How to Increase Revenue by Targeting Impulse Buyers?

This is a question to answer on boosting your revenue by targeting impulse buyers. It’s not often that these individuals can make decisions in their heads, so it takes careful planning and timing before launching this campaign. However, many businesses have reported boosts as significant as 300 percent after implementing targeted marketing campaigns like this one. Every customer is unique. Some individuals like to shop on the internet, while others prefer to purchase in shops.

Some buyers study a product for days or even weeks before making a purchase, while others buy something with no intention of doing so. This is referred to as an impulsive buy. Believe it or not, there are many more individuals who do this than you may believe. Have you ever made an impulsive purchase? You have; I’m ready to wager. 84% of Americans confess to making an impulsive purchase. How much are they going to spend? A hasty purchase is when someone buys a magazine or a candy bar while waiting in line at the grocery store. But that hardly causes for celebration. However, consider this: 54% of customers have spent more than $100 on an impulsive buy, and 20% have spent more than $1,000. Marketers and merchants might be motivated by these figures. Let’s take a look at something that everyone buys as an example. Clothes. Here are some statistics on planned and impulsive clothes purchases, broken down by customer age and family income:


It seems that no one is safe from this. You may believe that the more money a person earns, the more likely they will spend it rashly. However, this is not the case based on the statistics. When it comes to impulsive apparel purchases, the difference between customers with an annual income of less than $25k and those with a yearly income of more than $75k is just 2%. You can raise your revenue whether you have a physical store or an ecommerce website if you understand how to target impulsive buyers. Impulse purchasers aren’t hard to come by, as the data above show. However, to persuade these folks to spend more money, you must appropriately position your brand, goods, and marketing campaigns.

Ways to increase revenue by targeting impulse buyers:

1. Recognize the psychological traits of impulsive shoppers.

Younger generations are more prone to buy something on impulse. According to studies, nine out of ten Millennials have made impulsive purchases. When you look at the youngest members of that generation, the number rises even more. Consumers under the age of 25 reports making an impulsive buy 95% of the time. But why? It has to do with personality characteristics and psychology. Consumers may be classified into four personality types, according to marketing gurus Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg:


On this graph, impulse buys are labeled as “spontaneous.” In contrast to systematic thinkers, they are more emotive. Impulsive customers are open to taking chances and reacting to visual signals like color schemes. According to studies, impulsive purchase leads to satisfaction. Impulsive inclinations are more common in those who want self-gratification and acceptance from others. The dangers of making an impulsive purchase show that the consumer isn’t thinking about the ramifications of their decision. Given their salary and another spending, they may not know the purchase pushes them over budget. While some individuals are more prone to impulsive purchases than others, the research I presented previously shows that most customers have done so. This indicates that we all have these characteristics. As a marketer, you must figure out how to take advantage of these inclinations. You could convert just about anybody into an impulsive buyer if you do it right.

2. Concentrate on the best items.

First, you must choose which things you want to attract customers to purchase. These items should, in theory, offer a large profit margin for your business. Depending on your company, you may be selling hundreds or even thousands of goods. So which goods should be highlighted the most? Take a peek at how men and women buy on the spur of the moment:


Decide who you want to target. If you’re going to appeal to impulsive guys, concentrate on things they might purchase for their wives. If you’re targeting women, though, you should focus on appropriate goods for children. You’ll want to arrange these things strategically in your shop or on your website, but we’ll get into that later. Not all of your products should be advertised as impulsive buys. Some things are required. Regardless, people will purchase them. Let’s imagine you’re the owner of a home goods shop. New homeowners are your primary target market. You’re aware that they’ll need particular stuff for their homes. In a house, furniture such as a bed, sofa, and kitchen table are required. An impulsive purchase, on the other hand, maybe an ottoman for their living room or an additional television for their bedroom. Although they aren’t essentials, people may be persuaded to purchase them even if they had no intention of doing so. Take a look at this Bed Bath & Beyond bedroom set:


Impulsive purchasers might benefit from the picture, additional lighting, throw cushions, carpeting, and fake flowers. Consumers may go to a shop searching for bed linens, which are a need but leave with artificial flowers and a painting, a luxury and decorative item.

3. FOMO (fear of missing out)

Promotional programs are an excellent approach to reaching out to impulsive buyers. Discounts, promotions, and coupons that are only valid for a short period might help. FOMO causes customers to think, “If I don’t act now, I’ll miss out on this chance.” Now that you’ve honed down on the things you want to promote, it’s time to think about how you’ll encourage them. Create a feeling of urgency by stating that there are just a few left. Take a look at this GetResponse promotional email:


They induce FOMO by using particular terms that might entice an impulsive shopper:

  • There are just 500 accounts left.
  • Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
  • 40% off
  • Summer bargains

Consider how you may use this approach in your company. Consider the following scenario: you own a retail store in a shopping mall. A customer may be in the mall for another reason and have no intention of visiting your shop. When they pass by, you need to lure them in. For example, take a look at the following window display sign outside a Banana Republic store:


It does not just state “40% off.” “Today only” is written on the sign to attract impulsive buyers inside. Even if they had no intention of purchasing clothing, a buyer might believe that a 40% discount is too fantastic to pass up. Creating a sense of urgency and FOMO is based on this concept.

