Pull Strategies for Getting More Visitors

Pushing for visits and more traffic is a tried-and-true strategy, but there are some simple ways to increase your site’s visibility without spending hours of marketing effort. With just a little bit of planning, you can get an influx of new visitors in no time. The “how to increase website traffic for free in 2021” is a blog that gives tips on how to get more visitors. It also has information about pull strategies and the importance of content. So, do you want to increase the number of visits to your website? There are three basic methods for obtaining traffic. That is no longer the case. That’s not the case. You may entice folks in by pulling them in, pushing them in, or using the goods to do so. These are the three p’s of traffic generation. What’s the difference between these two approaches? I’m happy you inquired. Pull The first step in attracting visitors to your website is to draw them in. This is when you offer them a cause to visit you. You attract, motivate, and persuade people to come to you. The pull approach is shown in this book. We drew you to us. We didn’t have to look for you on the internet; instead, you found us. Push This is a little more vigorous than pulling, as the name indicates. Rather than luring individuals, you just find them and force them into your website. Someone could be interested in watching a YouTube video, but only if they see your advertisement beforehand. They may wish to perform a Google search after seeing your sponsored result, but not before seeing your paid result. You locate them online and try to persuade them to buy your goods. Product, The product itself is the third method visitors might arrive at your site. You understand how a product may be utilized to generate new visitors if you’ve ever introduced your friends to a new social network. Everyone who utilizes the product encourages others to use it. Growth hacking strategies like pull and push rely on the reinterpretation of distribution. You can appropriately lure strong-arm people into your site if you understand how people move online. Still, if you don’t know where people gather and what leads them to go to other areas (digitally), you won’t be able to correctly push or drag them onto your site. The third P (product) depends on redefining what a product is, rather than a redefinition of distribution (like pull and push). As we said in the first chapter, goods may now play a part in their customer acquisition, a revolutionary notion in global history. It’s critical to remember that all three P’s function effectively when used correctly and by the proper person. When you read about the distinctions, you may have believed that one strategy was better than the other, but they all have a place in the growth hacker’s armory. Many products combine push, pull, and production methods. This isn’t the moment to take a stand for a particular faction. Growth hackers are interested in growth in general, not simply a specific kind of growth for a specific goal.

The Building Blocks of a Pull Strategy:

1. Blogging

Blogging or guest blogging is a tried and effective driving traffic to your goods. For a variety of reasons, blog postings are ideal for driving traffic.

  • Blog entries are keyword-rich and easy to index by Google, which helps with overall SEO.
  • Posts on a blog have a compounding impact. The more you write, the more possibilities you’ll have of gradually attracting folks to your product.
  • Because blogs are generally focused on a specific specialty, guest blogging allows you to reach a considerable portion of your market with a single article.
  • Because blogs are often distributed via RSS readers, there is a built-in method for sharing your ideas with others.
  • People educated about your product are more likely to proceed through your funnel. Therefore blog postings are ideal for that.
  • People prefer to utilize a product made by an expert than one created by a nobody. Therefore blog postings may help you establish yourself as a thought leader.
  • In many situations, this is low-hanging fruit since blog owners are constantly seeking fresh guest posts.

It’s a no-brainer to start blogging. Your only choice is whether to establish your blog or guest blog for others. The most significant advantage of guest blogging is that you don’t have to build your following. All you have to do now is write the post. It’s far simpler to write a position than to assemble the individuals who are eager to read it. The opportunity to have complete control is the most significant advantage of beginning your blog. You have greater control over the material if you establish your following. You could decide to be more active in directing traffic to your product from your blog in the future, but if someone else controls all of your material, you won’t be able to do so. Neither option is incorrect as long as you decide based on strategic considerations. Always keep in mind that you can do both. Perhaps you begin by guest blogging and later go to your site. Whatever path you choose, don’t make your blog entries a lengthy sales pitch for your product. Rather than pleading with them to come to your site, you’re luring folks in. People will be turned off if you are too open about your ambitions. You can simply acquire click-throughs without having your content seem like an advertisement with a bit of ingenuity. Always begin a new post with a bio that connects to your product (no one will object), and attempt to link to your product at least once during the article, but only when relevant to what you’re saying. Additionally, the most read and shared blog pieces touch on something emotional, fashionable, informative, pleasant, or shocking (amongst others). Take notice of the kind of postings that pique your interest, and then use what you’ve learned to improve your writing.

2. Podcasting

Because audio has inherent inbound features, podcasting is another effective pull method. Hearing someone talk provides a window into their thinking distinct from, and often even superior to, reading their ideas. Podcasts, like blogs, have built-in distribution methods (podcast listening applications) however, there are several distinctions between blogging and podcasting in terms of traffic generation:

  • Search engines have hard time indexing podcasts.
  • It’s simple to click a link in a blog article, but visiting a website mentioned in a podcast is more complicated.
  • Podcasts are fewer in number, and their audiences are often smaller.

