How to Create a Lead Magnet Like a Pro?

Lead magnets are a powerful marketing tool because they’re easy to create, high-converting, and offer an instant download. You don’t need much time or money to start using lead magnets in your business – this post will show you how! Isn’t it true that you’re growing your email list? If you aren’t already, you should begin right now.  By far the most successful marketing medium available today is email. According to Capterra, the average return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is $44.25. Nothing else even comes close to that.  Consider this: email allows you to communicate with your present and future consumers at any time. At least once a day, 91 percent of individuals check their email.  Having a list provides you with greater control over the behavior of your subscribers and helps you to generate page visits, purchases, reviews, and anything else you want.


It’s not enough to create amazing material. Although generating a lot of traffic and social shares is good, content marketing isn’t about that. Quiz: What is the true goal of every marketing campaign? To increase sales. Now, for most items, you won’t be able to do that directly from blog postings. You may, however, gather your readers’ contact information—even if it’s simply an email address. Ten years ago, having a box in your sidebar that reads “subscribe to the blog” might garner you a reasonable sign-up rate. However, firms are increasingly creating a lot of material, with 70% of marketers planning to produce more content this year than the previous year. This tendency does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The volume of material being thrown at people is overwhelming. And everyone involved in the creation of such stuff is after their email addresses. These days, the old opt-in form on the sidebar won’t accumulate much more than dust. But, as marketers, we change with the times, and our strategies do as well. We started offering free e-books, courses, checklists, and videos to anybody who joined our mailing lists. Lead magnets are so named because they attract leads. And it was successful. You’re simply exchanging value in the form of valuable material for the email address of your reader. However, practically everyone now provides a free bonus. Two things may happen if your lead magnet isn’t exceptional. Either you won’t get many sign-ups, or you will get a lot of sign-ups, but those readers will be disappointed with the bonus and immediately unsubscribe. Today’s most effective marketers design lead magnets that are one step ahead of the competition.


Yes, it takes time and work, but even a 2% or 3% increase in your opt-in rate might result in tens of thousands of dollars in the future year.

To create a good lead magnet, you’ll need some skill and knowledge, which I’ll teach you in this post.

Let’s get this party started.

1. Always start with research.

Understanding your audience is one of the most difficult aspects of becoming a competent marketer.

Even if you believe you understand them, you may discover that your perspectives on what is and isn’t important vary.

So, if your lead magnets (of any sort) are only converting at 1% or less, you’re definitely doing something wrong.

And, although I understand that this is difficult to hear, I believe it is really wonderful news. It’s quite simple to correct, and by addressing this one problem, you may easily double or treble your opt-in rates.

The goal of this study is to figure out what your target audience values the most.

Confirm that your target audience is interested in a certain issue.

This will be very simple if you have a blog with consistent traffic.

Simply glance at the amount of times each post has been seen to determine what your audience is most interested in. You may also glance at the amount of comments and social shares the articles have received.

Make a spreadsheet containing all of your most popular articles and their traffic statistics over a period of time (at least three months).


Sort by traffic to uncover the subjects that your target audience is most interested in.

After that, you may make an offer based on those themes. This offer may be used as a content update or promoted across your website.

Some instances are as follows:

  • Article: “22 Gmail Plugins Every Content Marketer Should Be Aware Of”
  • Get the same templates I use to contact influencers for free.
  • “How to Make Custom Images for Your Blog Posts Without Hiring a Designer” is an article that explains how to make custom images for your blog posts without hiring a designer.
  • Offer: Access to a secret list of ten graphic designers who will generate unique pictures for $5 each.

Check out what your rivals have to offer.

You can’t utilize Method 1 if you have a fresh site or one with few articles and little traffic. However, you may have a peek at your competition.

Your most visible rivals are almost certainly blogging. You may benefit from their knowledge by seeing what their target audience enjoys the most.

Begin by selecting five to ten competitors.

Fill in the blanks in a spreadsheet. Create a column for each competitor’s major lead magnet and five additional columns for their five most popular articles next to them.

Look for a conspicuous spot on the blog (typically the Home page) to identify the major lead magnet:


In your spreadsheet, provide the title and a brief description (optional).

After that, we’ll need the most popular articles. In the sidebar of certain blogs, there will be a “Popular Posts” widget. Personally, I don’t believe it can be trusted since it is easily manipulated (and often is).