4. Learn how to put goods effectively.

For both brick-and-mortar establishments and ecommerce platforms, location is crucial. Even though our culture is trending toward internet purchasing, most spontaneous purchases are still made in physical stores. Sixty-eight percent of impulsive purchases are made in-store rather than online.


That isn’t to say that ecommerce shops shouldn’t try to attract impulsive customers. According to research, hasty online transactions climbed by 60% when overall online sales increased by 12.6 percent. Those figures are pretty positive for internet merchants. Now that you’ve figured out which goods are most likely to elicit impulsive action from your potential buyers, you need to make sure they’re displayed correctly. These elements should be shown prominently on the homepage of an ecommerce site. Don’t make customers look for anything. That negates the objective of the exercise. You want someone to come across your website, find something appealing, and purchase it. Visit the SAXX website:


On their webpage, the things are prominently highlighted. SAXX exploited FOMO to encourage impulsive customers and give these items at a discount. “Grab these limited-edition models before they’re gone.” When individuals go to their website, they can wind up buying something they didn’t need and never planned to acquire. Those who own a retail business should use the same concept in your layout. Impulsive purchases should not be stowed away in the aisles. These may be shown at the end of a row, on a separate table, or in a showcase area. Place things near the register so consumers may view them as they leave or wait in line. Remember how I mentioned the distinctions between male and female consumers earlier? Based on this data, you may place certain women’s items near the men’s area of your business to encourage men to purchase for their wives. To enable mothers to shop for their children, place some children’s things near the women’s area.

5. Make the purchasing process more accessible.

You don’t want to offer someone the opportunity to alter their mind after they’ve made an impulsive buy. The purchasing procedure should be as quick and straightforward as feasible. Imagine you just have display models of a particular product in your business. The consumer will have to pick up the merchandise from your warehouse or go to another retailer to purchase it. Those items should not be targeted towards impulsive buyers. There are just too many unnecessary processes that allow them to back out. Have you been inside an IKEA shop before?


IKEA offers furniture and accessories for every room in the house. This is how their retail shop operates. You visit several exhibit spaces in each room of a home. If you find anything you like, you jot down the item number from the associated tag, which I’ve highlighted in the picture above. You see the item in the warehouse based on the tag information after walking through the whole shop. IKEA is an excellent business model since it is successful globally. This procedure, on the other hand, is not designed to attract impulsive purchasers. It’s very lengthy. There are just too many processes and chances for the consumer to alter their mind. Those of you who own an ecommerce business should design it so that customers may complete their purchases in just a few clicks. Asking them to register an account or fill out needless information is not a good idea. Simply inquire about their name, address, and payment details. That’s all you’ll need to complete the transaction.

6. Make customer service is more accessible.

Excellent customer service may help you close a transaction, mainly if you’re selling to an impulsive buyer. However, your business must make it simple for customers to contact a customer support agent. If you own a retail business, make sure your employees are appropriately educated to help clients as they go through it. If an item is on sale or if you’re conducting a special promotion, they should let consumers know. It’s also critical that you clearly describe your shipping and return procedures. Consider the following effects of these rules on increasing online sales:


Customers are more inclined to purchase an item if they know it will ship for free and they have the opportunity to return it. Ensure your organization emphasizes customer service and has personnel ready to connect with consumers online, over the phone, and in person.


Businesses can boost their profits by figuring out how to stimulate impulsive purchasing. Although some personality types are more prone to impulsive purchases, most customers are also guilty. From a marketing standpoint, you can do a few things to elicit a sudden reaction from your clients. First and foremost, concentrate on the appropriate merchandise. Then, via marketing efforts, persuade them that they are losing out on a terrific offer if they don’t purchase anything. To induce a sale, strategically display things in your shop and on your website. The purchasing procedure must be quick and straightforward. Finally, make sure you provide outstanding customer service to your customers. To enhance your income, use these suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you increase impulse buying?

A: There are many ways to increase impulse buying. One way is by offering discounts on products in a store, and another is through advertising, where they show you what the product can do before you buy it, so your mind will be filled with dreams of greatness when that product comes out.

What drives customers to make impulse buys?

A: The last minute of a sale is when customers feel the most compelled to buy something they may not need. This is because their time is running out, and they want to get in whatever it was that caught their eye before it’s too late. So if you mention this, people might be more likely to hold off on buying for just a little longer so that there isn’t any pressure.

How does advertising promote impulse buying?

A: Advertising is the process of promoting products or services through paid messages, most typically in the form of marketing. It’s a popular way for businesses to drive customer acquisition and establish brand awareness.

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