How to Get Your First Sale for Your New Ecommerce Website?

Making the first sale on your new ecommerce website is always a daunting task. Many factors to consider, including how much you should price your items and what marketing tactics will work best for you. If one of these things seems too overwhelming, don’t worry; just get started! The 50 ways to make your first sale Shopify is a blog post that outlines 50 different methods of getting your first sale for your new ecommerce website. Your new ecommerce website is now live. Congratulations! You currently can sell to a large number of people. Getting your first few sales, whether you’re starting from scratch or have an established brand that has just launched an ecommerce site, may be daunting. Existing firms that have extended to the Internet and are utilizing it as a secondary sales channel will have an easier time with this. This is due to the fact that they already have clients who are acquainted with the brand. They’ll mostly only have to inform those clients that they’re selling online, and sales should follow. With that in mind, this tutorial is primarily intended for businesses that have just established an ecommerce site. Perhaps you’ve had a website for a while but are just now adding an ecommerce component. This tutorial will assist anybody trying to enhance conversions in their ecommerce businesses and, as a result, generate more sales, regardless of their scenario. Once you’ve made your first sale, you’ll be able to make more. Here are a few pointers to get you started on the right foot.

Steps to Get First Sale for Your New Ecommerce Website:

1. Create a blog.

There is a significant distinction between internet traffic and online sales. You may have observed some traffic during the early days of your site’s debut. That’s fantastic. However, no one is interested in purchasing anything. Don’t be concerned. It’s a numbers game. No website has a conversion rate of 100%. However, the more visitors you can bring to your site, the more likely you are to make purchases. It all boils down to comprehending the client conversion funnel. The awareness stage is at the top of the funnel. Blog postings assist in raising brand recognition and drive visitors to your website.


As a result, blogging is a must-have for every ecommerce site. Consider it this way: What exactly are you trying to sell? Is it so vital that people go shopping for it every day? Most likely not. On the other hand, your blog provides consumers a reason to return to your site frequently, even if they have no intention of purchasing anything. Blogging also helps you rank higher in organic search results. When customers use a search engine to browse for items, your website has a better chance of coming up first. Yit may also use your blog to promote your products. Within the content of your postings, pitch whatever you’re offering and provide links to a landing page where the items may be bought.

2. Create an email list of people who want to hear from you.

Email marketing should be a significant aspect of any content marketing strategy. If you’ve just recently established your ecommerce site, likely, you don’t currently have an active list of email subscribers. It would help if you understood how to develop your first email list from scratch before concentrating on generating your first sale. Starting from the ground up might be daunting. It’s difficult to stare at the number zero. But don’t worry, there’s only one way up from here. I understand what some of you are thinking. Instead of focussing on sales, why not concentrate on developing an email list? It’s straightforward. It will be simpler to produce sales if you have an email list. According to a recent poll of online merchants, email marketing is the most effective digital approach for customer acquisition and retention.


This implies that your email list will assist you in making your initial sale, but it will also enhance the likelihood that those clients will purchase from you again in the future. This is because individuals that sign up for emails are already interested in your company. Even if they haven’t bought anything yet, you may start preparing them to do so. Begin with a welcome message and create an actionable drip campaign. After that, send out promotional emails. Take use of the fact that you have direct access to your subscribers’ inboxes. Just be careful not to overextend yourself by sending too many messages or spam. Customers may not visit your website daily, but they will undoubtedly read your emails. I was hoping you could give them a discount, which I’ll go into more depth later.

3. Sending merchandise to social media influencers is a good idea.

Influencer marketing has emerged as one of the year’s most popular concepts. No one may know who you are or even that your brand exists. They do, however, follow social media influencers. Working with influencers is advantageous since the compensation rates are cheap and the rates of engagement are high. You may bring your goods in front of thousands of potential consumers for only a few hundred dollars. It would be best to keep your expenses low as a new brand in the early stages. You won’t be able to exist without any sales since you won’t have a consistent cash flow. Consider how Thompson Tee partnered with James Tollefson to promote its brand on Instagram using this strategy:


James has approximately 20,000 followers on Instagram. As a result, this article provides excellent brand exposure. The message contains a purchasing link and a discount coupon, as you can see. This makes it simpler and more appealing for a potential buyer to acquire anything. In addition, it’s a budget-friendly method. Make sure your marketing money is well-spent. As in the case above, have influencers wear your product, utilize it, or explain how it works. However, before delivering your goods to just anybody, do your homework. Make sure the influencers you’re working with are a good match for your target demographic and business strategy.

4. Discounts are available.

You don’t have a reputation yet since you’re a new company. Why should someone be the first to purchase from your website? Because there aren’t any, they don’t see any product reviews or anything else from past buyers. As a result, paying the total price for anything from a company with no reputation and no sales is difficult to justify. I advocate cutting your costs in the beginning if it doesn’t conflict with your brand image. I understand. Some of you may represent a high-end brand that does not intend to provide discounts. However, it is a suitable method to familiarize people with your items and produce purchases early on. Here’s another thing to think about. Offering a coupon code boosts your chances of making a sale:


This is due to the fact that consumers like bargains. So, to profit with the discount, mark your starting pricing as more excellent than you expected. For example, do you want to receive $40 for a product on your website? It’s straightforward. Then offer it for $60, with a $40 discount price. It’s a tried-and-true marketing strategy.

