How to Gain More Branded Search Volume to Your Website?

The goal of any marketer is to get more people on the websites and apps you own. A study in 2018 found that 94% of users go looking for products from companies they trust, so how do you increase your brand’s visibility? Here are five ways marketing professionals can gain more website traffic by using branded search volume. Of course, your company is a commodity if it isn’t a brand. For example, Donald Trump is the current president of the United States of America. So, although not everyone is a huge admirer of the president these days, you can’t dispute that he understands branding. And I believe we can all agree that internet branding is essential. This is particularly true if you’re in a crowded field where being known as one of the top brands may practically make or destroy your career. Gaining a high branded search volume is simply one of the ways businesses gain notoriety and establish a solid reputation. But how do you go about doing it? How can you boost the amount of branded searches that your business receives? In this piece, I’ll go through some basic tactics you may utilize to accomplish that goal. I’ll also go over some of the unique advantages of increasing your branded search traffic (besides the obvious benefit of building brand equity).

What are branded keywords, and how do you use them?

First and foremost. To make sure we’re on the same page, I believe it’s a good idea to briefly explain what branded keywords are. defines a branded keyword as any term that includes the firm’s name or ‘brand’ you’re working with. So, for example, some ‘branded’ keywords for Pepsi would consist of ‘Pepsi,’ ‘Pepsi cola,’,’ and so on if you were the SEO for Pepsi. Another way a branded keyword search contains your brand’s name or a version of it.

The advantages of doing branded searches.

Why should you attempt to increase the number of your branded searches? Is it genuinely going to make a difference? Yes, in a word. However, it has the potential to have a considerable influence. Indeed, Moz’s Rand Fishkin outlined the vast benefits of influencing branded searches in his Whiteboard Friday last year. Here’s a list of some of the most important advantages:


Of course, there are the obvious advantages of raising your brand’s rating and conversions. But what I found most intriguing is that increasing your branded search traffic may help you rank higher for non-branded inquiries. While Moz’s guess was simply that, Rand made a valid point. Another screenshot that demonstrates his reasoning is as follows:


And I completely understand this rationale. It’s logical to believe that if your brand appears in many queries with an unbranded term, Google will link your brand with that phrase and consider it highly relevant. As a result, your overall rating may improve. The central fact is that obtaining a significant number of branded searches is a great thing that may help your business in a variety of ways. Make every effort to increase the number of branded searches you get. The following tactics, in my opinion, are your most excellent shot at doing this.

Steps to Gain More Branded Search Volume:

1. Work on a “cross-departmental” basis.

In the above-mentioned Whiteboard Friday video, Rand makes another excellent point. He asserts that Because some of the finest techniques demand things that SEO doesn’t necessarily own and control totally, we’ll have to cooperate across departments in our marketing teams to make this happen. To put it another way, it’s critical to stretch out and extend your tentacles over various marketing domains. Some of them aren’t even available online. So here are some ideas about how to go about it.

2. Arouse interest.

Allow me to pose a question to you. What is the most straightforward approach to increasing the number of individuals searching for your brand on Google? It’s straightforward. Make them intrigued about your brand so they’ll go to the trouble of doing a branded search. But the bigger question is: “How do you arouse interest?” Things start to become a bit complicated at this point. Rand recommends employing traditional offline methods such as television, print, billboards, etc.


And they are entirely feasible channels for big-budget businesses. However, this strategy is unlikely to work for small enterprises on a tight budget. However, there are two methods that may be used by practically every business. The first is essential word-of-mouth advertising. In fact, according to a study conducted by Visible Experts, referrals/recommendations are the most effective offline lead generation method.


It’s also worth noting that, according to Nielsen, the most effective approach to develop trust is via referrals.


The world is your oyster if you can generate brand champions who will gladly spread the news about your company, and branded searches will almost certainly follow. To create brand supporters, I propose investing a lot of effort into surpassing customer expectations, delivering excellent customer service, and so on. You could even want to start a formal referral scheme to help things go forward. Speaking engagements are another option to consider. According to the same Visible Experts survey, speaking engagements are the second most excellent method to generate leads, just behind referrals.


I understand that public speaking isn’t for everyone. But it’s an effective way to generate buzz and arouse interest. Just imagine it. You give a speech in front of a few hundred people at a local event. Half of the guests are interested in learning more about your company and do a Google search. Voila! You’ve just significantly raised your branded search traffic. Not to mention, you’ll almost certainly create a large number of highly qualified leads and your brand equity immediately. Just be sure to encourage people to look into your company. For additional information on finding speaking engagements, check out this guide.

3. Contributions from visitors.

Okay, enough with the offline stuff. Let us return to the digital world. You’re undoubtedly aware that I’m a big fan of guest blogging. It is, in my view, one of the most effective inbound marketing tactics for growing brand exposure. For example, Bryan Harris, who developed a full-time company producing over $15,000 per month with a single guest post on Okdork, is mentioned in one of my articles on This, I believe, is also the key to generating more branded search traffic for your website. Here’s how it goes. You secure a handful of guest-blogging chances with well-known internet magazines. You create compelling content that piques your audience’s interest and encourages them to learn more about your organization.“Wouldn’t readers simply click on the link to my site if they were interested in learning more rather than completing a search?” you may wonder. Touché. That’s an excellent point. And a significant part of your viewers will indeed come to your site via this method. This isn’t a terrible thing; it’ll provide considerable traffic and leads. However, it isn’t immediately causing a surge in your branded searches. However, I believe it’s safe to assume that many individuals will search to discover more about you. This is particularly true if you knock it out of the park and write a fantastic guest article. After reading some fascinating guest articles, I know I went to Google for additional information. I suggest reading this Backlinko tutorial if you want to understand more about the process of guest blogging.


It will undoubtedly guide you in the correct route.

4. Mentions of the brand.

Now for my last point. I think it’s fair to say that receiving Mentions of the brand (especially from big-name influencers) should positively impact your branded search volume. Imagine one of your industry’s top bloggers or gurus mentions your business. There will be a considerable number of individuals who want to learn more about you all of a sudden. Bam! Google searches should rise as a result of this. Of course, you can’t just snap your fingers and get game-changing Mentions of the brand. However, two particular tactics may be pretty beneficial. One strategy is to develop material that will be linked to by influencers. This is a large subject that I won’t be able to address here thoroughly, but you can learn all you need to know in this page. The second option is to launch a direct influencer marketing campaign. It has the potential to boost not just branded searches, but also your total marketing efforts. For example, “40 percent of consumers say they’ve bought anything online after seeing it used by an influencer on Instagram, Twitter, Vine, or YouTube,” according to the study. For more information on influencer marketing, I recommend reading this article from Hootsuite.


When it comes down to it, your goal is relatively straightforward. Encourage people to look for your firm on Google. This is accomplished chiefly by arousing interest to motivate people to look for your brand. One of the things that interest me about this strategy is that it’s a component of SEO that often need a combination of classic, offline tactics and newer, totally digital techniques to be effective. You can get more branded searches to your website and enjoy many benefits by spreading out in various areas to build excitement and wonder about your brand across the board. The “google keyword planner” is a tool that helps you find keywords for your website. It shows the search volume of each keyword and how many searches are made every month, and how much time people spend on Google for each keyword.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I increase my branded search volume?

A: There are many ways to do this; the easiest way is by creating a content marketing strategy.

What is branded search volume?

A: Branded search volume refers to the amount of searches each term has per month. It is a calculation based on unique monthly searches for branded terms, divided by the total number of brands that have been searched in the last year.

How do I increase search volume for keywords?

A: To increase search volume for your keywords, come back to the site after 2-3 weeks.

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