How to Generate Sales With Welcome Emails?

Since its inception, marketing automation tools have offered welcome emails for new subscribers and re-engaged existing ones. These automated email campaigns can help amplify a brand’s visibility by using data to identify those most likely to respond positively and convert them into customers. As a result, email marketing is more active and well than ever before. Email is recognized by 80 percent of marketing experts as the most critical component in client acquisition and retention. It also has a high return on investment: for every $1 spent on email, you can expect to get $38 in return. So whether you’re starting your first email list from scratch or adding new members to an existing one, you should send welcome emails.

Welcome emails, at their most basic level, announce that a new subscriber has been added to your mailing list. You’re losing out on a tremendous chance to generate money if you’re utilizing this message for that reason. Welcome letters earn 320 percent more income on average than other commercial emails. Consumers that purchase things via email advertising also spend 138 percent more than customers who haven’t signed up for your list. Stop squandering your money-making opportunities with welcome emails.

Tactics to directly boost sales via welcome emails:

Use a two-step opt-in process. Many firms use single opt-in techniques.

A new subscriber gives their email address and is immediately added to your list using this approach. That is all there is to it. However, there are a few drawbacks to this approach. If you don’t use a double opt-in, clients may believe they signed up for your emails when they didn’t. They’ll never know whether they misspelled their email address.

On the other hand, a new subscriber can join up by accident, believing they’re giving their email address for another purpose. In this situation, you’ll be contacting folks who don’t want to get advertising information while ignoring those who do. These issues are solved by using a twofold opt-in technique. As a result, most welcome emails include a two-step opt-in process.


You’ll also wind up with false email addresses and spam accounts on your list if you don’t use a double opt-in technique. Your metrics will be thrown off as a result of this. If you don’t have quality leads ready to purchase, having an extensive list of email subscribers won’t help you. When new subscribers are required to confirm their membership to your email list, their lead score improves. Sure, it’s an additional step, and as a consequence, you could lose some subscribers. People who complete the double opt-in process, on the other hand, actually want to receive your promotional information. Consequently, they’re much more likely to be eager to spend money. Double opt-in messages have better unique open rates than single opt-in campaigns.


Welcome emails have a greater open rate than other sorts of emails, as we’ve previously discussed. You can boost those available rates even higher by adopting a double opt-in technique. The first step in subscribers completing the end-goal action: making a purchase is to open the email.

Send out welcome emails right away.

Your welcome message must arrive at the right time. The welcome email should be issued as soon as someone registers. Some businesses wait until the end of the week to send out their welcome emails, but this is ineffective. This is why: Because your new subscriber was just on your website and signed up to get your email content because of the value you’re delivering, your brand is still fresh in their minds. Don’t pass up this chance to earn a profit. If the message is delivered in real-time, this new subscriber is far more likely to purchase anything. Consider the difference in transaction rates between real-time welcomes and batch emails.


Furthermore, real-time welcome emails have an open rate of 88 percent, but bulk welcome emails only have a 53 percent available rate. Only 12% of subscribers click on CTAs in bulk, welcome emails, although 29% of people click on CTAs in welcome emails delivered instantly. You’re diminishing the odds of a consumer completing a purchase if you don’t send a welcome email within seconds of their subscribing.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your new subscribers.

It demonstrates your appreciation for your clients by thanking them for signing up to get promotional information from your firm. Here’s an example of Kate Spade’s technique in action.


It’s only good etiquette to say thank you. You may thank them for showing enough interest in your company to subscribe to your email list even if they haven’t purchased anything yet. Thank you notes might be more effective than you would realize. That is why you must use thank you pages to nurture your leads. Apply the same method to your welcome email as well.

Establish a standard for relevant material.

Your welcome letters should provide customers with a clear idea of what they may anticipate from you in the future. Next, tell your consumers how often they will get emails from you and what kind of content they will receive. Finally, make sure that you follow through on your pledge. For example, if someone joins up for a monthly newsletter, don’t bombard them with emails every day. That isn’t what they requested. People unsubscribe from email lists for various reasons, the most common of which is receiving too many useless emails from businesses.


You don’t want to annoy a new subscriber by sending too many communications. You’ve already gone through the bother and expense of getting them to join up in the first place. If they unsubscribe, all of your hard work is for nothing.

Start a drip marketing strategy.

The initial message in a drip campaign, a sequence of emails that tempt a response, should be a welcome email. Finally, you want your subscribers to make a purchase. Drip campaigns keep your leads engaged by providing them with relevant information at the right moment. You may have someone instantly added to a drip cycle as soon as they join up. Following the welcome email, they’ll get a series of emails spaced out over the next several weeks or as you want.