5. Prospective B2B customers should be marketed to.

Too frequently, I see companies focusing only on direct-to-consumer sales. While there’s nothing wrong with this approach and its better profit margins, it doesn’t rule out the possibility of pursuing other companies. Consider selling your items to shops at a wholesale price. Let’s pretend you’ve just launched a clothing-related ecommerce business. Unfortunately, there are no physical storefronts for you. You may approach local, national, and worldwide merchants to get your items in front of the public. Please make an effort to have your stuff sold in their shops. Sure, you won’t make as much money on each item. Bulk orders, on the other hand, will be far greater than those from individuals looking to purchase a single garment. Other shops will desire your goods once it begins selling in one location. Consumers will seek to acquire your goods on your ecommerce site now that they are acquainted with it.

6. Make a social media account.

This should have been done before the launch of your website. It’s not too late to start creating social media accounts if you haven’t already. Create accounts on the most popular social media platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Twitter

All of these channels require that you have active profiles. As a result, figure out which platform your target market prefers and focus your efforts there first. You may use social commerce to generate your first sale after the profiles are up and running.


Make an effort to grow your following and raise brand recognition. Use these distribution methods to drive visitors to your website. Once you’ve established a social media presence, you’ll be able to take advantage of extra marketing options.

7. Make a straightforward website design.

Conversion rates are more significant for simple websites. Examine your ecommerce website. Is it straightforward? Yes, you may be selling hundreds, if not thousands, of items. You can’t, however, strive to fit everything on your site. Reduce the amount of clutter. It must remove ads. For more straightforward navigation, provide a search bar and menu selections. IIn addition, it’s to have some white space on your website. This will assist draw visitors’ attention to your call-to-action buttons. You will undoubtedly need product photographs. On the other hand, giant photos on each page will slow down page loading speeds—a simple design results in a carrier that loads quicker. As a result, you’ll have fewer page abandonments and a higher possibility of making a sale.

8. Giveaways.

Please allow me to explain what I mean. I’m not suggesting that you hand out your goods with no strings attached. However, now that you’ve set up your social media accounts, you may utilize them to run competitions and other promotions. The winners of these competitions may be eligible for free merchandise. Here’s an example of how Knockaround use this method on their Instagram account:


It would be best if you were more willing to give stuff away in the early phases of your firm. It doesn’t have to be one of your most costly items; as long as you’re doing something, you’ll get some attention. You may want to try doing weekly or even daily giveaways to get your name there. A few things will be accomplished as a result of this. For starters, it gets your items into the hands of potential customers. They’ll be acquainted with it and may use their gift to purchase something else. These folks will spread the word to their friends and family, who may become paying clients as well. Even those who did not win the contest are now curious about your company. Because your product is in their thoughts, these customers are also more inclined to purchase right now.

9. Visit a trade expo.

Many individuals who have an ecommerce site behave as if it is their only source of income. Just because you don’t have a physical storefront doesn’t mean you can’t sell online. EIn addition, ecommercecompanies may benefit significantly from attending trade exhibitions. Attending local, regional, and national events is a good idea. They’re all over the place. Having a booth at one of these events will provide your company visibility to both visitors and other merchants. You could encounter a seller interested in purchasing things at a wholesale price, as I previously said. Trade exhibitions aren’t always the best venue to offer your wares. However, to obtain exposure, you’ll provide stuff out there. You may be able to offer free samples of your items. Consider giving out t-shirts, key chains, stickers, phone covers, and other small promotional products with your logo and website to increase sales. Give consumers who come to your trade show stand unique coupons and discount codes. It may even be as severe as a 50% discount on a single item. Remember, you must make every effort to close that initial transaction.

10. Reduce the amount of friction in your checkout procedure.

So, with the aid of additional promotions, you’ve been able to drive visitors to your website. However, you’re still having problems persuading those visitors to make a purchase. What’s the matter? Perhaps your checkout procedure isn’t as efficient as it might be. Remove any actions that aren’t essential. You need to be able to finish a transaction with only a few clicks after a visitor decides they desire a product. Consider the most common causes for shopping cart abandonment:


Aside from the first reason, the expense, the second and third reasons also include a complicated checkout procedure. You’re killing your conversions if you have visitors register an account or answer any questions. Only ask for the necessities. Next, obtain their billing and shipping information. That is all there is to it. There’s no need to inquire about their mother’s maiden name. It should just take a few clicks to complete the procedure. Each extra step allows the client to change their mind and back out of the transaction.


There haven’t been any sales on your new ecommerce site yet. That’s OK. Everyone had to start from the beginning. The goal is to get some momentum going with your first few sales. Begin blogging to raise brand recognition, advertise your goods, and boost website traffic. Concentrate on growing an email list of subscribers. Collaborate with social media influencers to market your company. Reduce your pricing. Make your website’s design as straightforward as possible. Attend trade exhibitions if possible. Consider thinking beyond the box. You might seek for other methods to create revenue. Consider B2B companies to whom you might sell in bulk. Increase the number of people who know about you on social media. Use those marketing platforms to run competitions and giveaways. Make your checkout procedure easier. If you follow the guidelines and advice I’ve provided, your ecommerce site will last much beyond your first transaction. To boost your initial sales, what kind of marketing plan is your new ecommerce site employing?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get sales on a new website?

A: There are a few ways you could make your website more attractive to visitors. One way would be to increase the number of pages on your site with related or relevant content to what people would like. Another thing you might want to do is add new features, such as news articles or blog posts and polls so that there’s always something new happening concerning your topic at hand.

How can I boost the sale on my e-commerce website?

A: A lot of people are using programs like Hootsuite, Buffer and to boost the sale on their e-commerce website by sharing social media posts from other sites that they own or work for. If a person sees something interesting in one post on your site and wants more information about it, they will click through to visit your pages where you can provide them with more information, sales offers etc

What must things be in place for you to get your first sales?

A: The following are things you need to get your first sales.
– A website with a product page of the item you want people to buy
– An email capture form where users can sign up for an alert when your website goes live and they should preorder something they’re interested in
– Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

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