How to Generate Traffic with this Quora Marketing Strategy?

If you’re starting and need some insight into ways to generate traffic, ask on Quora. There will be many people who have tried this strategy before that can provide valuable feedback for your new idea. Quora is an excellent platform for generating traffic.   There are several sorts of websites that may be used to create traffic. However, there is one, in particular, that is ideal for tiny and even medium-sized websites: sites that ask and answer questions (Q&A). These sites are made up entirely of users who ask questions and other users who respond to those queries. Because they are “natural” inquiries, they almost always include long-tail keywords. As a result, in addition to their usual user base traffic, these sites rapidly accrue search engine traffic. There are hundreds of Q&A sites out there, but I will concentrate on Quora for this essay.  Yahoo Answers is similarly enormous, but it isn’t helpful to marketers (links are often removed), and the quality of the questions and answers is poor, in my opinion. By now, you’ve most likely heard of or seen Quora. It’s the world’s 140th most popular website:


It covers almost every subject conceivable. When utilizing this site, you’ll need a plan, just as with any other traffic creation approach. That’s precisely what I’ll provide you here: a step-by-step guide to making money on Quora. While I’ll be focusing on Quora in this article, this method may be applied to any Q&A site. You’re good to go if you can discover a niche-specific Q&A site. Which companies should benefit from Quora traffic? Before we begin, you must determine if these websites are appropriate for you. While you can attract substantial traffic to your website (thousands per month), generating genuinely massive volumes of traffic will be complex. This indicates that this method is suitable for sites with a few thousand monthly visits. This new traffic source will make a significant impact on them. Let’s get started if that describes you.

Steps to Generate Traffic with Quora’s Marketing Strategies:

1. Make a list of relevant subjects, categories, and search terms.

First and foremost, understand that you will not be answering the first question you see—doing so would be a waste of time. Everything you do on these Q&A sites should increase the ratio of visitors to time spent. If you’re addressing questions that no one cares about, you’re not going to receive many visits, and your visitor-to-visitor ratio will suffer. There are a few things that all good questions have in common:

  • They aren’t that old — the most pertinent questions are just a few hours old. The older the question, the more additional responses you’ll have to contend with.
  • They have a lot of views – if they have more ideas than other queries, it means that many people are interested.
  • They have a small number of other responses; the more responses there are, the more likely your answer will be buried at the bottom.

There is one quality that connects the second and third criteria. Why aren’t their many answers to a subject if so many people are interested in it? Because it is a tricky question to answer. Understanding this is crucial since you’ll be tempted to avoid these questions because you believe it’ll be simpler to respond quickly to an essential inquiry. Simple queries, on the other hand, get a large number of responses. You may expect to invest a lot of effort into answering these chains. It may take simple queries u 15-30 minutes to respond to them at times, but it will be worthwhile if you receive a few hundred (or thousand) visits. I’ll guide you through how to locate these questions on both sites. Using Quora to find great questions: Go to your profile to get started. You will be able to explain your areas of knowledge in a section called “knows about.” Start putting main keywords (e.g., “marketing,” “SEO,” “jewelry,” etc.) that represent your specialization in the text section.


Quora will propose topics that are relevant and popular. Select them and click “add.” The more things you include, the more questions you’ll have to answer, but make sure the topics are still relevant. After that, go to the top toolbar and click the “Answer” link.


This provides a list of questions that are relevant to the themes you selected. The fact that you can’t sort the questions on Quora is a pain. The questions are ordered by default (the only option) using an algorithm that takes into account the posting date as well as the quantity of other comments and views.


You have no choice but to browse through them. Check out the diagram above to see what information is accessible for each question. It’s not perfect, as you can see, but it’s a solid start. We can determine the following for each question:

  • the number of responses
  • the moment the inquiry was made
  • the number of individuals that are interested in it

Inside each question, you’ll discover additional important information. You’ll notice a “Question Stats” box in the right sidebar if you click on any of those titles to get to the question page (with all the answers).