Instead, utilize BuzzSumo to locate the most popular posts (a free account would enough). In the content explorer, type in your competitor’s URL and sort by total shares.


In your spreadsheet, write down the following headlines from the top five posts:

This is how your sheet should appear. Continue till you’ve completed it.


This spreadsheet has a couple of really useful uses.

First and foremost, it shows us which lead magnet each blogger has discovered to convert the best—at least for the time being (further testing could prove otherwise).

Based on the Social Triggers’ lead magnet, if you were beginning a blog in this arena and had the background to develop a short e-book titled How to Get Your First 10,000 Subscribers, you can be certain that it would convert well.


In my perspective, the second use is equally as valuable. One risk of designing a lead magnet that is identical to existing ones is that you will be labeled as a copycat.

If I’m a blogger seeking for traffic and subscriber advice and stumble across both your site and Social Triggers, I’m not likely to join up for both. I’ll go with the one that seems to be the most trustworthy, which is one that is hosted on a well-known authoritative site.

Return to your spreadsheet now.

You’ve compiled a list of content that your niche’s readers will like. Sort through all of the comments to find the most popular general topics:


I defined four groups based on the minimal number of postings in my spreadsheet:

  • Better writing (4 posts)
  • Understanding why blogs are successful (2)
  • Selling on the internet (2)
  • Increasing the number of visitors and subscribers (2)

Take a look at the top categories you just discovered, as well as the lead magnets your rivals are offering. Locate the void.

From my little examination, it’s evident that bloggers are now concerned with improving their writing skills. Given the trend toward higher-quality material, this makes logical.

Although Headline Hacks by Boost Blog Traffic is about creating amazing headlines, you might concentrate your service on a different aspect of writing. You may create a lead magnet based on the most popular posts in that category.

Consider the following scenario:

  • All Successful Bloggers Use These 20 Words in Their Writing
  • Any blogger will benefit from these 51 time-saving resources.
  • The Simple Way I Write 1,000-Word High-Quality Posts in an Hour is a free e-book.

3. Take note of what your visitors purchase.

A good lead magnet should be of such high quality that people are willing to pay for it. However, since you’ll be giving it out, conversion rates will undoubtedly be high.

There are a plethora of areas to check if you want to figure out what your readers value, but there are three in particular that are applicable to virtually every sector.

Amazon began as a book vendor and only later grew into the behemoth it is today. Source #1 – The Kindle marketplace: Amazon began as a book seller and only later grew into the behemoth it is today.

However, it continues to sell a large number of books.

I’d start with the Kindle books since they’re more like a traditional lead magnet than actual books are.

Folks who like buying products online (ideally from you) are frequently the same people who would feel at ease purchasing a book online.

To get started, go to the Kindle store.

A list of categories may be found on the left-hand sidebar. When you choose one, you will be sent to a new page with a new list of categories. Continue clicking until you find your unique specialization.


Let’s pretend I manage a yoga website for the purpose of illustration.

To get to the yoga area, I had to go through three levels:


Obviously, you will get a list of books as a consequence of your search.

Sort the results by the average customer review in the upper right corner:


You’ll now see the highest-rated results in your category:


You can immediately come up with two amazing ideas for lead magnets that customers are prepared to pay for based on the top few results:

  • Yin Yoga: A Beginner’s Guide (free e-book)
  • Yoga Poses: A Beginner’s Guide (could be an e-book, video series, or even an email course)

Reading the real reviews will reveal what the most important features were for the readers. Make certain that those elements are included in your lead magnet.

Source #2 – What do your rivals have to offer? A big chunk of your target audience belongs to your rivals.

Assuming they are more established than you, they are likely to have their own line of items.

If you visit their website, you’ll almost certainly see a link to a store or landing page on the top menu bar or sidebar:


We can learn a few things from their goods that may help you create a superb lead magnet that your audience will like.

The first choice is to look at items that are “entry level.” These are under $20, so they aren’t earning anybody a lot of money.

However, since people purchase them, you know they’re valuable, which is all the proof you need.

You’ll now develop a comparable product but sell it as a lead magnet for free.

On the authority site mentioned above, for example, there’s a product in the store that’s a 20-minute guided yoga meditation session:


People are willing to spend $7.99 for it.

