The Top 10 Platforms for Effectively Managing Social Influencers

Influencer marketing has become a booming business, with social media users doubling in just four years. This is great for brands but leaves many marketers wondering what platforms are best for managing influencers and tracking ROI. The world of social media is changing. Today, brands must do more than merely maintain an active presence on various marketing platforms. Successful businesses are exploiting partnerships with social influencers to increase brand recognition. The usage of micro-influencers is on the rise, which made my list of the top marketing trends to watch in 2018. So, now is the time to start for those of you who haven’t used this method yet. You may be shocked to learn how powerful influencer marketing campaigns can be for your business. 30% of individuals think they are more inclined to purchase a product if a non-celebrity influencer recommends it. The outcomes will differ from generation to generation. For example, if you’re marketing to Generation Z, you should know that 70% of them claim they can connect to YouTube creators better than conventional superstars. This means you won’t need to enlist the help of celebrities like Kanye West or Shaquille O’Neal to market your business. It’s fantastic news since it means your marketing spend will be more cost-effective. However, since influencer marketing is new to most organizations on this scale, it might seem like you’re entering unknown territory. What are the best places to look for social influencers? What should their remuneration be? Do they have a sufficient number of followers to influence your company? There are internet tools that can assist you in connecting with social influencers.

Top platforms for managing connections with social influencers:

1. Klear

Klear is an excellent option to explore when connecting with social influencers.


This is because their software enables you to completely tailor an influencer’s profile you’re searching for based on a range of criteria. First, you’ll be able to choose which social media platforms you wish to market your business on, including Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and even blogs. After that, you may select the level of influence you want someone to have. This includes everyone from beginners to superstars. When you click on a potential influencer’s profile, you’ll discover audience-specific details. This will guarantee that their reach corresponds to your objectives. Just because an influencer is a good match for your target market doesn’t guarantee their audience is. Klear assists you in distinguishing between these variables. This software’s dashboard makes it simple to manage your campaigns and connections with several influencers at once. You’ll also receive thorough reports for each campaign you run so you can determine whether you’re receiving the results you need for a good return on investment. You may now quickly monitor your progress and maintain connections with your most powerful influencers. On the other hand, these statistics might provide you with a data-driven justification to break relations with influencers who aren’t aiding your cause.

2. Twitter Reach

You may be seeking solutions to assist you with various marketing channels, depending on your company and marketing initiatives. For example, the TweetReach program may assist you in connecting with Twitter’s top social influencers:


This is how it goes. You’ll need to actively search for a subject connected to your business to identify influencers. Enter a term or hashtag into the query to check which tweets have the most interaction. For example, suppose you recognize individuals in your sector who have a large following and a prominent voice. In that case, you can approach them personally and work out a contract to promote your company on Twitter. You can also utilize TweetReach to look for specific accounts. You may have a list of influencers in mind, but you’d want to see some data before reaching out to them. TweetReach also offers you exposure data in particular places depending on your search parameters. This is an excellent tool to connect with influencers in a specific geographic market region.

3. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo appeals to me since they provide various marketing alternatives for companies. They offer tools for competition analysis, brand monitoring, and content discovery, among other things. They do, however, offer particular tools for your influencer marketing objectives.


Their platform assists you in connecting with the appropriate influencers. You may search for influencers by subject or area. After you’ve compiled a preliminary list of influencers, you may sort them by engagement, reach, impact, and authority. This allows you to choose the best-qualified individuals for your marketing objectives. You’ll also get statistics based on the most popular types of content and websites shared by these influencers. The majority of influencers will not work solely for one company. This information is critical for ensuring that your influencers aren’t doing anything that might harm your company’s image. All of Buzzsumo’s analytics, data, and reports may be readily exported as CSV or Excel files. This allows you to quickly manage your results on platforms you are familiar with. You may mix this exported data with information from other tools for comparative reasons.

4. Audiences for Brandwatch

Brandwatch’s Audiences research function offers you access to a massive database of social influencers.


This tool is handy since it rates influencers based on the most critical aspects, such as their capacity to increase conversions. This is much more essential than the number of followers or the size of their audience. The program also links you with influencers that specialize in certain areas. Brandwatch can assist you in locating an authoritative voice on a particular issue or inside a specific sector. It’s a terrific tool to employ if you like to deal with up-and-coming influencers, such as micro-influencers, rather than those who are on the verge of becoming social media celebrities.

5. BuzzStream

BuzzStream is another excellent choice since it allows you to interact with bloggers and social media users.


