How to Get a Free Operating Agreement Template?

If you are starting a new business or need to update an existing one, you must have a suitable contract. The operating agreement is just one of many documents drawn up to determine how a company will operate and its goals. Operating agreements must cover the basics: who owns what percentage of this company and how they might split profits if they ever decide on them. You’ve finally registered your limited liability company (LLC) and are ready to start doing business.  However, there are a few unanswered questions. How do you separate the business owners from the company for liability considerations? On critical matters, how do members vote? What should you do if a team member wants to leave? What if one of the owners passes away? These answers won’t be found in your articles of incorporation, but an operating agreement may help you fill in the gaps.

Getting a Free Operating Agreement Template: The Simple Steps

Obtaining an operating agreement is more straightforward than most people believe. While it’s usually a good idea to have a lawyer or familiarity with company law on hand when drafting an operating agreement, it’s not required. A short Google search will provide a plethora of functional agreement templates from which to pick.

You may also choose from various free LLC operating agreement templates, including single-member LLC using agreements, multi-member LLC operating agreements, and anything in between. There are also agreement templates tailored to various industries to simplify preparing a copy.

Templates for operating agreements are very common across sectors. You don’t need any specific skills or education to write a copy. All you need to know is what to put in the contract. The following are some of the essential aspects that your operating agreement should cover:

  • Organization
  • Operational necessities
  • Capital investments and funding
  • Voting and management rights
  • Distribution of profits and losses
  • The procedure for adding or deleting members is as follows:
  • Dissolution

In addition, most states do not need you to have your operating agreement notarized. This exemption simplifies the process of writing an agreement between LLC members. Even so, having your legal papers notarized is usually a brilliant idea. It’s a formality that seals the deal and may work in your favor in the event of a lawsuit.

Finally, your operating agreement does not need to be filed with the state. Most corporate governance papers need you to jump through hoops to file appropriately. Instead, submit your signed and notarized operating agreement alongside your other necessary paperwork.


TRUiC is an excellent tool for obtaining your free operating agreement template. A group of entrepreneurs created this website to provide free business guidance to other entrepreneurs. TRUiC claims that its resources assist in forming around 10,000 new firms each month.

The free operating agreement template on the internet is functional. You’ll be asked to provide information about your firm and its members. Consequently, you’ll get a unique template tailored to your company. This isn’t going to be some random template you saw on the internet.

Parts of an Operating Agreement Template that are Difficult to Draft

The simple step is getting your hands on a free operating agreement template. The actual writing of the agreement will be the most challenging phase. In principle, the procedure is simple. It will, however, need uncomfortable discussions with your partners regarding financing, voting, administration, and other practical concerns.

Friends, acquaintances, and married couples comprise the majority of multi-member LLCs. Consequently, it’s simple to avoid disputes by skipping through some of the most challenging areas of the agreement. Unfortunately, however, this method may herald the company’s demise in the future.

When establishing an LLC operating agreement, ambiguity is another prevalent issue. This ambiguity might be deliberate or unintentional. Nonetheless, the agreement’s primary goal is to guarantee that all members are on the same page. Uncertainty in a contract may be exploited, and it will be unhelpful in settling any disagreements or disputes.

It is advisable to have a lawyer review the final agreement and adjust the risks mentioned above. It’s also critical that all LLC members be happy with the final arrangement and agree to keep it in good shape.

With the possible stumbling blocks out of the way, here’s how you get a free operating agreement template and construct one.

Step 1: Become a TRUiC member.

TRUiC registration is simple. You are not required to supply any financial or personally identifiable information after creating an account; whatever information you provide will only be used to generate your free operating agreement template.

Signing up with TRUiC also grants you free access to the website’s Business Center, which has various helpful business information. These are some of the materials available:

  1. Free legal paperwork such as employment papers and LLC Resolutions are available online.
  2. The most excellent business resources in your state are listed below.
  3.  A tool for formal business planning
  4. Tool for creating a business model canvas
  • Make a User Account

To establish a free TRUiC account, your complete name and email address are all you need. You can create a free account by clicking here.


A confirmation email will be sent to the address you provided. To finish the registration process, click the verification link. You’ll be asked to enter your login credentials, including your username and password.

To continue, click Log In.

  • Then, select the Tool for Operating Agreements.

Click the Operating Agreement Tool once you’ve signed into your TRUiC account. You’ll also get a free Business Planning Tool with your account, which you may use at your leisure. This application will assist you in developing a successful LLC business plan.

For the time being, we’ll use the operating agreement tool.


  • Choose Your LLC Type

You’ll need to enter your form of LLC to acquire an authentic operating agreement template for your company. There are two types of LLCs: single-member LLCs and multi-member LLCs.

You are the only owner of a single-member LLC and have total control over the company’s activities. This also implies that other companies or persons do not own the corporation. On the other hand, multi-member LLC denotes that numerous people own the firm.


Choose your LLC and Click Save & Continue at the bottom of the page to proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Provide information about your business. 

Customization is another significant advantage of choosing TRUiC for your operating agreement template. This isn’t simply another generic template utilized by tens of thousands of other companies.

  • Enter the name of your business.

Please enter the exact name of the LLC that you used to register it. Because this is a legal document, double-check that everything matches what the state has on file.

  • Select Your State

You’ll get a personalized free operating agreement template once more. Then, choose the state where your business is registered from the dropdown menu.

  • Enter the start and end dates.

