How to Nurture Your Leads with Thank You Pages?

Thank you. Pages are a crucial component of any landing page’s success. They’re an opportunity for your leads to engage with your brand, learn more about what they can expect from the offer, and entice them into action. This guide will explore how thank you pages work, some best practices when using them on a landing page, and provide examples of creative ways to use these features in your marketing campaigns.

Thank you Notes may go a long way. To begin with, it’s fundamental etiquette that you learn at a young age. When someone does something kind for you, you express your gratitude. It is, nonetheless, an essential inbound marketing approach. According to studies, customers will abandon a firm if they don’t believe it cares about them. That is why you should include a page of gratitude on your website.

After filling out a form on your site, such as signing up for your email newsletter, visitors will be sent to your thank-you page. You’re currently losing out on a significant opportunity if your thank-you page is just thanks to the visitor and does nothing extra. These landing pages may be used for various purposes, including raising brand recognition, soliciting feedback from customers, and even improving sales. You’ve just received a fresh lead. That lead has to be nurtured. In the following year, converting leads into customers will be a primary focus for businesses:


Sure, you’ll send them a confirmation email, which will be the first of multiple communications in your drip campaign, welcoming the lead to your email list. However, in order for them to function, the individual must first check their email, open the message, read the text, and then convert. You can’t expect it to happen every time. On the other hand, the thank-you page is directly in front of their eyes, on the same screen, as soon as they complete an activity. If you correctly create this page, it will be precious to your business.

You’re on the right road if you’ve already realized the value of thanking your new leads. On the other hand, this advice can help you improve your thank-you pages and advance your information nurturing approach. Here’s all you need to know about it.

Steps to improve your thank-you pages:

1. Give your prospects a cause to purchase.

Your new leads may need a little more encouragement to make a purchase. Your brand has piqued their curiosity. If that weren’t the case, they wouldn’t have gone to your website and signed up for emails. When it comes to persuading them to purchase anything, you must provide them with an additional incentive to finish the process. Consider your thank-you page to be a checkout queue at a business. The customer has already been persuaded to take a specific action. They’ve opted to purchase anything or, in this case, submit their contact information to your firm. Certain things are carefully placed near the register in a retail shop to attract consumers to purchase. You should also include something on your thank-you page that encourages a transaction. Take a look at this example from NatureBox:


As you can see, it provides a 50% discount to new leads. The promo code, however, isn’t accessible to everyone. The visitor has to offer their contact information to the firm to access this screen. NatureBox collects email addresses from its clients by providing them the opportunity to win a contest. This is an excellent approach to executing a lucrative giveaway. Take a glance at the page’s upper right corner. Social sharing buttons are also shown in NatureBox. The symbols make it simple for users to share this information on social media, but I’ll further discuss this strategy later.

2. Promote your best-performing content.

Another strategy to nurture your leads is to increase their brand engagement. Every visitor to a website is unique. Some of these folks may better understand your business than others. Giving site visitors access to your best-performing content is a superb method for discovering more about your business.

This might involve the following:

  • postings on the blog
  • guides
  • ebooks
  • videos
  • podcasts

There are a few KPIs that every marketing manager should keep track of. This data can help you figure out what kind of content you should promote on your thank-you page. Here’s one of Optimizely’s best examples:


The three URLs at the bottom of the screenshot, as you can see, vary from one another. If you place three different posts on a page and the visitor doesn’t want to read them, they won’t click. Offering a variety of alternatives enhances the likelihood that they will be interested in at least one of the sites you provide. It’s also possible that the material is connected to what they signed up for. Segment them based on the information you obtained from their contact information. Here’s what I’m talking about. Let’s assume someone joins up to get your latest blog entries in their email while someone another signs up just for product updates and promotions. On your thank-you page, you may push different material to these folks. The first person may be sent to your blog postings, while the second may be directed to a video demonstration of one of your newest goods.

3. Create social proof

The thank-you page is excellent to demonstrate that your goods and services are practical. The easiest way to achieve this is to use real customer success stories. On Infusionsoft’s thank-you page, you can see how they do it:


For a moment, put yourself in the shoes of your new leads. They’ve recently signed up to get emails from your company, but they haven’t yet purchased anything. Perhaps they’re looking forward to seeing what type of value you’ll provide in your emails. Alternatively, they may not be sold to your company just yet. You could sit there all day, expressing how fantastic your goods and services are via your blogs and videos.

On the other hand, consumers aren’t ignorant; they’re aware that material is skewed. You may provide social proof of your product by including case studies, success stories, reviews, or client testimonials on your thank-you page. Your leads will perceive that your company is reputable, which will enhance the likelihood that they will convert.