Unless you think imaginatively about it, a podcast is unlikely to be a sustainable traffic route. Here are some ideas for variations:

  • Go niche in anything you do. You most likely lack the production skills and financial resources to compete with general interest podcasts. Instead, focus on a small specialty and conquer it.
  • Don’t set out to start a podcast to release one episode every week. Set a goal of 10 episodes altogether and treat it more like an informative course on a subject your target market would like to learn about. People will discover you in the podcast directories and get fascinated if you have stunning album art and a terrific audio intro. Never promise additional episodes, and let them know what your plans are in the first episode.
  • Participate as a guest on a couple of podcasts, and then utilize the episodes as part of a drip-email campaign to further enlighten your email audience about your product through audio, increasing conversions. Note that you can do the same thing with blog articles.

Of course, you may follow the usual approach and start a podcast that releases new episodes every week, but there is something you should be aware of. You’ll need a lot of time to do successfully with podcasts, and low-quality broadcasts won’t get enough listeners to matter. So, instead of thinking like a podcaster, go innovative and feel like a growth hacker. Make use of their media, but not their tactics.

3. Whitepapers, guides, and e-books

Using the specific composition of your team to guide whatever strategies you use is an integral part of developing a successful pull strategy. Some individuals are enamored with the concept of accomplishing little things daily (like blogging or maybe podcasting). Others might prefer to devote significant energy at varying times to generate more glorious results. This is a viable strategy, and huge written papers provide a lot of benefits in terms of traffic generation:

  • Ebooks, manuals, and whitepapers all have their appeal. It’s simple to dismiss a new blog post, but it’s difficult to ignore a new large paper on a specialist topic you care about.
  • You may ask for an email address in return for downloading ebooks, manuals, and whitepapers, which have a high perceived value. It seems to be a fair exchange, and it aids in the development of an email list with which you will ultimately make your way down your funnel.
  • E-books, manuals, and whitepapers circulate quickly via social media when done correctly. As an author (even if it’s self-published), you’re a thought leader, and others will want to utilize what you’ve developed.
  • Ebooks, manuals, and whitepapers may be published to educate customers about your product. Well-informed visitors are more likely to become members and users.

For all of the reasons outlined above, MailChimp publishes various guidelines.

4. Infographics

Infographics may draw consumers to your product because they simultaneously exhibit knowledge and artistic sense. Visualizations are practical tools that may quickly be shared through social media. When developing an infographic, Visual.ly’s Adam Breckler offers the following advice:

  • Choose a Good Topic

Choose anything brilliant, intriguing, remarkable, or unique in some other way. Just don’t be dull or insignificant.

  • Locate the Correct Information

People frequently believe that they must develop their data, however, a simple Google search will often reveal data sets that have already been created.

  • Analyze the Information

Examine the information you have with journalistic rigor. Don’t tinker with the data to make it fit your requirements.

  • Create a narrative

Consider what kind of narrative the facts should convey. You must not just portray the data as a collection of facts, but also as a logical story.

  • Formulate a Design Concept

It’s now time to think about how you can visually express your story.

  • Refine and polish the design

Put the final touches on everything and make sure it’s as good as it has to be to attract the public’s attention.

  • Distribute the infographic to as many people as possible.

You may either share it with your own audience (email list, social media, etc.) or utilize services like Visual.ly, which is an infographics marketplace. Everlane released a pair of contentious infographics that sparked a social media tempest. Their infographics depicted the standard t-shirt markups charged by department retailers. Because Everlane provides identical quality shirts for less money, it’s clear to understand how this infographic attracted the appropriate type of customers.


5. Webinars

Seminars are held in the real world, but webinars are held online. For a variety of reasons, these are particularly effective routes for attracting new visitors:

  • Because webinars are frequently held live, people are compelled to plan them and treat them as an event. A YouTube video may be viewed at any time, while a webinar requires participants to “attend.” When something is on their schedule, people are more likely to pay attention to it, and they are more likely to pay attention to the material provided during the webinar.
  • Webinars often feature a restricted number of seats, which gives the impression that the material is unique and significant. If you’re significant to someone, they’ll be more inclined to travel through your funnel quickly.
  • Webinars allow for engagement, and if someone has the opportunity to interact with you, they will develop a bond with you and your product, which will lead to more activity on it.
  • Webinars teach people, and the more educational value you provide, the more visitors will repay in many ways.
  • A webinar might conclude with a unique promotion for your product, which can help drive visitors to it.
  • A webinar might be co-hosted with another firm so that your audience learns about your product for the first time.

“Unwebinars” is a kind of event hosted by Unbounce. Above is one they made with Joanna Wiebe to make use of her knowledge and audience.