There are three categories of individuals when it comes to things at this level:

  1. They are quite eager to spend since they are certain that they will like the goods and that the money will be well spent.
  2. They are undecided – They believe they will like it, but they are unsure.
  3. Will never pay – Some individuals are either unable to afford such things or are always looking for a free alternative.

You will attract the folks in groups 2 and 3 if you produce a free version of a product they are seeking for.

Those in group 2 are obviously the most valuable because they might buy from you in the future.

This is how it goes down. They could search for a “free 20 minute guided yoga meditation session” when they find this offering on your competitor’s site.

They’re searching for a free version to test out first, and then they’ll decide whether or not to buy the other premium product based on their findings.

They may believe they don’t need the premium goods if you amaze them with your free lead magnet.

They reason that if your free stuff is as amazing, your premium items will almost certainly be even better. In most circumstances, if they’re going to purchase anything, it’ll be from you.

Source #3 – Seek out course suggestions: The majority of lead magnets are predicated on a problem. They address a tiny, particular issue that your target audience is experiencing.

They’re essentially mini-courses on a certain subject.

At the same time, online learning is becoming more popular.

Universities are offering full-fledged, high-quality courses, while private instructors are developing their own. Some are large, while others are modest.

Udemy is the greatest location to seek for them. Anyone may create a course, which has resulted in a wide range of options.

Begin by looking for courses in your field.

You may use the search box to look for a keyword, explore the course catalog, or choose categories on the left side.


In our hypothetical situation, I looked for “yoga” courses.

Always order the results by popularity first. You want to see courses that people are enthusiastic about.


Three fantastic lead magnet concepts may already be seen in the top results:

  • Challenge yourself to a 30-day yoga email course.
  • An email course that will guide you through a 14-day yoga detox.
  • For busy professionals, a yoga video or email course is available.

People are willing to pay for these courses, indicating that they are valuable. Your target audience will be intrigued if you provide a free version.

4. If you ask most readers, they will tell you.

People that are already on your email list are a fantastic source of lead magnet ideas.

They are already interested in your material and believe you have something worthwhile to give them.

Ask them if there’s any way you might make your next post better for them when you submit it to them.

Wait for any feedback before making the post public.

You just need to email this to a few hundred subscribers at initially if you have a huge list.

Send them a document that looks like this:

Hello there (name),

I just wanted to provide you a link to the most recent (your brand) blog entry, titled:

(Title of post and link)

(2-paragraph post description)

Could you just do me a favor?

I’d want you to inform me if there’s any way I could improve the article once you’ve read it. Is there anything in particular that piques your interest?


(Your first and last name)

Your finest readers will respond with some fantastic lead magnet suggestions.

You may easily make one and then include it in the post after it’s been made public.

5. Don’t be frightened to pay attention.

Your comments section—especially from users who haven’t yet joined up for your email list—is another wonderful source of high-value lead magnet suggestions.

They obviously read your article, like it enough to leave a comment, and have most likely bookmarked your site.

So, how will you get their email addresses?

In the comments area, readers often express their most vested interests.

Consider the following scenario:


This remark was made in response to an article on how to make $300,000 on Instagram.

Yume and Kyle were both intrigued by how someone described in the article used lists to link Instagram influencers with amazing items.

It’s simple to convert this into a lead magnet. I could do a video or text interview with Jessica in which I ask her to reveal her secrets, and then provide it as a bonus with the article.

6. One approach to dramatically increase your opt-in rate

In order to persuade someone to join your email list, you must first provide them with something of value.

And your reader must be engaged in the subject you’re writing about in your blog article in order to be interested in a lead magnet.

So, what would happen if you concentrated your blog posts on issues that your readers were most interested in?

It would increase the number of shares, traffic, and people who saw your lead magnet. Of course, this will result in an increase in email subscribers.

How do you figure out what they’re most passionate about?

Simple. Look at the statistics based on pages in Google Analytics (or whatever analytics platform you’re using).

To do so, use the left menu to go to “Behavior > Site Content > All pages.”

This is what it will look like:


The more blog entries you have, the better.

Then, choose a category for each of your most popular posts. I’d take a look at your top 10-30 posts, depending on how many you have in total.

You’ll note that one or two categories get much more views than the others.

Not only will you build your email list, but you’ll also increase your general site traffic if you just pay more emphasis on those areas.

When you don’t have an audience, here’s how to figure out what material they like:

That straightforward technique presupposes you’ve already established a decent amount of blog visitors.