Here’s an example of how a drip campaign may progress:


The beauty of a drip campaign is that it doesn’t need the client to purchase right immediately for the message to be successful. While you should undoubtedly build an actionable drip campaign, it’s not the end of the world if the first message fails to convert. You may still save up for future purchases by planting the seed. After all, this new subscriber has just recently agreed to receive your communications. Depending on the circumstances, they may not be acquainted with your brand, goods, or services yet. However, as these subscribers continue to receive subsequent communications during the drip campaign, their odds of purchasing anything will improve.

Give useful knowledge.

To get the most out of your email marketing, you must first determine why people are joining up. It’s a prevalent misperception that consumers join email lists only to receive a discount. While this is certainly a motivator, there are other reasons why individuals sign up for your brand’s promotional information. Your welcome letter must include all of this information to be most successful.


As you can see, receiving a special deal or a present came in third on this list. Most respondents said they read newsletters to learn more about issues and keep up with new information. Giving new members a discount is still worthwhile, but it doesn’t have to be your primary focus. You may also keep them interested by providing a new subscriber with a bonus that they would not have gotten if they had not signed up for emails. Discuss recent or limited-edition product launches. Allow them to establish an account to have a more tailored customer experience.

Provide a financial incentive to purchase.

Getting a gift or anything in return is one of the top three reasons individuals sign up for emails, even if it isn’t #1 on the list. Furthermore, providing a discount is an excellent approach to get people to sign up for emails in the first place.

Let’s have a look at Freeman’s example:


This welcome message offers the new subscriber a 10% discount on their purchase if they sign up for emails. This letter provides value and expresses gratitude to the new subscriber for signing up. With her name on it, it’s a one-of-a-kind gift. In addition, with lines like “Be the first to hear” and “Here’s all you need to know,” it also offers the impression of insider knowledge. All of these techniques combined in one message will almost certainly enhance the likelihood of making a purchase.

Send stuff that is unique to you.

People don’t want to feel like they’re simply a number on your list, even if that’s precisely what they are. Sending out generic welcome emails with subject lines like “Dear Sir or Madam” would not express the customized touch you wish to provide.

Begin by making the subject line more personal.


The first part of the fight is getting your new subscribers to open your message. If the message is not opened, no one will purchase anything. The good news is that tailored subject lines get more open. On the other hand, spreading the message does not guarantee a sale. You’ll also need people to interact with your messaging. Providing engaging material is the most excellent method to do this. Including a video in your welcome email, for example, may boost clicks by 300 percent. It’s also worth mentioning that after seeing a product video, 64% of respondents are more inclined to purchase something online. So your welcome emails will have a better chance of boosting purchases if you combine compelling material with a customized greeting.

Encourage customers to recommend others to you.

You may use welcome letters to get more individuals to join your mailing list. You’ll need to establish a client referral program that generates sales to achieve this successfully. Give new subscribers a cause to tell their friends and family about your service. Consider how Blinq handles this in their welcome email:


This refer-a-friend program rewards existing subscribers and any new subscribers who join up. A $10 credit is given to each of them. The new subscriber receives more benefits the more individuals who join due to the recommendation. This will also improve their chances of making a purchase. Another thing to consider is that if someone suggested by a new client signs up for emails, they would get the identical welcome message.

As a consequence, the likelihood of them referring new consumers will rise. This method promotes company development without requiring much effort on your part. Furthermore, customers a friend suggests are four times more likely to purchase anything.


Your company’s email marketing plan must be prioritized. However, you don’t have to wait months to get new subscribers to buy anything. With your welcome emails, you should strive to promote purchases straight immediately.

  • Send out welcoming messages right away.
  • To boost openings and validate your leads, use a double opt-in method.
  • Make your welcome email the first message in your drip campaign.
  • Don’t forget to express your gratitude to your new subscribers for signing up.
  • Give people what they want by giving them helpful information, and let them know what they may anticipate from you in the future.
  • Personalize your content and provide additional incentives to boost the likelihood of people purchasing.
  • Make use of your welcome email to promote your client referral program.

You’ll be able to create more revenue from new subscribers if you use these methods in your welcome emails.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a welcome email?

A: This can be done by going to your settings and clicking on Welcome Emails for the email you want to create.

How many emails should be in a welcome series?

A: There is no set number of emails in a welcome series. It depends on the type of company you are opening and your audience.

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