How to Use YouTube Live to Grow Your Business?

YouTube Live is one of the best ways to build community engagement. It also provides a platform for companies and brands that are too small or otherwise unable to produce their content. Here’s how YouTube Live can help you grow your business. YouTube Live is a feature that allows you to stream live videos. This can be used to grow your business and get more views on your content.  In terms of social media marketing, how active is your company? If you have a Facebook page, Twitter account, an Instagram account, that’s wonderful, but if you don’t have a YouTube channel, you’re losing out on a simple opportunity to get new leads. You may also use YouTube to help you generate more money from your current consumers. In the end, it’s one of my favorite venues for establishing a company. One of the reasons I like YouTube is that it makes it simple to recycle material. Instead of generating several films for each platform, you may submit one to YouTube first and then share it on your other sites. For example, I like to integrate videos from my YouTube channel into some of my blog entries. However, YouTube material may be added to any of your other social media platforms, email newsletters, or website pages. Uploading and distributing videos on YouTube is a good start, but it’s not enough if you want to accelerate your company’s development. It would be best if you also got on board with live video. YouTube has about 1.5 billion monthly active users. It’s one of the most common solutions for streaming live video content. With over 2 billion active monthly users, only Facebook comes second on the list, with YouTube Live coming in second by a hair. I can assist you if you have never broadcast a live video on YouTube or are new to the site. If you’ve been publishing material on YouTube Liv, this is also the tutorial for you, but I believe your approach may be better. I’ll show you how to use YouTube Live to boost your company. Here’s all you need to know about it.

How to start a live video broadcast on YouTube?

Let’s start with the fundamentals.  You must first understand how to begin your stream before concentrating on your marketing approach. A complete lesson on achieving this can be found on YouTube, but I’ll go over the highlights and provide some additional tips.

Step 1: Confirm your identity and account.


If you haven’t yet streamed a live video, YouTube will verify your account before allowing you to do so. If you have a special event coming up soon that you’d want to broadcast, you should have your account confirmed immediately. Your phone number is used to verify your identity. It will send a text message or a phone call with an access code to you. This should be pretty rapid for the most part, but it might take up to 24 hours.

Step 2: Install and configure your encoding program.


You may be ready to start your first stream, but you aren’t quite ready yet. Before you can begin streaming, you must first download the YouTube encoding program. There is separate software for each gadget depending on what you want to use it. The following are some of the most popular applications and devices that YouTube has verified:

  • From your laptop or desktop computer, use webcam devices.
  • Capture on the Go
  • Live on your phone
  • AirServer
  • SlingStudio
  • Gameshow
  • Webcaster X2 by Epiphan
  • Elgato Game Capture HD60 is a game capture device by Elgato.

There are a few more alternatives, but this illustrates how varied their streaming is. If you want to go live from numerous devices, you’ll need to download and install an encoder on each new appliance for your initial broadcast.

Step 3: Fill up the blanks in your stream with basic information.


You’re ready to begin after setting up all of your encoding software. Add some basic information about your stream to let visitors learn more about it. This is a simple task. Give your stream a title that conveys what you’re doing. Here are some samples that can help you get started:


Each stream’s title makes it clear what it’s about. Don’t be enigmatic or vague with this information. Keep your title to a minimum. As you fill in more basic information, you’ll be able to offer a more thorough description. After that, choose a category from the following list:

  • animation and film
  • automobiles and automobiles
  • music
  • Animals & pets
  • sports
  • events & travel
  • gaming
  • Blogs and people
  • comedy
  • entertainment
  • Politics and news
  • how-to and fashion
  • education
  • technology and science
  • Activists and nonprofits

I’m confident you’ll be able to identify a suitable category based on your company’s sector and the content of your film. Finally, ensure that your privacy is set to public. You won’t be able to reach a broad audience otherwise.

Step 4: Take a look at your stream possibilities.


I propose that you activate your live stream’s DVR options. Not all of your viewers will be there when your live video begins. You want to allow people to start from the beginning so that they may see all of your stuff. After that, you’ll choose the latency. Low latency is the way to go if you want to communicate with your audience more quickly. Make sure your chat is also turned on. You want your live stream’s viewers to be able to give you messages in real-time. You may also include a variety of cards in your live broadcast. It may use these cards for a variety of purposes, including:

  • videos should be promoted
  • playlists to highlight
  • promote a different channel
  • generate money for a charitable organization
  • a link to a website (that YouTube has allowed)
  • Make a poll for your audience to vote on.

These solutions may help you connect with your live audience more genuinely and engagingly.

