Push Strategies for Getting More Visitors

A push strategy refers to using a channel, such as an email or social media, to send users from one website or app over to another. This article will cover how you can use your blog post and Facebook page for an effective push marketing campaign that drives more visitors and conversions. The “how to increase organic traffic 2021” is a blog post that discusses the best strategies for getting more visitors. Typically, a push approach entails interrupting the information being absorbed. Instead of being the tweet they want to read. You’re the tweet ad they see in their stream. You’re not the YouTube video they want to watch; instead, you’re the pre-roll commercial they have to watch to get to the stuff they were looking for in the first place. Pull reminds me of Hansel & Gretel. The treats entice the kids to come inside the home on their own. The Three Little Pigs are equivalent to Push. The wolf huffs and puffs as it enters their dwellings. You may either attract them into your world or force yourself into theirs. The primary distinction between pull and push strategies for attracting visitors is this.

Push Strategies that will get More Visitors:

1. Understanding a Customer’s Lifetime Value

The lifetime value of a client (LTV) is the amount of money you’ll earn from them over the course of their lifetime. Your LTV is $500 if you established an e-commerce app and profit an average of $100 per customer each year. They usually purchase for five years before becoming tired of your inventory and stopping shopping with you. This is significant because another significant distinction between pull and push strategies is that push tactics are often more expensive. Returning to our previous example, if a client is worth $500 on average, spending $501 to move them through your funnel is a waste of money. Each time you kept a user, you’d lose $1 in the end. With all of the methods described in this section, keep one basic notion in mind.

2. Invest in advertisements

Ads may not seem to be growth hacking at first look, but they are an excellent way to increase your product’s circulation. Sure, if you buy advertising without a plan, aren’t creative, aren’t trying to get an advantage, and don’t use multivariate testing, you’ll be exactly like everyone else (and it won’t be labeled growth hacking). That, however, is not what we want to accomplish. So as you approach this push method, keep the following points in mind:

  • Recognize Your Advertising Platform Options

Ads may be purchased in a variety of ways. Most people believe that Facebook, Google, and Twitter are the only social media platforms available, but there are many more. You can also buy advertisements on LinkedIn, which makes sense if you’re marketing to businesses. Carbon (carbonads.net) and The Deck (decknetwork.net) are two specialist ad networks that will enable you to target particular sectors. You may buy website banner advertisements, tweets, newsletter sponsorships, RSS inclusions, and even slots on mobile applications with BuySellAds (buysellads.com). LaunchBit is a new ad network specializing entirely in email sponsorships (launchbit.com). There’s also a service called Trada (trada.com) that crowdsources the purchase of your commercial advertising and only takes a part of your objectives to be met. Tapjoy is a great place to advertise if you want to target mobile consumers (tapjoy.com). Carbon, a specialized ad platform, is seen in this picture.


Here’s an example of one of the generic ad platforms, BuySellAds.


This doesn’t even take into account retargeting platforms. Retargeting allows you to monitor visitors to your website and display your advertising to them exclusively when they surf the internet. So even your advertisements may now be pre-qualified. It’s no coincidence that this sounds amazing. There are a variety of platforms in this field, including AdRoll, Perfect Audience, and Retargeter. Here’s a screenshot of AdRoll, which Inc. Magazine rated the best advertising firm in the world.


Over the past several years, the number of ad networks has exploded. As a result, some could argue that too many methods exist to buy adverts. This might be beneficial if you are willing to research your alternatives to locate those that best suit your requirements.

  • Learn about the technical aspects of the platform you’ve chosen.

Once you’ve chosen an ad platform that suits your requirements, you must understand the technical aspects of their service. Understanding the details or not knowing the technicalities might easily be the difference between earning money or losing money. Google AdWords is undoubtedly the most sophisticated and advanced platform, and mastering it might take months. Still, most of the other alternatives can be taught on the weekend and with a good level of expertise.

  • Purchasing advertisements is a business model competition.

It’s never easy to figure out how much to pay for a single click or a set of impressions, but the answer is dependent on your business strategy. If you target the same demographic as another firm but have a more efficient business strategy and a better LTV, you can afford to spend more on traffic without going bankrupt. The most excellent way to get clients via advertisements is to have a strong company concept. It’s nearly an unfair advantage, since no number of tips or techniques will be able to conquer this one stronghold. You have a highly defensible approach if you can spend twice as much to attract a client.

  • Consider your customer’s many personas.

Your clients may most likely be contacted via a variety of channels. They are almost certainly on Facebook and LinkedIn, for example. It would be best to determine which persona they are using when they are looking for a product similar to yours. You’re probably thinking about your friends and family when you’re on Facebook. They’re perusing images of other people’s adventures. When individuals use LinkedIn, they are thinking about how to advance in their careers and how networking with others might help them achieve their objectives. Even while you could potentially reach your demographic on Facebook, iI wouldn’t recommend it f your product is for project management in agile settings. Yes, they’d notice your ad, but their perspective would be skewed since you’re approaching them incorrectly. Before deciding on an ad platform, consider the character your clients take on while using your product.