Your LLC’s effective date is the day it was formed. Depending on your area, this will usually be the date displayed on your Certificate of Organization or Certificate of Formation. This is also the date on which the state-authorized your LLC. To double-check the date, look at the acceptance stamp on your acceptance certificate.


Step 3: Fill up the Company Membership Information.

You must now submit information about your company’s membership. This will aid in developing a template that all members can agree on. You may need to confer with your partners when filling up this form.

  • Indicate who owns the business.

If you have a single-member LLC, this process will be somewhat different. If you have more than one member, you’ll need to enter their information, such as the number of units they possess or the percentage they own. If your business has more than two proprietors, you may also add extra members.


Please remember that limited liability businesses and corporations do not follow the same standards. The amount of money or property each shareholder gives determines the percentage of ownership of a firm. With LLCs, you have a bit more leeway.

For example, one member may donate $20,000 while another makes a $2000 contribution, but the latter is in charge of the management. Members might still choose to split the company interests 50/50 in this instance.

Finally, decide whether your organization will be able to accept new members in the future. It would help if you also defined how the members will vote. The majority vote and unanimous vote are the two most prevalent possibilities.


Click Save & Continue to proceed to the next step.

  • Specify if you want to transfer your membership.

While your joint-venture partners may be in it for the long haul, things might change in the future. Consider whether or not owners will be able to sell their interests to other parties in the future.


  • Members Leaving the Company should be specified.

Determine what happens if a member wishes to quit the firm based on your agreement with other members. This is an important point to include in your operating agreement. To prevent a protracted legal struggle in disagreements, it’s a good idea to provide members the choice to quit the firm.


Step 4: Decide on how the company will be run.

Now is the moment to share information on the company’s management style. Discuss this section with your partners if you haven’t already. If members aren’t pleased with the arrangement, you won’t be able to rewrite this piece of the operating agreement.

  • Managerial vs. Member-Managed

Decide whether a manager or its members will manage the LLC. The majority of LLCs opt for the member-managed option. It is less expensive and enables members to participate in the firm’s day-to-day operations. This is especially important in the early phases of a company.


  • Counting the votes of the members

There are a few concerns that will need member votes. Company mergers, conversions, and dissolution are examples of these circumstances. You may also be asked to vote if the operating agreement has to be amended or if the company’s membership changes.

In these scenarios, there are two primary methods for counting votes. The first option is a per capita vote, in which each member is given one voice. The second option is to pay per LLC Unit. Each member’s LLC units are used to cast a vote. Depending on their ownership position, certain members will have greater voting power.


Step 5: Figure Out Money Issues. 

It’s not always easy to talk about money with your close friends and family. But, on the other hand, an operating agreement is intended to safeguard all of your interests. It may even be sufficient to salvage your relationships if things go wrong.

  • Allocation of Profit and Loss

Make a decision on how earnings and losses will be distributed. This is a crucial area in terms of accounting. It will also avoid avoidable disagreements, particularly in failures, credit, and other sources of revenue.


The most straightforward method is to divide income and losses by LLC unit. If not, TRUiC enables you to select precisely how you want your revenue items to be distributed. This content will be included in your template.


  • Requirements for Tax Liability

Finally, indicate if the firm will be required to make payments to members to meet tax responsibilities. It’s essential to remember that a limited liability corporation is a pass-through business. Members with this status are obligated to pay taxes on the company’s profits.

You might choose to make the business payments to cover the tax burden of the member.

Step 6: Get Your Free Operating Agreement here. 

Before finishing the procedure, you may always examine any information you gave. Otherwise, you’re free to review your operating agreement template immediately. However, keep in mind that this is simply a template. You are allowed to modify it whenever you like.

  • Accept TRUiC’s Terms

To shield itself from responsibility, TRUiC has a disclaimer. I was hoping you could read the disclaimer and check the I Agree box to finish the transaction.


  • Get Your Free Operating Agreement here.

To download your free operating agreement template, click Download PDF. Unless you choose to make adjustments, the template will be a few pages lengthy and ready to use. The document’s first page will look something like this:


  • The Operating Agreement should be read and signed.

All members, including the manager, should get a copy of the operating agreement. Then, discuss the document’s specifics and make any necessary changes.

Finally, have all of the members sign the contract. Each employee will be required to sign for both himself and the firm.

Obtain the signature of the management as well.

  • Have the contract notarized (Optional)

It is not a legal necessity to have an operating agreement notarized. As soon as all members sign it, it becomes legally binding. Even if it’s simply a formality, getting it notarized is a good idea.

This is particularly true with a single-member LLC. It may be more difficult for attorneys to breach the corporate veil if the operating agreement is notarized. This is only one of several documents that may be used to show that you didn’t start the corporation solely to avoid personal accountability.

  • File the Contract

Your operating agreement has now become a critical piece of company governance. Make careful you save it with other essential business documents. You may use it as a reference if there are any disagreements or if you need to make modifications to the paper.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a free operating agreement?

A: An Operating Agreement is a contract that governs the rights of one party to sell, lease or otherwise transfer something they own. This agreement must include all parties and their full names with signatures for this agreement to be valid. It can also be problematic because each state has different laws and requirements regarding creating these operating agreements.

Can I write my own operating agreement?

A: That is an excellent idea. If you would like to do so, then I recommend the following steps:
1) Make sure that your company has a registered business name;
2) Register the company with all appropriate government agencies following their respective jurisdictions;
3) Determine what type of organizational form will best suit your enterprise and create a memorandum of understanding between yourself and directors regarding responsibilities and limitations on liability for each director, officer, or shareholder.

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