6. Attending Conferences

Conferences may seem to be a non-growth-hacker method of generating traffic, but that’s only because you aren’t thinking imaginatively enough. A conference presentation may bring in a few additional customers, but not many, and the amount of preparation necessary is considerable. A conference presentation, on the other hand, produces a variety of by-products that may be leveraged to attract additional people.

  • Deck of Slides

If you’re giving a presentation at a conference, you almost certainly have a slide deck. This deck can be published to slideshare.com, and you now have a piece of collateral that can be readily shared and will continue to drive customers into your product in the future. Sildeshare.com is a stand-alone social network in which you should put your money.

  • Video/Audio

Many conferences will videotape your presentation, which you may then post on your corporate blog, upload to YouTube, embed in email signatures, or utilize in a drip-email campaign.

Aside from the by-products of a presentation, there are a few additional considerations:

  • Retweets in a flash

I once gave a presentation at a conference and told the audience that if they reposted my last tweet, I would offer them a discount on my goods. In a couple of seconds, I produced a social media storm.

  • Persuasion

Why did Steve Jobs give speeches? Because they have a lot of power. If you have the gift of gab and can command an audience, a few minutes on stage may occasionally generate a slew of new traffic sources for your business. Keep in mind that growth hackers are both right- and left-brained. The ROI may be hazy at times, but it does not imply it is non-existent. Rand Fishkin, the former CEO of Moz, has more than 60 slideshares that have been watched hundreds of thousands of times, resulting in a flood of new visitors to Moz.com.


7. SEO

In a way, all of the strategies we’ve discussed so far are great in terms of SEO. As you produce different types of content (blogs, podcasts, ebooks, whitepapers, guides, infographics, webinars, slide decks, video/audio presentations), the search engines will recognize you as an expert in your chosen field, and you will rank high for certain keywords. There are, however, two types of SEO techniques. They’re what I refer to as “content” and “code.” Content Even if you have no idea how SEO works, you will be optimizing for it by providing the content. If you keep creating, even if you have no idea what an algorithm is, you’ll be leveraging SEO to your benefit. Coder, There are various things you can do at the code level to help you implement an effective SEO strategy. Are your links keyword-optimized for SEO? Are the H1 tags correctly labeled? Do you utilize Schema.org tags to categorize different types of content? Do you have a current sitemap? This is certainly the best-case situation if you can leverage both content and code to your benefit. Even if you are unable to accomplish both, you should do one or the other. We still need search engines to traverse the internet, and it would be foolish to disregard this basic fact. SEO is critical, and for many firms, it is their main source of top-of-funnel traffic.

8. The Internet and Social Media

Social networking is one of the best strategies to get visitors at the top of your funnel (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.). There are so many spammy ways to accomplish this that I feel compelled to start by telling you what not to do.

  • If you don’t want to have a relationship with someone, don’t follow and unfollow them on social media only to catch their attention.
  • Never target a foolish audience. They won’t be able to magnify your message. They’re a complete waste of money.
  • People should not be bothered. Consider what type of pings you’d like to get if you were in their shoes.

Here are some social media techniques to assist you to drive visitors to the top of your funnel:

  • Engage folks who are likely to utilize your goods. Be aware of your demographic.
  • At every opportunity, add value. Respond to the questions. Offer assistance. In some manner, assist them. Don’t only receive; be a giver as well.
  • Whether you generate it or not, become a center of intriguing material. People will pay attention to your posts and tweets if you have a reputation as a great curator of material (even if you didn’t create anything yourself).
  • It’s a marathon, not a sprint when it comes to social media. You won’t get a lot of traffic from social media right away. In reality, you should underestimate the significance of followers and like numbers. Even if someone with 100k followers retweets you, unless your demographics are precisely matched (and even then, I’d be suspicious), it’s unlikely that you’ll get any additional attention.
  • Customer service is as much a part of social media as anything else. Surprisingly, this may be a useful strategy for attracting new visitors. People will be more likely to test your goods if they see your excellent customer service in action in public.
  • Use social media to spread the word about all of the information you prepared in techniques 1 through 8. When used in combination with other strategies, social media is very effective.
  • Creativity, like anything else, has the ability to open up new possibilities. Skittles used to make their whole site a Twitter feed of people searching for Skittles. They got a slew of Skittles mentions on Twitter that day, and the internet as a whole was taken in by their clever ruse.