4. Downloads of ebooks on the rise

This concept is related to promoting your best content. Offering a free ebook download to a new lead is an excellent incentive, particularly if they would otherwise have to pay for the information. You’re also slaying two birds with one stone now. You’re nurturing your leads while also boosting ebook downloads. The free download link is undoubtedly worth it if you can convert that lead into a client. On its thank-you page, Greenhouse employs the following strategy:


It provides two free ebook downloads on this page. Furthermore, you are demonstrating your appreciation for your clients by doing so. Here’s what I’m talking about. We’ve all received an insincere thank-you from someone. They’re thanking you because they feel forced to do so. When someone is grateful, they may perform your favor to demonstrate their gratitude. Offering a free ebook download is a lovely gesture that might help you convert more customers.

5. Encourage others to share on social media.

Make it easy for your leads to share your material on social media. When I mentioned the social sharing icons on the NatureBox thank-you page previously, I referred to this. This technique will broaden your reach, increase brand awareness, and perhaps increase lead generation. On the other hand, people may be reluctant to reveal that they have just signed up to get emails from a company. That’s not exactly thrilling. You must first understand why people share material on social media to be successful with this method.


Make a connection between what you’re doing and one of these variables. Are you involved with any causes or charities, for example? That’s an excellent method to capitalize on people’s emotions to increase sales. There’s one more item to consider. Take a look at the most popular sorts of social media content:


When you combine the reasons people share material with the kind of content shared the most, you can improve the likelihood that this approach will succeed. For example, every time someone joins up for your email newsletter, you may contribute $1 to a specified charity. Put social sharing buttons on your thank-you page that will appear as a photo when linked to a new lead’s social network profile. If you ask your tips to share, you may be able to get their friends to join as well.

6. Insert a video

Your company should be creating original video content. I like the notion of submitting all of your films to YouTube and then repurposing them on other platforms. Please include them in your post on social media, blog entries, and emails. Another location where you may attach a video is on the thank-you page. Conversions are boosted by video content:


Furthermore, after seeing a video regarding a product, 64% of respondents are more inclined to purchase it online. After seeing a video, 50% of corporate leaders seek further information, while 39% make a phone call. This is an excellent method for nurturing B2B leads.

7. Make sure your leads are qualified.

All leads aren’t created equal. As a result, sure, your leaders are more likely to convert into customers than others. First, you must determine who those individuals are. Request that they complete a brief survey on the thank-you page. This extra information will assist you in classifying them appropriately.

As an example, suppose you run a payroll service. Your survey may offer questions like these to qualify new leads on your thank-you page:

  • How many people work for you?
  • How frequently do you make payments?
  • Do you prefer live checks or direct deposit?
  • What time frame do you have in mind for making a change?

Then, depending on the findings, you may assign a score to your leads.


It is not inexpensive to generate leads. It varies depending on the industry, the size of the organization, and the income. The average cost per lead depending on these parameters is shown in the graph below:


You’ll be able to achieve a more significant ROI and boost your chances of getting more individuals to convert by utilizing the survey approach to qualify your leads on your thank-you page. In addition, you may deliver relevant information to your leaders based on their replies.

8. Request that your prospects follow you on social media.

I previously discussed how to encourage your leads to share your material on social media. However, this does not guarantee that they will follow you. It would be best to make this as simple as feasible for them. On your thank-you page, provide a direct link to your social media accounts. Then request to be followed. This will make it much easier for people to follow you rather than looking for your organization on each network individually. These are the top reasons why consumers follow businesses on social media, according to Sprout Social:


When new leader follows you on social media, they will be exposed to more of your material and promotions than if they got your emails. Consumers who follow businesses on social media are 57.5 percent more inclined to purchase from them. More than 60% of customers need to examine a product two to four times before buying it. It’s made feasible via social media.

Leads will be exposed to your content via a variety of sources, including:

  • A page for generating leads
  • thank-you page
  • social media post
  • email

That’s four distinct occasions in a row.

Social networking is an excellent location to cultivate leads. However, in order for this to work, you must ensure that they are following you.


After completing our forms on your website, your leads should be instantly led to your thank-you page. However, it would be best if you created your thank-you sites so that they do more than merely thank people. Offer your new leads an incentive to purchase if you want them to become customers. Make your best material, such as free ebook downloads, stand out. Success stories, case studies, customer evaluations, and testimonials may all be used to provide social proof. Make your thank-you page more interactive by using a video: MThen, do a quick survey to help you improve your lead score. Your clients will be more inclined to purchase from you in the future if you can persuade them to follow you on social media. You’ll be able to properly nurture your leads if you make these improvements to your thank-you page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should a thank you page include?

A: A thank you page should include a list of the essential information. It is recommended to include your name and website and contact details like email or phone number.

How do you make a perfect thank you page?

A: Making a perfect thank you page is not that hard. Just take into account the following when making one:

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