Obviously, this isn’t true for the majority of individuals.

At this moment, you have two choices.

You might just write about a variety of subjects in your field and watch which ones do best.

That’s just OK.

You might also do some study to see which themes are the most popular.

You may do this sort of study in two ways.

Reddit is a good place to start.

Look for a subreddit that is similar to your specialty. For instance, if I were beginning a new marketing site from scratch and had no idea what was popular, I would go to the marketing subreddit.

Then, on the top menu, choose the “top” button to discover the most popular postings of all time.

Thousands of posts are uploaded to each subreddit (some have millions), so you can get a fair indication of what that audience enjoys.


Go through the top 100 or so results and classify them the same way we did previously.

You’ll notice that certain categories appear much more often than others. Because Reddit contributions contain much more than simply blog articles, there will be some irrelevant entries.

The second alternative is to look at rivals who are near to you.

You may look at their postings and discover which themes are the most popular if they are more established and have the audience you desire.

The major drawback is that you don’t have access to their traffic statistics.

You may, however, keep track of the title of each post as well as the number of comments or social shares it has received:


It’s not a perfect replacement for traffic data, but it’s a close approximation.

7. Don’t merely come up with a new lead magnet.

The most important point I’ve attempted to convey is the need of using high-quality lead magnets.

Your new subscriber should be taken aback by the fact that you are not charged for it.

You should receive at least one or two emails informing you that after you’ve given it out a few hundred times.

When it comes to lead magnets, the most common error marketers make is making offers that are too unclear.

You must make a valuable offer that addresses a particular issue in your reader’s life.

You won’t make a lasting impression on your new subscriber if you don’t do so. They’ll toss your freebie once they’ve read it, and there’s a good chance they’ll unsubscribe at the first opportunity.

They won’t forget you if you create a strong initial impression and give something that makes a difference in their lives in the near term.

The format of your lead magnet is completely up to you. It makes no difference. The only thing that counts is that it:

  • is about a topic that your reader is interested in,
  • provides enormous value (excellent quality), and
  • achieves (at least) one specified goal in the lives of your subscriber

Let’s look at some instances to help clarify things.

E-books are a good example.

While e-books may be excellent lead generators, they can also be disastrous. They don’t have to be lengthy, but they must deal with a certain subject. Too frequently, e-books are crammed with fluff only to fill the pages.

A excellent e-book, on the other hand, enables you to delve into a pretty difficult problem in a way that a checklist or worksheet cannot.

Michael Hyatt provides a free e-book with a particular claim: cut 10 hours from your work week. This is an excellent subject since the effects will be seen nearly quickly.


He’s also a best-selling author and a successful businessman, which he emphasizes shortly before presenting the book. To assist eliminate friction, it’s usually a good idea to create trustworthiness.

Free Courses (Example 2)

I really like giving out free classes. You not only get your subscribers to refer to your content on a regular basis and get more acquainted with you, but you also get them to read your emails.

Another benefit of giving free a course is that subscribers consider it to be more valuable, so they take it more seriously.

In the sidebar, I’m giving away a Quick Sprout course.

It addresses one issue—increasing traffic—by demonstrating how to increase your traffic. It’s worth noting that I created a particular claim—”double your traffic”—so that my subscribers can track their success.


Also, the course is worth $300 to me. Most subscribers consider this to be a fair price for the value I provide in the course.

By including that number on the opt-in form, subsequent readers are more likely to sign up. Wouldn’t you rather spend $300 for a training that just costs you an email address?

Lists (Example 3)

You may utilize your experience to create significant value without spending a lot of time on an offer if you’re an expert in some industry.

Tim Soulo of BloggerJet presents a list of his own top 15 Twitter tools for gaining traffic and followers.


A list is simple to make if you know what should be included. Tim probably spent an hour or two putting this together since he has a lot of expertise with Twitter marketing.

There are two things that a list like this has going for it.

To begin with, everyone enjoys using tools. They make life simpler and, in many cases, deliver more accurate outcomes than manual chores.

Second, if a subscriber only uses one tool from the list, they will remember Tim each time they use it. It’s excellent for establishing your own brand and increasing future email open rates.

Free Trial (Example 4)

What if you don’t have a blog or a website? Don’t worry, lead magnets may still be useful.

Any firm with a product, especially one that is scalable like software, has something of value to provide right away: a free trial.