  • When at all possible, avoid ad networks.

This strategy may be challenging to scale, but it is still worth discussing. For example, you might go to BuySellAds (or another site) and purchase banner advertisements on a blog that your target audience frequents. However, if you skip the intermediary (BuySellAds) and go straight to the blog’s owner, you’ll save money for two reasons. To begin with, BuySellAds takes a share of each transaction, so if you go direct, you may recuperate that money without the site owner losing anything. Second, you can bargain. The lowest price and the stated price are seldom the same. You can negotiate a cheaper rate and frequently finish a transaction quickly.

  • If you’re paying per click, make sure each one is qualified.

Ads may be purchased in two ways. First, you may buy them on a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) basis, which means you pay for a specific amount of impressions regardless of how many clicks they get. Second, you may pay per click, which means you only pay when your ad is clicked, regardless of how many times it shows. If you’re paying per click, you don’t want people to click on your ad unless they’re serious about what you’re selling since it costs you money every time they do. Fortunately, there are certain things you can do with the ad itself to qualify clicks. For example, consider including the price of your product in the text so that those who aren’t interested in spending money won’t click. Also, don’t utilize emotion to entice them unless that feeling would also induce them to purchase from you. For example, if your product has nothing to do with cats, don’t put a lovely cat picture on your ad only to entice cat enthusiasts to click on it.

  • Experiment with several versions of your ad.

One of the most basic principles in advertising is that you never know what your target audience will react to. You must test different copies of the copy, different versions of the imagery, and different combinations of the document and imagery. The stats will reveal the reality about the advertising you should run, but your intuition or gut will almost certainly be incorrect.

3. Promotional Swap

Cross-promotion with other businesses is one of the simplest and most cost-effective strategies to increase traffic to your website. If you locate a firm that currently serves your target demographic and you aren’t a danger to them, there are a number of ways you might work together to promote one other. Here are some suggestions to help you come up with new ideas:

  • Swap Tweets: Each firm tweets about the other company to their followers.
  • Swap Facebook posts: Each firm creates a post regarding the other on their Facebook page.
  • Exchange Dedicated Emails: Each firm sends out a whole email regarding the other.
  • Sponsored Email Swap: Each firm adds a “sponsored by” link to their current newsletter, connecting to the other.
  • Swap ad space: Each firm lets the other display a banner ad on their website or blog.
  • Pre-roll Video Swap: Each business offers additional company video ad space.
  • Giveaway Swap: OEachfirm promotes a giveaway from the other. on their blogs

4. Partners and Affiliates

Hiring affiliates is another technique to drive traffic to your site. This is a contract in which you pay someone when they achieve a particular objective, such as bringing a visitor to your website or activating a member. Many of the methods in this book may be used by an affiliate, but you are paying them to do it rather than worrying about it yourself. If you’re going to apply this strategy, there are a few things you should know:

  • Consider the Incentives Carefully

If you pay an affiliate $100 for each new registration but don’t include a provision stating that the new signup must stay for a specific number of months, you can end up with mismatched incentives. Because it does not affect their business, the affiliate would be rewarded for bringing you low-quality consumers that cancel soon. So instead, create a mechanism in which the affiliate is only compensated if you are paid.

  • Don’t Create Your Affiliate Program.

Many tools are available that will help you get up and running quickly on both the technical side of developing an affiliate system and the acquisition side of finding affiliates to sell your product. In addition, some services link you with affiliates, such as Commission Junction, and services that monitor affiliate earnings, such as Omnistar.

  • Early on, every new affiliate is thoroughly vetted.

When someone joins your affiliate program, they are essentially representing your company. The strategies they utilize, their language, and their overall style all reflect on you. They may not be employees, but the individuals they interact with will be exposed to your brand. Therefore, select your affiliations with care.

5. Direct Marketing

I’m not sure this qualifies as a growth hacking strategy, but it is a technique to acquire visitors at the top of the funnel, so I’d be negligent if I ignored it. Direct sales teams aren’t appropriate for every product, but they may be effective in certain circumstances. For example, AppStack, a company that builds mobile websites and mobile advertisements for local companies, quickly increased its income to over $50,000 per month. Its central technique was direct telephone sales. I offer them as an example because it’s difficult to see a company using this strategy, but some do, and they can succeed.


  • Typically, a push approach includes disrupting the information being absorbed.
  • Push methods are generally expensive.
  • Because money is involved with push techniques, you must determine your customers’ lifetime value (LTV) so that you don’t spend more money on them than you will earn.
  • Purchase advertisements, promo swaps, affiliates, and direct sales were the four push techniques we discussed.

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