9. Contests

Contests are an excellent approach to attracting new customers to your website. Many individuals are simply unaware of how effective competitions are. Have you heard of AppSumo before? Do you want to discover how they developed their email list to over 700,000 subscribers? They began with competitions. Have you heard of Airbnb before? Do you want to know what they began doing this week to get more people to try their product? They began marketing a competition. Small and large businesses equally benefit from contests, so here are a few things to keep in mind when you plan one:

    • Prizes that are important to your audience should be given away. A free iPad should not be included in every contest. Give them something that reflects your personality. For instance, if you own an Airbnb, you may give away free accommodation (which they are). This is crucial since you don’t want a trash list that doesn’t match your demographic if you capture their email address as part of the offer. If you only give away iPads, you’ll end up with a complete list that’ll be tough to move down your funnel.
    • Experiences, not just things and services, are given away. Which do you think someone will remember more: an iPad or a vacation to see their favorite band in a fantastic location? They may be similar in price, but their effect might be vastly different.
    • For example, if you work for Uber, give away a trip in an Uber taxi with a celebrity. That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At the very least, provide rewards for first, second, and third place. People like to feel like they have a chance to win, and if the incentive is solely a grand prize, they may not participate.
    • How much they provide you in return gives them additional chances to win the contest. They only receive one entry for an email address. They gain two different entries if they share your email address with a friend. They may earn three additional entries for a retweet. You get my drift. As they develop your list and advertise your goods, assist them in increasing their chances of winning.
    • Allow ample time for the contest to develop traction. Consider giving it a month to see how it goes. If you accept anything less, you may not get enough submissions to make the ROI work.

Make a big deal out of it when you announce the winner, and use it as an opportunity to create more buzz online and maybe visitors. Over the years, AppSumo has held several competitions. Why should they give up when they’ve discovered something that works? Take note of how immersive their award is as well.


10. Marketplace for Apps

Marketplaces are one of the innovative ways to attract new tourists that have emerged in recent years. The Apple App Store is a store where you can buy and sell apps. The Google Play Store is a store where you can buy and sell apps. There are two types of app marketplaces, each with its features.

  1. App Stores for Consumers

If your organization created a consumer app, it would likely be found in a B2C app shop like the Apple App Store. Here are some things to bear in mind if you’re using this strategy to attract new users:

  • Reviews are critical. Make every effort to avoid unfavorable reviews in the first place, and attempt to persuade them to alter their minds after they’ve posted a negative review.
  • Because screenshots are a window inside your program, they should be flawless. You can’t get folks to come in if you don’t aesthetically excite them.
  • Consider the name of your app carefully. Will it be simple to locate and search for?
  • For fresh visitors, you can’t depend just on marketplaces. You’re a needle in a haystack because there are currently too many applications. So you must also use the other strategies outlined in this book.
  1. Marketplaces for Business-to-Business Apps

If companies can utilize your product, you may want to look into this new kind of marketplace. Salesforce and Mailchimp, for example, now have their marketplace for applications that interface with their services. Here are a few pointers for using B2B app marketplaces.

  • Because these markets are less congested, it is simpler to stand out.
  • If you just ask, B2B marketplaces will likely advertise your product on their blog, in an email blast, or other ways.
  • B2B marketplaces may sometimes pay you to establish an interface with their platform. For example, Shopify just established a fund for just this reason.
  • Reviews and screenshots are critical in consumer markets, so don’t scrimp on them.
  • On these marketplaces, you may put a “coming soon” statement in your description, identifying new items that you will also integrate. Because you’ll have a lot of things included as keywords in your report, this is a terrific approach to get discovered more readily on a B2-B search engine (this was one of the tactics that Wishery used, and they were eventually purchased).

Salesforce’s B2B app marketplace is called AppExchange.


11. Websites that provide bargains

A slew of other bargain sites has sprung up following Groupon’s meteoric ascent (and subsequent gradual collapse). There is a bargain site for almost every topic with an extensive email list and is prepared to advertise your goods. The agreements with these businesses are typically straightforward. You provide a discount to their audience in return for distribution, and they do the same for you. This is a fast approach to gaining traffic, and considering how simple it is to establish a connection like this, it’s worth a go. Another unanticipated advantage of these bargain sites is the number of customers who will buy your goods at a total price despite finding them on a deal site. The internet is an odd place, which will happen more often than you may think. Mighty Deals is a designer-focused discount website. It can be worthwhile to look for a bargain site in your field.


12. Make Use of Other People’s Audiences (LOPA)

Even though several of the strategies previously discussed use LOPA, I wanted to discuss it separately. Gaining an audience is quite tricky. You’ll be taking advantage of a traffic shortcut if you can discover a method to use someone else’s audience. LOPA is a kind of guest blogging. LOPA is a kind of guest podcasting. Marketplaces are also a kind of LOPA. You may also use LOPA in the following ways:

  • Create a giveaway for a specialized blog that caters to your demographic.
  • Ask group leaders on Meetup.com who operate communities that may benefit from your product if they’d tell theirs about you.
  • Provide thought leaders in your sector with free accounts, and if they have a positive experience, they will tell their audience about it.
  • There are far too many LOPA options to mention them all. You’ll never run out of LOPA possibilities if you’re imaginative enough.

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