People don’t enjoy losing things they already have, thus this will not only raise your initial sign-up rates, but it will also increase your conversion rates down the road.

You don’t even have to enter payment card information when you show interest in Groove, for example. In exchange for a 30-day trial, they just ask for your contact information.


Here are two easy lead magnets you can make.

To create a high-quality PDF version of a guide, follow these steps:

When you write really long instructions and tutorials, it’s difficult for users to read them all at once.

It’s difficult for them to go through it if they don’t have a lot of spare time.

In return for the reader’s email address, many bloggers provide a PDF copy of the article.

Brian Dean does something I’ve seen him do a lot:


For many reasons, this is a good choice for a lead magnet.

First and foremost, everyone who subscribes as a result of it will almost certainly utilize it. They’ll download it and read it at work, on their commute, or whenever they have a spare moment.

Second, it is quite simple to produce. If you don’t have time to build lead magnets, you may produce a PDF version of an article in only a few minutes.

Making a custom cover for the article is something I highly advise. It gives it the appearance of a professional e-book, which readers will appreciate more.

You may either create one yourself or purchase one from Fiverr. Simply type in “e-book cover” and choose a concert with a good rating:


It’s important to keep in mind that most companies will take at least a few days to come back to you with the cover, so plan ahead as much as possible.

Aside from that, you may create a PDF from your article by simply highlighting and copying all of the content:


After that, I pasted it into a blank Word document:


When I put a random Quick Sprout article into a blank Google Doc, this is what it looked like.

It seems to be rather decent.

There might be a few formatting issues, so check through the content and correct any odd spacing.

It does something cool if you use Google Docs in particular.

The heading tags in WordPress are identified as headings in the content automatically.

This enables you to rapidly construct a table of contents for your PDF, enhancing its use.

Simply choose “Insert > Table of Contents” from the menu bar:


A very basic table of contents with links to each part will be provided:


This may be quite beneficial depending on how many heading tags you use.

If you have a cover, just place it on the first page before the rest of the text.

Then, after you’re happy with everything, go to “File > Download as,” and choose PDF:


Use this easy tool instead: If you’re truly short for time, Print Friendly is a good option.

Paste your URL into the tool and choose “print preview” from the drop-down menu:


The tool will rapidly create a stripped-down version of your post that is ready to print.

If anything strange appears, you may erase it by hovering over it (“click to delete”):


If it seems to be a good fit, click the “PDF” button at the top of the page to begin downloading the file:


To create a high-quality checklist, follow these steps:

A checklist is the second sort of common lead magnet.

Checklists are an excellent method to break down a process into manageable phases that your audience can easily follow.

They work best when you’re explaining a strategy or approach to your audience.

But, when you hear the phrase “checklist,” what comes to mind?

Something along these lines:


Don’t get me wrong, it may be beneficial, but it’s so simple.

But what if you could make a checklist seductive? To make a lasting impression on your new subscribers?

That would be fantastic.

Bryan Harris of Video Fruit has done a great job with this in the past. Take a look at the following list:


That isn’t your normal to-do list. It has a professional cover as well as a unique layout that looks fantastic.

People may really print this out and utilize it, as opposed to most checklists, which are used once and then tossed in the trash.

And, although it seems to be somewhat elaborate, there’s no reason why you couldn’t come up with something comparable.

You can also hire a designer to create a similar cover for you on Fiverr.

Alternatively, you may make your own checklist. I’ll demonstrate how to do it immediately, step by step.

You could use tools like Illustrator, but a plain Google Doc would suffice.

To begin, create a headline. Make it large and bold, and use your favorite font:


Then, in a standard size, provide a short description.

To split the header from the text, go to “Insert > Horizontal line”:


How did you get the number, step name, and check box to match up so nicely?

It’s rather straightforward.

Go back to the menu and choose “Input,” but this time insert a 13 table:


Then, to get the arrangement you desire, drag the vertical lines dividing the cells.

Make the left cell a square to re-create Brian’s. Then change the text to white and the backdrop to black in that square cell. You’ll also need to raise the text size:


The middle cell is straightforward: it contains the name of the checklist step. Simply enter it in.

Then there’s the checkbox to consider. There are a numerous options, but the simplest is to place your cursor in the third cell and choose “Insert > Drawing,” which will open a new window.

