 1: Go to “Content Settings” > “Email” > “Double Opt-In” > “Double Opt-In” > “Double Opt-In” > “Double Opt-In” > “Double Op


Select “Content Settings” from the drop-down menu. Then choose “Email.” About halfway down this menu, you’ll notice the “Double Opt-in” option.

  • Step 2: Make the double opt-in message your own:


Click “Edit email” on the double-opt-in screen. After they finish the first stage of your opt-in procedure, your potential subscribers will get this message. The message should be sent as soon as possible so that the user may join your mailing list.

  • Step 3: Make a confirmation page and an email follow-up:


A confirmation will be sent to the subscriber after verifying their email address and completing the second opt-in process.

There are two sorts of confirmations: one is a verbal confirmation, and the other is a written confirmation

  1. landing page for confirmation
  2. confirmation by email

After the subscriber approves the initial message, the landing page will load in their Internet browser window. They may also get a follow-up communication that verifies their membership simultaneously. Uncheck the “Include follow-up email” box if you don’t want your new subscribers to receive too many communications in a short period. I urge that instead, and you take use of this chance to send a welcome message to your new subscribers. It’s a lot more useful than sending another confirmation email.

  • Step 4: Go through the “Enable” choices one more time:


You may select when to use the double-opt-in option on your website in the enable section. This option is set to disable by default. This option should be enabled on all of your pages, in my opinion. This will enhance the likelihood of a greater conversion rate. However, it is not essential. You can only enable double opt-in on certain pages. Check the “Disabled for certain pages only” option if you want the opt-in to appear on most of your pages but not all of them. It’s a relatively simple process.

  • Step 5: Send an opt-in manually (optional):


Consider the following situation. Assume you didn’t modify the default enable parameters in the previous step. When the page is deactivated, those subscribed will not get your opt-in email verification. In this instance, you may manually send an opt-in message to a new subscriber. Simply go to your contacts page and choose the individual. Next, select “SenNext, selectin email” from the “Actions” menu beneath their name. This ensures that the personalized message in the second step reaches your new subscriber. HubSpot’s platform is straightforward to use and comprehend. If your current email marketing software doesn’t provide this capability, you may want to consider switching.

Additional suggestions for achieving high conversion rates.

You’ll need the user to first click on your CTA button before you can send out your double opt-in email. They won’t get a confirmation message if they don’t do so. So one of the Soonest things you should think about is where you want your opt-in button to go.


The vast majority of businesses include opt-in CTAs in the footers of their websites.

Simply make it large, bold, and prominent so visitors will not miss it.

You should also include the following on your page:

  • a powerful headline
  • an unmistakable call to action
  • advantages and value
  • proof of concept in the real world

All of these criteria may help you boost the likelihood of clients completing your double opt-in. Here’s someBut, here’s more to think about. First, timing. It may seem minor, but it’s one of the most crucial aspects of sending a double opt-in email.


Don’t keep your subscribers in the dark about what’s happening, especially if you’re using a two-step verification method. Customers’ attention and engagement may be lowered if they are made to wait. Perhaps they wanted to join your mailing list to obtain a special offer or a discount. If the consumer does not get the offer immediately, they may be more likely to shop elsewhere.


If your email list is expanding at a pace that isn’t helping your company, you may want to reconsider your opt-in method. Single opt-in forms are quick and easy to grow your email list, but they aren’t always successful.

You’ll get some incorrect email addresses, which will:

  • It will cost you extra money.
  • Boost your bounce rate.
  • provide you with inaccurate campaign statistics

Instead, develop a landing page with a double opt-in option to boost interaction. Then, take a look at the components of an opt-in email:


Check to see whether your message is still alive. The subscriber will then finish the two-step procedure and join your mailing list. A double opt-in assures that your subscribers are genuine fans of your company, goods, and content. In the end, this will boost your conversions. If you can’t compose double opt-in messages with your existing email marketing software, you may want to explore switching platforms. Then you can create the ideal double opt-in email by following the steps indicated above. Make sure your website’s first opt-in button has a clear call to action. Visitors will not begin the two-step procedure if this is not done.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a double opt-in form?

A: Double Opt-in forms are a type of form where the user has to opt-in twice before submitting their information. This is done on websites that want an extra layer of security, or if there’s something you don’t want people to be able to do without providing additional information first.

How do you double opt-in?

A: If a user is not opted-in to your newsletter, they can click the opt-in button on any website page.

How do you double opt-in to an email?

A: To double opt-in someone to your email list, simply create a form on the website and ask them to enter their email address. Then send them an email with this link. They can then confirm that they want to receive emails from you by clicking on it

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