How to Write Instagram Captions That Drive Engagement?

Understanding your audience and then creating captions that appeal to them is the best way to boost engagement on Instagram. These few steps will help you improve your reviews from both users and brands! If you want your company to be successful, you need to be active on social media.

This remark applies to both tiny, neighborhood mom-and-pop shops and large chains, and worldwide ecommerce platforms. Even if you don’t sell a physical product and instead operate a blog or something similar, you still need to be on social media. However, having a social media presence and maintaining it effectively are two different things. Did you know that mobile devices account for over 80% of social media browsing? One of the reasons you should concentrate on your Instagram strategy is this. Plus, take a look at how quickly it’s grown in recent years:


This platform’s popularity cannot be overlooked. Businesses are catching on to this trend and responding appropriately. In fact, in 2017, over 70% of companies in the United States had an Instagram account. That figure had risen dramatically since 2016, when it was 48.8%. If you’re one of these firms, I’m confident you’re making the most of Instagram’s features. You upload images daily. You’re constantly updating your tale with new footage. You may even go live every now and again. But how are these acts interacting with your audience? Taking and publishing the ideal photo can capture someone’s attention, but your remarks will steer them. It would be best if you created Instagram captions that are actionable. You’ve come to the perfect spot if you need assistance writing captions.

Creating engaging captions to increase engagement:

1. Use location tags to let everyone know where you are.

Let me begin by telling you something that does not need to be included in your caption. Tell your followers where the images were shot when it comes to the location of the photos. However, there’s a catch: you don’t have to include it in your caption. That’s a waste of precious real estate. This is a standard error I see folks make. Instead, tag the photo’s location. Here’s an illustration. Instead of stating, “Here we are at the United Center,” the Jordan brand geotags the photo’s background.


They may now provide more information in their caption. For example, they utilized this post for advertising a new product’s debut. However, if they had written their location in the caption, the message may have been lost in the bustle. Another incentive to tag the place is that it will display with all of the other photographs and videos that have been organized there. The posts with the most likes and comments on that location’s page will appear as “Top Posts.”


It’s a fantastic method for those who don’t already follow you to view your postings. The Jordan brand’s location would not be exposed to such a large audience if it was put in a caption. Furthermore, location tracking encourages participation, which is our ultimate aim.


Instead of putting your location in the caption, tag it. That is a much more effective engagement method.

2. Don’t just scribble down the first thing that comes to mind.

You shot 20 photos of the same topic, each from a different perspective and varying lighting. Then you spent time picking the best one, applying a few filters, adjusting the exposure, brightness, and saturation, and experimenting with all the other editing tools. However, since you want to upload it immediately away, you compose your caption in 10 seconds. That’s a blunder. Write your Instagram caption for the picture for at least as long as you took to capture the shot. Consider all of the other written information you’re putting out on the Internet, such as your blog. You start by writing a draft and then revise it. Perhaps you change it a second or even a third time before publishing it on your website. A similar principle may be used in your Instagram captions. Make drafts—and a lot of them. Please take your time. Your followers, like the snapshot, aren’t going away. Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great. I’m not suggesting that you devote an entire week or even a month to writing these few lines of text. However, you must give it some consideration. Concentrate on your captions as you do on photographing and editing the picture. Writing drafts may also assist you in ensuring that you do not make any spelling or grammatical problems. While you can change your caption after it’s been posted on Instagram, by the time you realize you’ve made a mistake, thousands of people may have already seen it. Those were careless errors. You don’t want others to believe you’re unconcerned.

3. Prioritize the most critical information.

If you’re writing a lengthy caption, don’t attempt to be innovative by starting with a fancy beginning. Instead, start with the most crucial point you want to get across. Be straightforward. Your Instagram caption may be up to 2200 characters, but that doesn’t guarantee your followers will see it all. At the very least, not straight away. Captions that are too long are chopped off.


The caption is shown before and after the user clicks “more” in the example above. And this isn’t even a very lengthy caption. While shorter captions are more successful in general, I don’t want you to be discouraged by writing extended captions. Just make sure the most relevant information isn’t towards the bottom. Not everyone will use the “more” button to view the whole presentation. Users are just going through their newsfeeds, looking at images. They probably won’t read the entire thing since they aren’t interested in your caption. So, at the very least, hook them with the first few sentences to entice them to continue reading.

4. Look for methods to encourage people to leave comments.

Each post should have a high level of interaction. Getting others to remark on your images is one method to achieve this. Users may converse in the comments section or respond directly to you. Another strategy to increase the number of comments is to respond to people and start a conversation. However, in order for this strategy to be effective, you must first get people talking. To encourage comments from your followers, end your caption with a question. If you don’t ask them, they may not feel compelled to write anything. In addition, encourage your followers to tag their friends in images as another technique to earn comments. Here’s an MVMT Watches example:


In less than five days, this piece generated approximately 900 comments. This is clearly a successful method.