Please don’t underestimate the value of a blogger’s opinion and its influence on your marketing approach. You have to use this platform to look for a particular subject. A list of potential bloggers that suit your business or sector will appear. Reports on their websites and social media accounts will be available to you. This snapshot will show you how many followers they have on each platform, as well as how often they post and how active they are. BuzzStream also provides each potential influencer’s engagement data. The BuzzStream program specializes in digital PR, link building, and content marketing, in addition to managing your connections with influencers. These elements may be leveraged to enhance your social influencer marketing efforts.

6. Kred

This platform is distinct from the other solutions on our list thus far. That’s because Kred is geared for influencers rather than companies trying to engage with them.


But it doesn’t imply you can’t make use of this platform. There are a variety of approaches you may take. First and foremost, if your company is linked to your brand, you must utilize Kred. Working with other companies might be a simple method to increase your company’s reputation. Let’s pretend you work in the modeling industry. You should interact with companies to promote their items rather than hunting for social influencers to promote your brand. In that manner, you may make some additional money while also improving the visibility of your brand and company. Kred is also beneficial since it facilitates the networking of influencers. Businesses may use these tools to find out their Kred score, which is a report that shows how powerful their online influence and outreach is across numerous media.

7. GroupHigh

Brands wishing to engage with social influencers and bloggers should check out GroupHigh.


They have around 15 million influencer profiles in their database. Influencers may be found using various reach measures, geography, and social presence. GroupHigh also allows users to search for influencers based on their knowledge of specific subjects or sectors. GroupHigh may help you keep organized by managing social influencers across numerous networks. This is due to the software’s ability to incorporate all information about other influencer connections into their system. Everything may now be managed from a single spot. Once you’ve imported your influencers’ statements, it’s simple to contact them with a single click. There are various ways to communicate with influencers, depending on the manner both sides prefer. You can also see data on your social mentions to get a better idea of your return on investment from various influencer marketing strategies.

8. Followerwonk

Moz provides software called Followerwonk. It’s a Twitter-specific influencer marketing tool.


Unlike the bulk of the other solutions on our list, Followerwonk offers a free edition. This application allows you to look for keywords in people’s Twitter biographies. You’ll be able to view information from their accounts, such as how many followers they have, how old their history is, how many tweets they’ve sent, and their social authority ratings. This application may be used to monitor your current connections and assist you in locating new influencers. You want to make sure that the Twitter influencers who are supporting your business still have a lot of clouts. Otherwise, you may be spending money on an ineffective marketing effort.

9. Onalytica

Onalytica is a solid alternative to explore if you’re searching for a platform that allows you to connect with new influencers while also managing them.


To find new influencers, you have a few alternatives. Onalytica allows you to search by category, allowing you to connect with experts in various topics. Influencers may also be found depending on their demographics. Working with influencers that fit that demographic is a good idea if you want to sell your business to a particular group. But it’s the ability to search for influencers based on subject and content that distinguishes Onalytica as one of the best influencer marketing platforms. You may identify others that speak in a similar tone to your most recent content. Submit a piece of content you’ve written, such as a newsletter or blog post, and the Onalytica content matching tool will provide a list of potential influencers.

10. Traackr

Traackr is last on my list, but surely not least.


This platform offers a variety of tools to assist organizations in managing influencer marketing initiatives. They make it simple for you to contact influencers regularly to deliver your message to consumers successfully. You can also use this program to import influencer lists from other platforms, making it easier to keep track of everything in one place. In addition, you’ll be able to measure and compare your conversions more efficiently, which will aid in validating the performance of specific initiatives. Traackr also includes tools for comparing your brand’s entire social impact to your rivals. Finally, it also keeps track of your progress over time. This data helps determine your reach and return on investment.


It would be best to grow your social media presence for your company to survive and flourish in today’s digital world. You’ll need to build connections with social influencers across numerous distribution channels to execute this successfully. You may utilize internet tools to locate, manage, and evaluate your influencers rather than aimlessly scanning through your following lists in the hopes of finding a competent candidate. To discover what you’re searching for, use the above list. Some of the alternatives are platform-specific, allowing you to connect with bloggers or Twitter influencers, for example. Of course, it all depends on what your marketing objectives are. But one thing is sure: you must get on board the social influencer bandwagon today before your competitors do.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is social media platform best for influencers?

A: Facebook is the best social media platform for influencers because it is easy to create a business page dedicated solely to your brand. On the other hand, Instagram provides you with access to integrated advertising opportunities and additional marketing tools that can help increase visibility for your posts.

What platform is most used for influencer marketing today?

A: Instagram is still the number one platform for influencer marketing, with YouTube and Snapchat coming in following behind.

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