Steps to use YouTube Live to Grow Your Business:

1. Make your items and services known.

Now that you know how to utilize live video, you must decide what kind of information you will broadcast. Promoting your best items is one of the first things you can do. It’s no secret that your business is attempting to earn a profit. With this strategy, you don’t have to be deceitful. You’re free to show off your wares. A product presentation is one of the most effective methods to do this. Depending on your business, you may have goods that need more explanation. Let’s pretend you’re selling a remote-controlled drone. It’s a fun method to demonstrate how to use and operate anything new to your present or future consumers. Furthermore, customers prefer to watch movies about your items rather than read about them:


These films may help you increase sales in addition to teaching and enlightening. Some of your audience members may not know that you sell this product until they see it on YouTube Live. That instruction could persuade them to buy something. You may also utilize YouTube Live to generate excitement and buzz for a new product. Demonstrate new items that have not yet been released. This will keep your audience waiting for their release with bated breath. Run a contest or campaign and give away some things if you genuinely want to attract your audience’s attention. Having your live video stream viewers engage in competitions and prizes might help you raise brand recognition. This is particularly true if the promotion is conducted via social media.

2. During events, there will be a live feed.

When do you think you should go live? This is a question I am often asked. While there is no right or wrong answer, there are certain instances where going live is a must. It would be best to broadcast each event your business is hosting, hosting, or attending to your YouTube Live audience. Live events are so significant that they get their menu page in the YouTube dashboard when looking at your live streaming choices.


What’s the big deal about this? This is because 67 percent of individuals who view live videos are more inclined to purchase a ticket to an event after seeing a similar event on live video. So, if you’re in the entertainment business, this is a fantastic method to boost ticket sales. However, it may apply to any other company that earns from various events. Here’s where you should think beyond the box. A colossal event isn’t necessarily required, such as the Super Bowl or a sold-out concert. Smaller events may be live-streamed. For example, perhaps your organization will exhibit at a trade exhibition or set up a booth at a campus job fair. It’s worth broadcasting on YouTube Live anything that provides you a cause to advertise your company while also giving your audience something fresh and exciting to watch.

3. Provide unique material.

Show your consumers something they wouldn’t usually see. Following up on our previous point, you could watch behind-the-scenes material instead of the event itself if you were attending one. This will create a feeling of exclusivity among your audience. They have access to information that others do not. Again, try to think beyond the box. Stream a video tour of your manufacturing plant throughout the workday if your firm makes items. Allow your audience to attend a marketing meeting with your team or get access to your offices. All of the information will aid them in gaining a better grasp of your company’s operations. People are also interested in behind-the-scenes material.


This video is an excellent technique to guarantee that your target audience watches. Once you’ve hooked them, they’ll come back to watch your live broadcasts in the future.

4. Maintain interest in your audience.

Don’t be monotonous. Going into any live video broadcast, you should have a strategy. It’s possible that going out on a whim and streaming something without a plan won’t be fun. Your content will not promote your company if it does not amuse and engage your audience. It may have the opposite impact. One of the best things about YouTube Live is that it gives you many options for keeping your audience interested. It’s up to you whether or not you use the built-in functions. I was hoping you could return to the list of streaming alternatives I provided previously. These may be used as engagement tools. Let’s imagine you’re seeking to generate buzz for a new product. This product may be the subject of a poll. Check with your consumers to see whether they enjoy it. Find out what features they would want to see. Allowing your audience to contribute to developing your product lines will undoubtedly assist you in expanding your company. Customers who took part in the survey are more likely to purchase anything they had a voice for. Marketers in various sectors think that live video content allows them to engage with their viewers more genuinely.


If you concentrate on involvement, you may also benefit from this benefit. People will be interested in watching your live streams and purchasing anything you’re offering. It is your responsibility to ensure that this occurs during those broadcasts.


It’s fantastic if your business has a YouTube presence. However, if you want to expand your company, you must begin utilizing YouTube Live. The popularity of live video content is on the increase. If you’re going to stay ahead of the competition, you must keep up with the latest marketing trends. We know that 82% of customers prefer watching a brand’s live video to reading a social media post. There will be no more excuses. Now is a great moment to start using YouTube Live to broadcast live videos. To get your account set up and ready to post, follow the brief guide I gave in this article. After that, start thinking about what kind of material you’d want to reveal. Promote your services and goods—stream live sporting activities. Offer unique material, such as tours of your facilities from behind the scenes. Audience engagement should be your first objective, no matter what kind of content you’re streaming. You’ll be able to increase brand recognition, recruit new consumers, and encourage your current customers to spend more money if you use these techniques in your marketing approach. To assist in advertising and expanding your company, what kind of material are you broadcasting on YouTube Live?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I grow my business on YouTube?

A: There are a few ways to grow your YouTube business. The first is by doing lots of video content and uploading it consistently. The second way would be to engage with other YouTubers on their videos and comment on theirs or have an active Facebook page.

How do I increase YouTube Live reach?

A: YouTube streaming service is available on all devices and allows everyone to stream live from their phone, computer, or gaming console. You can also watch the streams of other people worldwide by subscribing to them.

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