The most essential figure we’re searching for is views, which will be shown in that box. Views usually correlate to the amount of followers, but this isn’t always the case, so double-check. Now that you know what we’re searching for and where to look for it, all you need is a quick way to figure out which questions are excellent. Here’s a beautiful place to start:

  • Questions that were asked more than a day ago will be filtered out.
  • Questions with no followers or less than 100 views are filtered away (this does not apply to very recent questions, of course)
  • Questions with more than ten replies should be filtered away (you could go lower)

You’ll have a few nice questions to answer due to this. These inquiries will:

  • be current
  • have a high level of interest
  • having a lack of competition (more on this later)

2. Here’s how to format your responses for maximum impact.

The real work comes now that you know how to identify excellent questions to answer. Most Q&A sites, including Quora, rank answers based on how many “upvotes” they get. The best response should, in principle, come to the top. This implies that your responses must be the finest. You must, however, be able to bring visitors to your website. There are three basic ways to accomplish it, but they all rely on one essential question selection criterion: Only respond to queries regarding topics you’ve previously written about. There won’t be a natural method to draw people back to your site if you don’t do this. Method 1: A short response with a link to a blog post: Every now and then, you’ll get fortunate and come across a question that you’ve nearly precisely answered in a previous article. For example, I had to respond to a question on Quora about whether the content mark you’ve almost was worth spending time on over SEO. This question has previously been addressed in a previous article.


As a result, my response was straightforward yet convincing. I did provide a quick response, but I could direct the questionnaire to a more extensive answer. Your link will suit the circumstance well in these situations, and it won’t seem as if you’re cramming it in. Method 2 – Include references in your response: Most of the time, queries will be about previous content concerns. In this situation, you’ll have to respond to the question on Quora. It takes a lot more effort, but it’s worth it if you receive a few thousand views. When connecting, just provide 1-3 links to closely relevant material wherever it makes sense. You won’t receive a high click-through rate, but you’ll still get a lot of visitors. Here’s an example of Eli Rubel’s response, which includes a link to a blog article on assessing results:


Method 3 – Directly advocate your product: Be cautious not to spam these sites with promotional links and responses, but if you offer a product, you’ll have the opportunity to do so occasionally. The key is to do so openly and honestly. Begin with a disclaimer that identifies you. Here’s an example of a response:


The most important thing to remember is that it must be helpful if you want your response to get upvoted. So, if someone asks for a product that allows them to perform “x, y, and z,” make sure you go through all the ways your product can assist them do those tasks in great detail. In addition, readers will appreciate it if you are honest about where your product is good and where it is poor. While some inquiries may not get as many views as others, they may immediately lead to purchases, making them more lucrative.

3. Monitor and tweak your strategy.

The last step is to keep track of your findings to see whether it’s worth your time to answer questions. Overall, this is a straightforward two-step procedure. Fair warning: your first 5-10 responses will probably not be excellent. On the Q&A site, you decided to start with. You’ll soon discover what works and what doesn’t. Keep track of (1) the amount of time you spend on each question and (2) the number of visits you get as a result of that time (or, much better, conversions). Visits on the Q&A site may be tracked easily, but views to your main website are more essential. Go to “Acquisition > Overview > All Traffic > Referrals” on the left sidebar of Google Analytics:


You’ll receive a list of all the various websites that sent people to your site, presumably including your Q&A site:


After that, you may click on that site to obtain a list of the sites to which it sent traffic:


Allow at least a week for each post to observe how much traffic it generates (both immediately and on a consistent basis). You’ll have enough data to establish if employing Q&A sites is an effective traffic generating method for your organization after you’ve collected a sample size of at least 20-30 questions. Typically, if you’re skilled at asking good questions and obtaining good answers, it will be more difficult in certain areas than others. That is why you must track and assess your progress.


Even if employing Quora isn’t scalable, it presents a significant potential for marketers wanting to build more minor sites. I’ve shown a basic yet effective three-step technique. Start by answering at least 20 questions using this method, then fine-tune it if necessary—the “how to promote blog on quora” strategy many companies have used. In order to generate traffic, you need to share your blog posts on Quora and answer questions about the position.

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