5. Increase the number of visitors to your website.

If you run an ecommerce business, your Instagram page’s ultimate purpose should be to increase purchases from your followers. Because transactions cannot be done straight from the Instagram platform, you must first drive them to your website to encourage them to make a purchase. You should also keep track of the sources of your website’s traffic. To monitor the number of referrals from your Instagram page, create a unique URL with a tracking code. This will assist you in determining the effectiveness of this technique. It’s always vital to track your progress, so set a goal for yourself. Include that one-of-a-kind link in your Instagram bio. Then, you may direct your followers to the association in your caption. To demonstrate what I’m talking about, here’s an example from H&M:


This snapshot depicts some of the apparel products for sale. If anybody is interested in purchasing one of these goods, a link in the bio will take them straight to the item. They won’t have to type in the website’s URL first, then look for the item. Unfortunately, too many processes may turn consumers off and diminish the likelihood of a sale. This is how the link appears in the H&M bio:


Customers will find it much easier to shop due to this, which will lead to more significant sales.

6. Organise a competition.

Nothing excites individuals more than the prospect of receiving something for free. Contests are an excellent method to advertise your company on Instagram. If you can create a terrific caption, this method will undoubtedly increase interaction.

Let’s go through the three distinct sorts of freebies first:

  • contest
  • sweepstakes
  • lottery

A contest is when the competitors are required to perform something that demands effort or talent to earn a reward. The winner is chosen by a panel of judges or a public vote. A sweepstake is a contest in which the winner is selected at random. To enter a lottery, participants would have to purchase a raffle ticket or something similar. However, I would not advise you to do so, particularly since some state and federal laws ban such freebies.

Nevertheless, running a contest is your best bet. One of my favParticipantsns interests is to do something like this. Whether or whether to enter a lottery they win will be determined by their efforts. Here’s an excellent example of a good caption advertising a Starbucks contest:


Because it fosters user-generated content, it’s an effective marketing tactic. This is how it goes. Starbucks enables consumers to create their own cup. Customers must then upload a photo of their cups on Instagram using the hashtag #WhiteCupContest. Consider your brand and the present competition. You can only post so many photographs of coffee and pastries if you operate a coffee business. Your fans will quickly get bored with it. That is why your captions must be attractive. The next time you publish a photo on Instagram, consider holding a contest. Here’s an example of a match from Mint:


You may use this description as a template for your own contest, replacing the name, hashtag, prize, and deadline with your own details.

7. Make use of hashtags.

We’ve previously spoken about hashtags a few times, but they’re significant enough to mention again. In your captions, you should include hashtags. We tagged a place for the same purpose. Your picture will be shown with all other photographs with the same hashtag on a page. You’ll reach a larger audience with your brand. At the conclusion of your caption, I suggest using hashtags. Extended captions may be chopped off, as we saw before. Your hashtag, on the other hand, does not have to be visible to be effective. It will group your photo with all of the other hashtagged submissions. If you’re stumped for a hashtag, start typing and Instagram will offer the most popular options.


Choose the one that has the most comments. This will result in the highest level of user engagement. Use hashtags carefully if you wish to incorporate them. Going overboard with these may seem spammy, and your followers may not like it. Make sure the hashtags you’re using are relevant. If popular hashtags have nothing to do with your content or business, don’t utilize them to get attention. People will believe you are spamming them, which is harmful to your engagement plan.


Don’t underestimate the value of a well-written Instagram caption. You devote a significant amount of effort to choosing and editing a photograph. Make sure you’re putting just as much work into the caption as you are into the picture. Make a few drafts before settling on the best one. While it’s important to let others know where you are, it’s not necessary to include it in your caption. It’s an inefficient use of space. Instead, use location tagging. Captions that are too long will be taken off, so start with the most crucial information. Ask a question or advise your followers to tag their friends to encourage user responses. Use a link in your bio to drive visitors to your website. In your captions, mention the link. For example, if you operate an ecommerce site, this will help you increase sales. In your captions, you may also promote a contest or giveaway. Use hashtags as well, but just a few at a time. You’ll earn higher interaction on all of your Instagram posts if you follow these strategies.

Frequently Asked Question

How do you write Instagram captions to increase engagement?

A: We recommend using an Instagram caption that includes a call to action. This might be asking your audience to tag their friends in the photo or share it with others on social media. Try adding hashtags like #buying, #shopping, and so forth depending on what you are trying to sell at the time of posting for best results.

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