Choose a rectangle from the shapes menu, then create a square by holding down the shift key while dragging a box out.


When you’re finished, click “Save” and then “Close.” In the third cell, the box will appear. You may resize your new square by dragging it with your mouse.

As a result, you should have something like this:


Doesn’t seem quite the same now, does it?

Now you must pick “Table properties” from the right-click menu after highlighting all three cells in the table:


Change the border to “0 pt” in this pop-up, which signifies there is no border:


If the text in any of your cells isn’t centered, select that cell, right-click it again, and choose Table properties. Then choose “center” as the vertical alignment.

You now have a nice-looking table and have completed the most difficult task.

Simply enter a description in the lines below, including any bullet points.


By highlighting the words and moving the tiny blue marker on the top ruler over to the beginning of your title, you can match the description with your step title.

To save time on the remaining stages, feel free to copy and paste that whole text.

Finally, if you want to add a backdrop to the page, go to “File > Page setup…” and choose a color for “page color”:


If you’d like, you may choose a different color.

Finally, we have a professional-looking checklist:


When you combine it with a nice cover, you’ve got a product that people would gladly give you their email addresses for.

Pop-ups aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

Pop-ups are a great method to enhance your email sign-up rate, but if you’re not cautious, they may quickly irritate your visitors.

The average conversion rate for pop-ups is 1.66 percent. For an average, that’s rather excellent. If your blog currently has a low to medium quantity of traffic, you should be able to quadruple it with little tweaking.

Consider how employing pop-ups on a food blog affects email opt-ins:


Can you tell me when they originally appeared?

However, you may be concerned that pop-ups may cause your visitors to immediately close their browsers. You are not need to be.

Pop-ups don’t seem to affect the bounce rate or the average time spent reading a content on certain sites.

This means that, when used effectively, pop-ups aren’t irritating enough to turn off potential customers. They may deter individuals who didn’t want to read in the first place, but that’s not a significant loss.

The challenge then becomes: how do you properly employ pop-ups?

It all boils down to three variables.

Time till the pop-up appears is the first factor to consider.

Even if they’re die-hard admirers, some readers may dismiss the window if they notice a pop-up straight away.

According to one experiment, the best timing to display a pop-up was 10 seconds after the website loaded:


These are the outcomes that you might anticipate. You depart if you are astonished the moment you enter the business.

You must, however, test this on your own site. Authority Hacker came up with a different conclusion. According to a test, the best moment for a pop-up on their site is exactly when the page loads.


Having said that, their pop-up seems to launch roughly 12 seconds after the website is loaded at the time of this writing. Perhaps the sample size for the first test was inadequate.

In any case, the key lesson is to constantly test what works best for your company.

Another wonderful alternative is to only show the pop-up when someone is ready to dismiss a page or tab in their browser. Exit-intent technology is a feature of pop-up software that is normally a paid offering.

XeroShoes increased their total opt-in rate by 2.5 percent by using exit-intent triggered pop-ups.


Frequency is the second factor to consider.

Show the identical pop-up to your viewers every time they load a new page if you truly want to frighten them away.

You may set a cookie for a certain period of time with any pop-up program. For that period of time, if a visitor does not remove their cookies, they will not see another pop-up on your site. You should be alright if you set it for at least a week.

Factor #3: Closing Time

This is, without a doubt, the most crucial component. People will quit your site in droves if closing the pop-up is impossible.

It isn’t necessarily on intention, but any pop-up with a little, difficult-to-see “x” will be difficult to shut. It’s mostly due to readers’ inability to locate the button.

Worse, some pop-ups don’t have a clear close button at all, instead opting for a difficult-to-read URL.


On desktops and laptops, these links are difficult to shut; on mobile devices, they are practically impossible to close. Check how your pop-up appears on mobile devices if your blog has a substantial mobile readership.

Slide-in forms are a safer option.

If you’re truly against pop-ups, which I understand, slide-in offers may still help you leverage some of their power.

A handy little pop-up in the bottom right corner glides in once you scroll down a specific amount, showing any text or links you want. They just take up a little portion of the screen and do not obstruct your ability to read the text. They do, however, capture attention due to pattern disturbance since they move.

HubSpot blog entries are the finest illustration of this.


HubSpot discovered that when they compared these slide-in forms to their usual static form at the bottom of each article, the slide-in forms improved conversions by 27%.

However, keep in mind that they might be a hassle on mobile devices, so check them out as well. I’ve seen a few HubSpot readers express their dissatisfaction with them:


9. Creating an opt-in form that converts well

If you want to construct an opt-in that converts effectively, you must follow the same principles whether you’re creating a static opt-in form or a pop-up of some kind.

In general, you should think about three things: your offer, your headline, and your call to action (CTA).


A great offer is the first factor to consider.

This was the first topic we looked at in this post for a reason. You’ll need something that will compel your viewers to give you their email addresses.

A crisp headline is the second factor to consider.

This is a simple but crucial step. This isn’t the kind of title where you’d use clickbait methods. The title of your lead magnet should be clearly stated, potentially accompanied by “Download,” “Get a copy of,” or a similar phrase.

Factor #3: A first-person perspective CTA

You’ll need a CTA first. Tell your visitor what they need to do to acquire their gift when they enter their email address into the text form.

Write your CTA in the first person to increase conversions.

In two separate experiments, Content Verve discovered that the first person CTA garnered 25% and 90% more clicks than the second person CTA.


Write your CTA button in terms of the advantage your offer will deliver. Consider the following scenario:

  • “Yes, I’d want to see more traffic.”
  • “Show me how to increase my subscription count.”
  • “Give me your secrets,” says the narrator.

Derek Halpern replaces the usual closure “x” with a whole close button on Social Triggers. He utilizes first-person CTAs for both the yes and no buttons rather than burying it.


You’ll notice that you have to read “I refuse the free e-book” to shut the pop-up, which sounds stupid when you speak it out loud. This is only the latest in a series of tests, but I have a feeling it’s doing rather well.

The ten most powerful email collection tools

If you want to utilize a static opt-in form, you’ll need to hire a developer or change one of your email marketing provider’s templates (Aweber, MailChimp, etc.).

Pop-ups, on the other hand, are by far the most successful email collection techniques we’ve encountered. You’ll need to utilize a special tool built for this purpose to integrate them on your site.

I’ve picked three WordPress-compatible choices to span all pricing levels. Keep in mind that as the price drops, the quantity of labor you’ll have to perform increases, and the equipment will become less handy.

Option 1 is the Hello Bar.

Hello Bar has a variety of options that might help you collect more emails.

The free plan includes the majority of the functionality.

This product generates extremely basic and minimalistic pop-ups. They are, nonetheless, rather lovely and unobtrusive.


This tool is very useful since I use it on my blogs. It’s how I was able to build their subscription base to over 100,000.

OptinMonster is the second option.

OptinMonster is a cheap mid-range pop-up tool created by Syed Balkhi and Thomas Griffin.

Basic features cost at least $49 per year (about $4 per month).

Using one of the many templates provided, you can rapidly design a pop-up. You can also do A/B testing, which is a fantastic feature. This feature is included in the basic plan (in other tools, it is usually only available in advanced plans).


LeadPages is the third option.

It’s one of the most complete email gathering programs available.

Basic features cost a minimum of $25 per month.

Although the LeadPages software is well-designed, it is more expensive than other pop-up choices since you are also paying for additional benefits.


LeadPages was created to assist you in creating high-converting landing pages. They only started using pop-up technology once they realized there was a need for it.

You get infinite landing pages with the basic package (you can’t only acquire the pop-up tool on its own). It’s a good choice if you have a lot of domains or often develop landing pages.

11. Where are the finest locations to inquire about email addresses?

One last element of the jigsaw is figuring out where to ask for your readers’ email addresses.

The sidebar is the standard method. A sign-up form on the sidebar is unnecessary. The majority of forms there will get a subscription rate of about 0.4 percent. Even a well-designed sidebar form converts at about 1%.

I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t have one; just keep in mind that it’s not absolutely required and will only account for a tiny percentage of your signups.

The first option is the homepage.

Your Home page will get a significant amount of traffic. The majority of the traffic will originate from other areas of your website, indicating that visitors were interested in learning more about it.

With a “feature box,” these readers may be readily modified. A feature box is a huge section towards the top of your webpage that stands out and encourages readers to opt in.


Option 2: Posts on blogs

Individual blog entries get the majority of a website’s traffic. As a result, it makes sense to inquire about email addresses there.

The issue with sidebar forms is that they are often overlooked. Content, on the other hand, isn’t.

If you include your offer in the content, it will be seen more frequently and convert better.

The best place to begin is immediately after your article. Someone who reads it all the way through is obviously interested in what you have to say. This is the ideal opportunity to give them something more, whether it’s additional material or a bonus.


However, you don’t have to wait that long to request a registration. You may set your pop-up to appear after a specified amount of time has passed, or you can manually activate it by clicking on a link in the content:


You’ll be able to mention your bonus when it’s most suitable this way.

The third option is the About page.

Take a look at your website’s statistics. The About page often receives a large amount of traffic.

Anyone who visits your About page, like the Home page, typically like what they read. They only want to know more about you and the site to make sure you’re trustworthy.

This is an excellent moment to inquire for their email address. In fact, in order to acquire high conversion rates, you may not even need to provide anything other than your content and expertise.


12. Recognize the two most important elements that influence opt-in rates.

You’ve learned the majority of the recommended practices for coming up with lead magnet concepts and producing them.

However, they are just tools available to you.

If you want to obtain high opt-in rates (like bloggers who get 10-20 percent), you must first understand why individuals subscribe to your mailing list.

And it all boils down to two key considerations.

Relevance is the first factor to consider.

If someone gives me a lead magnet on yoga positions when I’m reading a piece about social media marketing, I’m probably not interested.

Now, that’s an extreme case, but consider a more realistic scenario.

Perhaps you’re reading an SEO piece and come across an e-book offer for a social media traffic creation plan.

You want more traffic, but you’re probably primarily interested in gaining it via SEO at this time.

As a result, some readers of that piece will sign up for the lead magnet, but not a large number of them.

But what if, while reading that SEO piece, you were given an e-book (or other lead magnet) on SEO?

Of course you’d be curious!

This is known as a post-specific lead magnet, which has recently been referred to as a content update.

You may increase the relevancy of the offer by creating lead magnets for each article (or subject) you write about.

Bryan Harris claims that with content enhancements, he can generate opt-in rates of 20-30%, and occasionally even 62 percent.

This is how it appears:


That’s the headline of the piece, which ironically is on how to utilize lead magnets.

A bright blue box a little farther down, immediately after the intro, offers a free download in return for the reader’s email address:


The extra includes 35 lead magnet examples, which is exactly what the reader wants to learn about.

Value is the second factor to consider.

Just because you’re reading an SEO article with an SEO bonus doesn’t imply you’ll receive a lot of sign-ups.

Why? Because your offer might be worthless.

If it’s a list of “SEO essentials,” few people will be interested enough to provide you with their email addresses.

If you expose a hidden link source or strategy, on the other hand, readers will put a high value on it, and you’ll obtain a high opt-in rate.

Your opt-in rate will be greater if your reader believes your bonus is important (even before they see it).

Your lead magnet will be very beneficial to your reader if you follow the first five stages in this tutorial.


Lead magnets are a very effective way to gather information about your readers.

You may then utilize that information (most notably the email address) to develop a connection with readers, perhaps leading to some of them becoming customers.

You won’t achieve high opt-in rates if you approach lead magnet generation half-heartedly.

It’s not simple to increase your email opt-in rate—I never claimed it would be.

Those of you who take the ideas and tactics presented in this article to heart—and put them into practice—will be rewarded.

If your blog has 10,000 monthly visits, a 2% increase in your email opt-in rate would result in an additional 200 subscribers every month, or 2,400 per year.

If you take care of your list properly, it might potentially be worth more than $10,000.

That should be enough motivation for you to spend a few hours reviewing and enhancing your present setup.

Always remember to utilize your best judgment.

Always think about how your audience could respond to every strategy you use, then test it!

Using the recommendations I’ve provided in this piece, figure out what works on your site.

Watch This Video-

Lead magnets are a powerful tool that can help you generate leads and convert them into customers. They’re also an effective way to get your message out there without spending too much money on advertising. Reference: lead magnet design.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should a lead magnet contain?

A: A lead magnet should contain enough info to entice the reader into your offer. It will typically be a freebie or relevant coupon code that they can use in exchange for their email address.

How long does it take to create a lead magnet?

A: It takes about 20 minutes to create a lead magnet.

How do I make a lead magnet page?

A: A lead magnet is a free sample of your product. It should provide enough information for the person to make an informed decision on whether they want to purchase it or not. Since youre new, its important that you generate good leads so they become customers and pay!

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